• Title/Summary/Keyword: 의료정보 기술

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Sign System Design Guideline of Outdoor Fitness Equipments for Seniors (노년층을 대상으로 한 야외운동기구 사용설명 사인 디자인 가이드라인 제안)

  • Shin, A-Reum;Jung, Eui-Tay
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.19 no.9
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    • pp.271-279
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    • 2019
  • The life expectancy of people has been steadily extended due to the improvement of living standards and the development of medical technology. Besides, the low birth rate and long life expectancy decrease the youth population while the elderly population is steadily increasing. Many elderly people have enough time and financial allowance, and the interest in health care is increased all over society. There are also increasing numbers of elderly people who exercise lightly in the playgrounds and parks such as running and walking. Outdoor fitness equipment that can be easily seen in neighbourhood parks, public spaces, etc. can be good health promotion tools that can be easily accessed in the daily life of the elderly. Outdoor fitness equipment Description Signs require a design that takes into account the declining vision of older users. Proper design is also important for the prevention of safety accidents in use. The purpose of this study is to find out the perception of the elderly about outdoor fitness exercise equipment sign system and to find the problem of recognition. To do this, we conduct user observation and interview surveys for the elderly. As a result, the emphasis of the caveat or problems with the size of the writing were pointed out, and it was necessary to explain the picture rather than the text. Also, there was a high demand for refraining from using foreign words, using universal words and including motor effects in signs. Based on the results of the user observation and interviews, we propose guidelines for the use of outdoor exercise equipment.

A Study on the Use Smartphone of Radiological Technologist (방사선사의 스마트폰 이용에 관한 연구)

  • Jeong, Bong-Jae
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.14 no.7
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    • pp.915-922
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    • 2020
  • This study analyzed the content of use Tendency and addiction according to smartphone use of targeting radiological Technologist working in Gyeongnam area. The tool used as the data for the study is a survey. From April 21 to May 31, 2019, a total of 330 questionnaires were distributed to radiological Technologist working at medical institutions in Gyeongnam, and 300 copies suitable for the study were SPSS/PC Ver 18.0 program for Analysis was performed using. The factors of the study subject's tendency to use smartphone were communication, information, leisure, and convenience. As for the addiction factors, a total of 37 questions were analyzed, including daily living disorder, virtual world orientation, tolerance, and withdrawal. Smartphone-related characteristics were set as monthly average fee, usage time, and SNS usage time, and technical statistics, t-test, ANOVA, correlation and regression analysis were performed. The radiological Technologist tendency to use smartphones was 3.10±.55 points, which was average, and smartphone addiction was 2.34±.62 points, which was lower than the average. It was found that there was a significant correlation between the radiological Technologist Tendency to use smartphone and addiction. The effect of radiological Technologist tendency to use smartphone on addiction it was found to account for 10.8%. Through this study, it can be said that it is important to analyze the addiction factors according to the tendency use smartphone of radiological Technologist and to prepare a desirable plan for smartphone use.

Technical Survey on the Real Time Eye-tracking Pointing Device as a Smart Medical Equipment (실시간 시선 추적기반 스마트 의료기기 고찰)

  • Park, Junghoon;Yim, Kangbin
    • Smart Media Journal
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.9-15
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    • 2021
  • The eye tracking system designed in this paper is an eye-based computer input device designed to give an easy access for those who are uncomfortable with Lou Gehrig's or various muscle-related diseases. It is an eye-based-computer-using device for users whose potential demand alone amounts to 30,000. Combining the number of Lou Gehrig's patients in Korea estimated at around 1,700, and those who are unable to move their bodies due to various accidents or diseases. Because these eye input devices are intended for a small group of users, many types of commercial devices are available on the market. It is making them more expensive and difficult to use for these potential users, less accessible. For this reason, each individual's economic situation and individual experience with smart devices are slightly different. Therefore, making it difficult to access them in terms of cost or usability to use a commercial eye tracking system. Accordingly, attempts to improve accessibility to IT devices through low-cost but easy-to-use technologies are essential. Thus, this paper proposes a complementary superior performance eye tracking system that can be conveniently used by far more people and patients by improving the deficiencies of the existing system. Through voluntary VoCs(Voice of Customers) of users who have used different kinds of eye tracking systems that satisfies it through various usability tests, and we propose a reduced system that the amount of calculation to 1/15th, and eye-gaze tracking error rate to 0.5~1 degree under.

