• Title/Summary/Keyword: 왜도

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Resonance May Elucidate New Bone Formation Induced by Low amplitude and High frequency Mechanical Stimuli (고주파 미세자극에 의한 뼈의 생성에 관한 모델링)

  • Yoon, Young June;Kim, Moon-Hwan;Bae, Cheol-Soo
    • The Journal of Korea Institute of Information, Electronics, and Communication Technology
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    • v.1 no.3
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    • pp.27-32
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    • 2008
  • Bone is a self-assembly material. It is known that the low amplitude and high frequency mechanical stimulus, which is much less amplitude but higher frequency than those induced by the normal activity, can induce new bone formation. The vibrating resonance is employed to elucidate why new bone is formed by this kind of mechanical stimulus. For example, as 30 Hz and $5{\mu}{\epsilon}$ mechanical stimulus is applied at the wall of canaliculus (the tiny tube type pathway of bone fluid flow and the diameter of canaliculus is less than 200nm), the osteocytic cell membrane experiences $1,000{\mu}{\epsilon}$ strain due to the vibrating resonance. Two experiments will follow after this pilot study; (1) observing the MAPK pathway of osteocytes by using in-vitro cell culture and (2) visualizing the actin filament network in the osteocytes by using the imaging technique, such as confocal laser scanning microscope.

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Prediction Interval Estimation in Ttansformed ARMA Models (변환된 자기회귀이동평균 모형에서의 예측구간추정)

  • Cho, Hye-Min;Oh, Sung-Un;Yeo, In-Kwon
    • The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.541-550
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    • 2007
  • One of main aspects of time series analysis is to forecast future values of series based on values up to a given time. The prediction interval for future values is usually obtained under the normality assumption. When the assumption is seriously violated, a transformation of data may permit the valid use of the normal theory. We investigate the prediction problem for future values in the original scale when transformations are applied in ARMA models. In this paper, we introduce the methodology based on Yeo-Johnson transformation to solve the problem of skewed data whose modelling is relatively difficult in the analysis of time series. Simulation studies show that the coverage probabilities of proposed intervals are closer to the nominal level than those of usual intervals.

A Study on Previous Plan for Levee Leakage Monitoring Sensors (제방누수감지센서 설치를 위한 사전계획 연구)

  • Park, Kyoung-Won;Jung, Kwan-Su;Lee, Gwang-Man;Hwang, Eui-Ho
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2012.05a
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    • pp.669-673
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    • 2012
  • 제방안전성 모니터링은 제방파괴로부터 국민의 생명과 재산을 보호하는데 필요한 정보를 얻을 수 있는 하나의 방법이 될 수 있다. 근래에 미국은 2005년 허리케인 카타리나에 의해 2,000여명의 인명손실을 경험하였고 2011년 3월 일본은 도후쿠지역의 초강력 지진에 의한 쓰나미로 인해 수만명의 인명과 후쿠시마 원자력 발전소의 침수로 지금까지 방사능 누출 차단작업을 벌이고 있다. 국내에서는 4대강 복원사업으로 주요 국가 하천 구간에서 홍수 및 체제 불안정에 의한 제방붕괴사고위험이 현격하게 줄어들었으나 제방의 안전성은 더욱 강조되고 있다. 즉 신설된 보 주변, 배수통문 신설구간 그리고 제방누수 예상지점 등에서는 아직 안전한 상태라고 확신할 수 없으며 지속적인 모니터링이 요구된다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 광섬유를 이용하여 개발한 간극수압 및 온도 센서 등을 위험예상지점에 설치하고 정보시스템을 통하여 어떻게 관리 할 것인가에 대한 사전 검토를 계획하였다. 이를 위하여 제방에 센서를 설치하기 전에 주요 검토사항에 대하여 연구분석하였다. 주요 검토사항에는 설치하고자 하는 지점의 제방거동 메커니즘 예측, 왜 계측시스템을 설치하는지에 대한 목적에 대한 평가, 설치 지점의 제방의 토질공학적 문제점 파악, 모니터링 대상 매개변수 혹은 항목 선정, 조사대상 항목의 변화정도를 예측하여 거동 범위 확정, 적정 계측기기 설치 지점을 선청, 계측기기 선정, 자동화 혹은 실시간 정보시스템에 필요한 사항 결정, 관측에 영향을 미치는 인자들의 기록 계획, 정보의 타당성 확보를 위한 필요사항 정립, 비용의 결정, 장기 예측 계획, 정기 검 보정 및 관리 계획, 자료수집 및 관리계획, 자원의 공조 및 생애주기 비용 등을 포함하였다.

