• Title/Summary/Keyword: 액상화 평가

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New Methods for Assessing Liquefaction Potential Based on the Characteristics of Material (재료의 역학적 거동특성에 기초한 액상화 평가방법)

  • Kim, Gyeong-Hwan;Park, In-Jun;Kim, Su-Il
    • Geotechnical Engineering
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.205-218
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    • 1998
  • The purpose of this study is to develop and utilize new assessment of liquefaction potential based on DSC(disturbed state concept) and dissipated energy concept. The term liquefaction has suddenly loses its shear strength and behaves like a fluid. Liquefaction has been a source of a major damage during severe earthquake. In this study, the cyclic undrained behavior of Joomoonjin strand is investigated by using an automates triaxial testing device(C. K. Chan type). In order to assess liquefaction potential of saturated strand, DSC method and energy method are applied for the experimental data. The use of DSC method and energy method to define the liquefaction potential is verified through laboratory testis of cyclic triaxial test on saturated sand specimens. Based on the analytical results of DSC method, the relationship between the factor affecting liquefaction characteristics(Dr) and physical properties of the saturated santa(fs and D.) is found. Based on the analytical results of energy method, it is found that the initial liquefaction of rand is related to the significant change in the dissipated energy. Finally, it is shown that the DSC method and energy method can capture the liquefaction mechanism.

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Evaluation of Liquefaction Strength Based on Korean Earthquake Magnitude (국내 발생 지진규모를 고려한 액상화저항강도 산정)

  • 신윤섭;박인준;최재순;김수일
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.307-317
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    • 1999
  • The purpose of this study is to utilize conventional procedures for evaluation of liquefaction potential and to compare the results obtained by modified detailed method based on Korean earthquake magnitude (M=6.5). Liquefaction potential is assessed by comparing liquefaction strength of soil and cyclic shear stress generated in the soil layers during earthquakes. The cyclic shear stress is computed from the earthquake response analysis, and liquefaction strength of soil is evaluated by using results from cyclic triaxial tests. The cyclic triaxial tests are performed on many different conditions of sample ; relative densities(50%, 60%, and 70%), initial effective confining pressures (70kPa, 100kPa, and 150kPa), and fine contents(10%, 20%, and 30%). From the result of comparing the conventional procedure with the modified detailed method, it is found that the modified detailed method tends to evaluate larger safety factor against liquefaction in the weak sand site$(FS \leq1.5)$. Therefore in this case, it is suggested that liquefaction potential should be evaluated by using the modified detailed method based on cyclic triaxial tests. It is also found that in modified detailed method based on earthquake magnitude 6.5, critical depth where liquefaction can be generated is around 15m from the ground surface.

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Liquefaction Characteristic of Pohang Sand Based on Cyclic Triaxial Test (진동삼축시험을 통한 포항 지역 사질토의 액상화 저항 특성 연구)

  • Hwang, Byongyoun;Han, Jin-Tae;Kim, Jongkwan;Kwak, Tae-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.36 no.9
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    • pp.21-32
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    • 2020
  • In this study, series of cyclic triaxial tests and shear velocity measurement were conducted using Pohang sand, which was taken from liquefaction observed area, to verify the liquefaction characteristics of Pohang. The cyclic resistance ratio(CRR) was derived based on the test results. A specimen was reconstituted into 40% and 80% relative density conditions and then a series of cyclic triaxial tests and shear-wave velocity measurement were conducted. As a result, the effect of particle distribution and relative density to liquefaction resistance was verified. The liquefaction resistance of Pohang sand was evaluated by comparing with other liquefaction resistance of sands from previous research. In addition, the liquefaction resistance curve from field observation data was used to verify the reliability of results from this study by measured shear-wave velocity.

대만 지진피해평가 system에 대한 검토

  • Gang, Ik-Beom
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation
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    • v.3 no.3 s.10
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    • pp.82-89
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    • 2003
  • 대만 국가과학위원회에서는 1998년에 지진재해 구조물 피해 사회경제적 손실을 위한 연구를 위해 HAZ-Taiwan 연구 project를 착수하였다. 관련 software인 TELES(Taiwan Earthquake Loss Estimation System)는 3가지 목표를 위해 다양한 입력 및 분석 module로 구성되어 있다. 1. 피해 지진후 재해 평가 2. 재해복구계획 및 가상 시나리오 제공 3. 재해보험을 포함한 재해대응방안 제시 본 논문은 초기재해평가에 이용될 분석 modules개발 및 적용에 초점을 맞추고 있으며, 분석 module은 지반운동강도 액상화 건물피해 및 사상자 평가분석을 포함하고 있다.