Effect of Oyster Shell Thermal Therapy on Metabolic Disease Risk Factors, Respiratory Health and Immune-Related Variables in Patients with Metabolic Diseases (대사질환자의 모려 온열요법이 대사질환 관련 변인과 면역 및 호흡건강 관련 변인에 미치는 영향)

  • Shin, Jae-Suk;Kim, Choong-Gon;Park, Jang-Jun;Bae, Won-Sik;Choi, Hee-Jung;Kim, Won-Gyeong;Son, Won-Jun;Kim, Jun-Hyeok;Lee, Hwa-Gyeong;Kim, Hyun-Jun
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Integrative Medicine
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.229-240
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    • 2022
  • Purpose : In this study, using Oyster Shell Thermal Therapy for metabolic diseases, we analyzed the effect of immune and inflammation-related variables and respiratory health-related variables of test subjects to verify the effect of improving respiratory health. Methods : In this study, 26 patients with metabolic diseases were divided into an experimental group (N=13) and a control group (N=13). After Oyster Shell Thermal Therapy (four weeks/three times a week/1 hour per time), metabolic disease-related variables and immune and respiratory health-related variables were measured and compared between the two groups. The conclusion of this study is as follows: Results : After the four-week Oyster Shell Thermal Therapy, in terms of changes in the metabolic disease-related variables, the control group exhibited a higher increase in TC and LDL-C levels than the experimental group. In the case of glucose, the experimental group showed a decrease after the experiment (p<.05). After the four-week thermotherapy, a statistically significant interactive effect occurred in natural killer (NK) cells among the immune-related variables. According to the results of a post-experimental analysis, the control group showed a higher decrease in NK cells than the experimental group (p<.05). After the 4-weeks thermotherapy, the experimental group showed a greater increase in maximum oxygen intake of the respiratory health-related variables than the control group. Conclusion : Based on a comprehensive review of the study results, the subjects who underwent the four-week Oyster Shell Thermal Therapy exhibited positive physical changes in metabolic disease-related variables as well as immune and respiratory health-related variables, which demonstrates the effectiveness of Oyster Shell Thermal Therapy on immune and respiratory health. Accordingly, it is recommended to conduct long-term Oyster Shell Thermal Therapy with various models in terms of the size and shape.

A Study on the Improvement of Cannabis Production History Management in Korea -focused on Gyeongbuk Hemp Regulation Free Zone- (국내 대마 생산이력관리 개선에 관한 연구 -경북 산업용 헴프 규제자유특구 사업을 중심으로-)

  • Kim, Han-Sol;Shin, Min-Joon;Pan, Young-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.249-259
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    • 2022
  • More than a year has already passed since the Gyeongbuk Hemp Regulation Free Zone Project was implemented, and it is time to supplement and review the deficiencies in production history management for the domestic hemp industry after the Free Regulatory Zone. In this study, the current status and characteristics of cannabis history management in the Gyeongbuk Hemp Regulation Free Zone project were investigated, and problems with current history management were derived using service design tools such as pilot interviews, shadowing, and Customer journey map. The case of the cannabis production system and the CTS recommended for the legal cannabis market in Oregon, a leading country, was compared and analyzed, and the direction was to secure safety through production cycle history management suitable for growth characteristics, efficient technology application for real-time management, and history information sharing. Through this study, it is expected that it will help improve the current hemp production history management system and properly settle the history management system of domestic hemp industrialization in the future.

The Effects of Yongin-Emotional Management Training Program on the Improvement of Life Care in Patients with Chronic Schizophrenia (만성 조현병 환자의 라이프케어 증진을 위해 용인 정서관리 훈련 프로그램이 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Eun-Young;Jin, Myung-Ja;Kim, Young-Woon
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.385-400
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    • 2019
  • We reviewed existing studies and proposed future research on the sustainability of short-term effects, and of the Yongin Emotion Management Training program (Y-EMT). In this study, we conducted Y-EMT to verify its effectiveness in relation to affective disorders associated with chronic schizophrenia. Thirty-five patients were assigned to the experimental group, and 35 to the control group. First, results of repeated-measures analysis supported the effectiveness of Y-EMT. Comparisons of the results on the pre-test with those for the 5-month and 1-year post-training tests showed significant differences in mean scores between the experimental and control groups. Furthermore, these differences persisted at the 2-year follow-up. Second, in the experimental group, interactions between emotional behavior and expression, self-efficacy, and changes in interpersonal relationships showed significant effects at 5 months after the program ended, and these effects continued to increase up to 1 year post-training. Taken together, the findings indicate that, to maintain the effects of therapy in patients with chronic schizophrenia, patients should undergo Y-EMT along with cognitive rehabilitation training and social skills training. Human relations training such as Y-EMT is most helpful for rehabilitation when it is paired with high levels of medication.

Investigating Occupational Therapy Students' Awareness of Developmental Rehabilitation Services and the Accreditation of Sensory Developmental Rehabilitation Service Providers (작업치료 전공 학생들의 발달재활서비스 및 감각발달재활서비스 제공인력 자격인정에 대한 인식도 조사)

