• Title/Summary/Keyword: 외래치료

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Factors Influencing Self-care in Tuberculosis Patients (결핵환자의 자가간호수행 영향요인)

  • Cho, EulYeon;Kwon, Yunhee
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.14 no.8
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    • pp.3950-3957
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    • 2013
  • The study was done to identify factors influencing self-care in tuberculosis (here in after TB) patients. Data were collected by questionnaires from 216 TB chemotherapy as outpatients by visiting a "M" TB hospital located in the C city. Measures were self-care, health-belief(susceptibility and severity, benefit, barrier), and family support. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-test, One-way ANOVA, Pearson's correlation coefficients, and multiple regression analysis with the SPSS/WIN 19.0 version. The subjects' self-care score 3.76 out of 5. There were significant differences in self-care among the subjects due to gender, marital status, family structure with the subjects, average monthly income, smoking status, drinking status and period of taking TB drugs. There were significant correlations among benefit, barrier, family support, and self-care. According to the research, influencing factors on self-care in TB patients included family support, barrier, average monthly income, smoking status, and benefit. Findings from this study can be used as basic data to develop self-care programs for TB patients.

Experiences of Medication Misuse and Abuse Behaviors in Elderly People with Chronic Disease in Community (지역사회에 거주하는 만성질환 노인의 약물 오·남용행위 경험)

  • Kim, Jeong Sun
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.16 no.9
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    • pp.791-805
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study was to understand the essential meanings in experiences of medication misuse and abuse behavior in elderly people with chronic disease in community. The participants were 10 patients with chronic disease over 65 ages who were selected by convenience sampling. Data were collected through individual in-depth interviews from February to May 2014, and were analyzed using Colaizzi (1978)'s phenomenological analysis method. As a results, the essential meanings and structure of medication misuse and abuse behavior experience in elderly people with chronic disease were derived into five clusters of themes as follows: 'Burden on the medications', 'Anxiety about the side effect of the medications or the disease exacerbation', 'There is no alternative other than the medications', 'Expectations of the medications effect for my criteria', 'Lack of understanding on the correct medication use'. The results of this study contributed to promoting a deeper understanding of medication misuse and abuse behaviors in elderly people with chronic disease, and provided for the basic data of strategic development for the prevention of medication misuse and abuse behaviors from the perspective of elderly people with chronic disease in community.

Evaluation for the Purpose and Relevance of Obesity Treatment in Local Clinics (외래 비만 클리닉에서 행해지는 비만 치료의 목적 및 타당성에 관한 평가)

  • Yang, Jeong-Hye;Lee, Myung-Koo;Lim, Sung-Jin;Lee, Bo-Reum;Kwon, Ik-Hyun;Bang, Joon-Seok;Lee, Chong-Kil;Lim, Sung-Cil
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    • v.53 no.1
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    • pp.25-33
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    • 2009
  • Metabolic syndrome is increasing nowadays and one of causes is obesity. Therefore prevention and treatment of obesity is very important to decrease of Metabolic syndrome. However currently many pharmacotherapy for obesity are popular in Korea and it may be dangerous. The aim of this study is to evaluate the purpose and relevance of obese treatment in two areas (capital & local) of Korea and suggest to guide for the right directions of pharmacotherapy in obesity treatment. We selected and surveyed 90 patients (88 females, 2 males, age of $23{\sim}60$) at random who received a prescription after consulting with a doctor at several clinics of Cheongju-area and Seoul-area, from May thru June, 2007. And we evaluated their prescriptions. In results, only 26.7% were obese (13.3%, 2325), most 73.3% patients were normal (65.6%, 18.5$m^2$). The purpose of treatment was for appearance (38.9%), health (41.1%) or both (18.9%, p<0.01). 94% patients had the past history of obese treatment. Prescriptions were consisted of CNS stimulant, anticonvulsants, antidepressant, laxatives, diuretics, or antianxietics. Obese treatment is very important for health to prevent disease such as Metabolic Syndrome. However it should not be abused. In conclusion, some patients of obese treatment is not relevant to obesity and pharmacist role is important to guide them for the right directions in obesity treatment.

