• Title/Summary/Keyword: 영상 특징 모델링

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Fire-Flame Detection using Fuzzy Finite Automata (퍼지 유한상태 오토마타를 이용한 화재 불꽃 감지)

  • Ham, Sun-Jae;Ko, Byoung-Chul
    • Journal of KIISE:Software and Applications
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    • v.37 no.9
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    • pp.712-721
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    • 2010
  • This paper proposes a new fire-flame detection method using probabilistic membership function of visual features and Fuzzy Finite Automata (FFA). First, moving regions are detected by analyzing the background subtraction and candidate flame regions then identified by applying flame color models. Since flame regions generally have continuous and an irregular pattern continuously, membership functions of variance of intensity, wavelet energy and motion orientation are generated and applied to FFA. Since FFA combines the capabilities of automata with fuzzy logic, it not only provides a systemic approach to handle uncertainty in computational systems, but also can handle continuous spaces. The proposed algorithm is successfully applied to various fire videos and shows a better detection performance when compared with other methods.

Satellite-Based Cabbage and Radish Yield Prediction Using Deep Learning in Kangwon-do (딥러닝을 활용한 위성영상 기반의 강원도 지역의 배추와 무 수확량 예측)

  • Hyebin Park;Yejin Lee;Seonyoung Park
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.39 no.5_3
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    • pp.1031-1042
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    • 2023
  • In this study, a deep learning model was developed to predict the yield of cabbage and radish, one of the five major supply and demand management vegetables, using satellite images of Landsat 8. To predict the yield of cabbage and radish in Gangwon-do from 2015 to 2020, satellite images from June to September, the growing period of cabbage and radish, were used. Normalized difference vegetation index, enhanced vegetation index, lead area index, and land surface temperature were employed in this study as input data for the yield model. Crop yields can be effectively predicted using satellite images because satellites collect continuous spatiotemporal data on the global environment. Based on the model developed previous study, a model designed for input data was proposed in this study. Using time series satellite images, convolutional neural network, a deep learning model, was used to predict crop yield. Landsat 8 provides images every 16 days, but it is difficult to acquire images especially in summer due to the influence of weather such as clouds. As a result, yield prediction was conducted by splitting June to July into one part and August to September into two. Yield prediction was performed using a machine learning approach and reference models , and modeling performance was compared. The model's performance and early predictability were assessed using year-by-year cross-validation and early prediction. The findings of this study could be applied as basic studies to predict the yield of field crops in Korea.

Subsurface Geology and Geologic Structure of the Euiseong Basin using Gravity, Magnetic, and Satellite Image Data (중력, 자력 및 위성영상 자료를 이용한 의성소분지의 지질 및 지구조 연구)

  • Yu Sang Hoon;Hwang Jong Sun;Min Kyung Duck;Woo Ik
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.38 no.2 s.171
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    • pp.143-153
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    • 2005
  • Euiseong subbasin, included in the Kyungsang Basin, was created by the result of volcanic activity in the late Cretaceous, and contacts with Milyang and Youngyang subbasins by Palgongsan and Andong faults, respectively. In this study, geophysical survey is implemented fur investigating surface and subsurface geologic structure in Euiseong subbasin which composed with the complex of volcanic and plutonic rocks. To understand surface geologic feature, IRS satellite image and DEM(Digital Terrain Map) are used for analyzing lineament and its density. The numbers of lineaments show major trend in $N55^{\circ}\~65^{\circ}W$, and aspects of lineament lengths show major trend in $N55^{\circ}\~65^{\circ}W$ and N-S directions. 13 delineate subsurface density discontinuity; Power spectrum analysis was implemented for gravity anomaly data, resulting $4-5{\cal}km$ depth of basin basement and $0.5-0.6{\cal}km$ depth of shallow discontinuity. From the result of power spectrum analysis, 2.5-D modelings were implemented along two profiles of A-A' and B-B', and they show subsurface geology in detail. Analytic signal method for detecting boundaries of magnetic basements show 0.001-130 nT/m values, and high energy area show good correspondency with the boundaries of Palgongsan granite and caldera areas in Euiseong subbasin.

