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Creation of Operatic Narrative - Comparative Study of Murger's Novel 『la vie de bohème』 and Puccini's Opera <la bohème> (뮈르제 소설 <보헤미안의 생활 정경>과 푸치니 오페라 <라보엠>의 비교를 통한 오페라 담론의 창작 원리 연구)

  • Kim, Hak-Min;Kim, Jung-Ho
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.13 no.9
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    • pp.72-80
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    • 2013
  • A common fallacy found at opera works is to lean either toward 'opera as drama' or toward 'opera as music'. One of the historical examples of opera creation to overcome this fallacy is Puccini's $\grave{e}$me>. The composer Puccini and the librettists, Illica and Giacossa, found balance between these two extreme poles, which was made possible by keeping the color of the original novel "scenes de la vie de boh$\grave{e}$me" and simultaneously by reconstructing the most operatic characters and story. Their strategies, which can be summerized as 'simplification', 'romanticization and re-creation of characters', and 'realistic description of original atmosphere'. There strategy of adaptation and the 'episodic' feature as the outcome can be a good example for creators of new opera works.

Four Pollution & Safe Measure in Building Demolition (구조물폭파공법 시공시 발파공해안전대책 -소음.진동.분진.비석공해를 중심으로-)

  • 안명석
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference
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    • 1993.04a
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    • pp.153-173
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    • 1993
  • 폭약은 탄광에서 석탄이나 각종 광물을 캐거나, 건설토목현장에서 암반 제거를 위해서 주로 사용되었다. 전쟁에서 군사용으로 파괴를 위한 목적으로 사용되기도 하였으나, 최근의 동서화해 분위기와 남북통일이 무르익는 시대적 조류로 볼때 더이상 파괴용으로의 사용은 제어될 것이고 이제는 평화를 위하여, 건설을 위하여, 산업발전을 위하여 더 많이 사용되어지고 응용되어질 것이다. 작금의 첨단산업의 발달과 산업의 고도화로 우리 화약 업계에도 첨단발파기술의 개발에 많은 관심과 연구.개발을 진행중이다. 첨단발파기술의 응용사례를 소개하면, 건축토목 분야에서 노후 고층빌딩 및 굴뚝의 철거, 노후 교량 및 공장시설의 철거등에 활용되고 있으며, 위락서비스 분야에서 응용으로는 불꽃놀이를 들 수 있다. 최근에는 첨단 과학 장비를 이용하여 각종 꽃불의 모양이 음악과 미술등 예술적인 기능을 기억시킨 컴퓨터를 활용하여 보다 고차원의 공예술품(공학-예술)을 만들어낸다. 아울러 각종 기공식 발파시에도 예술적 기능과 웅장함을 가미하여 그 화려함을 극치에 다다르게 한다. 그외에도 로켓트 발사추진제등의 우주 개발에의 응용, 석유시추등 해양개발에의 응용, 각종 공학 실험연구에의 응용, 폭발 가공에의 응용, 의학에의 응용, 철강산업에의 응용 등으로 그 숫자를 이제는 일일이 나열하기 힘들 정도로 광범위해졌다.

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구조물 폭파공법 시공시 발파공해 안전대책 -소음.진동.분진.비석공해를 중심으로-

  • 안명석
    • Journal of KSNVE
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    • v.3 no.4
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    • pp.300-312
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    • 1993
  • 폭약은 탄광에서 석탄이나 각종 광물을 캐거나, 건축토목 현장에서 암반제거 를 위해서 주로 사용되었다. 전쟁에서 군사용으로 파괴를 위한 목적으로 사용되기도 하였으나 최근의 동서화해 분위기와 남북통일이 무르익는 시대적 추세를 볼때 더 이상 파괴용으로의 사용은 억제될 것이고 이제는 평화를 위하여 건설을 위하여 산업 발전을 위하여 더많이 사용되어지고 응용될 것이다. 작금의 첨단산업의 발달과 산업 의 고도화로 우리 화약업계에도 최근에는 첨단발파기술의 개발에 많은 관심과 연구 개발을 진행 중이다. 첨단발파기술의 응용사례를 소개하면, 건축토목분야에서 노후 고층 빌딩 및 굴뚝의 철거, 노후교량 및 공장시설의 철거 등에 활용되고 있으며, 위락 서비스분야에서 응용으로는 불꽃놀이를 들 수 있다. 최근에는 첨단과학장비를 이용하여 각종 꽃불의 모양이 음악과 미술등 예술적인 기능을 기억시킨 케비테이션 를 활용하여 보다 고차원의 고예술품을 만들어낸다. 아울러 각종 기공식 발파시에도 예술적 기능과 웅장함을 가미하여 그 화려함을 극치에 다다르게한다. 그외에도 로켓 발사추진제등의 우주개발에의 응용, 석유시추등 해양개발에의 응용, 각종 공학실험 연구에의 응용, 폭발가공에의 응용, 의학에의 응용, 철강산업에의 응용 등으로 그 숫자를 이제는 일일이 나열하기가 힘들 정도로 광범위 해졌다.

