• Title/Summary/Keyword: 유형위계

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A Study on the Case of Designation and Protection System of Modern and Contemporary Landscape Heritage in Germany (독일의 근현대 조경유산 보호제도와 지정사례 연구)

  • Kim, Min-Seon;Kim, Choong-Sik
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.42 no.3
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    • pp.51-60
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    • 2024
  • Currently, Korea lacks an institutional framework needed to safeguard modern and contemporary landscape heritage. The value of landscapes is merely recorded as the surrounding environment of architectural heritage. On the other hand, attention has been drawn to Germany's approach, particularly in Berlin, where the outdoor spaces of buildings within housing estates listed as World Cultural Heritage are designated and protected as 'garden monuments.' This research seeks to explore Germany's relevant policies to glean insights that could be beneficial. Germany has established clear regulations to protect landscape heritages such as parks, squares, street trees, cemeteries, and cityscapes as monuments worthy of preservation. According to an analysis of the heritage listings available on German government websites, the designated types of modern and contemporary landscape heritage encompass a wide range of facilities including residential facilities, squares, parks, public facilities, cultural venues, educational facilities, healthcare facilities, religious facilities, war memorials, and industrial facilities. This aligns with the designated purposes outlined within the building classification system used for registered cultural heritage in Korea. While Korea continues to prioritize the protection of structures, Germany adopts a more nuanced approach by separately identifying and equally safeguarding buildings, their surrounding spaces, and gardens. In defining areas for landscape heritage, a clear distinction was made from those designated for architectural monuments. Even within the same area, landscape heritages are further subdivided and specified according to variations in style, unique features, or their value for preservation. This research is anticipated to serve as a valuable foundational data for identifying and safeguarding modern and contemporary landscape heritage within Korea.

Comparison of the Awareness of Garden Functions (정원 기능에 대한 인식 비교)

  • Park, Mi-Ok;Choi, Ja-Ho;Koo, Bon-Hak
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.48 no.2
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    • pp.34-44
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the difference in perceptions between gardens and park functions as recognized by two groups, Group A and Group B, in order to confirm the distinction between concepts and functions and then establish the importance of individual functions. The AHP was used to analyze the importance of each group's perceptions by dividing them into garden and park, Group A and non-Group A, respectively. In Group A, the importance of garden functions were considered in descending order of importance to be cultural function, ecological function, and social function. In the general group, ecological function, cultural function, and social function also appeared, but in a different order of importance. As for the park functions, Group A recognized the importance of functions in a similar order of importance to the gardens: cultural function, ecological function, and social function. Group B thought that social function, ecological function, and cultural function have the same significance. At the major classification level, Group A and Group B emphasized the social function of the parks. Group A recognized the importance of the garden's cultural function as the most important, whereas the general group emphasized the importance of the garden's ecological function. As for the mid-class level, Group A recognized the aesthetic beauty, health, ecological environment protection, and water circulation as important functions of the garden. For Group B, the ecological environment protection, aesthetic beauty, water cycle, and health were important. The concepts and functions of gardens and parks are still largely mixed but are gradually becoming differentiated. As a follow-up study, it is important to systematically manage the functions of gardens by establishing design, construction, and monitoring DB techniques for the garden type and examine the hierarchy of various other gardens.

Effects of Minor Stressful Events on Sleep in College Students (대학생에서 스트레스가 수면에 미치는 영향)

  • Kang, Seung-Gul;Yoon, Ho-Kyoung;Ham, Byung-Joo;Choi, Yun-Kyeung;Kim, Seung-Hyun;Joe, Sook-Haeng;Suh, Kwang-Yoon;Kim, Leen
    • Sleep Medicine and Psychophysiology
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.48-55
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    • 2002
  • Objective: Stress is known to be a common cause of short-term insomnia and insomniacs often complain that stress induces sleep problems. However, previous studies on the correlation between stress and sleep do not show consistent results. We aimed to investigate the effects of minor stressful events on sleep among college students. Method: Physically and mentally healthy college student volunteers filled out a self-assessment questionnaire to evaluate their stress and sleep. To find out the status of average stress and sleep, the volunteers filled out K-DSI and daily sleep assessments on three consecutive days. In addition, we surveyed the amount of caffeine beverage intake and assessed the degree of depression and anxiety. Results: The total number of students participating in this study was 202, 101 men and 101 women. Minor stress turned out to significantly affect non-restorative sleep and secondary symptoms of insomnia (awakening difficulty, displeasure, feeling of dissatisfaction with sleep, physical uneasiness or pain at awakening, daytime sleepiness, depressive moods, tiredness and concentration difficulty). However, global PSQI score, self-reported sleeping hours, sleep latency, awakening frequency, frequency and duration of napping, were not explained by stress scores. Conclusion: In this study, minor stresses seemed to affect sleep, especially secondary symptoms caused by non-restorative sleep. We can thus infer that minor stresses impair the restorative effects of sleep by inducing arousal, and the direct relationship the two can be confirmed by polysomnogram.

