The term "peaceful uses of outer space" in the 1967 Outer Space Treaty appears in official government statements and multilateral outer space related treaties. However, the examination of the state practice leads to the conclusion that this term is still without an authoritative definition. As far as the meaning of 'peaceful use' in international law is concerned the same phrases in the UN Charter, the 1963 Treaty of Banning Nuclear Weapons Tests in the Atmosphere in Outer Space and Under Water, the 1956 Statute of IAEA, the 1959 Antarctic Treaty, the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, the 1968 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and the 1972 United Nations Conference of the Human Environment were analysed As far as the meaning of 'peaceful uses of outer space' is concerned the same phrases the 1967 Outer Space Treaty, the 1979 Moon Treaty and the 1977 Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques(ENMOD) were studied. According to Article IV of the 1967 Outer Space treaty, states shall not place in orbit around the earth any objects carrying nuclear weapons or any other kind of weapons of mass destruction, install such weapons on celestial bodies, or station such weapons in outer space in any other manner. The 1979 Agreement Governing the Activities of States on the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies repeats in Article III much of the Outer Space Treaty. This article prohibits the threat or use of force or any other hostile act on the moon and the use of the moon to commit such an act in relation to the earth or to space objects. This adds IN principle nothing to the provisions of the Outer Space Treaty relating to military space activities. The 1977 ENMOD refers to peaceful purposes in the preamble and in Article III. As far as the UN Resolutions are concerned, the 1963 Declaration of Legal Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exp1oration and Use of Outer Space, the 1992 Principles Relevant to the Use of Nuclear Power Sources in Outer Space(NPS) were studied. And as far the Soft Laws are concerned the 2008 Draft Treaty on the Prevention of the Placement of Weapon in Outer Space and of the Threat or Use of Force against Outer Space Objects(PPWT), the 2002 Hague Code of Conduct against Ballistic Missile Prolifiration(HCoC) and 2012 Draft International Code of Conduct for Outer Space Activities(ICoC) were studied.
Seo, Hyun Jeong;Kang, Mee Ran;Park, Jung-Eun;Son, Dong Won
Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
The purpose of this study is to analyze the combustion and thermal properties in order to establish baseline data for the fire safety evaluation of imported wood. The combustion properties such as heat release rate, total heat release, gas yield, and mass loss were analyzed by the method of cone calorimeter test according to KS F ISO 5660-1 and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). Analyzed species are five kinds of species as Merbau, Mempening, Garo Garo, Malas, and Dillenia. The heat released rate values showed the highest value of Malas as $375.52kW/m^2$, and Dillenia showed the lowest value as $133.30kW/m^2$. The data values were confirmed in the following order: Malas > Mempening > Garo Garo > Merbau > Dillenia. In case of the total heat release, it was measured in the following order: Mempening > Malas > Garo Garo > Merbau > Dillenia. The gas analysis results were that Dillenia showed the highest value of 0.034. Also, Mempening and Malas showed the lowest at 0.020 in the $CO/CO_2$. Min of mass reduction was shown as 74.79% Sargent cherry, on the other hand, Malas had a 83.52%. It showed a correlation between and of the CO and $CO_2$ generation and combustion characteristics of wood. The thermal decomposition temperature of the wood in the TGA were as follow that Merbau $348.07^{\circ}C$, Mempening $367.57^{\circ}C$, Garo Garo $350.59^{\circ}C$, Malas $352.41^{\circ}C$, Dillenia $364.33^{\circ}C$. The aim of this study is to determine the combustion properties of imported wood according to ISO 5660-1. And, based on the results of this study, we would proceed with further research for improving the fire safety of wood for construction.
A new baekji(Angelica dahurica Bentham et Hooker) variety, Baekji l, was developed through a pure line selection at the Gyeongbug Provincial RDA during the period of 1990 to 1995. The variety was characterized to have high plant height. Long root length and large root diameter as compared with a check varicty of Bonghwa baekji but emergence date, flowering date and leaf number of Baekji l was similar to that of the check variety, and it was also more tolerant to nematode and heat stress. Peeled root color of Backji l was yellowbrown but number of the lateral root of the variety was greater. The dried-root yield of Baekji l in yield trial, regional adaptation trial and farmer's field trial was always $21\sim31%$ higher than that of the check variety.
