• Title/Summary/Keyword: 위치표정

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A Study on Generation of Free Stereo Mosaic Image Using Video Sequences (비디오 프레임 영상을 이용한 자유 입체 모자이크 영상 제작에 관한 연구)

  • Noh, Myoung-Jong;Cho, Woo-Sug;Park, June-Ku
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.453-460
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    • 2009
  • For constructing 3D information using aerial photograph or video sequences, left and right stereo images having different viewing angle should be prepared in overlapping area. In video sequences, left and right stereo images would be generated by mosaicing left and right slice images extracted in consecutive video sequences. Therefore, this paper is focused on generating left and right stereo mosaic images that are able to construct 3D information and video sequences could be made for the best use. In the stereo mosaic generation, motion parameters between video sequences should be firstly determined. In this paper, to determine motion parameters, free mosaic method using geometric relationship, such as relative orientation parameters, between consecutive frame images without GPS/INS geo-data have applied. After determining the motion parameters, the mosaic image have generated by 4 step processes: image registration, image slicing, determining on stitching line, and 3D image mosaicking. As the result of experiment, generated stereo mosaic image and analyzed result of x, y-parallax have showed.

An Efficient Face Recognition by Using Centroid Shift and Mutual Information Estimation (중심이동과 상호정보 추정에 의한 효과적인 얼굴인식)

  • Cho, Yong-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.511-518
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    • 2007
  • This paper presents an efficient face recognition method by using both centroid shift and mutual information estimation of images. The centroid shift is to move an image to center coordinate calculated by first moment, which is applied to improve the recognition performance by excluding the needless backgrounds in face image. The mutual information which is a measurements of correlations, is applied to efficiently measure the similarity between images. Adaptive partition mutual information(AP-MI) estimation is especially applied to find an accurate dependence information by equally partitioning the samples of input image for calculating the probability density function(PDF). The proposed method has been applied to the problem for recognizing the 48 face images(12 persons * 4 scenes) of 64*64 pixels. The experimental results show that the proposed method has a superior recognition performances(speed, rate) than a conventional method without centroid shift. The proposed method has also robust performance to changes of facial expression, position, and angle, etc. respectively.

Aging Analysis of Self Hooting MPPF Capacitor Elements (셀프힐링 금속증착 커패시터 소체의 열화 분석)

  • 곽희로;송길목;김영찬
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Illuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.73-79
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    • 2003
  • This paper describes the characteristics of capacitor elements at self healing. Self healing events were forced to be created by the over-rated voltage of the capacitor elements. The self healing site was photographed by the Scanning Electron Microscope and the by-products of self healing were analyzed by the Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrometer. Also the self healing site was analyzed by the Differential Scanning Calorimeter and the Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer. As a result, the main component of by-products due to the hum cut at self healing was carbon. The Fourier Transform Infrared analysis result of the self-healing specimen was similar to that of the virgin specimen, however, different from that of the specimen thermally treated at 500$^{\circ}C$. It was observed that heat flow peaks of virgin specimen were different from self-healing specimen by the Differential Scanning Calorimeter analysis.

Development of Smart Active Layer Sensor (II): Manufacturing and Application (스마트 능동 레이어 센서 개발 (II): 저작 및 적용 연구)

  • Lee, Young-Sup;Lee, Sang-Il;Kwon, Jae-Hwa;Yoon, Dong-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.476-486
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    • 2004
  • This paper is the second part of the study on the development of a smart active layer (SAL) sensor, which consists of two parts. As mentioned in the first paper, structural health monitoring (SHM) is a new technology that is being increasingly applied at the industrial field as a potential approach to improve cost and convenience of structural inspection. Recently, the development of smart sensor is very active for real application. This study has focused on preparation and application study of SAL sensor which is described with regard to the theory and concept of the SAL sensor in the first paper. In order to detect elastic wave, smart piezoelectric sensor, SAL, is fabricated by using a piezoelectric element, shielding layer and protection layer. This protection layer plays an important role in a patched network of distributed piezoelectric sensor and shielding treatment. Four types of SAL sensor are designed/prepared/tested, and these details will be discussed in the paper In this study, SAL sensor ran be feasibly applied to perform structural health monitoring and to detect damage sources which result in elastic waves.

