• Title/Summary/Keyword: 연기 접근 방법

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Usefulness of Stanislavski's 'Physical Action' as a Method to Approach to Acting (연기접근 방법론으로서 스타니슬라브스키의 '신체적 행동'의 효용성)

  • Han, Jin-Soo
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.224-230
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    • 2010
  • The method to approach to acting today is based upon Stanislavski's initial theories. This method that emphasizes actors' inner world makes actors nervous and frustrated over again. Watching actors' agony, Stanislavski tried to find a fine method all his life that actors could approach to acting more easily. He, at last, created a new method in the sunset of his life, so called physical action, which approaches to emotion through action. However, it has not been accepted widely because it was transmitted to the western world too late. Emotion is not the thing that everyone can handle freely. But everyone can handle action easily. It can, therefore, be an excellent method to reduce actors' agony. This study tried to experience Stanislavski's physical action with a text and to find out how it works as an acting method. As a result of it, Stanislavski's physical action proved to be a valuable method to complement the existing one, and also to have many other positive effects on the natures of acting.

A Study on Digital Film Acting - Focus on Pratical Use of Stanislavsky's Circle of Attention (디지털영상연기방법 고찰 - 스타니슬랍스키의 주의집중의 범위를 중심으로)

  • Yoo, Dong-Hyuk
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.749-753
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study analyzes the basic elements of film acting based on Stanislavsky Circles of Attention. This research also demonstrates the basic elements on how to become a good film actor. I attempt to interpret Stanislavsky Circles of Attention, in order to adapt the size of camera shots and the location of microphones. This Circles of Attention is an effective method utilized for actors to help them understand and be absorbed in the work of art both in film and stage. It is useful for building a character in realism drama as well as in film. I believe Stanislavsky Circles of Attention is certainly the most advanced acting style in film because it proposes the importance of physical action for actors.

A Study on the Creating Roles in The Golden Dragon - Focused on Production Processes with LMA - (『황금용』(The Golden Dragon) 역할창조 연구 - LMA를 적용한 프로덕션 과정을 중심으로 -)

  • Jung, In-Yong;Cho, Joon-Hui
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.14 no.8
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    • pp.117-130
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    • 2020
  • The Golden Dragon is a work that reminds us of the tragic illusion of globalization through the story of Asian workers' lives in Berlin, a strange city. Also, the post-epic nature of the play requires the audience to see it in a new way, more different than before. In Korea, there are theoretical studies on the post-epic theatre, but there is little research on specific acting approaches based on practical production process. Therefore, I first analyze the post-epic characteristics of The Golden Dragon in order to present specific acting approaches. As a result, it would be confirmed that body-centered acting approaches were required in the post-epic theatre to play more different roles than in the realism play. Thus, Laban movement Analysis(LMA) of Rudolf von Laban is applied so that internal impulses could be naturally induced through the utilization of the body. Of the four categories of motion(BESS), Laban seeks to look at the body-centered acting approaches through the effort. Finally, it must be confirmed through the actual production process that Laban's theory of motion could be used as a body-centered acting approach to creating the role of post-epic theatre.

A Study on Acting Approaches based on Characteristics of Zoom Theater - Focused on the Production Process of Project, Hong-Do 2020 (줌(Zoom)연극의 특성에 따른 배우의 연기 접근 방법 연구 - 프로젝트, 홍도(2020)의 제작 과정을 중심으로)

  • Jung, Eunyoung
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.12
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    • pp.842-854
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    • 2021
  • Performing industries in Korea and abroad have been attempting a wide range of artistic experiments utilizing online platforms ever since the Covid-19 pandemic. Accordingly, this study will shed light on the functional characteristics of Zoom, which was used as a creative tool for theater performances. At first, after examining theater performances presented in Korea and abroad using Zoom and their characteristics, the production stage of the Zoom play will be analyzed by dividing it into following stages; a research-based pre-production stage, a scene workshop stage that composes each scene based on the script, a recording stage filming each scene on Zoom, and Streaming stage for presenting the show. Furthermore, the actor's approaches to acting in this production process was presumed to be separation of gaze, re-recognition of space, utilization of expressive gestures, and reaction as an active action. As a result, it proposes the possibility of ongoing development of theatrical work using Zoom and the evolutionary aspect of actor's acting approaches in accordance with theatrical work via Zoom.

Film Acting Studies of S. Kracauer (크라카우어의 영화연기론)

  • Chough, Song-Duk;Kim, Jong-Guk
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.16 no.9
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    • pp.502-511
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    • 2016
  • This article reviews the film acting studies of Kracauer presenting the basic approach of traditional film theory. It is to provide a foundation for film acting theory in order to activate the domestic acting studies. While Kracauer explaines the difference between traditional stage actor and film actor in 'Remarks on the Actor' of Theory of Film(1960), he suggests the characteristics of the cinema acting and its media technical meanings. He emphasizes the acting forms presenting the postwar new realism in his film acting studies. His approach takes the perspective of 'physical reality' or 'camera reality' which is the basic premise of film theory. Kracauer insists the naturalness of the actors, listing the features of professional actors, non-professional actors and Hollywood stars as they are a familiar classification for the types of actors. He does not prefer the Hollywood stars, whether it is fiction or documentary, professional or non-professional actors, but he emphasizes negative acting, the ability to express words by doing nothing, based on indeterminacy or indefiniteness of the film. Kracauer's film acting studies has affected later film theory and media-related acting, and has become the principles of cinema textbook and acting.