Journal of the Korean Professional Engineers Association
This synthesis has been prepared from a review of literature on Truck Escape Ramps technology and a survey of current practice by state department of transportation. Their locations have been determined usually from a combination of accident experience and en-gineering judgement, but new tools are emerging that can identify needs and sites without waiting for catastrophic accidents to happen. The Grade Severity Rating Systems holds promise in this regard. Design Procedures for truck excape ramps continue to evolve. Gravel arrester beds are clearly the preferred choice across the country Rounded aggregate, uniformly graded in the approximate size range of 13 to 18mm. Tech-nical publications typically have dassified TER types as paved gravity, sandpile, and ar-rester bed ramps. The design speed for vehicle entry into the ramp in critical to the deter-mination of ramp length. An escape ramp should be designed for a minimum entry speed of 130km/hr, a 145km/hr design being preferred. The ramps should be straight and their angle to the roadway align-ment should be as possible. The grade of truck escape ramps show the adjustment of ramp design to local topography, such as the tradeoff of ramp length against earthwork requirements. A width of 9 to 12m would more safety acommodate two or more outof con-trol vehicles. Reguarding comments on the most effective material, most respondents cited their own specification or referred to single graded, rounded pea gravel. The consensus essentially Is that single graded, well -rounded gravel is the most desirable material for use in arrester beds. The arrester beds should be constructed with a minimum aggregate depth of 30cm. Successful ramps have used depths between 30 and 90cm.
1.건설제도의 국제화와 경쟁기반 구축 $\bullet$건설산업을 기획$\cdot$설계$\cdot$시공$\cdot$감리$\cdot$사후관리 등 전 분야에 걸쳐 경쟁력 있는 산업으로 육성-기획$\cdot$설계$\cdot$시공$\cdot$감리$\cdot$유지관리 등 건설산업 전반에 관한 기본사항을 법제화-대규모 공사의 경우 발주자를 대신하여 건설공사의 기획$\cdot$설계$\cdot$발주$\cdot$감리$\cdot$시공관리 등 업무의 전부 또는 일부를 종합적으로 조정$\cdot$관리하는 $\lceil$건설사업관리$\rfloor$제도를 도입 $bullet$건설공사 $\lceil$현장실명제$\rfloor$도입을 통한 하도급제도의 정비-전문건설업자로부터 하도급, 위탁, 고용 등의 형태로 공사에 참여하는 현장근로자를 신고 받아 권익을 보호하고 시공책임도 부과하는 $\lceil$현장실명제$\rfloor$도입 $\bullet$공사완성보증제, 손해배상보증제도를 도입하고, 신용상태 $\cdot$시공능력에 따라 보증 요율 등을 차등화 하여 부실업체를 배제 $\bullet$건설공사관련 각종 계약서와 시방서 등 제기준을 정비하여 발주자$\cdot$시공자 등 건설주체간의 역할과 책임을 명확화$\bullet$건설분쟁을 신속하고 객관적으로 조정$\cdot$중재하기 위하여 $\lceil$건설분쟁중재원$\rfloor$으로 확대 개편 2. 건설인력의 육성과 고용안정$\bullet$경쟁력 제고의 관건인 우수인력 확보를 위하여 대학교육 제도의 개선을 포함한 건설 인력 수급대책을 추진 - 대학의 건설관련 학과 정원을 2000년까지 매년 일정규모로 증원하여 고급기술 인력을 배출 현재 50$\%$에 불과한 건설관련 국가기술자격자를 2000년에 70$\%$까지 제고 - 감리 등 전문인력을 양성하고, 선진외국 감리 회사를 활용하여 국내 업계와의 경쟁을 유도 $\bullet$건설현장의 최일선에서 품질을 담당하고 있는 건설기능공의 고용안정과 복지향상을 위한 획기적인 대책을 마련 - 건설기능공의 자긍심과 사회적 책임의식을 고취하기 위해 기능공이 여러 현장을 전전하여 근무하더라도 경력관리, 공제금 등의 합산 관리가 가능하도록 $\lceil$건설 근로자 복지카드$\rfloor$제도를 도입 *$\lceil$건실시연구단$\rfloor$을 구성$\cdot$구체적인 운영방안을 수립 - 건설 업체 실정에 맞는 현장위주의 기능검정제도 도입 $\cdot$자격증이 현장에서 요구되는 기능수준과 숙련도를 제대로 반영할 수 있도록 검정방법을 현장 실기위주로 개선하고 자격검정업무도 건설협회 등의 자격 검정능력을 향상시켜 위탁$\cdot$시행하는 방안을 검토 3. 