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Determination of plasma C16-C24 globotriaosylceramide (Gb3) isoforms by tandem mass spectrometry for diagnosis of Fabry disease (패브리병(Fabry) 진단을 위한 혈장 중 Globotriaosylceramide (Gb3)의 탠덤매스 분석법 개발과 임상 응용)

  • Yoon, Hye-Ran;Cho, Kyung-Hee;Yoo, Han-Wook;Choi, Jin-Ho;Lee, Dong-Hwan;Zhang, Kate;Keutzer, Joan
    • Journal of Genetic Medicine
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.45-52
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    • 2007
  • Purpose : A simple, rapid, and highly sensitive analytical method for Gb3 in plasma was developed without labor-ex tensive pre-treatment by electrospray ionization MS/ MS (ESI-MS/MS). Measurement of globotriaosy lceramide (Gb3, ceramide trihex oside) in plasma has clinical importance for monitoring after enzyme replacement therapy in Fabry disease patients. The disease is an X-linked lipid storage disorder that results from a deficiency of the enzyme ${\alpha}$-galactosidase A (${\alpha}$-Gal A). The lack of ${\alpha}$-Gal A causes an intracellular accumulation of glycosphingolipids, mainly Gb3. Methods : Only simple 50-fold dilution of plasma is necessary for the extraction and isolation of Gb3 in plasma. Gb3 in diluted plasma was dissolved in dioxane containing C17:0 Gb3 as an internal standard. After centrifugation it was directly injected and analyzed through guard column by in combination with multiple reaction monitoring mode of ESI-MS/MS. Results : Eight isoforms of Gb3 were completely resolved from plasma matrix. C16:0 Gb3 occupied 50% of total Gb3 as a major component in plasma. Linear relationship for Gb3 isoforms w as found in the range of 0.001-1.0 ${\mu}g$/mL. The limit of detection (S/N=3) was 0.001 ${\mu}g$/mL and limit of quantification was 0.01 ${\mu}g$/mL for C16:0 Gb3 with acceptable precision and accuracy. Correlation coefficient of calibration curves for 8 Gb3 isoforms ranged from 0.9678 to 0.9982. Conclusion : This quantitative method developed could be useful for rapid and sensitive 1st line Fabry disease screening, monitoring and/or diagnostic tool for Fabry disease.

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Occurrence of Mycotoxins in Korean Grains and Their Simultaneous Analysis (한국산 곡류에서의 곰팡이독소 오염현황 및 동시분석)

  • Kim, Dong-Ho;Jang, Han-Sub;Choi, Gyu-Il;Kim, Hyun-Jung;Kim, Ho-Jin;Kim, Hyo-Lin;Cho, Hyun-Jung;Lee, Chan
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.45 no.1
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    • pp.111-119
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    • 2013
  • Eleven mycotoxins, including aflatoxins, ochratoxin A, fumonisins, zearalenone, T-2 toxin, deoxynivalenol, and HT-2 toxin, were analyzed simultaneously in rice, barley, and maize produced in 2011 by liquid chromatography coupled with triple quadrupole mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS). Limits of detection (LOD) are 0.2 ${\mu}g/kg$ for aflatoxin $B_1$, and $G_1$, 0.3 ${\mu}g/kg$ for aflatoxins $B_2$, and $G_2$, 0.1 ${\mu}g/kg$ for ochratoxin, fumonisins, zearalenone, and T-2 toxin and 3.0 ${\mu}g/kg$ for deoxynivalenol and HT-2 toxin. Limits of quantification (LOQ) were 0.6 ${\mu}g/kg$ for aflatoxins $B_1$, and $G_1$, 0.9 ${\mu}g/kg$ for aflatoxins $B_2$, and $G_2$, 0.3 ${\mu}g/kg$ for ochratoxin, fumonisins, zearalenone, and T-2 toxin and 10.0 ${\mu}g/kg$ for deoxynivalenol and HT-2 toxin. Recoveries for 11 mycotoxins ranged from 70.45 to 111.11%. Fumonisins, deoxynivalenol, and zaeralenone were detected from 0.9 to 334.0 ${\mu}g/kg$ in the polished rice, barley and raw corn cultivated in Korea. Other mycotoxins were not detected. Deoxynivalenol contamination was mainly found in barley (24 out of 43 samples) and the average value in positive samples was 113.30 ${\mu}g/kg$.