Measurement of the Visibility of the Smoke Images using PCA (PCA를 이용한 연기 영상의 가시도 측정)

  • Yu, Young-Jung;Moon, Sang-ho;Park, Seong-Ho
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.22 no.11
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    • pp.1474-1480
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    • 2018
  • When fires occur in high-rise buildings, it is difficult to determine whether each escape route is safe because of complex structure. Therefore, it is necessary to provide residents with escape routes quickly after determining their safety. We propose a method to measure the visibility of the escape route due to the smoke generated in the fire by analyzing the images. The visibility can be easily measured if the density of smoke detected in the input image is known. However, this approach is difficult to use because there are no suitable methods for measuring smoke density. In this paper, we use principal component analysis by extracting a background image from input images and making it training data. Background images and smoke images are extracted from images given as inputs, and then the learned principal component analysis is applied to map of as a new feature space, and the change is calculated and the visibility due to the smoke is measured.

A Study on the Comedic Acting Methods in the Play - Focusing on Character of Kim Seo-Young - (연극 <코트>에 나타난 희극적 연기 방법 연구 - 김서영 역을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Seok
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.89-100
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    • 2021
  • Comedy has been popular since ancient Greece. In order to visualize comedy more effectively, the actor's acting acts as an important factor. Then active discussion is needed on how actors can actually shape their comedic performance. I would like to approach comedic acting methods, focusing on the character of Kim Seo-young in the play . This researcher played the character of Kim Mi-young, and the characteristics of comedic acting include exaggeration, repetition, fast tempo, changing tone, and exaggerated physical behavior. Comedic acting comes from a dissonance of reactions. This is because unexpected reactions to stimuli can cause audience laughter. Comedic acting is also important in exaggeration and repetition, which must be based on true acting. The fast tempo of the act and the changing tone of the words also affect comedic acting expressions, and the embodiments of 'slapstick' and 'group dance', which are characteristics of farce acting, play an important role in causing audience laughter. In order for these characteristic elements to show comic effects, the actor's true acting must be the basis. What is important in comedic acting is understanding the narrative flow and features of the text and expressing it accurately. Comedic effects can be sufficiently represented if an actor truly expresses his means and faithfully demonstrates what the text requires. It is hoped that such research will help explore various acting arts, the acting education field, and the theater creation process.

Use of Pansori for Developing Actor's Aesthetic Voice (배우의 미학적 발성을 위한 판소리의 활용방안)

  • Lee, Ki-Ho
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.9 no.12
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    • pp.181-192
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this research is to investigate appropriate usage of pansori's method of breathing, sound making, and resonance in order to develop actor's aesthetic voice. Today's theatre no longer see inter-cultural approach as new or experimental, but see it as a part of global current. Actors are required to integrate some global-ness into their acting. It's not enough, however, for actors to equip some cosmopolitan sensibility. More important thing is that they should be able to integrate one's own culture and aesthetic into their performance. Only after acquiring one's own cultural identity, it is possible to step into inter-cultural work. It is fundamental, therefore, for actors to assimilate traditional movement and aesthetic voice. It's been known that traditional Korean voice traits are well preserved in Pansori. In this paper, based upon well-known theories and practices of western voice training, pansori's principles and practices are utilized to bring a new aesthetic voice.

Tendency of Hollywood Method in Korean Film (한국영화의 할리우드메소드에 관한 인식 양상)

  • Kim, Jong-Guk
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.131-138
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    • 2019
  • In general, film acting refers to American method or Hollywood method. Hollywood method is a term to denominate collectively actors from Group Theatre of Lee Strasberg which accepted Russian Stanislavski's system as American acting. We can find out the origins of Korean acting in the attitude of actors who imitate Hollywood. Hollywood method, which seem to be more systematic and rational in the previous Sin-pa, has begun to be accepted in the fields of actors, directors, critics, and educators. The perception of Hollywood method in Korea is part of the search for the identity of Korean film acting. This article approaches from the perspective of four fields. First, it is Korean actors' perceptions about Hollywood methods. Second, I examine the attitude of the direction of staff and technical aesthetics regarding Hollywood method. Third, it is evaluation aspect in criticism area. Fourth, it is an aspect of education.

Usefulness of Meyerhold's 'Biomechanics' as an Alternative for a Method of Actor Training I - focused on the background and theoretical principles of 'Biomechanics' (배우 훈련 방법의 대안으로서 메이어홀드 '인체역학'의 효용성 I -'인체역학'의 형성 배경과 이론적 원리를 중심으로)

  • Cho, Han-Jun
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.95-106
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    • 2014
  • Meyerhold's 'Biomechanics', which germinated from a critical point of view towards naturalism theatre, is a primary acting method that attempted to approach to acting in a material way, along with Stanislavski's 'System'. However, not only for a reason of the political background that all study on Meyerhold were forbidden in Russia but also for a reason of universalization of Stanislavski's 'System' through the world mutated into American acting method, it is a fact that Meyerhold's 'Biomechanics' is not actively utilized in a field of actor training at the present day. Especially, in case of actor training in Korea, 'Biomechanics' is also misunderstood as a method only focused on an actor's physical approach. Therefore, a purpose of this study is to explore usefulness of 'Biomechanics' in order to practically apply it to the actor training through correct understanding.