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Effectiveness Analysis of Startup Support Policy of Early Start-ups: Moderating Effect of the Industry and Growth Stage of the Start-ups (초기 창업기업 창업지원정책의 효과성 분석: 창업업종 및 창업성장단계 조절효과)

  • Jung, kyung-hee
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.59-70
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    • 2020
  • This study was proceeded to empirically identify the start-up support policy as an element that affects the performance of the early start-ups and measure the effectiveness of the current start-up support policy, in order to suggest the direction future policies according to the study. To accomplish this the influence of the start-up support policy on the early start-ups was analyzed, and the differences according to the industry and growth stage of the start-ups, as the characteristics of the start-ups, were identified. The research subjects collected real data of 297 start-ups of the past three years that were selected for the Initial Start-Up Package project, and performed multiple regression analysis on the influence between variables, and hierarchical regression analysis on moderating effects. The summary of the study is as follows. First, as a result of identifying the influential relationship between the start-up support policy and the performance of the start-up, sales had made a significant impact on the start-up fund, start-up mentoring, and start-up infrastructure(space), while start-up education failed to show a significant effect on the increase in sales. In terms of employment, start-up mentoring was the only field that showed a significant influential relationship. Second, as a result of identifying the moderating effect of the start-up's industry and growth stage, the industry did not have a statistically significant influence, but the interactive effect was seen in start-up education. To be more specific in terms of the sales relationship of each industry, knowledge services turned out to be helpful in improving sales, while manufacturing turned out to be effective in improving sales regardless of being supported with start-up mentoring and start-up infrastructure (space). The sales relationship regarding the start-up growth stage was identified to be statistically significant. The preliminary stage was not statistically significant, while providing start-up mentoring and start-up funding were effective for start-up stage and growing stage, respectively. On the other hand, employment did not perform a significant influence on the start-up growth stage. This study analyzes the effectiveness the start-up support policy for early start-ups, identifies the need in differentiated support policies according to the characteristics of the start-ups, and suggests implications for the direction in which future policies should be made towards.

The Impact on the Business Effectiveness of the Educational Satisfaction in Elderly Employment Program: The Mediating Effect of Job Satisfaction (노인일자리 사업의 교육 만족도가 사업효과성에 미치는 영향 : 일자리 만족도의 매개효과)

  • Shin, Gye Soo;Kwon, Seung Sug
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.105-115
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    • 2015
  • This study examined what effect the educational satisfaction level in the grey job project had on the business effectiveness and verified the effect the participant education satisfaction level had on the project business effectiveness ultimately by influencing the job satisfaction. This study utilized the source data of the senior job project old participant status survey of the Korea senior manpower development center which was conducted in 2013, and the non-proportional stratification sample extracting method was used which considered the project type, regional size, and cities/provinces. Sejong City was excluded from the survey target and the survey targeted 2,005 persons except for non-response or response-irrelevant persons concerning this study question. The collected material was analyzed by using SPSS WIN 21.0 program. The frequency and percentage were calculated to apprehend the general characteristic of the study target. Also, the regression analysis was conducted to examine the effect the educational satisfaction level had on the business effectiveness of the senior job project, and the hierarchical regression analysis was conducted in order to examine the mediated effect of the job satisfaction level in the effect the educational satisfaction level had on the business effectiveness of the senior job project. The main result of this study is as follows. First, among the effects the educational satisfaction level had on the business effectiveness, both interest level of educational contents and the job utilization of education had a significant effect on the psychological effect, and the interest level of the educational contents had a significant level on the physical/social effect, and the job utilization of education had a significant effect on the economic effect. Second, in the effect the educational satisfaction level had on the business effectiveness, the job satisfaction level was confirmed the job satisfaction level had a partial mediated effect in the effect the educational satisfaction level had on the psychological/physical/social effect. The job satisfaction level was confirmed the job satisfaction level had a complete mediated effect in the effect the educational satisfaction level had on the economic effect. Also, The job satisfaction level was confirmed the job satisfaction level had a partial mediated effect in the effect the educational satisfaction level had on the business effectiveness. Consequently, the educational contents according with the demand of job participants will have to be developed and the exclusive manpower must be arranged to conduct the education effectively. Also, making participants feel a pride on the job fully will largely contribute to raising the business effectiveness because the job satisfaction level has a positive effect on the business effectiveness.