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Comparison of Liquefaction Assessment Results with regard to Geotechnical Information DB Construction Method for Geostatistical Analyses (지반 보간을 위한 지반정보DB 구축 방법에 따른 액상화 평가 결과 비교)

  • Kang, Byeong-Ju;Hwang, Bum-Sik;Bang, Tea-Wan;Cho, Wan-Jei
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.59-70
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    • 2022
  • There is a growing interest in evaluating earthquake damage and determining disaster prevention measures due to the magnitude 5.8 earthquake in Pohang, Korea. Since the liquefaction phenomena occurred extensively in the residential area as a result of the earthquake, there was a demand for research on liquefaction phenomenon evaluation and liquefaction disaster prediction. Liquefaction is defined as a phenomenon where the strength of the ground is completely lost due to a sudden increase in excess pore water pressure caused due to large dynamic stress, such as an earthquake, acting on loose sand particles in a short period of time. The liquefaction potential index, which can identify the occurrence of liquefaction and predict the risk of liquefaction in a targeted area, can be used to create a liquefaction hazard map. However, since liquefaction assessment using existing field testing is predicated on a single borehole liquefaction assessment, there has been a representative issue for the whole targeted area. Spatial interpolation and geographic information systems can help to solve this issue to some extent. Therefore, in order to solve the representative problem of geotechnical information, this research uses the kriging method, one of the geostatistical spatial interpolation techniques, and constructs a geotechnical information database for liquefaction and spatial interpolation. Additionally, the liquefaction hazard map was created for each return period using the constructed geotechnical information database. Cross validation was used to confirm the accuracy of this liquefaction hazard map.

Assessment of Liquefaction Potential on Non-Plastic Silty Soil Layers Using Geographic Information System(GIS) and Standard Penetration Test Results (지리정보시스템 및 표준관입시험 결과를 이용한 비소성 실트질 지반의 액상화 평가)

  • Yoo, Si-Dong;Kim, Hong-Taek;Song, Byung-Woong;Lee, Hyung-Kyu
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.5-14
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    • 2005
  • In the present study, the liquefaction potential in the area of the Incheon international airport was assessed by applying the data of both standard penetration tests and laboratory tests to the modified Seed & Idriss method. The analysis was performed against the non-plastic silty soil layer and silty sand soil layer existing within the depth of 20m and under the ground water level, having the standard penetration value(N) of below 20. Also, each set of data was mapped using the GIS(Geographic Information System) and the safety factor against the liquefaction potential ($FS_{liquefaction}$) was obtained by overlapping those layers. Throughout the analysis, it was found that there exists a potential hazard zone for the liquefaction, showing partially that the safety factor against the liquefaction potential is 1.0 to 1.5 below the standard safety factor criterion. It is further thought to be necessary that the liquefaction potential for the corresponding hazard zone be additionally assessed in detail.

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A Critical Liquefaction Resistible Characteristic of Saturated Sands Based on the Cyclic Triaxial Test Under Sinusoidal Loadings (정현하중재하 진동삼축시험에 기초한 포화사질토의 액상화 한계저항특성)

  • 최재순;김수일
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.20 no.8
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    • pp.147-158
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    • 2004
  • Laboratory dynamic tests are carried out to assess the liquefaction potential of saturated sands in most countries. However, simple results such as the maximum cyclic shear stress and the number of cycles at initial liquefaction are used in the experimental assessment of liquefaction potential, even though various results can be obtained from the dynamic test. In addition, it seemed to be inefficient because more than three dynamic tests with different stress ratio have to be carried out to draw a liquefaction resistance experimental curve. To improve the present assessment method fur liquefaction potential, a new critical resistible characteristic far soil liquefaction is proposed and verified through conventional cyclic triaxial tests with Jumunjin sand. In the proposed method, various experimental data such as effective stress path, stress-strain relationship, and the change of excess pore water pressure can be used in the determination of cumulative plastic shear strains at every 1/4 cycle. Especially, the critical cumulative plastic shear strain to initiate liquefaction can be defined in a specific point called a phase change point in the effective stress path and it can be calculated from a hysteric curve of stress-strain relationship up to this point. Through this research, it is found that the proposed cumulative plastic shear strain can express the dissipated energy to resist dynamic loads and consider the realistic soil dynamic behavior of saturated sands reasonably. It is also found that the critical plastic shear strain can be used as a registible index of soils to represent the critical soil dynamic state, because it seems to include no effect of large deformation.

