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Comparison of CPR Results And Muscle Fatigue According to Chest Compression Performer's Own Breathing Method

  • Jun-Ho Jung
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.28 no.12
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    • pp.175-182
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    • 2023
  • In this paper, we propose a study compared and analyzed the CPR results and muscle fatigue of the three groups. There is a group that counts loudly when compressing the mannequin's chest (Group A), a group that breathes autonomously without counting (Group B), and a group that breathes abdominally without counting (Group C). Twelve people were assigned to each group, and after performing chest compressions for 5 minutes, the results of CPR were analyzed using a program connected to the mannequin, and the muscle fatigue of the performers was analyzed using wireless electromyography. The most efficient method was found to be group B. If we only look at the speed and depth of compression within the normal range, Group C would be more efficient, but Group B showed significantly lower muscle fatigue, and Group A did not reach the normal range in depth of chest compression and muscle fatigue was the highest. Group B was also found to be the most accurate in hand positioning accuracy, and was also found to be the most efficient in maintaining concentration on chest compressions.

Treatment Effect with Weekly Teriparatide in the Vertebral Compression Fractures in Patients with Severe Osteoporosis (심한 골다공증 환자에서 발생한 척추체 압박골절에 대한 주 단위 테리파라타이드(Teriparatide)의 투여 효과)

  • Hwang, Seok-Ha;Woo, Young-Kyun;Jeon, Ho-Seung;Suh, Seung-Pyo;Kim, Joo-Young;Kim, Jae-Nam
    • Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association
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    • v.54 no.6
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    • pp.528-536
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    • 2019
  • Purpose: This study examined the effects of a weekly teriparatide on the change in vertebral compression ratio, back pain, and vertebral fracture healing in osteoporosis patients with vertebral compression fractured induced by low energy trauma. Materials and Methods: From January 2016 to December 2017, 57 patients with severe osteoporotic vertebral fractures with a T score of -3.5 or less were included in this study. The changes in the vertebral compression ratio, visual analogue scale (VAS), Oswestry disability index (ODI) for at least 6 months were examined. The morphology of bone marrow edema and the presence of intervertebral cleft, osteocalcin, and N-terminal telopeptide (NTx) were also investigated. Results: The mean compression ratio was 20% in the experimental group (teripratide group) at 3 months, and 38% in the control group. A significant difference in the compression ratio of the vertebral body over time was observed (p<0.05; t-test). A comparison of the compression ratio of the vertebral body with the follow-up duration in each group showed no significant increase in the, compression (p=0.063) in the experimental group and a significant increase in the control group (p<0.05). The mean time to reach the plateau of the compression rate was one month in the experimental group and three months in the control group. The VAS score in the experimental and control group was 0.39 and 1.07 points, respectively. The ODI score in the experimental and control group was 33.72 and 39.52, respectively. At the last follow-up radiographs, there were no cases with an intervertebral cleft (0%) in the experimental group and 1 case (2.2%) in the control group. A significant difference in the osteocalcin level was observed between the injury and 6 months after the injury (p=0.003). In addition, there was no significant difference in the NTx level between the injury and 6 months after injury (p=0.960). Conclusion: In vertebral compression fractures patients with severe osteoporosis, a weekly teriparatide can promote the union of fractures, prevent further collapse of the vertebral body, and reduce the back pain faster.

A Study on the Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Methods in Ambulance (구급차 내에서의 심폐소생술 방법에 관한 연구)

  • Shin, So-Yeon;Kim, Jee-Hee;Kim, Gyoung-Yong;Kang, Shin-Woo;Bang, Sung-Hwan;Yun, Jong-Geun;Roh, Sang-Gyun
    • Fire Science and Engineering
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.104-111
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the CPR within ambulance. The Subjects were 890 emergency medical technicians in fire department in Gyeonggido. After continuing education program, the emergency medical technicians completed the questionnaires from January to February, 2012. Questionnaire consisted of demographic characteristics, method of chest compression (one handed or two handed), chest compression - ventilation ratio, and hands only CPR. Data were analyzed by frequency analysis and Chi-square test, t-test. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was followed by Scheffe post-hoc test to analyze changes in all parameters between all groups. One handed chest compression accounted for 14.0% and two handed chest compression accounted for 86.0%. Hands only CPR accounted for 71.7% and standard CPR (30:2) accounted for 28.3%. In order to perform the high quality CPR, as least three persons must be dispatched in the ambulance. The flexible management of manpower may improve the survival from the cardiac arrest. A systemic approach for educating and training EMT's in CPR is needed.

Leisure Activities in Time Pressing Situation: Selection? or Sacrifice? (노동시간에 따른 시간압박과 여가제약: 건강행동의 선택 혹은 희생?)

