• Title/Summary/Keyword: 영상자막

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A Study on the Proper E-Learning System ECube for Self-directed Learning Environment (자기주도적 학습환경에 적합한 이러닝 시스템 ECube에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Tea-Won;Lee, Hyuk;Lee, Hee-Sung;Choi, Jun-Hyung;Han, Jae-Yun;Hwang, Ga-Young;Jung, Young-Ae
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2012.04a
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    • pp.1294-1297
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    • 2012
  • 기존의 이러닝에서는 교수자가 강의동영상을 통하여 주로 단방향으로 지식을 전달하였다. 이런 문제점을 해결하기 위해 본 연구에서논 실시간 상호작용이 가능한 이러닝시스템인 ECube을 제안하고 구현하였다. 교수자에게는 학습자와 실시간 소통을 위한 실시간 강의기능, 전문가의 도움없이 미디어 제작과 편집이 가능한 동영상삼 저작도구인 EMC(Effective Media Contents) 솔루션을 제공한다. ECube 시스템 안의 EMC 솔루션만으로도 자막, 이미지, 퀴즈, 비디오를 합쳐 통합된 콘텐츠의 제작이 가능하다. 학습자에게는 실시간 강의를 수강하는 동안에 발표수업에 참여할 수 있는 기능을 지원하고 자신의 학습에 관한 학습계획부터 학습성과까지의 내용을 문서화할 수 있는 기능을 제공한다. 이 기능을 활용하여 학습자는 과목별 포트폴리오 작성이 가능하여 자기주도적 학습을 수행할 수 있는 학습환경을 제공한다.

Detecting of start/end point for TV content reprocessing (방송 콘텐츠의 재가공을 위한 시작.종료점 검출)

  • Yoon, Jeong-Hyun;Kim, Cheon-Seog
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Broadcast Engineers Conference
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    • 2010.07a
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    • pp.303-306
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    • 2010
  • DMB, IPTV 등의 미디어에서 방송 서비스를 위해 다수의 기송출된 지상파 방송 프로그램을 재가공하여 활용한다. 이를 위한 작업에서 방송 프로그램 앞뒤에 삽입되어 있던 지상파 방송사의 광고를 각 서비스 사업자의 계약 광고로 대체하므로, 광고를 분리하여 방송 프로그램의 본 내용만 인코딩하는 과정이 필요하다. 본 논문에서는 이와 같은 재가공 작업을 위해 방송프로그램 스트림에서 본 내용의 시작 종료점을 검출하는 방법을 제안한다. 이는 디지털 방송 프로그램 스트림으로부터 영상의 특징과 자막 데이터를 추출, 분석하여 판별하는 방법으로, 개별 광고의 특징 데이터를 이용하지 않고 처리한다. 따라서 방송 콘텐츠를 재가공하기 위한 인코딩 시스템에, 모든 광고들을 미리 분석하고 특징 데이터를 추출하는 전처리 과정없이 적용이 가능하다.

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Development of Automatic Reprocessing System of TV Content (방송 콘텐츠 재 가공 자동 시스템 개발)

  • Kim, Cheon-Seog;Kim, Kyu-Seog;Kim, Pil-Jung;Park, Jun-Seog
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Broadcast Engineers Conference
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    • 2013.11a
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    • pp.88-91
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    • 2013
  • 방송 콘텐츠의 판매수익은 한류 열풍, DMB, IPTV등 다양한 전송 매체의 등장으로 계속 증가 하고 있다. 콘텐츠 재판매를 위해선 콘텐츠에 있는 광고, 예고편 등과 같이 본 내용에 해당하지 않는 불필요한 부분을 제외한 본 내용만 원하는 포맷으로 재 인코딩 한다. 각 방송사는 이 작업을 수동으로 처리 하고 있다. 본 논문에서는 원 콘텐츠 변형 없이 영상 분석과 콘텐츠의 부가 데이터를 통해서 본 내용만 자동으로 검출 재 인코딩하는 시스템을 제안 한다. 또한 본 시스템은 자막도 재가공시 자동으로 삽입 할 수 있다.

