• Title/Summary/Keyword: 양가성

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Pressure Control of Hydraulic Pump using SR Drive with Pressure Predict and Direct Torque Control Method (압력예측기법과 직접순시토크제어기법을 통한 유압펌프용 SRM의 압력제어구동)

  • Lee, Dong-Hee;Seok, Seung-Hun;Liang, Jianing;Ahn, Jin-Woo
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Power Electronics
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.171-178
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    • 2008
  • Pressure control of hydraulic pump using SRM with pressure predictor and direct torque control method is presented in this paper. Nowadays, high efficiency and high performance motor drive is much interested in hydraulic pump system. But the hydraulic pump system has an inherent defect that its dynamic behavior causes by interaction between the sensor and hydraulic load. It will make low performance of whole system, even unstable and oscillatory. Proposed system integrates pressure predictor and direct instantaneous torque control (DITC). The pressure predictor includes Smith predictor, which is easy to improve unstable or long oscillation in traditional negative feedback control and popular PID control architectures. And DITC method can reduce inherent torque ripple of SRM, and develop smooth torque to load, which can increase stability and improve the torque response of SR drive. So high dynamic performance and stabilization can achieved proposed hydraulic system. At last, the proposed hydraulic system is verified by simulation and experimental results.

A Survey on Practices and Attitude toward Wedding Food among Housewives in Busan and Kyungnam Area (부산.경남지역 주부들의 혼례음식 관행과 태도에 관한 조사)

  • Kim, Kyong-Myo;Kim, Kyung-Ja;Shin, Ae-Sook
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.240-251
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    • 2002
  • This study is to describe practices of and attitude toward traditional wedding food and the attitude of housewives toward the traditional wedding food in Busan metropolitan and Kyungnam province area. Data were analyzed from the convenient sample of 525 housewives collected from September 20 to September 28, 2001. As for the necessity of traditional wedding food, the most popular food was ebagee food, pebaek food, yedan food in order. Of the various kinds of traditional wedding food, table setting for parent-in-law was chosen as the most popular one. Sociodemographic characteristics such as education level and age were statistically associated with perception of traditional wedding food being necessary as a ritual thing. The respondents preferred rice cakes as wedding food to fishes, fruits, traditional sweets and skewered slices of seasoned meats. More than half of the respondents think current practices of wedding food is prodigal and has to be done in thrifty manner. As a ritual practices of wedding food were to be readjusted to the change of social custom depending on the degree of modernization. More than half (52.1%) of the housewives expected traditional wedding food should fade away. A conclusion was that it is necessary to develop modernized wedding food reflecting traditional wedding customs with economic costs.

A Understanding of Shame and Humanity - by focusing on Nussbaum's and Mencius' Concept of Shame (수치심과 인간다움의 이해 - 누스바움과 맹자의 수치심 개념을 중심으로)

  • 신은화
    • Studies in Philosophy East-West
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    • no.88
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    • pp.317-335
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    • 2018
  • Shame is an emotion of sorrow for our own shortcomings, but it may be also an emotion that awakens ourselves to reflect on our mistakes. This article considers the contradictory aspects of shame to be an interesting theme and refers to Nussbaum's and Mencius' concept of shame. According to Nussbaum, shame is an emotion that is used to brand a certain group of people in a society to overcome anxiety about human imperfection. This kind of stigma is based on a dichotomy that arbitrarily determines normal and abnormal. Therefore, Nussbaum thinks that shame is very irrational and difficult to trust. She explains that shame reflects a human desire to become perfect like God without accepting imperfectness. Mencius, on the other hand, regards shame as an emotion that is one of four clues to four virtues. According to Mencius's concept, shame is helpful for us to reflect on ourselves and to develop personality in harmony with human nature. For this reason, it is possible in Mencius that shame is considered as an important driving force in the growth of humanity. Although Nussbaum and Mencius have very different opinions about shame, this article considers that Nussbaum's concept of 'productive shame' is not much different from Mencius's concept of shame, and at this point there may be found a compatibility between them. Nussbaum emphasizes a necessity for overcoming narcissistic tendencies by orienting moral values and an attitude of humbly acknowledging human imperfection so that productive shame could be positively realized. We may agree that Mencius's concept of shame is not in an opposition to these conditions of Nussbaum, and this may be regarded as a common point of two different views. In this article, we will deal with Nussbaum's and Mencius' concept of shame, and subsequently compare them and clarify the differences between them. Then, we will discuss the possibility of combining their views by analyzing what the two philosophers have in common. In conclusion, we may see that the understanding of shame can broaden the understanding of human beings and be helpful for our inner growth toward humanity.

