• Title/Summary/Keyword: 안전성 평가지표

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An Assessment of the Quantitative Effect of TSS by Vessel Traffic Flow Simulation (해상교통류 시뮬레이션을 이용한 통항분리제도의 정량적 효과평가)

  • ;;;INOUE, Kinzo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.41-49
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    • 2003
  • Marine traffic management could be defined as the implementation of managerial technical measures to improve vessel traffic safety. The managerial elements of vessel traffic management for ports and harbours or narrow channels include the total amount of traffic control, the vessel traffic separation scheme, speed restriction, traffic control by signals, the navigation information service and so forth. This research aims to quantify how much the traffic separation schemes(TSS) contribute to the alleviation effect of ship handling difficulty and to propose a design standard when the individual management measure is applied in an actual waterway. Traffic separation schemes have now been established in most of the major routes and congested waters of the world, and the number of collisions and groundings have often been dramatically reduced. In this part, the relationship between the alleviation of ship handling difficulty and the reduction of encounter figures among ships is quantitatively clarified by applying the ES model. As results of simulation analysis, it is recognized that a traffic separation system is most effective in the case of narrow width and heavy traffic volume. The centre buoy installation reduces about 1/4 of the alleviation of ship handling difficulty, TSS establishment 1/3, and design change to one-way traffic from two-way traffic reduces 1/2.

Monitoring of Microorganism Contamination of Ice for Foods in the Store and Hygienic Management Methods (식품접객업소 얼음에 대한 미생물학적 오염도 조사 및 관리방안)

  • Jang, Hong Keun;Lee, Ho
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.309-314
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study is to monitor the microbial contamination of ice collected from food stores or restaurants from all over the country. From the ice collected on a regional basis, it was observed that the average number of total aerobic bacteria (TAB) of samples from Seoul was the highest, showing 2.31 log CFU/g, while that of samples from Jeolla-do was the lowest, showing 1.83 log CFU/g. The food-borne pathogens (Staphylococcus aureus, Listeria monocytogenes) were not detected from the ice. Also the average number of TAB of packaged ice (commercial ice) was 0.45 log CFU/g lower than that of ice from ice-making machine. Among three types of stores (the bakery, the dessert store and the beverage store), ice from dessert store showed the highest number of TAB (2.37 log CFU/g). This study suggests that the hygienic management of the ice from the stores is necessary. Therefore, to ensure the hygienic management of ice, not only the ice-making machine should be sanitized on a regular basis but also a thorough individual hygiene is required from food manufacturing workers.

A Study for Limitations and Improvement of Information Security Management System (정보보호 관리의 한계점과 개선방안에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Sujin;Choi, Sang-Yong;Kim, JaeKyoung;Oh, ChungShick;Seo, Changho
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.563-570
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    • 2014
  • As information security is becoming more important today, efforts in managing information security more efficiently is becoming greater. Each department such as Ministry of Security and Public Administration, Ministry of Science, Ministry of Education, National Intelligence Service, etc. is established screening criteria for information security and conducted the evaluation. Various information security certification and evaluation for public institutions effectively help to improve the level of information security. However, there are limitations of efficient security management because the examination to be performed frequently by each department. In this paper, we analyze screening criteria of the information security management that is being conducted in the public institutions. We also present limitations of information security management and the direction of improving the limitations.

Study on Characteristics Analysis and Countermessures of Traffic Accident in at-Grade Intersection (평면교차점(平面交叉點)의 교통사고특성분석(交通事故特性分析)과 그 대책(對策))

  • Kim, Dae Eung
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 1984
  • This aims of this study is to analyse the correlationship between traffic accident s and traffic characteristic variables in at-grade intersections of urban area, to build up an accident forecasting model and to propose an evaluation method of hazardous at-grade intersections. The accident forecasting model is formulated by the use of residual indexes that is selected by principal component analysis and its statistical significance is tested by step-wise regression analysis. Effective countermeasures for safety can be established on the basis of identifying high accident intersections, because the validity of this model was examined and found to coincide with real world situations.

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Changes in physical habitat distribution of Gobiobotia naktongensis according to bed material size : focused on the downstream of the Naeseongcheon Stream in Korea (하상입경에 따른 흰수마자 물리서식처 변동양상 : 내성천 하류를 대상으로)