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A examination of 'Gakssi (각씨)~' Sijo and interpret of $\lceil$Gaksine nae cheobi doena(각시니 내 첩이 되나)$\rfloor$ (각씨니[네]~' 시조의 검토와 "각시니 내 첩이 되나"의 해석)

  • Lee young-tae
    • Sijohaknonchong
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    • v.22
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    • pp.225-247
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    • 2005
  • This article is aimed at reviewing the series of 'Gakssi (각씨)$\~$' Sijo or Saseolsijo. We can find the word 'Gakssi' having a very close relationship with alcohol. side dishes and the space where music is played in a record published before the late Chosun dynasty and it was recited in Korean verses. 'Gakssi' appeared in the verses did not mean average woman but a character raising the singing climate at the 'Juyeonseok(주연석) or Pungnyujang(풍류장)', as a mood-maker. $\lceil$Gaksine nae cheobi doena(각시니 내 첩이 되나)$\rfloor$($\#48$), the forerunner among the 'Gakssi (각씨)' verses, is no exception. In this context, we can come to the conclusion that this verse is closely related to such places as 'Juyeonseok(주연석) or Pungnyujang(풍류장)‘. Therefore, the others coming after $\#48$ can provide reasonable bases to consider this song associated with people who were able to visit those locations.

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Design and Implementation of Convenience System Based on IoT (IoT를 기반한 편의 시스템 설계 및 구현)

  • Ui-Do Kim;Seung-Jin Yu;Jae-Won Lee;Seok-Tae Cho;Jae-Wook Kim
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.165-172
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    • 2024
  • In this paper, we designed a smart home system that can be used intuitively and easily in everyday life, such as sending text messages to users, providing various information and scheduling using smart AI, and providing lighting and atmosphere suitable for the atmosphere in situations such as listening to music using neopixels, as well as using ESP32, RFID, and Google Cloude Console using raspberry pie. As a result of the experiment, it was confirmed that security characters were normally sent to users when RFID was recognized on ESP32 connected to Wi-Fi even if the power was reconnected, and smart AI using Neopixel lighting, Raspberry Pie, and voice recognition, which calculated frequency, also changed the recognition rate over distance, but it worked.

A Study of Jazz Piano Techniques about Improvisation (재즈 피아노의 즉흥연주 기법 연구)

  • Sagong, Mi;Cho, Tae-Seon
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.583-589
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    • 2017
  • The 1900s in New Orleans, the harbor city, was indeed an era of confusion because there were various ethnic groups and races. Songs that had been sung by slaves taken from Africa, Black spiritual music, blues, British folk songs, French folk music, ballet music, Spanish dance music, and the march of military bands were mixed with Rag Time to achieve diversity. This developed the beginning of jazz. While swing jazz was most popular and loved by the public during the 20th century, the bebop preferred the small scale organization of musical instruments and developed as a form of jazz featuring the impromptu musical performances. Later, cool jazz, a new style involving the fast and complicated code progress, emerged with free jazz, which features the fundamental rupture from the tradition of the jazz. Miles Davis, who introduced the rock beat in jazz, started fusion jazz. Although jazz has been named differently depending on the era, the main attraction of jazz lies on improvisation. In other words, despite a small changes in code progress and rhythm, the most important thing the player considers is improvisation. Some famous players who lived in the same era followed the whole atmosphere but each had their own style. So, even when they did play the same song, they revealed their style in solo parts despite the same head.

A Study of Pat Metheny (Pat Metheny 연구)

  • Kim, Min-Geun;Cho, Tae-Seon
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.11
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    • pp.80-85
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    • 2016
  • Pat Metheny debuted in 1976 and attracted the public beyond his genre in jazz by committing experimental and various music. His 50 albums have been recognized with musicality and artistry by winning 20 Grammy Awards and being awarded a Gold Disc 3 times. Therefore, his music cannot be expressed merely with the single word 'jazz'. In basic harmonics, there are distinct chords between major chord and minor chord. For example, Ionian Scale and Lydian Scale are used in major chord and Dorian Scale, Phrygian Scale, and Aeolian Scale are used in minor chord. It is also common to use m7b5 chord in Locrian Scale. However, after analyzing Pat Metheny's scale, he made Lick using Dorian Scale in major chord or using Lydian Scale in minor chord. In Dominant chord that can use various six scales, he often used Dorian Scale or Lydian Scale surprisingly. In some measures, he made Lick using Ionian Scale and Lydian Scale. In this case, since the whole atmosphere of that measure simultaneously expresses both the bright feeling of major and the lonely feeling of minor, it arouses a very special atmosphere. In addition, he brought 12-measure pattern and made Lick not using blues scale but often using Ionian Scale, Lydian Scale, and Mixo-Lydian Scale.