Effects of Pasteurization and Frozen Storage on Changes in Quality Characteristics of 10% Salted Egg Yolk (저온살균 및 냉동저장이 10% 가염난황의 품질특성에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Jae-Wook;Choi, Chun-Un
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.459-465
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    • 2002
  • To obtain the basic data for commercial 10% salted egg yolk for mayonnaise preparation, 3 types of egg yolks [pasteurized egg yolk (Yolk A)-not salted, pasteurized before salting (Yolk B)-salted, and pasteurized after salting (Yolk C)-salted] were prepared, and the changes in quality characteristics of these egg yolks with frozen storage were tested. The results obtained were as follows; Yolk A gelatinized during frozen storage, thus could not used for mayonnaise preparation. The viscosity of the egg yolk increased $3{\sim}5$ times after salting. Viscosity of the salted egg yolk increased with frozen storage time. Viscosity of Yolk B was higher at $-20^{\circ}C$ than $-15^{\circ}C$. Viscosity of Yolk C, however, was higher at $-15^{\circ}C$ than $-20^{\circ}C$. Frozen storage of pasteurized salted egg yolk showed some effects on the emulsification capacity. The effect, however, was smaller than that of unpasteurized salted egg yolk. Microbes of salted egg yolk were decreased with frozen storage, but there was no difference between Yolk B and Yolk C. It was suggested that commercially pasteurized 10% salted egg yolk for mayonnaise preparation can be successfully stored for 12 months at the temperature of $-15{\sim}-20^{\circ}C$.

Modification and Validation of an Analytical Method for Dieckol in Ecklonia Stolonifera Extract (곰피추출물의 지표성분 Dieckol의 분석법 개선 및 검증)

  • Han, Xionggao;Choi, Sun-Il;Men, Xiao;Lee, Se-jeong;Oh, Geon;Jin, Heegu;Oh, Hyun-Ji;Kim, Eunjin;Kim, Jongwook;Lee, Boo-Yong;Lee, Ok-Hwan
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.143-148
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    • 2022
  • This study was to investigate an analytical method for determining dieckol content in Ecklonia stolonifera extract. According to the guidelines of International Conference on Harmonization. Method validation was performed by measuring the specificity, linearity, precision, accuracy, limit of detection (LOD), and limit of quantification (LOQ) of dieckol using high-performance liquid chromatography-photodiode array. The results showed that the correlation coefficient of calibration curve (R2) for dieckol was 0.9997. The LOD and LOQ for dieckol were 0.18 and 0.56 ㎍/mL, respectively. The intra- and inter-day precision values of dieckol were approximately 1.58-4.39% and 1.37-4.64%, respectively. Moreover, intra- and inter-day accuracies of dieckol were approximately 96.91-102.33% and 98.41-105.71%, respectively. Thus, we successfully validated the analytical method for estimating dieckol content in E. stolonifera extract.

Monitoring of Residual Pesticides and Exposure Assessment of Olive Oil Products Sold on the Market (올리브유의 잔류농약 모니터링 및 노출량 조사)

  • Mi-Hui Son;Jae-Kwan Kim;You-Jin Lee;Ji-Eun Kim;Eun-Jin Baek;Byeong-Tae Kim;Seong-Nam Lee;Myoung-Ki Park;Yong-Bae Park
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.211-216
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    • 2023
  • A total of 100 commercially available olive oil products were analyzed for 179 pesticide residues using gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (GC/MS/MS). The olive oil samples were mixed with organic solvents, centrifuged and frozen to remove fat, and pesticide residues were analyzed using the "quick, easy, cheap, effective, rugged, and safe" (QuEChERS) method. The determination coefficient (R2) of the analysis method used in this study was ≥0.998. The detection limit of the method ranged 0.004-0.006 mg/kg and its quantitative limit ranged 0.012-0.017 mg/kg. The recovery rate (n=5) measured at the level ranging 0.01-0.02, 0.1, and 0.5 mg/kg ranged 66.8-119.5%. The relative standard deviation (RSD) was determined to be ≤5.7%, confirming that this method was suitable for the "Guidelines for Standard Procedures for Preparing Food Test Methods". The results showed that a total of 151 pesticides (including difenoconazole, deltamethrin, oxyfluorfen, kresoxim-methyl, phosmet, pyrimethanil, tebuconazole, and trifloxystrobin) were detected in 64 of the 100 olive oil products. The detection range of these pesticide residues was 0.01-0.30 mg/kg. The percentage acceptable daily intake (%ADI) of the pesticides calculated using ADI and estimated daily intake (EDI) was 0.0001-0.1346, indicating that the detected pesticides were present at safe levels. This study provides basic data for securing the safety of olive oil products by monitoring pesticide residues in commercially available oilve oil products. Collectively, the analysis method used in this study can be used as a method to analyze residual pesticides in edible oils.