공사시행기관의 전문성과 책임성 제고 $\bullet$시장이 개방되어 건설공사가 국제적인 관행에 따라 이루어질 것에 대비하여 시행기관에 계약$\cdot$공사관리 등 전문직공무원을 집중 교육하여 양성 $\bullet$ 조달청이 대행하여 공사계약을 하는 경우라도 설계변경은 발주기관이 자체적으로 할 수 있도록 허용 $\bullet$ 기술직 공무원의 기술향상을 위하여 관련 공무원의 확충, 해외연수, 현장교육 강화 등을 지속적으로 추진 $\bullet$ 충분한 사전조사를 거쳐 사업계획을 수립하도록 $\lceil$건설공사 시행절차$\rfloor$를 규정 $\bullet$ 공사기간 3년 이상의 공사에 대하여는 최대한 계속비사업으로 편성토록 계속비제도의 운영을 활성화 4. 건설현장의 품질관리체제 구축 $\bullet$ 현장배쳐플랜트 설치를 확대하여 레미콘의 품질관리를 일원화하고 현장에서 레이콘을 배합하는 건식공법을 채택 - 현장레미콘생산시설(B/P)설치 확대로 콘크리트 하자에 대한 책임한계 일원화 유도 - 레미콘 재료인 골재$\cdot$시멘트$\cdot$물을 공장에서 혼합하여 공급하는 현행 습식배합 대신에 물만을 현장에서 혼합하는 건식 배합방식을 도입 $\bullet$철강재$\cdot$철구조물의 품질을 보증하기 위하여 일정기술을 갖춘 공장에서만 제작토록 하는$\lceil$공장인증제$\rfloor$를 도입 - 제작시설과 품질관리 등을 심사하여 제작공장을 등급화하고 등급에 따라 철강재 등의 제작업무 범위를 차등화 $\bullet$시설물에 대하여도 시공업체가 제작공장을 등급화하고 등급에 따라 철강재 등의 제작업무 범위를 차등화 $\bullet$시설물에 대하여도 시공업체가 사후관리를 일괄 책임질 수 있도록 $\lceil$시공 및 유지관리 일괄계약제도$\rfloor$를 도입 - 대형교량$\cdot$소각로$\cdot$하수처리장 등 유지관리에 전문성이 요구되는 분야부터 시범적으로 도입 $\bullet$건설자재의 표준화$\cdot$정보화사업을 조속히 추진 5. 건설업체에 대한 지원 강화 $\bullet$일부 공공사업자의 경우 관행화되어 있는 대금일부의 어음 또는 채권지급방법을 단계적으로 축소 $\bullet$매월 감독이나 감리원의 기성확인에 의하여 시공자에게 공사대금을 직접 지급토록 하는 등 대금 지급절차를 간소화 6. 민간 건축물에 대한 안전확보 $\bullet$충실한 설계가 이루어지도록 제도를 개선 - 설계도서 작성기준을 제정하고 다중이용시설에 대하여는 건축심의단계에서 구조검토 등 설계심의를 의무화 $\bullet$대형다중이용시설에 대한 감리 강화 - 감리전문회사 수준의 감리체제로 전환하고 감리대가도 공공수준으로 인상하고 적용요율대로 지도$\cdot$감독 강화
KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
This study is concerned with the optimal design of two hinged steel arches with I cross sectional type and aimed at the exact analysis of the arches and the safe and economic design of structure. The analyzing method of arches which introduces the finite difference method considering the displacements of structure in analyzing process is used to eliminate the error of analysis and to determine the sectional force of structure. The optimizing problems of arches formulate with the objective functions and the constraints which take the sectional dimensions(B, D, $t_f$, $t_w$) as the design variables. The object functions are formulated as the total weight of arch and the constraints are derived by using the criteria with respect to the working stress, the minimum dimension of flange and web based on the part of steel bridge in the Korea standard code of road bridge and including the economic depth constraint of the I sectional type, the upper limit dimension of the depth of web and the lower limit dimension of the breadth of flange. The SUMT method using the modified Newton Raphson direction method is introduced to solve the formulated nonlinear programming problems which developed in this study and tested out throught the numerical examples. The developed optimal design programming of arch is tested out and examined throught the numerical examples for the various arches. And their results are compared and analyzed to examine the possibility of optimization, the applicablity, the convergency of this algorithm and with the results of numerical examples using the reference(30). The correlative equations between the optimal sectional areas and inertia moments are introduced from the various numerical optimal design results in this study.