Surgical Treatment of Aortic Dissection Involving Ascending Aorta (상행대동맥을 포함한 대동맥박리에 대한 외과적 치료)

  • 유영선;김경렬
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.297-302
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    • 1996
  • From January 1989 to July 1995, 18 patients underwent aortic repair for type A dissections. The e were 9 male and 9 female patients aged 41 to 68 years(mean, 53.8). Thirteen patients underwent the procedure during the acute period, and 5 during the chronic period. During repair of acute dissection, procedures included graft replacement of the ascending aorta only (6 patients), ascending aorta plus partial aortic arch (3), ascending aorta plus total aortic arch (2), Bentall's operation (1), and Bentall's operation plus total aortic arch (1). During repair of chronic dissection, procedures included Bentall's operation (3 patients), ascending aorta only (1), and ascending aorta plus partial aortic arch (1). During repair of the arch, antegrade cerebral perfusion was applied in 4 patients and hypothermic circulatory arrest in 3 patients. There were 4 operative deaths(22.2%), 2 of hemorrhage. and 2 of left ventricular failure in the operating room. Follow-up has been 100% completed and ranged from 2 to 53 months (mean, 17 months). One late death resulted from sepsis following secon operation. Thirteen of the survivors are doing well.

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Thoracoscopic Sympathetic Nerve Reconstruction with using an Intercostal Nerve Graft after Thoracoscopic Sympathetic Clipping for Facial Hyperhidrosis (안면부 다한증에서 흉부교감신경차단수술 후 발생한 보상성 다한증에서 흉강경을 이용한 흉부교감신경 재건술)

  • Haam, Seok-Jin;Lee, Doo-Yun;Kang, Cheong-Hee;Paik, Hyo-Chae
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.41 no.6
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    • pp.807-810
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    • 2008
  • From October 2005 to August 2006, sympathetic nerve reconstruction with using the intercostal nerve was performed in 4 patients with severe compensatory hyperhidrosis following thoracoscopic sympathetic surgery for facial hyperhidrosis. The interval between the initial sympathetic clipping and the sympathetic nerve reconstruction was a median of 23.1 months. The compensatory sweating after sympathetic nerve reconstruction was improved for 2 patients, but it was not improved for 2 patients. Thoracoscopic sympathetic nerve reconstruction may be one of the useful treatment methods for the patients with severe compensatory hyperhidrosis after they under go sympathetic nerve surgery for hyperhidrosis.

Clinical Experience of Cardiac Myxoma (심장점액종의 임상적 경험)

  • 김종원;전상협
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.311-314
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    • 1996
  • Eighteen patients (13 female and ave male) aged from 15 to 62 years (mean age 42.6 years) underwent excision of cardiac myxoma(17 left atrial, one right atrial) between 1985 and 1994 at Pusan National University hospital. All patients complained of exertional dyspnea and most had a few additional symtoms including palpitation, chest pain, syncope, general weakness, weight loss, fever, cough and epigastric disconyort. The diagnosis was made by echocardiography alone in left atrial myxomas but a myxoma in right atrium was diagnosed incidentally during mitral valve replacement for rheumatic valvular heart disease. The tumor attachment sites were fossa ovalis in 13, other interatrial septum in 4, mitral valve annulus in one and free wall of left atrium in two cases. The tumor was excised successfully via right atriotomy in 8 and biatriotomy in 10 cases. There was no hospital nor late death, and no recurrent case during the follow up period. Curative surgical excision of cardiac myxoma can be performed with low morbidity and very low r currence rate.

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A Case of Well-Differentiated Thymic Carcinoma with Extensive Cystic Degeneration (광범위한 낭성 변화를 보인 고분화성 흉선암종 1예)

  • Kim, Kyung-Wook;Kim, Hyung-Jung;Ahn, Chul-Min;Lee, Doo-Yun;Kim, Sang-Jin;Yang, Woo-Ik
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.46 no.5
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    • pp.718-722
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    • 1999
  • Thymoma is the most common tumor in the compartment of anterior mediastinum. The malignant thymoma is classified into invasive thymoma(category I) and thymic carcinoma(category II). Recently, well-differentiated thymic carcinoma is a proposed category 1.5 used to describe a subset of thymic epithelial tumors, allowing for the existence of intermediate form based on the clinical features and the histological characteristics. Thymic cyst is a congenital or a acquired disorder. Congenital thymic cyst may develop due to failure of the thymopharyngeal duct to obliterate and acquired thymic cyst develops from inflammation(multilocular thymic cyst), or neoplasm(cystic thymoma). Cystic degeneration in thymoma is a relatively frequent but focal event. In rare cases, the process proceeds to the extent that most or all of the lesion becomes cystic. Until now, well-differentiated thymic carcinoma with extensive cystic degeneration has not been reported in our country. We experienced a case of 14 year-old female patient showing extensive cystic degeneration in well-differentiated thymic carcinoma. And so we report it with review of the articles related.