Analysis of the Effect of the Revised Ground Amplification Factor on the Macro Liquefaction Assessment Method (개정된 지반증폭계수의 Macro적 액상화 평가에 미치는 영향 분석)

  • Baek, Woo-Hyun;Choi, Jae-Soon
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.5-15
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    • 2020
  • The liquefaction phenomenon that occurred during the Pohang earthquake (ML=5.4) brought new awareness to the people about the risk of liquefaction caused by the earthquake. Liquefaction hazard maps with 2 km grid made in 2014 used more than 100,000 borehole data for the whole country, and regions without soil investigation data were produced using interpolation. In the mapping of macro liquefaction hazard for the whole country, the site amplification effect and the ground water level 0 m were considered. Recently, the Ministry of Public Administration and Security (2018) published a new site classification method and amplification coefficient of the common standard for seismic design. Therefore, it is necessary to rewrite the liquefaction hazard map reflecting the revised amplification coefficient. In this study, the results of site classification according to the average shear wave velocity in soils before and after revision were compared in the whole country. Also, liquefaction assessment results were compared in Gangseo-gu, Busan. At this time, two ground accelerations corresponding to the 500 and 1,000 years of return period and two ground water table, 5 m for the average condition and 0 m the extreme condition were applied. In the drawing of liquefaction hazard map, a 500 m grid was applied to secure a resolution higher than the previous 2 km grid. As a result, the ground conditions that were classified as SC and SD grounds based on the existing site classification standard were reclassified as S2, S3, and S4 through the revised site classification standard. Also, the result of the Liquefaction assessments with a return period of 500 years and 1,000 years resulted in a relatively overestimation of the LPI applied with the ground amplification factor before revision. And the results of this study have a great influence on the liquefaction assessment, which is the basis of the creation of the regional liquefaction hazard map using the amplification factor.

Liquefaction Evaluation of Reclaimed Sites using an Effective Stress Analysis and an Equivalent Linear Analysis (유효응력해석과 등가선형해석을 이용한 매립지반의 액상화 평가)

  • Park, Sung-Sik
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.28 no.2C
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    • pp.83-94
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    • 2008
  • In this study an effective stress analysis was performed to evaluate liquefaction potential and ground settlement for reclaimed sites. The effective stress model can simulate the stiffness degradation due to excess pore pressure and resulting ground deformation. It is applicable to a wide range of strain. An equivalent linear analysis suitable for low strain levels was also carried out to compare the effective stress analysis. Shear stress ratio calculated from an equivalent linear analysis was used to determine SPT blow count to prevent liquefaction. Depending on the magnitude of potential earthquake and fine contents, the SPT blow count was converted into an equivalent cone tip resistance. It was compared with the measured cone tip resistance. The measured elastic shear wave velocity and cone tip resistance from two reclaimed sites in Incheon were used to perform liquefaction analyses. Two liquefaction evaluation methods showed similar liquefaction potential which was evaluated continuously. The predicted excess pore pressure ratio of upper 20 m was between 40% and 70%. The calculated post-shaking settlement caused by excess pore pressure dissipation was less than 10 cm.

A Study on Magnitude Scaling Factors and Screening Limits of Liquefaction Potential Assessment in Moderate Earthquake Regions (중진지역에 적합한 액상화 평가 생략기준 및 지진규모 보정계수에 관한 연구)

  • Park Keun-Bo;Park Young-Geun;Choi Jae-Soon;Kim Soo-Il
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.20 no.7
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    • pp.127-140
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    • 2004
  • Conventional methods for the assessment of liquefaction potential were primarily for areas of severe earthquake zones (M=7.5) such as North America and Japan. Detailed earthquake related researches in Korea started in 1997, including development of the seismic design standards for port and harbour structures, which was later completed in 1999. Because most contents in the guidelines were quoted through literature reviews from North America and Japan, which are located in strong earthquake region, those are not proper in Korea, a moderate earthquake region. This requires further improvement of the present guidelines. Considering earthquake hazard data in Korea, use of laboratory tests based on irregular earthquake motion appears to be effective to reflect the dynamic characteristics of soil more realistically than those using simplified regular loading. In this study, cyclic triaxial tests using irregular earthquake motions are performed with different earthquake magnitudes, relative densities, and fines contents. Assessment of liquefaction potential in moderate earthquake regions is discussed based on various laboratory test results. Effects of these components on dynamic behavior of soils are discussed as well. From the test results, screening limits and magnitude scaling factors to determine the soil liquefaction resistance strength in seismic design were re-investigated and proposed using normalized maximum stress ratios under real irregular earthquake motions.