A Study on the Creation Process of Dance based on the Concept of Murray Schafer's Soundscape (Murray Schafer의 사운드스케이프 개념을 바탕으로 한 무용작품 의 창작과정 연구)

  • Ra, Se-Young;Choe, Sang-Cheul
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.425-434
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    • 2021
  • This study is subjected to two linked research. First is the creation process of dance work applying noise and non-musical sounds in our daily life based on understanding the classification, perception, and factor of the sound, through Murray Schafer's concept of 'soundscape'. Second is to find the value of new type of choreography and musical effect of creation process of the dance work . According to methodological research of practice-based research, three stages which is practice, theory and evaluation were accumulated as somatic data, And the analysis was provided a basis by presenting in a figuration, form of the movement and method of specialization with reference to the paper 『space design and forming practice』(2003). As a result, the creation process was able to discover the musical effect of the sound in daily life and new method of choreography, and also find the possibilities that sound could convey the theme of the dance work, the meaning of the movement and the overall atmosphere of the work to audience. In addition, It is expected that will have been made another new creation environment by potential that music has based on concept 'soundscape'.

A Study on the Interaction between Jazz Musicians and Audiences in Jazz Club (재즈클럽의 재즈 뮤지션과 관객 간 상호작용에 관한 연구)

  • Jeong, Woo Sik
    • Korean Association of Arts Management
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    • no.57
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    • pp.85-126
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    • 2021
  • This study aims to examine the interaction between jazz musicians playing in domestic jazz clubs and audiences visiting jazz clubs in depth. This study conducted an in-depth interview, a qualitative research methodology, to find out the subjective views of jazz club musicians and audiences about jazz club performances, and analyzed the contents and presented the results. The results of this study are as follows: First, jazz musicians perceived jazz clubs as the center point of their musician careers, and from the perspective of the audience, jazz clubs were a place where jazz lovers gathered voluntarily, and where they could enjoy musical communication in a comfortable atmosphere. Second, jazz club performances gave jazz musicians the autonomy to play and considered them suitable for creating optimized sounds, and the audience recognized that jazz musicians could experience performances vividly on stage close to the audience. Third, the way jazz musicians interacted with the audience was active for musical communication with the audience, and the audience preferred the way that interaction could contribute to their performance, and the audience recognized the interaction through musical communication with the musician and the musician's consideration for the audience. Fourth, jazz musicians played a major role in realizing a performance in which interaction with the audience was complete, and audiences perceived interaction as a joy of improvisation, a bond with jazz musicians, and a special experience. This study confirmed the jazz club's status as a cultural space for the public's jazz enjoyment as well as a performance base that ultimately promotes the development and spread of jazz gods in Korea, and it is meaningful that it can serve as a guideline for jazz performance planning and jazz club operation from an art management perspective.

Effect Cross-national Brand Personality on Preference and Revisiting in Fastfood Restaurant (한.중 대학생의 브랜드 개성이 선호도 및 재방문에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Sang-Mi
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.9 no.9
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    • pp.403-410
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    • 2009
  • This paper is to find out which factors affect preference and revisiting on brand personality according to cross-national college students in Korea and China, and to suggest distinguished strategies for attracting core customers continuously on each country and restaurants. The questionary hand out each 150, then used for data analysis 142 in Korean, 122 in China. The results come up with; First, It couldn't compared huge gap for McDonald and Burger King in sampling. Second, three variables (successful, harmony, and western) are highly recognized brand personality in Korean. They should build up powerful image to communicate 20's ages. For Chinese that ranked highly three variables (Darling, Friendly, and Sincere), they reinforced warm-hearted image with special character, providing promotion coupon, and various event. Third, because 2 factors(Sincere and Sensitivity) had significant in preference for Korean and Chinese. It should be formed non-producted parts which are visual decoration, atmosphere, uniform and music. Also, 'feminine' had meaningful for Chinese. Fourth, 'Sincere' was connected directly in revisiting for Korean and Chinese. Trust Is prior to customer and brand. Also, for Korean, 'sensitivity' had significant. Therefore, it should make exciting surrounding, and atmosphere.