  • Dong Yeol Lee;Jae Hyun Park;Kyong Oh Baek
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2023.05a
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    • pp.512-512
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    • 2023
  • 내성천은 대한민국의 대표적인 모래하천으로서 흰수마자(Gobiobotia naktongensis)의 최적 서식처로 알려져 있다. 흰수마자는 낙동강에서 채집되어 새로운 종으로 보고된 한국 고유종이지만 최근 멸종위기야생생물 I급 담수어류로 지정되었다. 흰수마자는 입자가 1 mm 이하의 가는 모래로 90% 이상 구성된 모래하상과 수질이 양호한 곳에서 서식하는 것으로 알려져 있다(Kim et al, 2014). 특히 낙동강 중류의 감천과 상류의 내성천 수계에서 비교적 많은 개체수가 출현하고 있는 것으로 보고되었다(Na et al., 2015). 그러나 영주댐 건설 이후, 댐 하류 내성천에서 흰수마자의 개체수가 급격히 줄어들었다. 2021년 내성천 유역 자연성생태계모니터링 보고서(환경부, 2022)에 따르면 내성천에서 흰수마자가 2016년에 492개체가 채집된 이후 2019년 7월엔 1개체만이 채집되었으며 이후 2022년 8월까지 채집되지 않았다. 반면 망둥어과 어류 중 입자가 굵은 하상환경에서 주로 서식하는 밀어의 개체수는 증가하는 경향을 보였다. 이는 내성천 유역의 하상환경변화가 어류서식에 직간접적으로 영향을 미친것으로 해석할 수 있다. 본 연구는 물리서식처 모형인 River2D를 활용하여 내성천 석탑교(No. 46) 에서 회룡교(No. 4)까지 약 40 km 구간을 대상으로 2010년 하상 입자와 2020년 하상 입자 크기에 따른 흰수마자의 서식처 적합도 변동양상을 분석하였다. River2D 모형을 통해 계산되는 어류 서식처 적합도는 물리서식처 모의시스템에서 사용되는 가중가용면적(WUA: Weighted Usable Area)에 근거하여 산출된다. WUA는 대성어종의 특정 성장단계별, 서식처 특성별로 주어진 구간을 이용할 수 있는 순수적합도(net suitability)에 대한 하나의 지표이다. WUA가 크다는 것은 그만큼 대상어종의 서식처 및 활동 영역이 크다는 것을 의미한다. WUA는 각 절점에서 평가되어지는 복합서식처 적합도 지수에 의해 계산된다. 본 연구에서는 곱셈방법을 적용한 복합 서식처 적합도 지수를 산정하여 하상입자에 따른 흰수마자의 서식처 적합도 변동양상을 분석하였다.

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Thirteen-week Repeated Oral Dose Toxicity Study of WK-38 in Rats (랫트에서 WK-38에 대한 13주 반복경구투여 독성에 관한 연구)

  • Chang, Bo-Yoon;Kim, Yoon-Chul;Kang, Dae-Gill;Lee, Ho-Sub;Kim, Sung-Yeon
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.169-176
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    • 2008
  • The subcronic toxicity of WK-38, a herbal preparation for the atherosclerosis, was examined in male and female Sprague-Dawley rats. WK-38 is composed of Rhei Rhizoma, Magonoliae Cortx, Moutan Cortex Radicis. Rats were treated with the test substance at a dose of 5 mg/kg, 50 mg/kg and 500 mg/kg intragastrically for 13 weeks. Control rats were treated with vehicle only. No death and abnormal clinical signs were observed throughout the administration period. Also there was no difference in net body weight gain, food and water consumption, organ weight, gross pathological findings, and urine analysis among the groups of rats treated with different doses of the WK-38. Hematological findings and biochemical examination revealed no evidence of specific toxicity related to WK-38. The results suggested that under the condition employed in this study no observation effect level (NOEL) of WK-38 would be 500 mg/kg/day.

Analysis of Microbial Contamination of Sprouts and Fresh-cut Salads in a Market (유통중인 즉석섭취 새싹채소와 샐러드의 세균오염 분석)

  • Kang, Tae-Mi;Cho, Sung-Kyung;Park, Ji-Yong;Song, Kyung-Bin;Chung, Myung-Soo;Park, Jong-Hyun
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.43 no.4
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    • pp.490-494
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    • 2011
  • Although bacterial outbreaks from ready-to-eat foods have increased, little information is available on microbial quality of sprouts in markets. Fifty sprouts and 30 salads were collected from wholesale markets. Total aerobic count (TAC), coliform, Escherichia coli, and some pathogens were detected. TAC for sprouts was 7.95 log CFU/g and 6.70 for salads, indicating that sprouts were more contaminated by 1 log CFU/g than that of salads. The numbers of coliform were 6.69 log CFU/g for sprouts and 5.42 for salads. E. coli was detected in 16 of 50 sprout samples at 2.38 log CFU/g and eight of 30 salads at 2.21 log CFU/g. Bacillus cereus was detected in 29 of 50 sprout samples and 16 of 30 salads, and the counts were mostly <3 log CFU/g. Salmonella, Staphylococcus aureus, Listeria monocytogenes, Campylobacter jejuni, and Clostridium perfringens were not detected. Therefore, although pathogens may not be a high risk for these foods, the high TAC and E. coli contamination require improved production and distribution methods, particularly for sprouts.

