• Title/Summary/Keyword: 와편모조류

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Molecular Detection of Harmful Dinoflagellates (Dinophyceae) in Ballast Water (선박평형 수 내 유해 와편모조류(Dinophyceae)의 분자생물학적 검출)

  • Park, Tae-Gyu;Kim, Sung-Yeon
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.36-40
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    • 2010
  • Ballast water has been known as a major vector for global dispersal of toxic dinoflagellates and other microalgae. In this study, biodiversity in ships’ ballast water was examined using a dinoflagellate-oriented PCR primer set and species-specific real-time PCR. While motile dinoflagellates could be observe at very low cell densities by light microscopy,a wide range of dinoflagellate taxa including parasitic and phototrophic pico-dinoflagellates as well as harmful species to marine fish/shellfish was detected when techniques for cloning/sequencing of SSU rDNA of sample cells were used. Present result suggests that molecular methods including species-specific PCR primers may offer rapid and accurate detection of invasive species in ballast water.

Algicidal Effect of Glycolipid on Dinoflagellate

  • Baek, Seung-Hak;Lee, Seong-Gyu;Kim, Eun-Gi
    • 한국생물공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2001.11a
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    • pp.582-585
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    • 2001
  • GL, a glycolipid type produced from yeast, inhibited the growth of bacteria and fungi. Algicidal effect by GL against dinoflagellate was motility stop and lysis. When over 10 ${\mu}g/ml$ showed strong algicidal effect. GL attached to the algal body directly.

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Cochlodinium 적조의 시공간분포와 중규모 해양환경 변동간의 관계성

  • 서영상;장이현;김학균;김복기;이삼근;정창수
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Fisheries Technology Conference
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    • 2001.10a
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    • pp.225-226
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    • 2001
  • 한국연안에서 1984년까지는 적조발생시 규조류, 와편모조류, 혼합종 등이 상호 우세하게 출현하였으나, 이후 와편모 조류의 적조 발생율이 높아 1935년도에는92%를 차지하게 되었다(국립수산진흥원, 1997). 이러한 와편모조류의 주종은 1995년 이후 Cochlodinium polykrikoides로서 외양종 성향을 띄며, 고밀화, 장기화되는 경향을 보이기 시작했다 (국립수산진흥원, 박 등, 1998). (중략)

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광양만 일대 와편모조류 휴면포자의 분포

  • 김대윤;이충일;라영세;최만영
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Fisheries Technology Conference
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    • 2000.05a
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    • pp.402-403
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    • 2000
  • 적조의 원인생물에는 분류학적으로 다양한 종류가 속하며, 이 중 와편모조류는 대표적이라 할 수 있다 (박 등, 1988). 일부 와편모조류는 생활사 중 휴면포자로 해양퇴적토의 표층에서 일정기간 생존하다가 외부환경이 좋아지면 유영세포로 발아하여 다시 번무를 일으킴으로써 적조의 발생 분포 지역의 확대와 발생빈도를 더욱 증가시킨다 (Steidinger and Haddad, 1981; Hallegraeff, 1993; Ishikawa and Taniguchi, 1994; Nehring, 1995). (중략)

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Estimation on the Variation of Marine Environment by the Distribution of Organic Matter and Dinoflagellate Cyst in the Vertical Sediments in Gmmak Bay, Korea (와편모조류 시스트 분포에 의한 한국 남서해역의 해양환경 특성 2. 가막만 주상퇴적물중 유기물 및 와편모조류 시스트의 분포특성에 의한 해양환경변화 추정)

  • Park Jong Sick;Yoon Yang Ho;Noh Il Hyeun
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Marine Environment & Energy
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.164-173
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    • 2004
  • Field survey on the marine environmental characteristics by the distribution of dinoflagellate cysts and organic matter was carried out bimonthly at 6 stations in Gamak Bay, the southern part of Korean Peninsula from June 2000 to April 2001. The range of environmental factors on vertical sediments such as ignition loss (IL), chemical oxygen demand (CODs), total sulfide (H₂S), particulate organic carbon (POC), particulate organic nitrogen (PON) and phaeopigment were 3.21∼11.18%. 12.25∼99.26 mgO₂/g dry, 2.49∼116.18 ㎍/g dry, 2.91∼116.18 mgC/g dry, 0.53∼2.82 mgN/g dry and 2.49∼116.18 ㎍/g dry, respectively. A total of 38 species dinoflageuate cysts belonged to 21 genera, 36 species, and 2 unidentified species. A cysts density were 18∼3,836 cysts/g dry. Vertical distribution of organic matter and dinoflagellate cysts was rapidly decreased from surface to deeper sediment. The eutrophication in the northwestern parts of Gamak Bay might originated since 1980s.

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Relationship Between Dinoflagellate Cyst Distribution in Surface Sediments and Phytoplankton Assemblages from Gwangyang Bay, a Southern Coastal area of Korea (한국 남해 연안 광양만 표층 퇴적물의 와편모조류 시스트 분포 특성과 식물플랑크톤 군집과의 비교)