Effects of Thawing Conditions in Sample Treatment on the Chemical Properties of East Siberian Ice Wedges (동시베리아 얼음쐐기 시료의 해동방법이 시료의 화학적 특성분석에 미치는 영향)

  • Subon Ko;Jinho Ahn;Alexandre Fedorov;Giehyeon Lee
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.55 no.6
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    • pp.727-736
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    • 2022
  • Ice wedges are subsurface ice mass structures that formed mainly by freezing precipitation with airborne dust and surrounding soil particles flowed through the active layer into the cracks growing by repeating thermal contractions in the deeper permafrost layer over time. These ice masses characteristically contain high concentrations of solutes and solids. Because of their unique properties and distribution, the possibility of harnessing ice wedges as an alternative archive for reconstructing paleoclimate and paleoenvironment has been recently suggested despite limited studies. It is imperative to preserve the physicochemical properties of the ice wedge (e.g., solute concentration, mineral particles) without any potential alteration to use it as a proxy for reconstructing the paleo-information. Thawing the ice wedge samples is prerequisite for the assessment of their physicochemical properties, during which the paleo-information could be unintentionally altered by any methodological artifact. This study examined the effect of thawing conditions and procedures on the physicochemical properties of solutes and solid particles in ice wedge samples collected from Cyuie, East Siberia. Four different thawing conditions with varying temperatures (4 and 23℃) and oxygen exposures (oxic and anoxic) for the ice wedge sample treatment were examined. Ice wedge samples thawed at 4℃ under anoxic conditions, wherein biological activity and oxidation were kept to a minimum, were set as the standard thawing conditions to which the effects of temperature and oxygen were compared. The results indicate that temperature and oxygen exposure have negligible effects on the physicochemical characteristics of the solid particles. However, the chemical features of the solution (e.g., pH, electric conductivity, alkalinity, and concentration of major cations and trace elements) at 4℃ under oxic conditions were considerably altered, compared to those measured under the standard thawing conditions. This study shows that the thawing condition of ice wedge samples can affect their chemical features and thereby the geochemical information therein for the reconstruction of the paleoclimate and/or paleoenvironment.

Evaluation of a Compact Dry Method for Enumerating Bacteria in Contaminated Foods (식품 오염 미생물 분석을 위한 컴팩트 드라이법 평가)

  • Soo-Jin Jung;Sangha Han;June Gu Kang;Min Su Song;Hyewon Song;Harim Lee;Jisu Yu;Kyung Ok Lee;Sang-Do Ha
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.304-311
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    • 2024
  • The present study aimed to compare the accuracy of the compact dry and culture plate methods for natural flora (yeasts/molds, coliforms, and total bacterial count) and artificial inoculum (Escherichia coli) in dosirak (meat-based), meal kits (seafood-based), and Doenjang (traditional food). Compact dry TC, EC, CF, and YMR were compared with culture plate methods using a suitable medium for each bacterium. The total bacterial count, coliforms, yeasts/molds, and E. coli were assessed with 3M Petrifilm (aerobic bacterial, coliform, yeast/mold, and E. coli count plates) using culture plate methods. Analysis of the recovery rates of target microorganisms in the three food samples showed that the compact dry method for total bacteria, coliforms, and E. coli exhibited recovery capabilities equivalent to those of the culture plate and Petrifilm methods, with no significant differences (P>0.05). Overall, compact dry TC, CF, and EC showed a good correlation between the methods used in this study, indicating rapid and convenient microbial enumeration by saving time and requiring less space.