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On 'Logical Space' of the Tractatus (『논리-철학 논고』의 '논리적 공간'에 관하여)

  • Park, Jeong-il
    • Korean Journal of Logic
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.1-49
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    • 2016
  • In the Tractatus, 'logical space' raises the several puzzles as follows. What are logical space, logical coordinates and logical place? What is the point of such analogies and what do they refer to exactly in the Tractatus? And what do occupy logical space? Can facts, proposition, propositional sign, situation and contradiction occupy it respectively? Or is it impossible to reconcile the remarks concerning logical place in the Tractatus? Futhermore, why did Wittgenstein need the concept of logical space? What is the problem that he tried to solve through this concept? In this paper, I will endeavor to answer to these problems. Logical space in the Tractatus is the system of propositions with senses. And it is the concept which Wittgenstein contrived by making model of Hertz's configuration space. Wittgenstein's fundamental coordinates are in some ways similar to geometrical ones. On the other hand logical coordinates are completely different from geometrical ones. Hence attempts to understand logical space by a kind of geometrical spaces cannot be right at all.

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Real Numbers as Ratios of Quantities (양의 비율로서 실수)

  • Park, Jun-Yong
    • Korean Journal of Logic
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.137-176
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    • 2011
  • Bob Hale recently proposed a theory of real numbers based on abstraction principles. In his theory, real numbers are regarded as ratios of quantities and the criteria of identities of ratios of quantities are given by an Eudoxan ratio principle. The reason why Hale defines real numbers as ratios of quantities is that he wants to satisfy Frege's requirement that arithmetical concepts should be defined to be adequate for their universal applicability. In this paper I show why Hale's explanation of applications of real numbers fails to satisfy Frege's requirement, and I propose an alternative explanation. At first I show that there are some gaps between his explanation of the concept of quantity and his stipulation of domains of quantities, and that those gaps give rise to some difficulties in his explanation of applications of real numbers. Secondly I introduce a new ratio principle which can be applied to any kinds of quantities, and I argue that it allows us an adequate explanation of the reason why real numbers as ratios of quantities can be universally applicable. Finally I enquire into some procedures of the measurement of quantities, and I propose some principles which we should presuppose in order to successfully apply real numbers to the measurement of quantities.

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A Quest on Possibility of Artistic Activity for Strengthening Creativity of Gifted Children: Centering on Music Activity (영재의 창의성 신장을 위한 예술 활동의 가능성 탐색: 음악 활동을 중심으로)

  • Tae, Jin-Mi
    • Journal of Gifted/Talented Education
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.789-807
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    • 2010
  • This study was carried out in order to explore possibility of artistic activity for strengthening creativity of the gifted children at home by analyzing influence of the gifted children's musical experience and interest level upon creativity. As a result of research, the gifted children's musical experience and interest level were distributed in the mid-lower rank as a whole. The mean in score of creativity was high. Among sub-spheres, originality, abstractness of titles, and resistance to premature closure were surveyed to be especially excellent. And the result of this study was indicated to be high in influence of musical experience and interest level upon creativity. Some conclusions and implications that were obtained through this study are as follows. First, to explore influence of musical experience as artistic activity upon creativity, first of all, the qualitative inspection needs to be given priority to musical activity itself, which is being experienced by the gifted children as the research subjects. Second, there is necessity of paying attention to the musical experience and interest level of the low gifted children. Third, for the gifted children prior to activation of art education, a clear reason why the art education is needed and the usefulness need to be presented.