  • 김소영;문창호;조현진
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.111-120
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    • 2003
  • To describe dinoflagellate cysts from Gwangyang Bay, surface sediment samples were collected at 20 sites by the TFO core sampler on 24 August 2001, in coupled with a phytoplankton investigation by surface seawater sampling. More than 17 genera, 36 species of dinoflagellate cysts were Identified from the sediment samples of Gwangyang Bay, consisting of 14 species of gonyaulacoid, 14 species of protoperidinioid, 3 species of diplopsalid, 2 species of gymnodinioid, 1 species of tuberculodinioid and calciodinellid, respectively. Cyst concentrations in Gwangyang Bay varied from 115 to 2,188 cysts/g, and generally increased toward a western part of the study area. The highest cyst concentration was observed at St. 11 located in the northwestern region with 11 genera and 19 species(2,188 cysts/g), while the lowest value with 6 genera and 9 species(115 cysts/g) was observed at St. 3 located in the center of the study area. The predominant dinoflagellate cyst was Spiniferites bulloideus, followed by Alexandrium sp., Brigantedinium simplex and S. delicatus. The motile forms of eight dinoflagellate cysts recorded in the sediment samples were also observed in the seawater: Polykrikos swartzii/kofoidii complex, Scripssiella trochoidea, Protoperidinium claudicans(cyst name: Votadinium spinosum), P. pentagonum(: Trinovantedinium capitatum capitatum), P. conicum(: Selenopemphix quanta), P. leonis(: Quinquecuspis concretum), P. conicoides(: Brigantedinium simplex), Gonyaulax spp.(: Spiniferites spp.). In this study, heterotrophic dinoflagellate cysts show the highest concentration at St. 6 where the highest density of diatoms simultaneously observed from surface water sample. This result suggests that the grazing of heterotrophic dinoflagellates on the diatoms in high concentration caused the higher concentration of heterotrophic dinoflagellate cysts.

Distribution of dinoflagellate cysts in Masan Bay, Korea (마산만일대(馬山灣一帶) 와편모조류(渦鞭毛操類) 휴면포자(休眠胞子)의 분포(分布))

    • 한국해양학회지
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.304-312
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    • 1991
  • The distribution of dinoflagellate cysts have been investigated at 6 stations in Masan Bay, a well known area of red tide in the southern coastal waters of Korea, from May 1986 to March 1987. During the study, a total of 11 species in dinoflagellate cysts were isolated from surface sediments, representing 6 genera, 9 species and 2 unidentified species. The standing crops of dinoflagellate cyst varied extensively by month and station; ranging from 48 to 1,279 cells/cm$^3$ and showing major peaks in July. August and February. At stations, the distribution was most abundant at st. 4 (mouth of the bay), whereas it was very low at st. 1 (inner bay), where motile cell's blooms occur throughout the year. Thus, It is speculated that the distribution between the plankton and cyst populations of dinoflagellates show the different temporal and spatial patterns in a semi-closed bay like this survey area.

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(Technical note) Pollen and dinoflagellate cyst assemblages from the surface sediments of the lower reach of the Jujin Stream ((기술노트) 주진천 하류역의 퇴적물에서 산출되는 화분과 와편모조류 군집 특성)

  • Sangheon Yi;Jin-Young Lee;Min Han;Jaesoo Lim;Chang-Pyo Jun
    • The Korean Journal of Quaternary Research
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    • v.33 no.1_2
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    • pp.59-68
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    • 2021
  • The maximum upper limit of seawater inflow can be recognized by the acid-resistant dinoflagellate cysts and salt-marsh pollen encountered from surface samples in the lower reach of Jujin Stream facing Gomso Bay. Based on their relative yield ratio, the downstream area of Jujin Stream could be further subdivided into coastal marine, brackish-upper limit brackish, and freshwater environments. The abundance of dinoflagellate cysts from JJR-41 to JJR-36 sites reflects that this area is a coastal marine. In the section between JJR-35 and JJR-5 sites, dinoflagellate cysts associated with pollen derived from riparian or salt-marsh (e.g., reeds and sedges) appear to reflect the brackish environments. It may be indicated that dinoflagellate cysts appear up to the JJR-4 site, which is the maximum upper limit where seawater flows up to this point at high tide. This analysis is relatively well corresponding to the hypothetical inundation map showing the maximum flooding area where seawater can flow at high tide.

Observation of Items Fed by Noctiluca Scintillans around Dokdo in Spring (춘계 독도 주변해역 야광충의 먹이생물)

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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.160-172
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    • 2020
  • To understand on-site feeding traits of Noctiluca scintillans with unprecedented high abundances around Dokdo in spring, 2014, the composition and abundance of food items in the digestive vacuole of the species were analyzed. Abundances of N. scintillans ranged from 4,328~17,791 inds.m-3 around Dokdo during the study. The incidence of preyed items in the vacuole of N. scintillans ranged by averaged 32% (24~50%) in the surface waters around Dokdo. Diverse preyed items consisted of fecal pellet, protozoans, pollen, diatoms, dinoflagellates, copepods and ichtyoplankton, while fecal pellets were dominantly fed by N. scintillans (43%) and next by protozoans (19%), pollen (18%), diatoms (7%) and dinoflagellates (4%). Fecal pellet, protozoans and pollen were relatively preferred by N. scintillans compared to diatoms, dinoflagellates and ichtyoplankton based on the incidence in the food vacuoles. Present results indicated that high abundance of N. scintillans found around Dokdo was likely associated with non-phytoplankton items rather than previously well-known diatoms as prey during the study.

남해 전선역의 표층퇴적환경과 와편모조류 cyst군집

  • 박종식;윤양호
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Fisheries Technology Conference
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    • 2003.05a
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    • pp.138-139
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    • 2003
  • 한국 남해역은 계절에 따라 대마난류, 황해저증 냉수괴 및 중국대륙연안수 등 다양한 수괴가 세력권을 달리하고 있어 다양한 해양환경 특성을 나타낸다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 수온전선역이 형성(국립수산진흥원, 2000)되는 해역을 대상으로 해수의 수온, 염분, 밀도 및 표층적물중의 IL, COD, Phaeopigment등에 의한 표층퇴적 환경과 와편모조류 cyst 군집으로부터 이 지역의 해양환경 특성을 파악해 보고자 한다. (중략)

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