Measurement of flash point for binary mixtures of Ethanol, 1-propanol, 2-propanol and 2,2,4-trimethylpentane (Ethanol, 1-propanol, 2-propanol 그리고 2,2,4-trimethylpentane 이성분 혼합계에 대한 인화점 측정)

  • Hwang, In Chan;In, Se Jin
    • Clean Technology
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.140-146
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    • 2019
  • Flammable substances, such as organic solvents, are commonly used in laboratories and industrial processes. The flash point of flammable liquid mixtures is a very important parameter for characterizing the ignition and explosion hazards, and the flash points of mixtures of $C_2{\sim}C_3$ alcohols and 2,2,4-trimethylpentane were measured in the present study. The 2,2,4-trimethylpentane is an important component of gasoline and is frequently used in the petroleum industry as a solvent. Lower flash point data were measured for the binary systems {ethanol + 2,2,4-trimethylpentane}, {1-propanol + 2,2,4-trimethylpentane}, and {2-propanol + 2,2,4-trimethylpentane}. The flash point measurements were carried out according to the standard test method (ASTM D3278) using a Stanhope-Seta closed cup flash point tester. The measured flash points were compared with the predicted values calculated using Raoult's law and also following $G^E$ models: Wilson, Non-Random Two Liquid (NRTL) and UNIversal QUAsiChemical (UNIQUAC). These models were able to predict the experimental flash points for different compositions of {$C_2{\sim}C_3$ alcohols + 2,2,4-trimethylpentane} mixtures with minimal deviations. The average absolute deviation between the predicted and measured lower flash point was less than 1.28 K. A minimum flash point behaviour was observed in all of the systems as in the many observed cases for the hydrocarbon and alcohol mixtures.

The Correlations between Renminbi Fluctuations and Financial Results of Venture Companies in the Floating Exchange Rate (변동환율제도하의 위안화 환율변동과 벤처기업의 재무성과 간 상관관계 연구)

  • Sun, Zhong-Yuan;Chang, Seog-Ju;Na, Seung-Hwa
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.45-67
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    • 2010
  • On July 21st in 2005, People's Bank of China (PBOC) turned the currency peg against the U.S. dollar into managed currency system based on a basket of unnamed currencies under China's exchanged rate regime. This change means that China's enterprises are not free from currency fluctuations. The purpose of this study is to analyze the relations between Renminbi fluctuations in the floating exchange rate and financial results of venture companies. The process and outcomes of this study are as follows, First, in order to measure the financial results of venture companies, I choose venture companies in Shandong Province listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE) at random and several quarter financial sheets according to safety ratios, profitability ratios, growth ratios, activity ratios. Second, I arrange the daily Renminbi exchange rate data announced from July 21st, 2005 to December 31st, 2008 by PBOC into the quarterly data. Third, in order to confirm the relations between Renminbi fluctuations and financial results of venture companies, I carry out Pearson's correlation analysis. As a result, the revaluation of the Chinese Renminbi has weakly negative effects on debt ratio, total assets turnover ratio and equity turnover ratio in statistics. But the revaluation of the Chinese Renminbi is not related to other financial index in statistics. The result of this study is that the revaluation of the Chinese Renminbi has little influence on the export and import of Chinese venture companies and certifies the fact that Chinese venture companies have much foreign currency assets. In addition to avoid the currency exposure risk, this study shows the effective method about currency exposure risk which adjusts proportion of Renminbi to foreign currency.

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The Assessment of Photochemical Index of Nursery Seedlings of Cucumber and Tomato under Drought Stress (건조스트레스에 의한 오이와 토마토 공정육묘의 광화학적 지표 해석)

  • Ham, Hyun Don;Kim, Tae Seong;Lee, Mi Hyun;Park, Ki Bae;An, Jae-Ho;Kang, Dong Hyeon;Kim, Tae Wan
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.479-487
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze photochemical activity of nursery seedlings under drought stress, using chlorophyll fluorescence reaction analysis. Young nursery seedlings of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) and cucumber (Cucumis sativa L.), were grown under drought stress for 8 days. Analysis of chlorophyll fluorescence reaction (OJIP) and parameters, were performed to evaluate photochemical fluctuation in nursery seedlings under drought stress. Chlorophyll fluorescence reaction analysis showed maximal recorded fluorescence (P) decreased from the 5 day after treatment in tomato seedlings, while an amount of chlorophyll fluorescence increased at the J-I step. Thus, physiological activity was reduced. In cucumber seedlings, maximal recorded fluorescence (P) and maximal variable fluorescence ($F_V$) lowered from the 4 day after treatment, and chlorophyll fluorescence intensity of J-I step increased. Chlorophyll fluorescence parameter analysis showed electron transfer efficiency of PSII and PSI were significantly inhibited with decreasing $ET2_O/RC$ and $RE1_O/RC$ from the 5 day after treatment, in tomato seedlings and from the 4 day after treatment, in cucumber seedlings. $ET2_O/RC$ and $PI_{ABS}$ significantly changed. In conclusion, 6 indices such as $F_V/F_M$, $DI_O/RC$, $ET2_O/RC$, $RE1_O/RC$, $PI_{ABS}$ and $PI_{TOTAL}ABS$ were selected for determining drought stress in nursery seedlings. Drought stress factor index (DFI) was used to evaluate whether the crop was healthy or not, under drought stress. Cucumber seedlings were less resistant to drought stress than tomato seedlings, in the process of drought stress.