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A Study on the Sanctuary of the Residence in East China Sea Skirts Area (동중국해권 민가의 성역(聖域)에 관한 연구)

  • Youn, Lily;Onomichi, Kenji
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.43 no.2
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    • pp.60-81
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    • 2010
  • Jeju Island, in Korea, shows many characteristics that are differentiated from the rest of Korea. Its culture is rooted in mythology which advocates a egalitarian, rather than hierarchical, social structure, the place of women in the home is relatively high, and the formation of buildings, the separation of cooking and heating facilities, and the living format of residential homes is dissimilar. These disparities in culture indicate that Jeju Island's heritage was not formed only from influences from the North, but also from other places as well. To fill in the blanks, residential homes in Jeju Island were compared with those scattered throughout the East China Sea, which connect the southern coastline of the Korean peninsula and Jeju Island. The regions encompassed by the East China Sea, sharing the Kuroshio current and a seasonal wind, can be considered as one cultural region integrating cultural aspects from the continental North and the oceanbound South. The unique characteristics of southern culture as seen in southern residences was examined through an investigation of the sacred places in which gods were considered to dwell. First, the myths of these areas usually concerned with the ocean, and a sterile environment made sustenance impossible without a dual livelihood, usually taking on the forms of half-farming and half-fishing, or half-farming, half-gardening. Although family compositions were strongly matricentric or collateral thanks to southern influence, a patriarchical system like those found in the North were present in the upper classes and in the cities. Therefore, residential spaces were not divided based on age or gender, as in hierarchical societies, but according to family and function. Second, these areas had local belief systems based on animism and ancestor worship, and household deities were closely related to women, agriculture and fire. The deities of the kitchen, the granary and the toilet were mostly female, and the role of priest was often filled by a woman. After Buddhism and Confucianism were introduced from mainland Korea, China and Japan, the sacred areas of the household took on a dual form, integrating the female-focused local rites with male-centered Buddhist and Confucian rites. Third, in accordance with worship of a kitchen deity, a granary deity, and a toilet deity led to these areas of the home being separated into disparate buildings. Eventually, these areas became absorbed into the home as architectural technology was further developed and lifestyles were changed. There was also integration of northern and southern cultures, with rites concerning granary and toilet deities coming from China, and the personality of the kitchen deity being related to the southern sea. In addition, the use of stone in separate kitchens, granaries, and toilets is a distinguishing characteristic of the East China Sea. This research is a part of the results gained from a project funded by the Korea Research Foundation in 2006.

The effect of the mother's modeling and feeding practices on the eating behavior of young children (어머니의 모델링과 식사 지도가 유아의 식행동에 미치는 영향)

  • Sim, Hyeonmi;Han, Youngshin;Lee, Kyung A
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.55 no.2
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    • pp.296-308
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    • 2022
  • Purpose: To investigate the effect of a mother's modeling and feeding practices on the eating behavior of the children. Methods: From April to June 2018, 1,036 young children aged 2 to 6 years and their mothers in Gyeongsan, Gyeongsangbuk-do, were examined for their eating behavior and feeding practices using a verified dietary behavior test (DBT). The children's dietary behavior was classified into four categories: "access evasiveness", "sensory acuity", "hyperactivity", and "irregularity". The mother's eating behavior was classified into three categories: "pickiness", "negligence", and "irregularity", and feeding practice types were classified into two categories: "responsibility/monitoring", and "restriction/pressure". The differences between the groups were tested using the t-test, ANOVA, and Duncan's multiple range test. The influence of feeding practices on the children's eating behavior was analyzed by hierarchical regression analysis while controlling for the mother's modeling. Results: The problem rates of irregularity, negligence and pickiness in the mother's modeling were 33.7%, 22.8%, and 20.7%, respectively. An analysis of the mother's feeding practices revealed that responsibility/monitoring had a middle, high and low significance in 74.2%, 17.3%, and 8.5% of respondents, respectively and the risk rate of restriction/pressure when guiding children to eat was 15.3%. The problem rates for sensory acuity, access evasiveness, irregularity, and hyperactivity in children were 27.9%, 26.1%, 24.8%, and 22.0%, respectively. Among the four eating behavior characteristics of children, the child's access evasiveness and sensory acuity were more affected by their pickiness rather than the mother's feeding practices, and the child's hyperactivity was more influenced by feeding practices than the mother's eating behavior. The child's irregularity was similarly affected by the mother's eating behavior and feeding practices. Conclusion: Since the mother's eating behavior and feeding practices affect the children's eating behavior, a diet improvement program for children should consider not only the nutrition education of children but also the mother's eating behavior and provide the necessary intervention for feeding practices.

