• Title/Summary/Keyword: 염산용액

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Solvent Extraction of Co(II) and Cu(II) from Hydrochloric Acid Solution of Spent Lithium-ion Batteries Containing Li(I), Mn(II), and Ni(II) (Li(I), Mn(II) 및 Ni(II)를 함유한 폐리튬 이온 배터리의 염산침출용액에서 Co(II) 및 Cu(II)의 용매 추출)

  • Le, Minh Nhan;Lee, Man Seung
    • Resources Recycling
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    • v.29 no.5
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    • pp.73-80
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    • 2020
  • In order to develop a process for the recovery of valuable metals from spent LiBs, solvent extraction experiments were performed to separate Cu(II) and/or Co(II) from synthetic hydrochloric acid solutions containing Li(I), Mn(II), and Ni(II). Commercial amines (Alamine 336 and Aliquat 336) were employed and the extraction behavior of the metals was investigated as a function of the concentration of HCl and extractants. The results indicate that HCl concentration affected remarkably the extraction efficiency of the metals. Only Cu(II) was selectively at 1 M HCl concentration, while both Co(II) and Cu(II) was extracted by the amines when HCl concentration was higher than 5 M, leaving the other metal ions in the raffinate. Therefore, it was possible to selectively extract either Cu(II) or Co(II)/Cu(II) by adjusting the HCl concentration.

Crystallization and high purification of aluminium chloride hexahydrate from kaolin leaching solution (고령토 침출용액으로부터 고순도 염화알루미늄 결정화 분리)

  • 김우식;장희동
    • Journal of the Korean Crystal Growth and Crystal Technology
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.584-594
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    • 1996
  • For the separation and purification of aluminium chloride hexahydrate crystals from kaolin leaching solution the effects of crystallization conditions, such as crystallization temperature, concentration of aluminium chloride concentration in the leaching solutin and gas flow rate of HCl into the leaching solution, on purity of the aluminium chloride hexahydrate crystals were investigated. The supersaturation level of aluminium chloride in the leaching solution gave great influence on the purity of the crystals. When supersaturated concentration of the aluminium chloride in the leaching solution was generated in low level, the aluminium chloride hexahydrate crystals were produced with high purity ; that is, the crystals hving a low Fe-ion concentration. The supersaturation level of aluminium chloride in the leaching solution was mainly determined by crystallization temperature, concentrations of aluminium chloride and hydrochloric acid in the solution. However, in spite of changes of the above crystallization coditions, a needle shape morphology of aluminium chloride hexahydrate crystals did not modified. To measure hydrochloric acid concentration in the kaolin leaching solution, we applied the oxalate titration method, which was suggested by shank [9] and it was prove that this method could titrate hydrochloroic acid concentration in multi-component ionic solution such as kaolin leaching solution.

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Cementation of Tin by Aluminium from Hydrochloric acid Solution (염산산성(鹽酸酸性) 용액(溶液)중에서 알루미늄에 의한 주석(朱錫)의 치환반응(置換反應))

  • Ahn, Jae-Woo;So, Sun-Seob
    • Resources Recycling
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.70-75
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    • 2008
  • A study on the cementation for the recovery of tin with aluminium in the hydrochloric acid solution was carried out. Parameters, such as aluminium metal equivalent, pH, reaction time, reaction temperature and the concentration of chloride ions were investigated. The experimental results showed that the cementation rate of Sn(II) ions increased with increase of the addition amount of aluminium powders, temperature, pH and the concentration of chloride ions in hydrochloric acid solution. From the results, the optinum conditions for recovery of metallic tin by cementation with aluminium metal powders were proposed.

Leaching of the Mixture of Metallic Gold and Silver (금과 은 금속혼합물의 침출)

  • Xing, Weidong;Lee, Manseung
    • Resources Recycling
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.39-45
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    • 2017
  • In order to exclude the effect of uneven distribution of gold in anode slime, the dissolution of gold and silver from the metal mixture was investigated in different systems, such as the mixture of hydrochloric acid and oxidizing reagents ($H_2O_2$, NaClO and $HNO_3$), thiosulfate and thiourea. In the mixture of HCl and either $HNO_3$ or $H_2O_2$, Au was completely dissolved but the leaching percentage of Ag was around 1%. In both thiosulfate and thiourea solution, gold was not dissolved at all. The presence of ferric ion in acidic thiourea solution showed a favorable effect on the leaching of silver but further study is necessary to elucidate the combined effect of ferric ion and sulfuric acid.

Study on the stability of ammonium cobalt thiocyanate solution and the formation of perthiocyanuric acid (Ammoninm Cobalt Thiocyanate 용액의 안정도 및 Perthiocyanuric acid의 생성반응에 관한 연구)

  • 최종인
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    • v.7 no.2_3
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    • pp.36-41
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    • 1963
  • Cobalt thiocyanate ion에 미치는 영향을 연구하였다. Cobalt ion이 $NH_{4}CNS$ 용액에 의해서 생성되는 ion의 색의 transmittance는 확산에 의하여 적어지며, 황산존재하에서는 황산의 양과 Transmittance 사이에 비례적 관계가 있다. 염산 및 질산도 역시 Transmittance의 값에 영향을 미치기는 하나 염산의 경과에는 이 착 ion이 황산존재하보다 다소 불안정하며 질산에 의해서는 안정화가 극히 적어서 단시간내에 Perthiocyanuric acid로 인정되는 물질로 분해한다. 또한 그 Transmittance가 과량의 광산존재하에서 적어지는 현상으로 부터 $Co(SCN)^{2-n/_{$ n/의 n의 값이 커지는 것은 ether에 이행하는 SCN-을 Volhard 씨법으로 정량함으로서 확증하였다.

