• Title/Summary/Keyword: 의문수준

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Analysis of Efficiency of Major Information and Communication Infrastructure Analysis and Evaluation Methods Using DEA Model (DEA 모형을 이용한 주요정보통신기반시설 취약점 분석·평가의 효율성 분석)

  • Sun, Jong-wook;Lee, Kyung-ho
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.853-862
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    • 2021
  • Today, disturbance and paralysis of information and communication infrastructure by electronic infringement of national infrastructure is emerging as a threat. Accordingly, the government regularly implements the vulnerability analysis and evaluation system of major information and communication infrastructure to protect the information system and control system of major infrastructure, and invests increased human and material resources every year to efficiently operate it. However, despite the government's efforts, as infringement accidents and attempts targeting national infrastructure continue to occur, the government's resource input to prepare the information protection foundation has little effect on the information protection activity result calculation, making the evaluation system not efficient. The question arises that it is not. Therefore, in this study, we use the DEA model to review the efficient operation of the vulnerability analysis and evaluation system for major information and communications infrastructure, and suggest improvement measures to enhance the level of information protection based on the analyzed results.

Legislative Policy Assignments in Construction Project Management by Strengthening Safety-Related Laws - Focusing on the CM/supervision-related system - (안전관련 법제 강화에 따른 건설사업관리 분야의 입법정책적 과제 - CM/감리관련제도를 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Jeonghwan;Jung, Youngchul
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.76-88
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    • 2022
  • The death toll in the Korean construction industry accounts for more than 50% of all business deaths. This is the highest level among OECD countries, and the government has proposed various solutions to this, but has not seen any significant effect. In order to strengthen safety responsibilities and obligations to CEOs of companies in the blind spot of punishment, including those who have the greatest authority and influence in the construction industry, the Moon Jae In government strengthened various laws, including legislation of the Serious Accidents Punishment Act. However, at this point in time, half a year later, it is still questionable whether such punishment has been strengthened and the effectiveness of fragmentary measures has been exerted. This paper attempted to present legislative policy directions for the problems of the current system and future improvement measures to contribute to reducing significant accidents in the CM/supervision industry among the various subjects of the construction industry.

Estimation for Reclamation of Public Waters Demand Using Time-series Analysis (시계열 분석을 통한 공유수면 매립 수요 예측)

  • Shin, Chul-Oh;Choi, Eun Chul;Yoon, Sung-Soon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.27 no.7
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    • pp.918-923
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    • 2021
  • The Korean government is developing a 10-year master plan pertaining to the Public Waters Management and Reclamation Act. However, it was observed that implementation of the reclamation project through frequent changes would occupy a significant proportion. Thus, questions are being raised about the effectiveness of the master plan. In view of this, the need for a trend analysis on long-term reclamation demand is growing. Accordingly, in this study, a trend analysis of reclamation demand was carried out using the annual reclamation performance data. The results of the analysis indicate that the demand for reclamation of public waters continued to decline, and the trend has been particularly evident since the 1990s, when it was converted into a reclamation master plan. In addition, the total demand for reclamation during 2021-2030 was calculated to be at a maximum of 13.8 km2 and minimum of 1.7 km2.

Characteristics and Policy Implications of Private Development Parks in Japan (일본 민설공원 제도의 특성과 시사점)

  • Kim, Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.44 no.1
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    • pp.119-128
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    • 2016
  • Urban park planning has become difficult due to the lack of municipal funds. Thereupon, a special scheme was imposed for city park planning. Since then, a legal amendment was made for economical improvement and more active participation. However, there are a lot of questions about whether it was a suitable direction for parks and where it should be emphasized for public interest. Base on these concerns, this study examined the basis and characteristics of location, creation, and maintenance of private development parks in Japan, which was the policy model of Korean private parks. Location and space planning of private development parks was made up considering an effective green network and disaster prevention function, and a minimum area was about 1.42ha. The minimum area, 1ha, was established on the basis of considering realistic possibilities, disaster protection, and universal validity. It was also amended to consider the standard of type two mid- to high-rise exclusive residential areas and consultation with regional governance. Finally, it was built on the lowest limit of ordinance of the relevant city; for example, 100% of the floor area ratio, 30% of the building coverage ratio, and the maximum height of 11 stories, etc. For maintenance, private and public sectors were working together. Maintenance fees for 35 years (based on $300yen/m^2$ per month) were paid en bloc by the licensee. However, the city was paid for facilities that accompanied excessive maintenance costs. Meanwhile, it seemed difficult to introduce attractive profit facilities because of the limitations in location, usage permission, and introduction equipment; furthermore, there were problems with management authority, and the burden of expenses was deducted. For creating private Korean parks, this study suggested that we should build priority of creating city parks and select appropriate locations first; also, we need to make criteria for location, creation, and standard management rules that are relevant to the whole nation of Korea.