  • Sung, La-Yun;Chang, Moon-Young
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Sensory Integration
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.35-44
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    • 2023
  • Objective : This study sought to explore occupational therapy students' awareness of Developmental Rehabilitation Services (DRSs) and the certification of Sensory Developmental Rehabilitation Service Providers (SDRSPs). Moreover, it also aimed to examine the differences in students' awareness based on general characteristics. The findings were intended to provide a foundation for research on sensory developmental rehabilitation. Methods : An online survey was conducted among 199 occupational therapy students nationwide from October 4 to November 5, 2022. Frequency analysis was used to assess the general characteristics and additional items. Both descriptive statistics and frequency analysis were employed to assess the students' awareness of DRSs and SDRSP certification. Any differences in the students' awareness based on their general characteristics were examined using t-tests and an analysis of variance. Results : The students' awareness of DRSs was moderate (4.50 ± 2.40), while their awareness of SDRSP certification was also moderate (4.22 ± 2.55). The awareness of DRSs varied significantly based on the students' academic year and child-related practice experience. Similarly, the awareness of SDRSP certification differed significantly based on the students' academic program, academic year, recognition by the related department, and child-related practice experience. Conclusion : The occupational therapy students expressed a strong intention to provide DRSs and become certified as SDRSPs. However, their awareness levels were moderate. These findings emphasize the importance of educational efforts and the provision of relevant information about DRSs and SDRSP certification in universities to foster the development of competent SDRSPs.

High-Quality Standard Data-Based Pharmacovigilance System for Privacy and Personalization (프라이버시와 개인화를 위한 고품질 표준 데이터 기반 약물감시 시스템 연구)

  • SeMo Yang;InSeo Song;KangYoon Lee
    • The Journal of Bigdata
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.125-131
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    • 2023
  • Globally, drug side effects rank among the top causes of death. To effectively respond to these adverse drug reactions, a shift towards an active real-time monitoring system, along with the standardization and quality improvement of data, is necessary. Integrating individual institutional data and utilizing large-scale data to enhance the accuracy of drug side effect predictions is critical. However, data sharing between institutions poses privacy concerns and involves varying data standards. To address this issue, our research adopts a federated learning approach, where data is not shared directly in compliance with privacy regulations, but rather the results of the model's learning are shared. We employ the Common Data Model (CDM) to standardize different data formats, ensuring accuracy and consistency of data. Additionally, we propose a drug monitoring system that enhances security and scalability management through a cloud-based federated learning environment. This system allows for effective monitoring and prediction of drug side effects while protecting the privacy of data shared between hospitals. The goal is to reduce mortality due to drug side effects and cut medical costs, exploring various technical approaches and methodologies to achieve this.

The Impact of Mental Health on Sleep Duration in Menopausal Women (폐경 여성의 정신건강이 수면시간에 미치는 영향)

  • Jin-Mi Kwak;Sang-Mi Kim
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.309-318
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    • 2024
  • Background: Sleep disorders in menopausal women can act as a factor that lowers the quality of life. This study aims to understand the effects of mental health, such as depression, generalized anxiety disorder, and stress, on sleep duration in menopausal women to contribute to the management of their mental health. Methods: Using data from the 2021 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, we conducted a study on 549 naturally menopausal women aged 50-64 years. We applied frequency and weighted percentages, Rao-Scott chi-square tests, and logistic regression. Results: It was found that women with a university degree or higher had appropriate sleep duration (odds ratio [OR], 0.33; p=0.004). Women with mild depression were less likely to have appropriate sleep compared to those without depression (OR, 2.13; p=0.025). Additionally, women who experienced high levels of stress were less likely to have appropriate sleep compared to those with minimal stress (OR, 2.73; p=0.041). Conclusion: Depression and stress are related to sleep duration, and these mental health issues can lead to physiological problems due to their complex experiences. Therefore, individual attention and management of mental health are crucial, and it seems necessary to develop community-based treatment and prevention strategies.

Development of a Measuring Tool for Spiritual Care Performance of Hospice Team Members (호스피스 팀원들의 영적 돌봄 수행도 측정 도구 개발)

  • Yoo, Yang-Sook;Han, Sung-Suk;Lee, Sun-Mi;Seo, Min-Jeong;Hong, Jin-Ui
    • Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.86-92
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    • 2006
  • Purpose: This study was conducted to develop a measuring tool for spiritual care performance of hospice team members. The tool may be utilized for providing hospice patients with more systematic and standardized spiritual tares. Methods: The concept and questions of the tool were developed, and then its validity and reliability were tested. For the validity and reliability tests, a self-reported questionnaire comprising 33 questions with 4 point scale (14), was developed, and the data were collected from 192 hospice team members from December 2005 to February 2006. Results: Thirty three questions, drafted through literature review and professional consultation, were reviewed by 20 professionals for their validity, were revised and supplemented resulted in the final 33 questions. The questions with a correlation coefficient grater than .30 were selected: all the 33 questions were selected based on this criterion. The reliability coefficient, Cronbarh's α, was 0.95. The 33 questions were analyzed for factors, and six factors were extracted: relationship formation and communication, encouragement and promotion of spiritual growth, linking with spiritual resources, preparation of death, evaluation and quality control for spiritual intervention, Intervention, and spiritual assessment for intervention. Conclusion: The tool developed in this study includes six factors and has high level of reliability. This tool Will greatly contribute to assess and improve hospice care services, providing systematic and standardized spiritual cares for terminally ill patients and their families.

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