RPC Correction of KOMPSAT-3A Satellite Image through Automatic Matching Point Extraction Using Unmanned AerialVehicle Imagery (무인항공기 영상 활용 자동 정합점 추출을 통한 KOMPSAT-3A 위성영상의 RPC 보정)

  • Park, Jueon;Kim, Taeheon;Lee, Changhui;Han, Youkyung
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.37 no.5_1
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    • pp.1135-1147
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    • 2021
  • In order to geometrically correct high-resolution satellite imagery, the sensor modeling process that restores the geometric relationship between the satellite sensor and the ground surface at the image acquisition time is required. In general, high-resolution satellites provide RPC (Rational Polynomial Coefficient) information, but the vendor-provided RPC includes geometric distortion caused by the position and orientation of the satellite sensor. GCP (Ground Control Point) is generally used to correct the RPC errors. The representative method of acquiring GCP is field survey to obtain accurate ground coordinates. However, it is difficult to find the GCP in the satellite image due to the quality of the image, land cover change, relief displacement, etc. By using image maps acquired from various sensors as reference data, it is possible to automate the collection of GCP through the image matching algorithm. In this study, the RPC of KOMPSAT-3A satellite image was corrected through the extracted matching point using the UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehichle) imagery. We propose a pre-porocessing method for the extraction of matching points between the UAV imagery and KOMPSAT-3A satellite image. To this end, the characteristics of matching points extracted by independently applying the SURF (Speeded-Up Robust Features) and the phase correlation, which are representative feature-based matching method and area-based matching method, respectively, were compared. The RPC adjustment parameters were calculated using the matching points extracted through each algorithm. In order to verify the performance and usability of the proposed method, it was compared with the GCP-based RPC correction result. The GCP-based method showed an improvement of correction accuracy by 2.14 pixels for the sample and 5.43 pixelsfor the line compared to the vendor-provided RPC. In the proposed method using SURF and phase correlation methods, the accuracy of sample was improved by 0.83 pixels and 1.49 pixels, and that of line wasimproved by 4.81 pixels and 5.19 pixels, respectively, compared to the vendor-provided RPC. Through the experimental results, the proposed method using the UAV imagery presented the possibility as an alternative to the GCP-based method for the RPC correction.

Optical Multi-Normal Vector Based Iridescence BRDF Compression Method (광학적 다중 법선 벡터 기반 훈색(暈色)현상 BRDF 압축 기법)

  • Ryu, Sae-Woon;Lee, Sang-Hwa;Park, Jong-Il
    • Journal of KIISE:Computer Systems and Theory
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.184-193
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    • 2010
  • This paper proposes a biological iridescence BRDF(Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function) compression and rendering method. In the graphics technology, iridescence sometimes is named structure colors. The main features of these symptoms are shown transform of color and brightness by varying viewpoint. Graphics technology to render this is the BRDF technology. The BRDF methods enable realistic representation of varying view direction, but it requires a lot of computing power because of large data. In this paper, we obtain reflection map from iridescence BRDF, analyze color of reflection map and propose representation method by several colorfully concentric circle. The one concentric circle represents beam width of reflection ray by one normal vector. In this paper, we synthesize rough concentric by using several virtually optical normal vectors. And we obtain spectrum information from concentric circles passing through the center point. The proposed method enables IBR(image based rendering) technique which results is realistic illuminance and spectrum distribution by one texture from reduced BRDF data within spectrum.

Design of Narrative Text Visualization Through Character-net (캐릭터 넷을 통한 내러티브 텍스트 시각화 디자인 연구)

  • Jeon, Hea-Jeong;Park, Seung-Bo;Lee, O-Joun;You, Eun-Soon
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.86-100
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    • 2015
  • Through advances driven by the Internet and the Smart Revolution, the amount and types of data generated by users have increased and diversified respectively. There is now a new concept at the center of attention, which is Big Data for assessing enormous amount of data and enjoying new values therefrom. In particular, efforts are required to analyze narratives within video clips and to study how to visualize such narratives in order to search contents stored in the Big Data. As part of the research efforts, this paper analyzes dialogues exchanged among characters and offers an interface named "Character-net" developed for modelling narratives. The interface Character-net can extract characters by analyzing narrative videos and also model the relationships between characters, both in the automatic manner. This signifies a possibility of a tool that can visualize a narrative based on an approach different from those used in existing studies. However, its drawbacks have been observed in terms of limited applications and difficulty in grasping a narrative's features at a glace. It was assumed that Character-net could be improved with the introduction of information design. Against the backdrop, the paper first provides a brief explanation of visualization design found in the data information design area and investigates research cases focused on the visualization of narratives present in videos. Next, key ideas of Character-net and its technical differences from existing studies have been introduced, followed by methods suggested for its potential improvements with the help of design-side solutions.