A Study on Preparation of Environment-friendly Special Powder Using Functionality Antibiotic Nano-particle (나노 Ag(Silver)입자를 이용한 친환경성 항균 무기 복합분체의 제조)

  • 이용원;민동진;조준형;이종만;김형진
    • Proceedings of the Materials Research Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.143-143
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    • 2003
  • 최근 생활수준 및 생활환경의 향상에 힘입어 청결 및 쾌적을 추구하는 것이 사회적 현상으로 나타나고 있다. 요즘처럼 현대화된 시대에 '왜 항균제가 필요한 것일까' 라는 자연스러운 의문이 발생하게 되지만 현실은 항균제를 이용한 다양한 항균제품, 항균가전제품, 항균가공 내ㆍ건자재 및 항상 신선한 선도를 유지할 수 있는 제품 등이 호황을 누리고 있는 것이 현실이며 그 시장 규모는 3,000억원을 상회하고 있다. 이러한 항균 가공제품이 호평을 받는 사회적 배경은 우리를 둘러싼 주변 삶의 경제환경 신장에 따른 쾌적성 추구와 밀접한 관련이 있을 것이다. 이처럼 항균기능이 부여된 제품이 호평을 받고 있음에도 불구하고 국내에서는 항균제품의 주 기능 역할을 하는 항균제에 대한 개발은 초기단계로 국내 시장에서 많은 연구가 이루어지고 있는 실정이다. 국내의 경우, 유기 항균제의 사용이 전체 사용량의 80%를 차지하고 있고, 제올라이트나 인산염을 무기 담체로 항균성 금속 이온(Ag, Zn)을 물리적으로 결합시킨 무기 항균제가 개발된 것이 최근의 기술 수준이다. 이러한 유기 항균제는 미생물의 번식을 억제 또는 사멸시키기 위한 것이지만, 생체의 피부 세포에도 영향을 줄 수 있는 피부 자극원의 하나로 그 사용이 점차로 제한되고 있다. 무기 항균제는 안정성이나 항균력에서는 유기항균제 보다는 뛰어나지만 가격(경제성)이나 색(Color), 사용성 (Application)측면에서는 여러 가지 문제를 나타내고 있다. 귀금속이므로 가격이 고가이며, 금속고유의 색으로 회귀하려는 플라즈몬 효과에 의해 색(Color)의 조절이 불가능, 분말형태이므로 지류에 첨가시키는 방법 등이 큰 문제로 부각되고 있다. 이 러한 문제점을 해결할 수 있는 기술이 나노기술이다 나노기술(Nano-Technology)은 물질을 분자, 원자단위에서 규명하고 제어하는 기술로서 원자, 분자를 적절히 결합시킴으로서 기존 물질의 변형, 개조는 물론 신물질의 창출을 가능케 하는 기술이다. 나노기술은 여러분야로 세분화되지만 그중 산업화에 가장 접목이 용이한 기술이 나노입자(Nano-Particle)제어 기술이며, 나노입자는 통상적으로 입자크기가 수 nm에서 100nm이하 크기의 넓은 표면적을 가진 콜로이드 상의 불균일 분산입자를 말한다. 나노입자(Nano-Particle)는 기존의 입자($\mu\textrm{m}$)보다 물리적 및 광학적 성질이 우수하고 그 자체의 기능면에서도 탁월하기 때문에 국내외의 여러 산업에서도 기존제품의 품질 향상 및 기능성부여, 기존 공정의 개선 및 생산 원단위 절감 등 경제적, 생산적인 측면을 고려하여 적합한 나노입자를 채택, 적용하고자 하는데 많은 노력을 기울이고 있다. 이에 천연 항생제로 알려진 Ag, 즉 항균 및 탈취, 전기적 기능이 우수한 은(silver, Ag)을 나노(nm) 입자희 제조하고 이와 더불어 이산화티탄(TiO2) 복합 분체를 제조하여 제조된 나노 입자 및 복합 분체를 사용함으로써 환경 친화적이며 다양한 용도로 활용 가능한 소재 개발에 연구 내용을 두고 있다. 본 연구를 통한 기대 효과로서 환경성 측면에서는 환경 친화적인 나노 입자의 제조로 기능성 나노 입자에 친 환경성을 부여하여 유기계 항균제 대체 효과를 발현하고 이를 제품에 적용함으로써 다양한 기능을 가진 신소재 제조에 있다. 또한 경제적인 측면에서도 고부가 가치의 제품 개발에 따른 새로운 수요 창출과 수익률 향상, 기존의 기능성 안료를 나노(nano)화하여 나노 입자를 제조, 기존의 기능성 안료에 대한 비용 절감 효과등을 유도 할 수 있다. 역시 기술적인 측면에서도 특수소재 개발에 있어 최적의 나노 입자 제어기술 개발 및 나노입자를 기능성 소재로 사용하여 새로운 제품의 제조와 고압 기상 분사기술의 최적화에 의한 기능성 나노 입자 제조 기술을 확립하고 2차 오염 발생원인 유기계 항균제를 무기계 항균제로 대체할 수 있다. 이와 더불어 안료의 형상 균일화 기술을 확보하여 가격 경쟁력 및 부가가치 향상을 기대할 수 있다.