What Hinders the Transition from Benefits Recipiency to Labor Market in the Korean Social Assistance Program? : In the case of working-age recipients (근로연령대 수급자의 탈빈곤 : 노동시장통합 결정 요인에 관한 연구)

  • Chang, Jiyeun;Lee, Hyonjoo;Cheon, Byungyou
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.66 no.3
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    • pp.185-208
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    • 2014
  • This study is to identify the factors deterring or precipitating the exit from welfare recipiency to labor market in the Korean social assistance program. The results from the empirical analyses of the Korea Welfare Panel Study(KOWEPS) show that the duration dependency is not due to increasing welfare dependency with duration, but to the fact that longer stayers have many vulnerable conditions to escape from poverty. Particularly, the main factors determining the transition from recipiency to labor market are not individual or household characteristics such as human or social capital. Those having adolescents of secondary education in their households or participating in some effective labor market program such as job placement service tend to have significant effects on the exit rates from recipiency. That means that the institution-related factors such as the education and health supports combined with benefits and the effective labor market programs are important in the translation from recipiency to labor market of working-age recipients in the Korean social assistance scheme.

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Valence of Social Emotions' Sense and Expression in SNS (SNS내 사회감성의 어휘적 의미와 표현에 대한 유의성)

  • Hyun, Hye-Jung;Whang, Min-Cheol
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.37-48
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    • 2014
  • Social emotion is being highlighted as an important factor of human life in terms of quality of communication as a variety of social networks are commonly used. To understand such social emotion, this study verifies and analyzes the significance of lexical meaning and expression of emotion basically for understanding of complex meaning of social emotion. The emotional expressions represented in SNS text messages, one of the major channel of communication, are examined in this study to create scales of meaning and expression and to understand the differences deeply. As a result of the analysis, it turned out that negative assessment factors were more than positive ones among social emotional factors while positive ones were outstandingly many in the case of social emotional expression. Social emotional factors were classified by basic emotional elements and valences while emotional expression included complex meaning and especially positive elements were dominant in general.

The Relationship between Temperament and Dental Fear (개인기질과 치과치료와 관련된 공포감간의 관련성)

  • Cha, Jeong-Dan;Kim, Ji-Young
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.9 no.5
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    • pp.539-543
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    • 2009
  • This study lays its purpose on finding general trends in dental fear among adolescences at 15~17 years of age, differences in levels of dental fear according to temperament, and their causal relationships. The researcher made use of a questionnaire including tools questionnaire of survey - DFS, EAS - and then analyzed covariate structure modeling by using LISREL 8.12 after conducting univariate analysis by employing SPSS. Cronbach's reliability coefficients showed higher in DFS(0.957), EAS(0.916), and GFS (0.910), and females rather than males showed higher levels of dental fear, and of types of traits, trait III showed lower levels of dental fear than the others, and also the less perceived dental health status and the more recent experience in pain when treating dental disease and also the more broken dental appointments, the higher levels of dental fear showed with statistical significance. In addition, there showed a positive correlation between fear of dental treatment, a distrust of dentists, and a general feeling of fear.