Sovereignty and Wine Vessels: The Feast Culture of the Goryeo Court and the Symbolic Meaning of Celadon Wine Vessels (고려 왕실의 연례 문화와 청자 주기(酒器)의 상징적 의미: 왕권과 주기(酒器))

  • Kim Yun-jeong
    • MISULJARYO - National Museum of Korea Art Journal
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    • v.104
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    • pp.40-69
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    • 2023
  • This paper examines the relationship between celadon wine vessels and royal banquets by focusing on their unique forms. It explores the symbolism in their forms and designs and the changes that took place in the composition of these vessels. By examining the royal annals in Goryeosa (The History of the Goryeo Dynasty), the relation of celadon wine vessels and royal banquets is examined in terms of the number of banquets held in the respective reigns of the Goryeo kings, the number of banquets held by type, and the purpose of holding them. A royal banquet was a means of strengthening the royal authority by reinforcing the hierarchy and building bonds between the king and his vassals. It was also an act of ruling that demonstrated the king's authority and power through praise of his achievements and virtues. Royal banquets were held most often during the reigns of King Yejong (r. 1105-1122), King Uijong (r. 1146-1170), King Chungnyeol (r. 1274-1308), and King Gongmin (r. 1351-1374). Particular attention is paid here to the changes in the types and forms of celadon wine vessels that occurred starting in the reigns of King Yejong and King Chungnyeol, which is also the period in which the number of royal banquets increased and royal banquet culture evolved. The king and his subjects prayed for the king's longevity at royal banquets and celebrated peaceful reigns by drinking and performing various related acts. Thus, the visual symbolism of vessels for holding, pouring, or receiving alcohol were emphasized. Since the manner of drinking at a banquet was exchanges of pouring and receiving alcohol between the king and his subjects, the design of the ewers and cups had a significant visual impact on attendees. It can be seen, therefore, that decorating wine vessels with Daoist motifs such as the immortals, luan (a mythological bird), turtle dragons, fish dragons, and gourd bottles or with Confucian designs like hibiscus roots was intended as a visual manifestation of the purpose of royal banquets, which was to celebrate the king and to pray for both loyalty and immortality. In particular, the Peach Offering Dance (獻仙桃) and Music for Returning to the Royal Palace (還宮樂), which correspond to the form and design of celadon wine vessels, was examined. The lyrics of the banquet music embodied wishes for the king's longevity, immortality, and eternal youth as well as for the prosperity of the royal court and a peaceful reign. These words are reflected in wine vessels such as the Celadon Taoist Figure-shaped Pitcher housed in the National Museum of Korea and the Bird Shaped Ewer with Daoist Priest in the Art Institute of Chicago. It is important to note that only Goryeo celadon wine vessels reflect this facet of royal banquet culture in their shape and design. The composition of wine vessel sets changed depending on the theme of the banquet and the types of liquor. After Goryeo Korea was incorporated into the Mongol Empire, new alcoholic beverages were introduced, resulting in changes in banquet culture such as the uses and composition of wine vessel sets. From the reign of King Chungnyeol (r. 1274-1308), which was under the authority of the Yuan imperial court, royal banquets began to be co-hosted by kings and princesses, Mongolian-style banquets like boerzhayan (孛兒扎宴) were held, and attendees donned the tall headdress called gugu worn by Mongol women. During the reign of King Chungnyeol, the banquet culture changed 132 banquets were held. This implies that the court tried to strengthen its authority by royal marriage with the Yuan court, which augmented the number of banquets. At these banquets, new alcoholic drinks were introduced such as grape wine, dongnak (湩酪), and distilled liquor. New wine vessels included stem cups, pear-shaped bottles (yuhuchunping), yi (匜), and cups with a dragon head. The new celadon wine vessels were all modeled after metal wares that were used in the Yuan court or in the Khanates. The changes in the celadon wine vessels of the late Goryeo era were examined here in a more specific manner than in previous studies by expanding the samples for the study to the Eurasian khanates. With the influx of new types of wine vessels, it was natural for the sets and uses of Goryeo celadon wine vessels to change in response. The new styles of celadon wine vessels linked the Goryeo court with the distant Khanates of the Mongol Empire. This paper is the beginning of a new study that examines the uses of Goryeo celadon by illuminating the relations between royal banquets and these unique celadon wine vessels that are stylistically different from everyday vessels. It is to be hoped that more studies will be conducted from diverse perspectives exploring both the usage of Goryeo celadon vessels and their users.

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