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An Analysis of Open Inquiry Activities Elementary School Students Want to Conduct (초등학생들이 선정한 자유탐구활동 주제 분석)

  • Park, Jong-Sun;Song, Young-Wook;Kim, Beom-Ki
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.143-152
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the contents of open inquiry activities of the newly revised 2007 National curriculum for each grade level and to teach open inquiry activities and selection of rational inquiry activities. For this study, 470 elementary students in Seoul, ranging from 3rd to 6th grades were surveyed. The experiment plans written by students were analyzed based on the analysis criteria. These criteria consisted of the reason for the selection, type, and suitability of open inquiry activities. The reason for selecting open inquiry activities were analyzed according to the reason why they want to conduct the activity, degree of getting help and the object of getting help. The types of the open inquiry activities were analyzed according to the field of inquiry, the inquiry method and the period of inquiry. Suitability of the open inquiry activities were analyzed according to the reason of suitability or unsuitability.

Strategies to Revitalize BIM(Building Information Modeling) by the Survey Questionnaires from Design Experts in Field of Civil Engineering (토목설계 전문가 설문조사를 통한 BIM 활성화 방안)

  • Seo, Myoung-Bae;Ju, Ki-Beom
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.12 no.11
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    • pp.446-457
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    • 2012
  • Recently, BIM(Building Information Modeling),which has been an issue in construction work, has been focused on as a new alternative of building industry for way out of crisis by slowing down and decreasing of orders in construction industry. Research for introducing BIM to the architectural field is already proceeding actively at home and abroad. However, civil engineering is so nonrecurring, horizontal, and different from regular construction works that it a large amount of information occurs because of wide range of project, which causes construction firms and design engineers to have some questions whether their initial investment cost would work or not and feel uncomfortable with the cost. In this study, technology level in engineering firms were surveyed for adapting BIM to domestic civil engineering. Development direction of BIM standard information model was drawn through awareness change analysis of BIM in civil engineering, as well. Deduced development direction is composed of guide development, system development, deliverable check and international standard proposal. The outcome will be employed as preliminary data for the study on development of infrastructure BIM standard and deliverable check system in civil engineering.