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The Analysis of Vocational Behavior in the Inconsistency Profiles using Holland's Hexagonal Model (비일관성의 Holland 6각형 프로파일 직업행동 분석)

  • Choi, Seon-Hee;Seo, Seol-Hwa;Song, Soo-Yong
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.11
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    • pp.509-525
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    • 2017
  • This study analyzed a unique method of problem-handling, attitudes, and specific interest propensity in the career path of the type with inconsistency in the relative distance between personality type in Holland's hexagonal model. In-depth interviews and theme analysis with six clients who showed inconsistent personality type were conducted. These six were selected from 87 participants that had received training at the Korea Vocational Counselling Association, Korea Training Institute for Self-Sufficiency and Korea Employment Agency for the Disabled. From the analysis, the six clients with inconsistent 3 Codes showed four characteristics - more than three career experience, various interest pursuits, career involvement, and career identity. They were affected in their vocational behavior by their own Holland 3 Codes and showed vocational behavior very different from Holland's theory of person-environment fit approach. They showed positive, ambivalent and chaotic types on career identity. Furthermore, Conventional(C)-Investigative(I)-Social(S) 3 Codes type and Artistic(A)-Enterprising(E)-Realistic(R) 3 Codes type in the same inconsistent personality type showed different vocational behaviors in career path development, which relates to the meaning of Holland's 3 Codes. The significance of this research lies in its provision of various points for improving career counselling.

Rewriting Male-identity Narratives, Possibilities & Limitations - Focusing on & - (새로운 남성 정체성의 모색, 가능성과 한계 - <라디오 스타>와 <즐거운 인생>을 중심으로 -)

  • Hwang, Hye-Jin
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.8 no.12
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    • pp.131-140
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    • 2008
  • It has been a major agenda in criticism that there have been a dominant tendency of male-centered narratives in Korean mainstream films after . These kinds of narratives could be accept as a result of searching process in virtual realm for understanding the social changes. I suggest $H.Lef\acute{e}bvre's$ very familiar concept 'quotidienne', which influences the conditions to constitute male-identity as a fundamental base of male-centered narratives, to analyze and . It seems meaningful these texts tried to reconstitute male-identity through distinguish potential energy of 'quotidienne' from repressive everyday-life. The result of analysis has lied two ambivalent dimensions, nevertheless, it would be required further studies to argue on male-centered narratives and discourses of male-identity as which results could represent interactions between various social contradictions.

A Political Analysis of Fantasies of Supernatural Beings in Television Drama (대중문화 콘텐츠 속 초자연적 존재 판타지의 정치적 의미: <오 나의 귀신님>과 <싸우자 귀신아> 사례를 중심으로)

  • Park, Jin Kyu
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.17 no.10
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    • pp.492-502
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    • 2017
  • This study, by analyzing two recent television dramas, attempts to identify the ways how popular cultural texts deal with supernatural beings and to discuss political meanings of the ways in the context of neoliberal Korea. The results are: (1) The narratives make a clear line between the supernatural and the ordinary. (2) The supernatural is effectively used in the narratives to extend the boundary of conflict structure towards structural social problems that the society is now facing. (3) When the text resolving the conflicts, the supernatural is also critical, which makes the whle narrative in line with fantasy rather than reality. These results suggest that the conclusion of the previous studies, arguing the use of the supernatural by popular cultural texts tends to function as a form of resistance against neoliberal discourse structure, needs to be negotiated. It is also reaffirmed that we need to explain political meanings of popular cultural texts dealing with supernatural beings, with its double-sided and ambivalent effects.

The animated soul of the machine The development of kinetic elements in installation art, eastern and western positions (기계의 움직이는 정서에 대한 조형 연구)

  • Halbherr, Bernd;Choi, Han Jun
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.49
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    • pp.537-561
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    • 2017
  • Machines and robotic structures are questioning existential bases of human beings. They influence our way of thinking and transform our social philosophies and value systems. The same time they keep their fascination ever since. Mechanical technique and skills are symbols for development and hazard at the same time. The attraction of this ambivalence is reviewed in this thesis by having a look at kinetic elements in modern sculpture. The author is focusing on classical sculptural positions that use machines or machinery within sculptural artworks. The historical development is examined and certain examples from the classical modern era are discussed as role models during their time. On this scenario, the portraits of two young contemporary outstanding positions in the field of kinetic art and installation are analyzed and explained. One of the goals was to investigate the eastern and the western language of two artists that are doing artworks in the same field and compare the works and the cultural expressions to each other. Different cultural positions and visual languages become visible due to the research. And the author's final conclusions is, that even in a globalized world there will always be significant local distinguishes remaining.