  • Cha, Seung-Eun
    • Korea journal of population studies
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.65-90
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    • 2011
  • This study aims to investigate how labour time pressure is associated with leisure selection and managing leisure hours, especially focusing on health related behavior issues. I have employed Time Diary data of 9,891 Korean respondents who were married and living in the cities and metropolitan area (female 51.8%, age range 20-69, average age=45.7). Leisure activities, as dependent variable, which were introduced in time diary data and the amount of time spent for such leisure were estimated. Results show that in time pressing situations(having long labour hours), leisure activities, and the hours spent for leisure tend to suffer. Especially, solitary leisure, like exercise or walking was very likely to sacrifice under time pressure. Moreover, in terms of sports or exercise, results suggest that not only time resource but also social and economic resources seemed to required for actually initiating the activity. Therefore, simply having more time (less tiome for work) may not be enough for promoting exercise for this population. Strategies and social policies that are aiming for promoting healthy behavior needs more closer look on leisure situation and people's desire for optimizing their time.

Evaluation of Setup Errors for Tomotherapy Using Differently Applied Vacuum Compression with the Bodyfix Immobilization System (토모테라피 치료 시 Bodyfix System에서 진공압박에 따른 환자 위치잡이오차(Setup errors)의 평가)

  • Jung, Jae-Hong;Cho, Kwang-Hwan;Lee, Jeong-Woo;Kim, Min-Joo;Lim, Kwang-Chae;Moon, Seong-Kwon;Kim, Yong-Ho;Suh, Tae-Suk
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.72-78
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    • 2011
  • The aim of this study is to evaluate the patient's setup errors in TomoTherapy (Hi-Art II, TomoTherapy, USA) Bodyfix system (Medical Intelligence, Ele-kta, Schwabmuchen, Germany) pressure in the vacuum compression, depending on and were evaluated. Bodyfix immobilization system and vacuum pressure was compression applied to the patients who received Tomotherapy thoracic and abdominal area, 21 patients were selected and TomoTehpay treatment total 477 of MVCT images were obtained. The translational (medial-lateral: ML, anterior-posterior: AP, superior-inferior: SI directions) and rolling were recorded and analyzed statistically. Using Pearson's product-moment coefficient and One-way ANOVA, the degree of correlation depending on the different vacuum pressure levels were statistically analyzed for setup errors from five groups (p<0.05). The largest average and standard deviation of systematic errors were 6.00, 5.95 mm in the AP and SI directions, respectively. The largest average of random errors were 4.72 mm in the SI directions. The correlation coefficients were 0.485, 0.244, and 0.637 for the ML-Roll, AP-Vector, and SI-Vector, respectively. SI-Vector direction showed the best relationship. In the results of the different degree of vacuum pressure in five groups (Pressure range: 30~70 mbar), the setup errors between the ML, SI in both directions and Roll p=0.00 (p<0.05) were shown significant differences. The average errors of SI direction in the vacuum pressure of 40 mbar and 70 mbar group were 4.78 mm and -0.74 mm, respectively. In this study, the correlation between the vacuum pressure and the setup-errors were statistically analyzed. The fact that setup-errors in SI direction is dependent in vacuum pressure considerly setup-errors and movement of interal organs was identified. Finally, setup-errors, and it, based on the movement of internal organs in Bodyfix system we should apply more than 50 mbar vacuum pressure. Based on the results of this study, it is suggested that accuracy of the vacuum pressure and the quantitative analysis of movement of internal organs and the tumor should be studied.

The Secondary Contiguous or Non-contiguous Subchondral Bone Impactions in Subaxial Cervical Spinal Injury: Incidence and Associated Primary Injury Patterns (축추이하 경추 손상에서 이차적으로 발생하는 연속적, 비연속적 연골하골 압박손상의 빈도와 원발부위 손상 패턴)

  • Han, Jun Gu;Kim, Yeo Ju;Yoon, Seung Hwan;Cho, Kyu Jung;Kim, Eugene;Kang, Young-Hye;Lee, Ha Young;Cho, Soon Gu;Kim, Mi Young
    • Investigative Magnetic Resonance Imaging
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.232-243
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    • 2014
  • Purpose : To evaluate the incidence of secondary contiguous or non-contiguous subchondral bone impactions (SBI) in subaxial cervical spinal injury and associated primary injury patterns. Materials and Methods: A retrospective review of computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, and medical records was carried out for 47 patients who had sustained a subaxial cervical spinal injury. Presence, number, level, and sites of secondary contiguous or non-contiguous SBI were recorded. To evaluate primary injury patterns, the level and number of primary injury sites of subaxial cervical spine injury, injury morphology, anterior/posterior discoligamentous complex (ADC/PDC) injury, posterior ligamentous complex (PLC) injury, spinal cord injury, and mechanism of injury (MOI) were analyzed. Differences in primary injury pattern of subaxial cervical spine injury and MOI between patients with and without SBI, and between contiguous or non-contiguous SBI were analyzed using the Mann-Whitney U test, Pearson's chi square test and Fisher's exact test. Results: Eighteen patients (18/47, 38.29%) had developed contiguous (n=9) or non-contiguous (n=9) SBI, most commonly involving T3 (15/47, 31.91%) and 3 levels (6/18, 33.33%). All SBIs had developed near the anterosuperior region of the body and the superior endplate and were the result of a high-impact MOI. SBIs were statistically significant in association with injury morphology and PLC injury (P=0.001, P=0.009, respectively) at the primary injury site. Non-contiguous SBI was more frequently accompanied by upper cervical spinal injuries in association with PDC injuries, as opposed to contiguous SBI, with statistical significance (P=0.009), while no other statistically significant differences were found. Conclusion: Secondary SBIs are common and probably associated with subaxial cervical spinal injuries with high energy compressive flexion forces.