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Design and Implementation of the News Video Retrieval System based on Automatic Indexing (자동 인덱싱에 기반한 뉴스 비디오 검색 시스템의 설계 및 구현)

  • Lee, Jong-Gu;Yang, Myeong-Seop;Yu, Cheol-Jung;Jang, Ok-Bae
    • Journal of KIISE:Computing Practices and Letters
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.43-52
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    • 1999
  • 현재 사용하는 순차적인 뉴스 비디오 검색 방법은 많은 시간을 소비한다는 문제점을 가지고 있다. 따라서 , 본 논문에서는 이러한 문제점을 해결하기 위해서 뉴스 비디오를 내용(뉴스 사건)단위별로 검색할수 있는 자동 인덱스 모듈과 원격 검색 브라우저 모듈을 제시한다. 인덱싱 모듈은 기본적으로 이미지 프로세싱을 기반으로 하여 뉴스 앵커를 검출하고 뉴스 아이템을 분할한다. 인덱싱 구성요소는 뉴스 비디오 내용에 대한 대표영상(뉴스아이콘)과 부가적인 정보를 포함하는 뉴스 자막으로 구성하였다. 검색 브라우저 모듈은 추출된 인덱싱 요소를 아이콘하여 뉴스사건 단위로 내용을 검색할수 있도록 설계하였다. 본 연구의 결과는 매일 발생되는 뉴스를 자동 인덱싱하여 사용자에게 뉴스서비스의 효율적인 적용이 기대된다.

A Lesson Plan and Class Effect of Audiovisual Translation Class (영상번역 수업 지도안과 수업 효과)

  • Joo Eun Park
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.213-219
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study is to prove the students' understanding of audiovisual translation and the class effect by using the lesson plan that can efficiently teach the audiovisual translation class, which is one of the major elective courses at S University. After taking the course, a questionnaire was surveyed and the results were analyzed. The response and satisfaction with the content of the class was positive and very high, and it was confirmed that the background knowledge of the movie was especially helpful for translation practice. The effect of the class was focused on translating subtitles, and only the abbreviated part of the response to the questionnaire was expressed in a table, and the rest was expressed descriptively. Specifically, the response rate for abbreviations, pronouns, titles suitable for personal relationships, putting subjects and predicates close together were the most positive, followed by natural expressions, sign writing, handling of honorifics and informal words, attaching subject and predicates closer, translating them in reverse, and converting units.

A Method for Recovering Text Regions in Video using Extended Block Matching and Region Compensation (확장적 블록 정합 방법과 영역 보상법을 이용한 비디오 문자 영역 복원 방법)

  • 전병태;배영래
    • Journal of KIISE:Software and Applications
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    • v.29 no.11
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    • pp.767-774
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    • 2002
  • Conventional research on image restoration has focused on restoring degraded images resulting from image formation, storage and communication, mainly in the signal processing field. Related research on recovering original image information of caption regions includes a method using BMA(block matching algorithm). The method has problem with frequent incorrect matching and propagating the errors by incorrect matching. Moreover, it is impossible to recover the frames between two scene changes when scene changes occur more than twice. In this paper, we propose a method for recovering original images using EBMA(Extended Block Matching Algorithm) and a region compensation method. To use it in original image recovery, the method extracts a priori knowledge such as information about scene changes, camera motion and caption regions. The method decides the direction of recovery using the extracted caption information(the start and end frames of a caption) and scene change information. According to the direction of recovery, the recovery is performed in units of character components using EBMA and the region compensation method. Experimental results show that EBMA results in good recovery regardless of the speed of moving object and complexity of background in video. The region compensation method recovered original images successfully, when there is no information about the original image to refer to.

A Novel Video Copy Detection Method based on Statistical Analysis (통계적 분석 기반 불법 복제 비디오 영상 감식 방법)

  • Cho, Hye-Jeong;Kim, Ji-Eun;Sohn, Chae-Bong;Chung, Kwang-Sue;Oh, Seoung-Jun
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.661-675
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    • 2009
  • The carelessly and illegally copied contents are raising serious social problem as internet and multimedia technologies are advancing. Therefore, development of video copy detection system must be settled without delay. In this paper, we propose the hierarchical video copy detection method that estimates similarity using statistical characteristics between original video and manipulated(transformed) copy video. We rank according to luminance value of video to be robust to spacial transformation, and choose similar videos categorized as candidate segments in huge amount of database to reduce processing time and complexity. The copy videos generally insert black area in the edge of the image, so we remove rig black area and decide copy or not by using statistical characteristics of original video and copied video with center part of frame that contains important information of video. Experiment results show that the proposed method has similar keyframe accuracy to reference method, but we use less memory to save feature information than reference's, because the number of keyframes is less 61% than that of reference's. Also, the proposed method detects if the video is copied or not efficiently despite expansive spatial transformations such as blurring, contrast change, zoom in, zoom out, aspect ratio change, and caption insertion.