A Study for Efficient Methods of System Calibration between Optical and Range Sensors by Using Simulation (시뮬레이션을 통한 광학 및 레인지 센서 간의 효율적인 시스템 캘리브레이션 설계)

  • Won Seok, Choi;Chang Jae, Kim;Yong Il, Kim
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.95-101
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    • 2015
  • The study planned to suggest the efficient methods of system calibration between the range and optical sensors. The simulation was performed by considering i) design of test-bed, ii) mathematical methods of system calibration and iii) locations of the sensors. The test-bed was designed by considering specifications of the range and optical sensors. Also, the error levels of each sensor were considered in the process of simulation with dataset, which was generated under these predetermined conditions. The system calibration was carried out by using the simulated dataset in two different approaches, which are single photo resection and bundle adjustment. The results from the simulation determined that the bundle adjustment method is more efficient than the single photo resection in the system calibration between range and optical sensors. For the better results, we have used the data, obtained in various locations. In a conclusion, the most efficient case was in sequence of i) the bundle adjustment with ii) the simulated dataset, which were obtained between 2m to 4m away from the test-bed.

Construction of Virtual Public Speaking Simulator for Treatment of Social Phobia (대인공포증의 치료를 위한 가상 연설 시뮬레이터의 실험적 제작)

  • 구정훈;장동표;신민보;조항준;안희범;조백환;김인영;김선일
    • Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.615-621
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    • 2000
  • A social phobia is an anxiety disorder characterized by extreme fear and phobic avoidance of social and performance situations. Medications or cognitive-behavior methods have been mainly used in treating it. These methods have some shortcomings such as being inefficient and difficult to apply to treatment. Lately the virtual rcality technology has been applied to dcal with the anxiety disorders in order to compcnsate for these defects. A virtual environment provides a patient with stimuli which cvokes a phobia. and the patient's exposure to the virtual phobic situation make him be able to overcome it. In this study, we suggested the public speaking simulator based on a personal computer for the treatment of social phobia. The public speaking simulator was composed of a position sensor. head mount display and audio system. And a virtual environment for the treatment was suggested to be a seminar room where 8 avatars are sitting. The virtual environment includes a tracking system the trace a participant's head-movement using a HMD with position sensor and 3D sound is added to the virtual environment so that he might fcel it realistic. We also made avatars' motion and facial expression change in reaction to a participant's speech. The goal of developing public speaking simulator is to apply to treat fear of public speaking efficiently and economically. In a future study. we should get more information about immergence and treatment efficiency by clinical test and apply it to this simulator.

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Analysis for Practical use as KOMPSAT-2 Imagery for Product of Geo-Spatial Information (지형공간정보 생성을 위한 KOPMSAT-2 영상의 활용성 분석)

  • Lee, Hyun-Jik;You, Ji-Ho;Koh, Young-Chang
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.21-35
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    • 2009
  • KOMPSAT-2 is the seventh high-resolution image satellite in the world that provides both 1m-grade panchromatic images of the GSD and 4m-grade multispectral images of the GSD. It's anticipated to be used across many different areas including mapping, territory monitoring and environmental watch. However, due to the complexity and security concern involved with the use of the MSC, the use of KOMPSAT-2 images are limited in terms of geometric images, such as satellite orbits and detailed mapping information. Therefore, this study aims to produce DEM and orthoimage by using the stereo images of KOMPSAT-2, and to explore the applicability of geo-spatial information with KOMPSAT -2. Orientation interpretations were essential for the production of DEM and orthoimage using KOMPSAT-2 images. In the study, they are performed by utilizing both RPC and GCP. In this study, the orientation interpretations are followed by the generation of DEM and orthoimage, and the analysis of their accuracy based on a 1:5,000 digital map. The accuracy analysis of DEM is performed and the results indicate that their altitudes are, in general, higher than those obtained from the digital map. The altitude discrepancies on plains, hills and mountains are calculated as 1.8m, 7.2m, and 11.9m, respectively. In this study, the mean differences between horizontal position between the orthoimage data and the digital map data are found to be ${\pm}3.081m$, which is in the range of ${\pm}3.5m$, within the permitted limit of a 1:5,000 digital map. KOMPSAT-2 images are used to produce DEM and orthoimage in this research. The results suggest that DEM can be adequately used to produce digital maps under 1:5,000 scale.