Sleep-Wake Cycles in Man (인간의 수면-각성 주기)

  • Kim, Leen
    • Sleep Medicine and Psychophysiology
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.147-155
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    • 1997
  • To assess the reliability of chronobiological models of sleep/wake regulation, it is necerssary that the models predict the data which has been studied in sleep research, and they should be generalized across all ages. To date, many adult human data on such models have accumulated, yet it is evident that a comprehensive theory of the biorhythmic aspects of sleep/wake states has not established. Circadian rhythms such as the time going to bed, sleep onset, slow wave sleep pressure, periodicity of REM sleep, daytime performance, and early evening alertness are resumed everyday. Even in adult humans, sleep is inherently polyphasic. In both the disentrained and entrained states, naps when allowed tend to recur in a temporally lawful manner. The monophasic sleep pattern of most industrial societies therefore appears to be purely of social origin. The endogenous biorhythmic nature of circasemidian sleep tendency is supported by the ubiquity of the phenomenon across all ages. The NREM/REM sleep cycle within sleep with its inherent physiological, endocrine, and neurochemical fluctuations represents the best-documented ultradian sleep rhythms. Also, a daytime ultradian variation in sleepiness with a periodicity similar to nocturnal NREM/REM cycle(BRAC hypothesis) is suggested. This review article provides a brief synoptic review of the evidences for circadian, circasemidian, and ultradian sleep/wake rhythms, and then the authour will suggest the issues which expedite fuller modeling of sleep/wake system, to be further discussed.

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A Study on the Improvement of Safety Training of Shipbuilding Industry by Analysis of Serious Accidents in Shipbuilding Industry (조선업 중대재해 분석을 통한 조선업 안전교육 개선에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Jin-Woo;Han, Cheol-Ho;Lee, Young-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.23 no.7
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    • pp.858-868
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    • 2017
  • Korea's shipbuilding industry has led the world in the technical area over the last century. Despite this commendable performance, around 2,000 workers experience accidents almost every year with 40 being killed. This raises a question of whether the safety level of our shipbuilding industry, in particular the safety of workers, is actually at the world-class level. Accordingly, this research has analyzed several types of safety training currently provided in the field through investigating statistical data of serious accidents occurring from 2006 to 2015 in the domestic shipbuilding industry, analyzing its occurrence and causes, and conducting a survey targeting employees in the shipbuilding industry. Based on this, it has investigated problems of safety training in the shipbuilding industry and suggested improvements. First, it is essential to create a standard system for safety training in the shipbuilding industry to address problems of different kinds and levels of safety training provided by each shipyard and low quality of training, and operate more organized and systemized training. Second, safety training curriculum specializing in the shipbuilding industry should continue to be developed and standardized based on a standard system for safe training to prevent serious accidents and improve safety awareness of workers. Lastly, both employers and employees should actively provide and participate in safety training to secure safety of workers through preventing serious accidents and ultimately create safety-first culture in workplace.

Comparative Analysis of Epistemic Thinking in Middle School Students in Argument-Based Inquiry(ABI) Science Class of No Face-to-Face and Face-to-Face Context (비대면 및 대면 상황의 논의기반 탐구(ABI) 과학 수업에서 나타나는 중학생들의 인식론적 사고 비교 분석)

  • Lee, Jihwa;Cho, Hye Sook;Nam, Jeonghee
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.66 no.5
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    • pp.390-404
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the characteristics and changes in epistemic thinking when an argument-based inquiry science class was applied in no face-to-face and face-to-face situations. Participants of this study were 113 8th grade students of four classes from a coed educational middle school in a metropolitan city. Data collection was made over one semester during which ten argument-based inquiry science lessons on five subjects were conducted in both no face-to-face and face-to-face context. As a result of comparing and analyzing students' epistemic thinking in the argumentation of each group's generating question stage, the no face-to-face classes showed higher understanding of contents and more evidence suggestion validity than face-to-face classes did. Claim validity and categories of process in argumentation were higher in face-to-face classes than No face-to-face classes. Students were able to improve their understanding of knowledge through writing by discussing rather than direct communication in no face-to-face situations, and in face-to-face situations, students showed that their thoughts were influenced by interpersonal relationships with the group members.