• Title/Summary/Keyword: 유지관리체계

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A Classification Model for the Educational Repository System (교육용 저장소 시스템을 위한 분류 모델)

  • Choi Myoung-Hoi;Jeong Dong-Won
    • Proceedings of the Korean Information Science Society Conference
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    • 2006.06c
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    • pp.76-78
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    • 2006
  • 이 논문에서는 교육용 저장소 관리 시스템의 자원들을 위한 분류체계를 제안한다. 생성되는 자원들에 대한 체계적인 저장관리, 정확한 검색 및 활용을 위해서는 적절한 분류체계가 우선적으로 요구된다. 여러 가지 자원들에 대한 효율적이고 편리한 활용을 위하여 자원들의 관점에 따른 다양한 뷰를 제공해야 하고 뷰가 생성과 소멸에 따라 분류체계도 일관성 있게 유지 및 변경되어야 한다. 이 논문에서는 교육 자원들 중에서 학습활동에서 생성되는 구현자원들에 대한 체계적인 관리 및 활용성 향상을 위한 분류체계를 제안한다. 관련된 과학기술분야 분류체계들을 바탕으로 구현자원들에 적합한 분류체계를 정의하며 동적 분류체계 관리 방법을 제안한다. 제안된 분류체계 및 관리 모델은 보다 정확하고 체계적인 구현자원에 대한 관리를 가능하게 하며 또한 활용의 용이성을 향상시킨다.

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A Semantic Classification Model for Educational Resource Repositories (교육용 자원 저장소를 위한 의미적 분류 모델)

  • Choi, Myoung-Hoi;Jeong, Dong-Won
    • Journal of KIISE:Databases
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.35-45
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    • 2007
  • This paper proposes a classification model for systematical management of resources in educational repositories. A classification scheme should be provided to systematically store and manage, precisely retrieve, and maximize the usability of the resources. However, there is little research result on the classification scheme and classification model for educational repository resources. It causes several issues such as inefficient management of educational resources, incorrect retrieval, and low usability. However, there are different characteristics between the educational resource information and information of the previous fields. Therefore, a novel research on the classification scheme and classification model for the resources in educational repositories is required. To achieve the goal for efficient and easy use of the educational resources, we should manage consistently the resources according to the classification scheme accepting several views. This paper proposes a classification model to systematically manage and increase the usability of the educational resources. In other words, the proposed classification model can manages dynamically the classification scheme for the resources in educational repositories according to various views. To achieve the objectives, we first define a proper classification scheme for the implementation resources based on the classification scheme in relevant scientific technology fields. Especially, we define a novel classification model to dynamically manage the defined classification scheme. The proposed classification scheme and classification model enable more precise and systematic management of implementation resources and also increase the ease of usability.

Comparative Study of Bridge Maintenance: United States, United Kingdom, Japan, and Korea (교량 유지관리 프로그램과 보수보강 공법에 대한 국가 간 비교 연구: 미국, 영국, 일본, 한국을 중심으로)

  • Jeong, Yo-Seok;Min, Geun-Hyeong;Lee, Il-Keun;Youn, Il-Ro;Kim, Woo-Seok
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.114-126
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    • 2021
  • This paper compared bridge maintenance in United Stated, United Kingdom, Japan, and Korea. Bridges play an essential role in transportation network and in the economic production process. To provide a desirable level of service to the public within limited budgets, it is required to provide effective bridge maintenance activities (e.g. inspection and repair/rehabilitation) at acceptable level of bridge service. A number of bridges are expected to age rapidly in Korea, which will be the excess burden of government. Since several countries have experienced a number of deteriorated bridges because of aging, the countries aforementioned in this study have already developed comprehensive bridge maintenance programs such as inspection practice and repair/rehabilitation techniques. Therefore, the goal of this paper is to synthesize and to compare useful knowledge on bridge maintenance and bridge crack repair/restoration of deteriorated concrete bridge in the four countries. Finally, recommendations that will serve as guidance to transportation agencies for potential enhancements to bridge maintenance and bridge repairs are presented.