Reusable Multi-story 3D Animation (재구성이 가능한 멀티스토리 3D 애니메이션)

  • Kim, Sungrae;Kim, Ho Sung;Tak, Ji-young;Park, Ji-en;Lim, Sun-hyuk;Kim, Soosanna;Lee, Kyu-seon;Lee, Ji-hyun
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2007.11a
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    • pp.238-242
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    • 2007
  • The existent UCC sites display only finalized contents by publisher. It dose not provide any platform for resources of UCC that public users could reorganize. This paper has developed a platform to be able to produce reusable content using the scenes of the contents and produced a 3D animation with multiple story. It is necessary for user to search the provided contents for easy reorganization of the contents. The scene is classified by the description and information of the scene for handy search. It is obscure for a movie clip to be represent with only one word. Therefore, the proposed platform provides the search technique with a overlapping choice for the specific categories that include most of elements for the scene. Then the user can choose a specific range of the selected movie clip, make a new story with reorganizing the order, and put a caption or BGM on the movie clip. The complete movie clip has the search preferences as a category, new clips, and top favorites. With the Multi-Story line concept, we made a 3D animation about episodes of thermal dolls in the Doll World. This attempt will come to the new marketing way for a field of the visual media like as Music Video, Drama, Feature Film, Commercial Film.

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A Study on the Change of Editing Style in YouTube Short-From Content (Youtube 숏폼 콘텐츠의 편집스타일 변화에 대한 연구)

  • Kim, Mimi;Byun, Daniel H.
    • Trans-
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    • v.13
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    • pp.59-90
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    • 2022
  • Short-form content, which means "short video content within 10 minutes," is rapidly emerging as a recent trend among MZ generations based on the fact that it can be viewed whenever there is a short running time, and they are physically short, colorful, and deliver a lot of information in a compressed time, showing differences in both long-form content and format. In addition, entertainment videos such as information delivery videos, eating shows, web entertainment, and dance challenges are mainly produced and distributed, so there is no need to take expertise as a creative work of video experts, and consumers often become producers by directly participating in production using low-end equipment such as smartphones. For these reasons, shortform content creates new image styles rather than general existing image forms such as long-form contents, and this study focuses on changes in editing styles. This study summarized the following five characteristic changes by analyzing the editing style of short form content that has changed compared to long form content according to the 'visual' aspect. The use of frames, memes, screen division, blue screen, and subtitles are included, and by organizing each characteristic, we identified the editing style of shortform content that has emerged as a recent trend and learned about the changes.

Extraction of Features in key frames of News Video for Content-based Retrieval (내용 기반 검색을 위한 뉴스 비디오 키 프레임의 특징 정보 추출)

  • Jung, Yung-Eun;Lee, Dong-Seop;Jeon, Keun-Hwan;Lee, Yang-Weon
    • The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society
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    • v.5 no.9
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    • pp.2294-2301
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    • 1998
  • The aim of this paper is to extract features from each news scenes for example, symbol icon which can be distinct each broadcasting corp, icon and caption which are has feature and important information for the scene in respectively, In this paper, we propose extraction methods of caption that has important prohlem of news videos and it can be classified in three steps, First of al!, we converted that input images from video frame to YIQ color vector in first stage. And then, we divide input image into regions in clear hy using equalized color histogram of input image, In last, we extracts caption using edge histogram based on vertical and horizontal line, We also propose the method which can extract news icon in selected key frames by the difference of inter-histogram and can divide each scene by the extracted icon. In this paper, we used comparison method of edge histogram instead of complex methcxls based on color histogram or wavelet or moving objects, so we shorten computation through using simpler algorithm. and we shown good result of feature's extraction.

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