Discourse on the Gifted and Gifted Education in the Fatigue Society (피로사회 속 영재와 영재교육에 관한 담론)

  • Han, Ki-Soon
    • Journal of Gifted/Talented Education
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.965-979
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    • 2013
  • In this paper, we explore how the concepts of fatigue society and self exploitation are related with the gifted and gifted education. Gifted students' burnout are the result of an excess of positivity. The violence of positivity stems from over-producing, over-achieving or over-communicating. Especially, this paper tries to warn gifted students' maladaptive perfectionism, high expectations of themselves and their surroundings, high task commitment, and excessive self criticism could make the gifted the high risk group who burnout themselves in this fatigue society. In addition, it is discussed how the gifted students' suicides are closely related to the issues of fatigue society and self exploitation structurally. Most importantly, we examine that why and how the concept of fatigue society results in ultimate decline of creativity. Finally, we discuss some ways to overcome this over-achieving fatigue society and their implications in the aspects of gifted students' creative lives and products.

Sementic Analysis of PDA (Paralinguistic Digital Affordances) in Social Media :Focusing on College Student (소셜미디어의 디지털 준언어 행동유도(PDA : Paralinguistic Digital Affordances) 의미 해석: 대학생을 중심으로)

  • Cha, Young Ran
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.410-422
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    • 2017
  • This study researches PDA (Paralingustic Digital Affordances) in the social media on the basis of Uses and Gratification theory. The study defines PDA as Likes in Facebook and Instagram and Favorites in Twitter. The study inquiries into the motivation of using PDA and interpretational way when Social media users play a role of a sender or a receiver. For this research purpose, the focus group and interview were conducted with 36 college student in the Korea metropolitan area. The research is to comprehend the motivation and satisfaction of using PDA by applying structured theory frame of Uses and Gratification. As a result, it contributes to more satisfactions when PDA users interact each other as a sender and a receiver than mere verbal-communication. Furthermore, PDA in each social media has different meaning and gravity. For instance, Likes in Instagram is considered less important and lighter than Likes in Facebook. Moreover, people use the PDA without any restriction. People favorably use PDA most of the time, but sometimes they use in contradictory or sarcastic way.

Effects of Drenching Treatment of Growth Retardants on Growth in Datura suaveolens 'Orange Star' (생장억제제 관주처리가 'Angel's Trumpet'의 생육에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Ju Hyoung;Kim, Si Dong;Lee, Hee Doo;Kim, Tae Jung;Yun, Tae;Min, Kyeong Beom;Paek, Kee Yoeup
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.231-236
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    • 2009
  • This study was conducted to identity the effect of plant growth retardants such as paclobutrazol, ethephon, uniconazole and daminozide by drenching on growth of Datura suaveolens 'Orange Star'. Datura suaveolens 'Orange Star' treated with the growth retardants except ethephon was gradually shortened in proportion to the treated concentration of growth retardants. Especially, uniconazole treatment dramatically short ed stem height and width of plant, diminished leaf width and length and also shortened the days to flowering, and increased flowering times per year. On the contrary, ethephon treatment showed the opposite affect such as higher plant width and plant height, increased days to flowering, and decreased the number of flower times. Dwarfing by plant growth retardants in Datura suaveolens 'Orange Star' was effective in orders of uniconazole, daminozide and paclobutrazol.

From Dualism between person and thing to ecological publicness - Kant's Ethics and Reflections of the limits of Western modernity (인격과 물건의 이원론에서 생태적 공공성으로 - 칸트 윤리학과 서구 근대의 한계에 대한 성찰 -)

  • Na, Jong-seok
    • Journal of Korean Philosophical Society
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    • v.126
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    • pp.25-52
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    • 2013
  • In this thesis, the author will examine how modern philosophical expression manifests in the field of ethics based on Kant's Ethics. The author will critically assess whether Kant's Ethics is an appropriate rational theoretical alternative to overcome today's ecological crisis. In the first section, the author lists the characteristics of modernity. The purpose of this section is to show why Kant's Ethics must be understood in the context of modern age and how his ethics expresses the ideology of the modernity(I). In the second section, the author will analyze the challenge Kant's Ethics face in relation to ecological crisis from the context of dualism between person and thing(II). In the last section, the author will inspect the flaw of Kant's Ethics based on his positive position regarding vicarious duties toward animals, and pose the basic direction of the theory of ecological publicness that can overcome the limits of Kant's Ethics in the context of a critical reconstruction of neo-confucian tradition(III).