A Study on Taxonomy and RCM Strategy Establishment for Performance Evaluation of Hydrogen Compression System at Hydrogen Vehicle Refueling Stations (수소자동차충전소의 수소압축장치 성능평가를 위한 분류체계 및 RCM 전략수립 연구)

  • Seong-jun Bae;Ha-neul Yim;Seo-yeon Na;Chung-keun Chae;Jin-hyeok Choi;Jin-woo Lee;Sang-bong Shin
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Gas
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.48-56
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    • 2023
  • Currently, Hydrogen compressor is maintained and managed according to the safety management regulations of the operator. But it is not based on technical standards, so it is necessary to establish based on reliability. In this paper, hydrogen compressor taxonomy by ISO 14224 standard reviewed for hydrogen compressor operated by KOGAS-Tech hydrogen vehicle refueling station to establish 9-stage taxonomy, and FMEA was conducted to establish RCM strategy specified in SAE JA1011, and 1012. It is expected that results of taxonomy and RCM strategy will be used as basic data for development of standards for verifying the performance of compressors.

Comprehensive Crisis Management System of Operational Continuity Management (운영연속성관리(OCM)관점에서 위기관리통합시스템 구축)

  • Kang, Heau-Jo
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.127-133
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    • 2010
  • The process for establishment of Operational Continuity Management Plan is organized repeatedly of Business Risk Assessment, Crisis Analysis, Business Impact Analysis, Establishing Business Recovery Strategies, Detailed Planning, Plan Execution, Test and Maintenance(Including Monitoring). Therefore, in this paper in response to global environmental change and the construction and operation of social security systems to maximize operational continuity management, crisis management and crisis management systems, building integrated systems for building technology in general and operational continuity management within an organization to understand developed to provide a framework for implementing operational continuity management in terms of crisis management has proposed to build an integrated system.

A Common Data Model for Bridge Management and Maintenance Activities (교량 유지관리 업무를 위한 공통 자료모델)

  • Lee, Ji- Hoon;Kim, Bong-Geun;Lee, young Jung;Lee, Sang-Ho
    • Journal of Korean Society of societal Security
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    • v.1 no.4
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    • pp.41-49
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    • 2008
  • As bridges have been longer and bigger recently, lots of bridge management systems (BMS) have been developed for each bridge. However, the differences among the data models developed by different system developers give a serious problem in integrated information management for national security. The aim of this study is to develop a common data model which can be referred in development of the BMS. The existing BMS and work process by laws are carefully analyzed. Based on the analysis results, the bridge management and maintenance process is categorized into the four basic activity types. In addition, common data models for each the unit activity type are defined.

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Critical Factors Influencing on the Level of Service for Proactive Maintenance in Educational Facilities (교육 시설물의 선제적 노후화 관리를 위한 유지관리 서비스 수준의 인지요인 도출)

  • Shin, SeungWoo;Yi, JuneSeong;Son, JeongWook
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.24-35
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    • 2015
  • Aging educational facility shall be managed and maintained through integrated service perspectives, in consideration of functions of each facility to provide safe and comfortable environment, rather than temporarily fixing/repairing problems. For doing this, it is a must to firstly understand the limitation of highly biased performance-based maintenance practice, which is a most common type applied at present, and therefore to establish maintenance system that reflects the functions and characteristics of maintenance service that a facility was designed with. Therefore, the objective of this study is to find items that have an influence on service level recognition in order to fairly evaluate service functions of educational facilities, and subsequently to use these factors as ingredients of establishing a consistent and efficient maintenance system. Therefore this study proposed explanatory variables to measure influential factors for each major maintenance category. Then appropriate statistical verification was carried out on questionnaires that collected from a number of industry experts to test its fe asibility.