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Co-Infection of the Rat Central Nervous System with Genetically Engineered Strains of Pseudorabies Virus (유전자 조작된 Pseudorabies 바이러스에 의한 흰쥐 중추신경계의 이중감염)

  • Kim Jin-Sang;Kwon Young-Shil
    • The Journal of Korean Physical Therapy
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.81-92
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    • 1999
  • 중추신경계의 미주신경동쪽핵(DMV)내 유사핵분열후 신경세포로 외래 유전자를 전달하는 매개체로서 pseudorabies 바이러스(PRV)의 유전자 조작기술은 흰쥐의 결장내로 PRV를 주입시킨 후 복잡한 신경로 추적에 관한 연구에서 하나의 바이러스에 의해 얻어지는 것보다 더욱 유용한 결과산출이 가능하게 하였다. 본 연구에서는 흰쥐의 생체내 실험모델로 하나의 바이러스 또는 이중 바이러스 주입에 PRV의 유전자 조작된 2종 바이러스를 사용하였다. 이 2종의 바이러스는 PRV의 Bartha 종에서 유래되었지만 면역조직화학적으로 검출할 수 있는 동일한 유전산물을 산출할 수 있도록 구성되었다. PRV-BaBlu는 PRV 게놈의 Us 구역 중 gC 자리에 lacZ 유전자를 삽입하여 산출되었는데 $\beta-galactosidase$ 발현은 이 바이러스에 감염된 신경원의 독특한 표시자로 나타났다. PRV-D는 2가지 단계에 의해 조성되었는데 첫째, PRV-Bartha의 Us 구역의 일부 유전자를 제거하고, 야생형인 PRV-Be DNA로 복구시켰는데 이로써 PRV-D는 PRV-Bartha 또는 PRV-Bablu에 존재하고 있지 않는 외피 당단백질인 gE와 gI를 지니게 되었다. 본 연구의 결과는 다음과 같았다. 첫째, PRV-D의 개별적 접종에 의해 얻어진 감염은 PRV-BaBlu에 의한 동일 신경회로의 감염보다 유의하게 빨랐다. 둘째, 유전자 조작된 PRV의 변이종은 변이종 상호간 및 부모 바이러스와 상이하였다. PRV-D는 PRV-Bartha 또는 PRV-BaBlu보다 감염독성이 더 강했고, PRV-BaBlu는 PRV-Bartha보다 감염독성이 약했다. 셋째, 결장을 지배하는 미주신경동쪽핵내 신경원은 변이종 바이러스들을 동시에 접종하였을 경우 이중감염을 나타내었다.

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The Surgical Treatment for Aorto-cutaneous Fistula after Open Heart Surgery - A case report- (개심술 후 발생한 대동맥-피부 누공의 치험 1예 -1예 보고 -)

  • Kim, Mi-Jung;Kim, Byung-Yul;Shin, Yong-Chul;Kim, Woo-Shik;Jeong, Seong-Cheol;Song, Chang-Min
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.41 no.4
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    • pp.516-519
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    • 2008
  • Aorto-cutaneous fistula is a rare complication after performing open heart surgery, but if this develops, it is a fatal condition. So, prompt diagnosis and aggressive surgical treatment is needed. We report here on a patient who had two mechanical double valves placed during heart surgery and she was treated for repeated sternal wound infections for about 5 years. She visited the ER due to abrupt bleeding at the sternal wound. She was diagnosed as having an aorto-cutaneous fistula by performing an aortogram and we then performed cardio-pulmonary bypass surgery. The patient is currently doing well and is under follow up 24 months after the repair.

A Case of Massive Pulmonary Thromboembolism in a Young Man Attribute to Computer Gaming (젊은 남자에서 장시간의 컴퓨터게임 후 발생한 대량 폐색전증 1예)

  • Kim, Hyun;Choe, Kang Hyeon;Lee, Ki Man;Shin, Yoon Mi
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.66 no.3
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    • pp.211-215
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    • 2009
  • Pulmonary thromboembolism occurs in old patients with risk factors, such as, immobilization, chronic medical disease, trauma, a hereditary hypercoagulable state, and others. However, we experienced a young man with a massive pulmonary thromboembolism attributed to immobilization due to computer gaming. The patient had been playing computer games in a seated position for at least five hour continually, and for twelve hours per day over a two-week period. The 36-year-old patient was transferred to our institute rule out the possibility of an acute myocardial infarction. Computer tomography revealed intraluminal filling defects in the distal main pulmonary artery and the left popliteal vein. He received thrombolytic therapy and subsequently recovered without complications. This case raises the possibility that prolonged computer gaming is a risk factor of thromboembolism in young adults.