Types of Motivations and Activities to Participate in the Community among the Human Safety Net in Eupmyun-dong, Busan: Focusing on Latent Class Analysis (부산광역시 읍면동 인적안전망의 지역사회 참여 동기와 활동유형: 잠재계층분석을 중심으로)

  • 문영주
    • Journal of Korean social welfare administration
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.189-224
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the motivations of participating in the community and activity types among major components of a human safety net in Eupmyun-dong, Busan. This includes the heads of Tongs, members of residents' associations, members of community social security association, and members of local organizations that are active as performers of collaborative local governance. Its primary goals were to identify latent classes in the motivations and activities to participate in the community among the human safety net and explore factors influencing this classification of latent classes. Furthermore, it aimed to examine differences in the sense of community among the latent classes. For these goals, the investigator conducted a survey with 940 participants who were heads of Tongs, members of residents' associations, members of Eup, Myun, and Dong-based community social security association, and members of local organizations in three autonomous districts, A, B, and C, in Busan Metropolitan City. Latent class analysis was conducted by evaluating 936 questionnaires that were returned based on the Mplus 8.1 statistical package. The study also used R3STEP and BCH, a three-step estimation method by method of auxiliary variables. The findings show that there were five latent classes in the motivations and activities to participate in the community among the human safety net. They were named "policy promotion," "sharing and identification," "specialized projects," "volunteer activities," and "low level of activities." Secondly, this classification of latent classes was under the statistically significant influences of gender, age, type of residence, length of residence, perceptions of severity of social problem, and perceptions of social inequality. Finally, the types of "policy promotion" and "sharing and identification" had a higher sense of community than the type of "low level of activities." Based on these findings, the study proposed a need for various efforts to help the human safety net effectively serve its roles.

Studies on Dairy Farming Status, Reproductive Efficiencies and Disorders in New Zealand (I) A Survey on Dairy Farming Status and Milk Yield in Palmerston North Area (뉴질랜드 (Palmerston North) 의 낙농 현황과 번식 및 번식장해에 관한 연구(I) Palmerston North 지역의 낙농 현황과 우유 생산량에 관한 조사 연구)

  • 김중계;맥도날드
    • Korean Journal of Animal Reproduction
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.1-18
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    • 2000
  • Eighty dairy farms in Palmers ton North area in New Zealand were surveyed on 1) general characteristics (10 Questions), 2) milk yield and feed supplementary (7 questions), 3) reproductive efficiencies (12 questions) and 4) reproductive disorders (12 questions) by mail questions from February to July, 1998. Among those 4 items from 38 dairy farms (47.5%), especially in items 1) and 2), overall dairy farming situation, supplementary feeding and milk yields were surveyed and analyzed for Korean dairy farmers (especially in Cheju island) to have better understanding or higher economical gains. The results were as follows. 1. In dairy experience, 21 (45%) among 38 dairy farms surveyed were answered that farming less than 15 years, 15~19 year, 20~25 years and over 26 years experience were 3 (7.9%), 7 (18.4%), 6 (15.8%) and 5 (13.2%) which generally showed longer experience compare to Korean dairy farming situation. In survey of labour input and business goal of dairy farming, self-managing farms, sharemilkers, unpaid family manpowering farms, manager running farms, farms with hired worker, farms with part time helper and other type was 21 (55.3%), 10 (26.3%), 2 (3.5%), 3 (5.3%), 18 (31.6%), 2 (3.5%), and 1 (1.8%), respectively. 2. Analyzing pasture and tillable land, pasture according to feeding scale (200, 300 and 400 heads) were 56, 90 and 165.3 ha, and tillable lands were 51, 78 and 165 ha which showed some differences among feeding scale. In recording methods in 38 farms replied, 36 (95%) dairy handbook and 23 (70%) dual methods taking farms were higher than that of 10 (26.3%) computer and 15(39.5%) well-recorder methods. 3. Dairy waste processing facilities in environmental field were almost perfect except of metropolitan area, and so no problem was developed in its control so far. Hence, 26 farm (68.4%) of pond system was higher rather than those in 8 (21.2%) of using as organic manure after storing feces of dairy cattle, 1(2.6%) bunker system and 3 (7.9%) other type farms. 4. In milking facilities, 33 farms (86.9%) of Harringbone types were higher than those in 3 (7.9%) of Walkthrough types, 1 (2.6%) of Rotary system and other types. Although the construction facilities was not enough, this system show the world-leveled dairy country to attempted to elevate economic gains using the advantage of climatic condition. 5. In milking day and yearly yield per head, average 275 milking days and 87 drying days were longer than that of 228 average milking days in New Zealand. Annual total milk yield per head and milk solid (ms) was 3,990 kg and approximately 319 kg. Dairy milk solid (ms) per head, milk yield, fat percentage was 1.2 kg, 15.5 kg and average 4.83% which was much higher than in other country, and milk protein was average 3.75%. 6. In coclusion, Palmerstone North has been a center of dairy farming in New Zealand for the last 21 years. Their dairy farming history is 6~9 year longer than ours and the average number of milking cows per farm is 355, which is much greater than that (35) of Korea. They do not have dairy barn, but only milking parlors. Cows are taken care of by family 0.5 persons), are on a planned calving schedule in spring (93%) and milked for 240~280 days a year, avoiding winter. Cows are dried according to milk yield and body condition score. This management system is quite different from that of Korean dairy farms. Cows are not fed concentrates, relying entirely on pasture forages and the average milk yield per cow is 3,500 kg, which is about 1/2 milk yield of Korean dairy farms. They were bred to produce high fat milk with an average of 4.5%. Their milk production cost is the lowest in the world and the country's economy relies heavily on milk production. We Korean farmers may try to increase farming size, decreasing labor and management costs.