원전 구조물의 유지관리 현황과 과제

  • 함영승;송영철;조명석;방기성
    • Proceedings of the Korean Nuclear Society Conference
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    • 1996.05d
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    • pp.267-272
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    • 1996
  • 원전 구조물의 대부분은 해안가에 위치하고 있어 염해와 장기적으로 발생하기 쉬운 피로, 중성화등 각종 열화조건에 노출되어 있다. 한편 구조물의 유지관리에 관한 기술은 근본적으로 체계적으로 확립된 절차에 따라 수행되어야 하는 것이 원칙이며 특히 원자력 발전소의 경우에는 결함요인을 사전에 제거함으로써 원자력 안전성에 대한 신뢰도를 높이기 위한 자체기술의 확립이 필요하다. 이러한 필요성에 따라 "원전 안전성 관련 콘크리트 구조물의 열화에 관한 연구"에서는 체계적인 열화현상 검사 절차 및 유지관리기술의 핵심 요소라 할 수 있는 각종 검사 및 이력사항들에 대한 데이터베이스 시스템의 구축, 표준적인 보수.보강 절차를 제시하였으며, 이러한 제반 성과들이 원전 구조물의 유지관리업무에 실용화 될 때 원전의 안전성 향상에 크게 기여하리라 생각된다.여하리라 생각된다.

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A Study on the Efficient Support Process for Maintenance of Small and Medium Enterprises ERP (중소기업 ERP 유지보수의 효율적 지원 절차에 관한 연구)

  • Im Seong-Chun;Nam Do-Hyeon;Lee Jong-Tae
    • Proceedings of the Korean Operations and Management Science Society Conference
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    • 2006.05a
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    • pp.1309-1316
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    • 2006
  • 본 논문의 목적은 중소기업 정보화 물결로 도입된 ERP 사용 중 당면하게 되는 유지보수 요청에 대한 효율적 지원체계를 ERP공급 기업 입장에서 마련하여 ERP 사용효과를 극대화 하고자 하는 것이다. 이러한 목적 달성을 위하여 본 연구에서는 국내 ERP 공급기업 사례를 중심으로 지원체계의 합리적 기준안을 사례로 참조하였다. 그리고 기업의 전통적이고도 관행적인 그동안의 비즈니스 프로세스와 ERP에서 제시하는 비즈니스 프로세스와의 업무적 차이를 유지보수 지원이라는 과정을 통하여 중소기업의 업무혁신이 자연스럽게 흡수되도록 하였다. 효율적 지원체계 연구 과정 중 누락되거나 미흡한 부분이 일부 있었으나 ERP 공급기업과 ERP 도입 기업이 당면한 우선적인 과제라 생각되어 현재의 사후지원 방안보다 신속한 유지보수관리가 적용되는 방안을 연구하였다. 이 개선 방안은 다음의 두 가지로 요약된다. 첫째, 유지보수 지원절차를 개선하여 ERP 도입기업의 지원요청이 ERP공급 기업의 지식 DB로 구축되도록 하는 것이다. 둘째, 지원요청 발생 가능한 사항을 ERP 도입 기업에게 사전 제공함으로써 자체 장애해결 능력을 부여하여 ERP 사용효율을 향상시키도록 하는 것이다. 본 논문은 ERP의 효율적 유지보수 지원체계를 정리한 것으로서 연구과정 중 나타난 문제점 들을 점차 개선하고 사후관리관련 구성원들이 보다 전문성을 갖추어서 문제처리에 대한 일관성과 신속성을 갖추게 된다면 ERP 도입기업의 ERP 사용효율을 높여주어 정보화를 통한 기업경쟁력이 더욱 강화될 수 있을 것이다.

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The Preventive Maintenance Strategy in Operation Stage of Bridge using Bayesian Inference (베이지안 추론법을 이용한 교량 운영단계에서의 예방적 유지관리 전략)

  • Lee, Jin Hyuk;Choi, Yang Rock;Ann, Hojune;Kong, Jung Sik
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.135-146
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    • 2019
  • In this paper, the preventive maintenance strategy in operation stage of a bridge using Bayesian inference is proposed. The proposed technique can be used to predict the variation in the performance (or condition) of the bridge with higher accuracy, considering the uncertainty of monitoring. The applicability of the proposed method to the existing bridges is verified and analyzed that have an advantage in terms of maintenance cost efficiency compared to the conventional periodic maintenance system, which establishes maintenance after damage. It is expected that the proposed preventive maintenance method can be used to overcome the limitation of the conventional periodic maintenance method and to make practical bridge maintenance decision.