The studies reported herein were conducted to investigate the effect of thermal conditions in double-cropping of rice. The accumulated daily mean and minimum air temperatures, for the period of the last 30 years, were examined at the 10 different meteorogical stations which are located in the southern part of Korea. The results obtained could be summarized as follows: 1. The first cropping. a. It seemed to be free from any frost-damage of rice at the seeding stage at Yeosu, Pusan and Cheju. However, it was found that there were some dangers of frost damage for about 30 to 40 day at Iri, Chonju and Kwangju, for 18 to 28 days at Daeku and Ulsan, and for 4 to 14 days at Mokpo and Pohang, respectively. b. The early critical transplanting date seemed to be from middle to late-April in the first cropping. As compared with the ordinary lowland seedlings, the semi-protected and upland ones could be planted 5 and 10 days earlier, respectively. c. The early critical heading date was about late-June and there were some low-temperature damages for 8 to 25 days at young-ear formation stage of rice plant, depending upon location. d. The early critical ripening date (the early critical transplanting date of the 2nd cropping) was from late-July to early-August. It took about 32 to 39 days in ripening. There was a tendency of SS${\fallingdotseq}$SL$15^{\circ}C$ (${\theta}$15) and the minimum of $10^{\circ}C$ (${\theta}$10), the ten locations could be devided into two ripening groups of ${\theta}$15>${\theta}$10 and ${\theta}$15<${\theta}$10. c. The late critical ripening date was around October 9 at Iri, Chonju, Kwangju and Daeku and around October 28 at Mokpo, Yeosu, Pusan and eheju. Three to four days were more required for a complete ripening of rice, as compared with the above dates. d. There was an overlap of about 12 to 42 days between the first and second cropping when early-maturing varieties requiring an accumulated mean air temperature of $1, 550^{\circ}C$, from transplanting to heading, were grown. Therefore, some varieties which could head with an accumulated daily mean air temperature of 1, 000 to $1, 200^{\circ}C$, should be either developed or some new cultural technology be established in order to have a successful double cropping in rice.
Proceedings of the Korean Society of Organic Agriculture Conference
민간단체들에 의하여 자율적으로 시작된 국내 유기농업은 친환경농업육성법(1997. 12.13)이 제정되면서 국가기관의 친환경농업 활성화 노력과 더불어 2008년 유기농재배 농가(8,460호)와 면적(12,033호)이 급격히 증가되었다. 또한 유기농업의 확산과 더불어 화학비료 및 유기합성 농약대체 친환경농자재들의 유통이 증가되고 있으나 관리규정이 없어 검증되지 않은 다양한 농자재들이 유통되어 친환경실천 농가들의 혼란이 초래되어 국정감사 시 문제점으로 지적과 함께 각계에서 관리제도의 필요성이 대두되었다. 친환경농업육성법 시행령 개정(대통령령 제19964호, 2007.3.27.공포, 2007.3.28.시행)으로 농촌진흥청에 친환경농자재심의회가 설치되어 효과와 효능을 검증하지 아니하고 친환경농산물 중 유기농산물 생을 해 사용가능한 자재인지 여부를 검토하여 그 결과를 공개하는 목록공시제가 마련되었다. 친환경유기농자재 목록공시는 1년에 4회 매분기말에 농촌진흥청 농자재관리과에서 접수를 받아 친환경농자재 분야별 전문위원회 검토 후 심의위원회 심의를 거쳐 접수일로부터 90일 이내에 농촌진흥청장이 공시(농진청 홈페이지, 관보게재)하고 친환경농업 관련기관 및 검토 신청자에게 통보함으로서 마무리된다. 목록 공시된 친환경유기농자재의 유효기간은 2년이다. 친환경농자재심의위원회는 토양개량 및 작물생육분야 전문위원회 위원 11명, 병 해충 관리분야 전문위원회 위원 11명 및 심의위원회 의원 20명으로 구성되어 있다. 2007년 3월부터 2009년 11월 30일 현재 목록 공시된 친환경유기농자재 제품은 (1) 양개량용 자재 25 개, (2) 작물생육용 자재 282개, (3) 토양개량 및 작물생육용 자재 308개, (4) 작물병해 관리용 자재 110개, (5) 작물충해 관리용 자재 : 224개, (6) 작물병해충 관리용 자재 5개 및 (7) 기타 자재 1개 제품으로 총 955개 제품에 이르고 있다. 한편, 공시연장 미신청, 현재 검토기준안에 필요로 하는 추가요청 자료 미제출 및 공시이외의 물질 사용으로 국내유통 중 단속되어 부적합한 판정을 받아 20여 제품이 목록공시가 취소되었다. 앞으로 목록 공시되는 친환경유기농자재는 제품의 주성분 함량 표기, 시용효과 검정방법 선, 제조방법 현장점검, 안전성 검정 등 여러가지 제도보완 및 사후관리 방안이 시급히 마련되어야 할 것으로 사려된다.