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A Study on the Accuracy Improvement of Control Point Surveying of Photograph Using Digital Camera (디지털 카메라를 이용한 사진기준점측량의 정확도 향상에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Kye-Dong;Park, Joung-Hyun;Lee, Young-Wook
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.203-211
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    • 2009
  • With supply of the domestic digital camera, the relative importance of the digital camera is coming to be high gradually on aerial photogrammetry, the image of digital camera is more applied in image map or digital topographic map production. But, there are cases that do not have position information or attitude information of each photograph in digital camera results. Therefore, we wish to present additional method to get more accurate photograph control point result. In this study, One is called A method, which is the case of entering positioning information of principal point from topographic map as default values that are need to extract tie point automatically using by 56 pieces of photography that are photographed by DMC to the extent to 5 courses and 35 GCP points. The other is called B-method, which is the case of entering exterior orientation parameters that are processed by block adjustment for A-method using by 4 control points in method-1 as default values. We have analyzed about results per control points arrangement for two cases using MATCH-AT that is photograph control point measurement S/W of Germany INPHO company. As a result of analysis, accuracy of B-method was better than that of A-method, and we could get more accurate results if block adjustments are executed including self calibration. Also, it is more effective in expense side that using self calibration for photograph survey in B-method because can reduce GCP numbers.

Creation of Actual CCTV Surveillance Map Using Point Cloud Acquired by Mobile Mapping System (MMS 점군 데이터를 이용한 CCTV의 실질적 감시영역 추출)

  • Choi, Wonjun;Park, Soyeon;Choi, Yoonjo;Hong, Seunghwan;Kim, Namhoon;Sohn, Hong-Gyoo
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.37 no.5_3
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    • pp.1361-1371
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    • 2021
  • Among smart city services, the crime and disaster prevention sector accounted for the highest 24% in 2018. The most important platform for providing real-time situation information is CCTV (Closed-Circuit Television). Therefore, it is essential to create the actual CCTV surveillance coverage to maximize the usability of CCTV. However, the amount of CCTV installed in Korea exceeds one million units, including those operated by the local government, and manual identification of CCTV coverage is a time-consuming and inefficient process. This study proposed a method to efficiently construct CCTV's actual surveillance coverage and reduce the time required for the decision-maker to manage the situation. For this purpose, first, the exterior orientation parameters and focal lengths of the pre-installed CCTV cameras, which are difficult to access, were calculated using the point cloud data of the MMS (Mobile Mapping System), and the FOV (Field of View) was calculated accordingly. Second, using the FOV result calculated in the first step, CCTV's actual surveillance coverage area was constructed with 1 m, 2 m, 3 m, 5 m, and 10 m grid interval considering the occluded regions caused by the buildings. As a result of applying our approach to 5 CCTV images located in Uljin-gun, Gyeongsnagbuk-do the average re-projection error was about 9.31 pixels. The coordinate difference between calculated CCTV and location obtained from MMS was about 1.688 m on average. When the grid length was 3 m, the surveillance coverage calculated through our research matched the actual surveillance obtained from visual inspection with a minimum of 70.21% to a maximum of 93.82%.

Some opal phytoliths diagnostic characters of Oryza leaves (벼속(Oryza) 잎의 식물규소체 표징형질)

  • Whang, Sung Soo;Kim, Kyungsik
    • Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.321-341
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    • 2001
  • Phytoliths of leaf blades of Oryza were studied by light and scanning electron microscopy in order to assign the diagnostic character and taxonomic key for the genus. Some phytoliths such as stomatal apparatus, long-cell and short-cell, existing at the same position on the abaxial side of leaf blade, were intensively investigated because of their various forms documented in a previous study. These characters have value either for testing infrageneric classification or for identifying taxa within the genus. Stomatal phytolith is formed by integration of several kinds of sources, such as the guard and subsidiary cell and the papillae. The stomatal phytolith, characterized by not only the absence and presence of phytolith originated by the papillae developed on the guard and subsidiary cell but also their pattern of arrangement, shows various morphologies, and these features have congruent with the infrageneric classification such as section and/or series. Long-cell phytolith is characterized by the absence/presence, arrangement and morphology of phytoliths originated by the papillae on the cell surface. These features may hardly have any systematic relevance within the genus, but contain some informations for identifying of species. All of short-cell phytoliths found are silica body. They form various shapes like cross, bilobate, saddlelike and trilobate, and these features are consistent with infrageneric classification such as section and/or series. Also, some characters, the absence/presence of band of short cell phytolith within costal strip, the absence/presence of saddlelike phytolith within intercostal strip and the number of band of short cell phytolith within costal strip are various according to taxa, but these features do not fall into infrageneric classification. Some taxonomic keys on the phytoliths of stomatal, long-cell and short-cell were developed by their features, and the agreement between these characters and infrageneric classifications was also discussed.

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