건강관리코너 - 골다공증과 척추골절의 예방을 위한 운동

  • Kim, Don-Gyu
    • 방재와보험
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    • s.107
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    • pp.66-69
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    • 2005
  • 노인 연령층에서 비교적 흔히 발생하는 골절로는 척추압박골절과 고관절 및 손목의 골절이다. 65세이상 여성의 33~50%에서 1곳 이상의 척추압박골절이 발생하고 80세 이상 노인의 약 17%에서 고관절 골절이 발생한다. 특히 여성 노인들은 골절 발생 후 3개월 이내 20%에서 사망하고 생존자의 50%는 영구히 보호시설에서 지내게 된다는 점에서 큰 의미를 지니고 있다고 하겠다.

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Effects of Social Ties on Product Purchase and Store Selection (연고가 제품구매와 점포선택에 미치는 영향)

  • 한동철;성희승
    • Asia Marketing Journal
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2000
  • 연고가 소비자들의 제품구매와 점포선택에 영향을 미치는 것으로 보인다. 그러나 이에 대한 실증적인 연구가 밝표된 적이 거의 없다. 본 논문에서는 관계마케팅의 관점에서 세 가지의 사회적연고의 형태가 소비자의 만족, 신뢰, 압박감에 어떠한 영향을 미치는 가를 검증하였다. 대체적으로 종교적 관계나 가족적 관계는 소비자의 만족, 신뢰와 압박감에 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다.

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Effects of Knee Height of CPR Rescuer on the Quality of Chest Compression (심폐소생술 구조자의 무릎 높이 정도가 흉부압박의 질에 미치는 효과)

  • Park, Dae-Sung
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.1699-1705
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    • 2012
  • This study was conducted to examine the differences of the quality of chest compression between 10 cm higher position of rescuer's knee from the bottom and its bottom position during implementation of CPR. It selected randomly subjects out of 66 students who attend the Dept. of Emergency Medical Technology in G college, G metropolitan city as the first grader and divided them into 31 experimental group and 32 control group from Nov. 8 to 9, 2011. Mattress was spread 10 cm higher from the bottom(material: B4 Copy Paper) and on the bottom(material: PVC, size: $185{\times}125{\times}0.65cm$) and only chest compression was conducted for 2 minutes. Experiment was conducted with 1 Resusci Anne mannequin and the results of experiment were recorded with Laerdal PC Skill Reporting System. Data collected were analyzed with $x^2$-test and Fisher's exact probability test using SPSS 14.0 for Window, Mann-Whitney U-test, and Wilcoxon signed rank test. As a result of the study, it was found that 10 cm higher position of rescuer knee from the bottom than the bottom position and group below 170 cm in their height and 65 kg in their weight were more effective in proper depth of chest compression and average chest compression depth.

Effects of Chest Compression Quality between Rescuer's Simplified Verbal-Order Method and Continued Verbal-Order Method during Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (심폐소생술 시 구조자의 간소화된 구령방법과 연속된 구령방법 간의 가슴압박 질 효과)

  • Baek, Hong-Seok;Park, Sang-Sub
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.320-330
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study is to increase efficiency of CPR through comparing the chest-compression quality between rescuer's simplified verbal order method and the continued verbal order method by utilizing voice meter during CPR. Subjects were 89 people(45 people for the experimental group, 44 people for the control group) who completed the 15-week CPR curriculum as undergraduates for the department of Emergency Medical Technology in C Province and were carried out by being randomly extracted. The group division was set for the experimental group as the group with the simplified verbal order and for the control group as the group with the continued verbal order. The period of measurement was progressed primarily(November 10, November 28, 2011) and secondarily(September 3-September 4, 2012). An analysis was used SPSS WIN 12.0 program. As a result of research, as for the implementation of appropriate chest compression(time, %), the quality was higher(p<.05) in the experimental group(102.86 times, 67.79%) than the control group(85.31 times, 55.84%). As a result of research, the chest compression(time, %) in the experimental group(102.86 times, 67.79%) had the higher effect of chest compression quality(p<.05) than the control group(85.31 times, 55.84%). On the other hand, the operation of weak chest compression(time) was higher in control group(61.13 times) than experimental group(35.54 times). The proper chest compression was shown(p<.05) in men of the experimental group as for gender and in over 60kg of the experimental group as for weight.