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Influence and Application of an External Variable Magnetic Field on the Aqueous HCl Solution Behavior: Experimental Study and Modelling Using the Taguchi Method (염산 수용액 거동에 대한 가변 외부 자기장의 적용과 영향: 실험 연구 및 Taguchi 법을 이용한 모델링)

  • Hashemizadeh, Abbas;Ameri, Mohammad Javad;Aminshahidy, Babak;Gholizadeh, Mostafa
    • Applied Chemistry for Engineering
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.215-224
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    • 2018
  • Influences of the magnetic field on 5, 10 and 15 wt% (1.5, 3 and 4.5 M) HCl solution behaviour, which has widespread applications in petroleum well acidizing, were investigated in various conditions. Differences in the pH of magnetized hydrochloric acid compared to that of normal hydrochloric acid were measured. Taguchi design of experimental (DoE) method were used to model effects of the magnetic field intensity, concentration, velocity and temperature of acid in addition to the elapsed time. The experimental results showed that the magnetic field decreases [$H^+$] concentration of hydrochloric acid up to 42% after magnetization. Increasing the magnetic field intensity (with 28% contribution), concentration (with 42% contribution), and velocity of acid increases the effect of magnetic treatment. The results also demonstrated that the acid magnetization was-not influenced by the fluid velocity and heating. It was also displayed that the acid preserves its magnetic memory during time. The optimum combination of factors with respect to the highest change of [$H^+$] concentration was obtained as an acid concentration of 10% and an applied magnetic field of 4,300 Gauss. Due to the reduction of HCl reaction rate under the magnetization process, it can be proposed that the magnetized HCl is a cost effective and reliable alternative retarder in the matrix acidizing of hydrocarbon (crude oil and natural gas) wells.

Leaching of Black Dross by Hydrochloric Acid Solutions (염산용액에 의한 블랙드로스의 침출)

  • Nguyen, Thi Thuy Nhi;Nguyen, Thi Hong;Lee, Man Seung
    • Resources Recycling
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.58-64
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    • 2017
  • Leaching of black dross with HCl solution was conducted to find a suitable process to recover valauble materials. In this work, the leaching behavior of the components was compared between black dross and the residues after water treatment. All the components except $TiO_2$ in the black dross were dissolved by HCl solution in the experimental ranges. Treatment of the black dross with water to recover the salts has negative effect on the leaching of $Al_2O_3$, MgO and $SiO_2$. The reactions occuring during the leaching were discussed. At an optimum leaching condition of 3 M HCl and $90^{\circ}C$, the leaching percentage of $Al_2O_3$, MgO and $SiO_2$ was 85, 100 and 40%, respectively.

Acid Pickling Characteristics of Stainless Steel by the Mixed Solution of Hydrochloric acid, Hydrofluoric acid and Hydrogen Peroxide (염산-불산-과산화수소 혼합용액에 의한 스테인레스강의 산세 특성)

  • Chun, Heedong;Choi, SangGyo
    • Clean Technology
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.21-28
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    • 2005
  • Nitric acid free pickling solution was applied to solve the severe environmental problems attributed to nitric acid during pickling process of stainless steel product. In points of pickling capability and erosion of stainless steel base metal, a solution contains I% of hydrochloric acid and 2% of hydrofluoric acid and hydrogen peroxide was revealed as the best alternative to conventional mixed acid of nitric acid and hydrofluoric acid. To keep the pickling capability, it was necessary to maintain the concentration ratio of hydrogen peroxide to hydrochloric acid above 0.5.

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Solvent Extraction of Rare Earth Elements (La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm) from Hydrochloric Acid Solutions using Cyanex 572 (염산용액에서 Cyanex 572에 의한 희토류 원소(La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm)의 용매추출)

  • Cho, Yeon-Chul;Kang, Myeong-Sik;Ahn, Jae-Woo;Lee, Jin-Young
    • Resources Recycling
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    • v.25 no.6
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    • pp.50-57
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    • 2016
  • This work was examined the extraction and stripping behavior of rare earths (La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm) from the hydrochloric acid solution by Cyanex 572 and compared to the results that of PC88A. Experimental parameters such as equilibrium pH, extractant & strip reagent concentration were observed and extraction percentage, distribution coefficient, stripping percentage and the separation factor of the adjacent element were analyzed. The $pH_{50}$ values was more higher using Cyanex 572 than that of PC88A. As the increase of the extractant concentration, the distribution coefficient of rare earth elements was increased. Stripping percentage of rare earth elementss from the Cyanex 572 was 85% to 95% and PC88A showed 80% to 87%. Separation factor of Ce/La, Ce/Pr, Pr/Nd, Nd/Sm was enhanced about 1.0-5.0 using Cyanex 572 as an extractant in mixture solution.

Ionic Equilibria and Comparison of Solvent Extraction of Cobalt(II) and Manganese(II) from HCl Solution by Alamine336 (염산용액(鹽酸溶液)에서 코발트(II)와 망간(II)의 이온 평형(平衡) 및 Alamine336에 의한 용매추출(溶媒抽出) 비교(比較))

  • Lee, Man-Seung;Shin, Shun-Myung
    • Resources Recycling
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.29-34
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    • 2010
  • Distribution diagram of $CoCl_2$ and $MnCl_2$ was obtained by analyzing ionic equilibria of the two metals in HCl solution. In the HCl concentration range of 4 and 10 M, most of cobalt exists as $CoCl_2$, whereas Mn exists $MnCl_{3}^-$ and $MnCl_2$. Extraction isotherm of Co(II) and Mn(II) was calculated by using the equilibrium constant for the solvent extraction of the two metals by Alamine336. Although the equilibrium constant for the solvent extraction of Mn was higher than that of Co, extraction isotherm indicated that cobalt could be extracted more efficiently than manganese at the same initial extraction conditions.