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The Effect of Korean Soysauce and Soypaste Making on Soybean Protein Quality Part II. Chemical Changes During Meju-brine Ripening (재래식 간장 및 된장 제조가 대두 단백질의 영양가에 미치는 영향 제2보 메주장의 숙성중에 일어나는 성분 변화)

  • Lee, Cherl-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.19-32
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    • 1976
  • The laboratory Mejus as well as home-made Meju and improved Meju received from Korea were ripened in the brine for up to 8 months and the changes is the chemical composition during the process were determined and the differences between the types of Meju were compared. On the basis of the amino acid pattern, the changes in the protein quality of soybean during the process was evaluated. No significant changes in the general chemical composition of Meju were noticed during the ripening for 8 months. However, the nitrogen solubility of Meju increased for $13{\sim}29%$ to $66{\sim}78%$ during 8 month ripening of the Meju-brine mixture. The concentration of free amino-N to the total-N increased from $4{\sim}7%$ in Meju to $29{\sim}35%$ in the 8month ripened mixture. The concentration of amino-N to the total-N increased from $1{\sim}4%$ in Meju to $5{\sim}14%$ in the 8month ripened mixture and the changes varied with the type of Meju used. Remarkable changes in the amino acid pattern of soybean were occured during the ripening process. The concentration of methionine decreased to the half of original Meju during the first month of ripening. Arginine and histidine were destroyed rapidly by the ripening longer than 1 month. A considerable amount of ornithine was synthesized during the ripening. The amino acid pattern of Meju did change drastically during the ripening longer than 3 months and the changes varied with the type of Meju. The retention of the nutrients in soybean during 8 month ripening of the laboratory 3 month Meju in the brine was 49% for carbohydrates, 107% for crude fat, 93% for crude protein and 74% for the total amino acid. Histidine, arginine and methionine and 74% for the total amino acid. Histidine, arginine and methionine were the most damaged during the process, retaining only 25%, 27% and 49% of the contents in raw soybean, respectively, whereas lysine retained 79%. By the separation of the 8 month ripened mixture, approximately 60% of crude protein, all of crude fat and 80% of carbohydrates in the mixture were retained in soypaste. Soypaste contained higher concentrations of amino acids per 16gN compared to soysauce, except for lysine. The most limiting amino acid of the protein was the S-containing amino acids in all cases studied, whereas the second limiting amino acid varied from valine in soybean to threonine in most of Mejus and the brine mixtures, lysine in most of soypastes and tryptophan in some of soysauces. According to the protein quality evaluation made by the reference of the FAO provisional pattern of amino acid, the chemical score of raw soybean was 82, which was reduced to 77 by cooking and further reduced to $71{\sim}74$ by Meju fermentation. At the eighth month of ripening the chemical score of the Meju-brine mixtures were reduced to $51{\sim}66. After the separation, the chemical score of soypaste ranged from 60 to 71, whereas that of soysauce varied from 45 to 57. Generally, the products made from improved Meju recorded the highest score, whereas those made from homemade Meju showed the poorest protein quality. The essential amino acid index(EAAI) of the samples was similar to the chemical score, but it appeared to fit the overall changes in the amino acid pattern during the process better than the chemical score.

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