Survey of coastal topography using images from a single UAV (단일 UAV를 이용한 해안 지형 측량)

  • Noh, Hyoseob;Kim, Byunguk;Lee, Minjae;Park, Yong Sung;Bang, Ki Young;Yoo, Hojun
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.56 no.spc1
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    • pp.1027-1036
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    • 2023
  • Coastal topographic information is crucial in coastal management, but point measurment based approeaches, which are labor intensive, are generally applied to land and underwater, separately. This study introduces an efficient method enabling land and undetwater surveys using an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). This method involves applying two different algorithms to measure the topography on land and water depth, respectively, using UAV imagery and merge them to reconstruct whole coastal digital elevation model. Acquisition of the landside terrain is achieved using the Structure-from-Motion Multi-View Stereo technique with spatial scan imagery. Independently, underwater bathymetry is retrieved by employing a depth inversion technique with a drone-acquired wave field video. After merging the two digital elevation models into a local coordinate, interpolation is performed for areas where terrain measurement is not feasible, ultimately obtaining a continuous nearshore terrain. We applied the proposed survey technique to Jangsa Beach, South Korea, and verified that detailed terrain characteristics, such as berm, can be measured. The proposed UAV-based survey method has significant efficiency in terms of time, cost, and safety compared to existing methods.

Generalized Steganalysis using Deep Learning (딥러닝을 이용한 범용적 스테그아날리시스)

  • Kim, Hyunjae;Lee, Jaekoo;Kim, Gyuwan;Yoon, Sungroh
    • KIISE Transactions on Computing Practices
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.244-249
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    • 2017
  • Steganalysis is to detect information hidden by steganography inside general data such as images. There are stegoanalysis techniques that use machine learning (ML). Existing ML approaches to steganalysis are based on extracting features from stego images and modeling them. Recently deep learning-based methodologies have shown significant improvements in detection accuracy. However, all the existing methods, including deep learning-based ones, have a critical limitation in that they can only detect stego images that are created by a specific steganography method. In this paper, we propose a generalized steganalysis method that can model multiple types of stego images using deep learning. Through various experiments, we confirm the effectiveness of our approach and envision directions for future research. In particular, we show that our method can detect each type of steganography with the same level of accuracy as that of a steganalysis method dedicated to that type of steganography, thereby demonstrating the general applicability of our approach to multiple types of stego images.

Automatic fire detection system using Bayesian Networks (베이지안 네트워크를 이용한 자동 화재 감지 시스템)

  • Cheong, Kwang-Ho;Ko, Byoung-Chul;Nam, Jae-Yeal
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartB
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    • v.15B no.2
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    • pp.87-94
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    • 2008
  • In this paper, we propose a new vision-based fire detection method for a real-life application. Most previous vision-based methods using color information and temporal variation of pixel produce frequent false alarms because they used a lot of heuristic features. Furthermore there is also computation delay for accurate fire detection. To overcome these problems, we first detected candidated fire regions by using background modeling and color model of fire. Then we made probabilistic models of fire by using a fact that fire pixel values of consecutive frames are changed constantly and applied them to a Bayesian Network. In this paper we used two level Bayesian network, which contains the intermediate nodes and uses four skewnesses for evidence at each node. Skewness of R normalized with intensity and skewnesses of three high frequency components obtained through wavelet transform. The proposed system has been successfully applied to many fire detection tasks in real world environment and distinguishes fire from moving objects having fire color.

Emotion-based Gesture Stylization For Animated SMS (모바일 SMS용 캐릭터 애니메이션을 위한 감정 기반 제스처 스타일화)

  • Byun, Hae-Won;Lee, Jung-Suk
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.802-816
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    • 2010
  • To create gesture from a new text input is an important problem in computer games and virtual reality. Recently, there is increasing interest in gesture stylization to imitate the gestures of celebrities, such as announcer. However, no attempt has been made so far to stylize a gestures using emotion such as happiness and sadness. Previous researches have not focused on real-time algorithm. In this paper, we present a system to automatically make gesture animation from SMS text and stylize the gesture from emotion. A key feature of this system is a real-time algorithm to combine gestures with emotion. Because the system's platform is a mobile phone, we distribute much works on the server and client. Therefore, the system guarantees real-time performance of 15 or more frames per second. At first, we extract words to express feelings and its corresponding gesture from Disney video and model the gesture statistically. And then, we introduce the theory of Laban Movement Analysis to combine gesture and emotion. In order to evaluate our system, we analyze user survey responses.