The Korean Mental Health Act was amended 2016 overall. This paper examines and evaluates the old Korean Mental Health Act since 1995 and the new Korean Mental Health Promotion Act 2016 from the Perspective of Human Rights and Inclusion of Persons with Psychosocial Disabilities. The persons with mental disabilities was separated and ruled out from society by the enactment of the Mental Health Act in 1995 and five times amendment. That has been justified and institutionally supported by medical viewpoint. The medical approach which reconsider the persons with mental disabilities as patients conceal that the aims of the involuntary admission in Mental Hospital are protection of society and the relief of the family member's duty of support for person with mental disabilities. This is institutionally supported in the 1995 Korean Mental Health Act by involuntary admission through the consent of family members as protectors. According to the old Act, the family members as protectors are authorized to consent to involuntary admission of persons with mental disabilities. Also, the psychiatrist that diagnoses the person with mental disabilities and evaluates the need for treatment by admission is not impartial in this decision. Family members as protectors may want to lighten their burden of support for the person with mental disabilities in their home by admitting them into a mental hospital, and the psychiatrist in the mental hospital can be improperly influenced by demand of hospital management. Additionally, Article 24 of the Korean Mental Health Act for the Involuntary Admission by the Consent of Family Members as Protector might violate personal liberty, as guaranteed in the Korean Constitution. The Mental Health Promotion Law was amended to reduce the scope of the persons with mental illness which are subject to forced hospitalization and to demand that a second diagnosis is made by another psychiatrist and screening by the committee concerning the legitimacy of admission in the process of the involuntary admission by the consent of family members as a method of protection. The amended Mental Health Promotion Law will contribute to reducing the number of the involuntary admissions and the inclusion of persons with mental disabilities. But if persons with mental disabilities are not providing some kind of service to the community, the amended Mental Health Promotion Law does not work for Inclusion of them.
The Human gene testing act (GenDG) in Germany starts from the characteristic features of gene testing, i.e. dualisting structure consisted of anlaysis on the one side and the interpretation on the other side. The linguistic distincion of 'testing', 'anlaysis' and 'judgment' in the act is a fine example. Another important basis of the regulation is the ideological purpose of the law, that is information autonomy. The normative texts as such and the founding principle are the basis of the classification of testing types. Especially in the case of gene testing for medical purpose is classified into testing for diagnostic purpose and predictive purpose. However, those two types are not always clearly differentiated because the predictive value of testing is common in both types. In the legal regulation of gene testing it is therefore important to manage the uncertainty and subjectivity which are inherent in the gene-analysis and the judgment. In GenDG the system ensuring the quality of analysis is set up and GEKO(Commity for gene tisting) based on the section 23 of GenDG concretes the criterium of validity through guidelines. It is also very important in the case of gene testing for medical purpose to set up the system for ensurement of procedural rationality of the interpretation. The interpretation of the results of analysis has a wide spectrum because of the consistent development of technology on the one side and different understandings of different subjects who performs gene testings. Therefore the process should include the communication process for patients in oder that he or she could understand the meaning of gene testing and make plans of life. In GenDG the process of genetic counselling and GEKO concretes the regulation very precisely. The regulation as such in GenDG seems to be very suggestive to Korean legal polic concerning the gene testing.
본 웹사이트에 게시된 이메일 주소가 전자우편 수집 프로그램이나
그 밖의 기술적 장치를 이용하여 무단으로 수집되는 것을 거부하며,
이를 위반시 정보통신망법에 의해 형사 처벌됨을 유념하시기 바랍니다.
[게시일 2004년 10월 1일]
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서비스 이용으로 발생한 분쟁에 대해 소송이 제기되는 경우 민사 소송법상의 관할 법원에 제기합니다.
[부 칙]
1. (시행일) 이 약관은 2016년 9월 5일부터 적용되며, 종전 약관은 본 약관으로 대체되며, 개정된 약관의 적용일 이전 가입자도 개정된 약관의 적용을 받습니다.