Production of highly valuable immunotherapeutic proteins such as monoclonal antibodies and vaccines using plant biotechnology and genetic engineering has been studied as a popular research field. Plant expression system for mass production of such useful recombinant therapeutic proteins has several advantages over other existing expression systems with economical and safety issues. Immunotherapy of multiple monoclonal antibodies, which can recognize multiple targeting including specific proteins and their glycans highly expressed on the surface of cancer cells, can be an efficient treatment compared to a single targeting immunotherapy using a single antibody. In this study, we have established plant production system to express two different targeting monoclonal antibodies in a single transgenic plant through crossing fertilization between two different transgenic plants expressing anti-colorectal cancer mAbCO17-1A and anti-breast cancer mAbBR55, respectively. The F1 seedlings were obtained cross fertilization between the two transgenic parental plants. The presence, transcription, and protein expression of heavy chain (HC) and light chain (LC) genes of both mAbs in the seedlings were investigated by PCR, RT-PCR, and immunoblot analyses, respectively. Among all the seedlings, some seedlings did not carry or transcribe the HC and LC genes of both mAbs. Thus, the seedlings with presence and transcription of HC and LC genes of both mAbs were selected, and the selected seedlings were confirmed to have relatively stronger density of HC and LC protein bands compared to the transgenic plant expressing only each mAb. These results indicate that the F1 seedling plant with carrying both mAb genes was established. Taken together, plant crossing fertilization can be applied to generate an efficient production system expressing multiple monoclonal antibodies for immunotherapy in a single plant.
Currently, satellite images act as essential and important data in water resources, environment, and ecology as well as information of geographic information system. In this paper, we will investigate basic characteristics of satellite images, especially application examples in water resources. In recent years, researches on spatial and temporal characteristics of large-scale regions utilizing the advantages of satellite imagery have been actively conducted for fundamental hydrological components such as evapotranspiration, soil moisture and natural disasters such as drought, flood, and heavy snow. Furthermore, it is possible to analyze temporal and spatial characteristics such as vegetation characteristics, plant production, net primary production, turbidity of water bodies, chlorophyll concentration, and water quality by using various image information utilizing various sensor information of satellites. Korea is planning to launch a satellite for water resources and environment in the near future, so various researches are expected to be activated on this field.
Purpose: We aimed to evaluate the efficacy of Octyl-2-cyanoacrylate (Dermabond$^{TM}$) as a topical skin adhesive for pediatric urologic open surgery. Methods: From August 2010 to August 2011, we retrospectively evaluated pediatric patients who underwent urologic open surgery at our institution. A total of 128 pediatric patients with 210 incisions used Dermabond$^{TM}$ for skin closure. Results: We divided the 128 patients into 3 groups according to type of surgery. Group 1 underwent hydrocelectomy (55 cases, 41.3%), Group 2 underwent orchiopexy (43 cases, 32.3%), Group 3 underwent penoplasty (35 cases, 26.4%). One hundred and twenty eight patients who underwent 133 surgeries in total, with a total of 210 incisions visited our outpatient department postoperatively, and a total of 5 wound complications (2.3%) occurred, but were simple inflammations and no dehiscence was observed. When analyzed according to groups, no wound problems occurred in Group 1 (0/55, 0%), one occurred in Group 2 (1/43, 2.3%) and four cases occurred in Group 3 (4/35, 11.4%) respectively. When re-analyzed according to wound locations, one occurred in an inguinal wound (1/120, 0.83%), none occurred in scrotal wounds (0/55, 0%), and four occurred in penile wounds (4/35, 11.4%). In Group 3, the incidence of penile wounds was significantly increased compared to other groups (P=0.008). All 5 wound problems were inflammatory and healed at an average of 13.8 days (13-15 days) with antibiotic ointment application only. Conclusion: Dermabond$^{TM}$ is feasible and safe topical skin adhesive alternative to standard skin suture in pediatric urologic surgery. However, further research about its efficacy and safety could be valuable in the future.
KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
Visibility of lane marking is impaired at night or in the rain, which thereby threatens traffic safety. Recently, various studies and technologies have been developed to improve lane marking visibility, such as the extension of lane marking life expectancy (up to 1.5 times), improvement of lane marking equipment productivity, improvement of lane marking visibility by applying phosphorescent material mixed paint. Cost-benefit analysis was performed with considering various benefit items that can be expected. About 45% of traffic accidents would be prevented by improving lane marking visibility. Additionally, accident reduction benefit and traffic congestion reduction benefit were calculated as much as 246 billion KRW per year and 12 billion KRW per year, respectively, by reducing repaint cycle due to enhanced durability. 45 billion KRW per year is expected to reduced with improved lane detection performance of autonomous vehicle. Meanwhile, total increased cost when introducing phosphorescent material mixed paint to 91,195km of nationwide road is identified as 1922 billion KRW per year. However, economic feasibility could not be secured with 0.16 of cost-benefit ratio when applied to the road network as a whole. In case of "Accident Hot Spot" analyzing section window (400m), one or more fatality or two or more injured (one or more injured in case of less than 2 lanes per direction) per year were caused by pavement marking related accident, economic feasibility was secured. In detail, 3.91 of cost-benefit ratio is estimated with comparison of the installation cost for 5,697 of accident hot spot and accident reduction benefit. Some limitations and future research agenda have also been discussed.
Kim, Do-Kyun;Yoo, Kyung-Jong;Youn, Young-Nam;Yi, Gi-Jong;Lee, Sak;Chang, Byung-Chul;Kang, Meyun-Shick
Journal of Chest Surgery
Background: Failed percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) is occasionally required for emergency coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG). The aim of this study was to assess the outcome of patients receiving emergency CABG after failed PTCA. Material and Method: Between May 1988 and May 2005, 5712 patients underwent PTCA, where 84 (1.4%) failed. 27 patients underwent emergency CABG after failed PTCA. The mean age was $63.7{\pm}8.9\;(46{\sim}80)$ years, with 14 male patients (51.9%). Result: All patients underwent emergent surgical revascularization within 6 hours. 22 patients underwent conventional CABG and 5 underwent off-pump CABG. The causes of PTCA failure were coronary obstruction due to new thrombi formation during the procedure (n=4), coronary dissection (n=17), coronary artery rupture (n=3) and 3 due to other causes. The rate of in-hospital operative mortality after emergent operation was 18.5% (5/27). A univariate analysis revealed that patients who died more often had left anterior descending artery disease, a preprocedural shock status, postoperative use of multiple isotropics and postoperative use of intra-aortic balloon pump. The mean follow up duration was $53.6{\pm}63.4$ months. Conclusion: Although PTCA is known to be life saving, there is still a high risk for morbidity and mortality following emergency CABG after failed PTCA, despite the advancement in PTCA techniques. This result will help identify and more effectively treat patients selected for PTCA when emergency CABG is required.
Twenty four Hanwoo cull cows were assigned to 2 groups, control and melengerol acetate(MGA)+selenium supplement containing vitamin E(SeE), based on the parity(6.5±1.7 birth) and body weight (493.17±55.61kg), and the experiment was conducted to establish the reasonable fattening method of cull cows for 240 days. Average daily body gains during 240 days were 0.51kg and 0.63kg in control and MGA+SeE, respectively(P<0.10). DDMI/ADG of MGA+SeE group improved compared to control group(P<0.05). Therefore, supplementation of MGA+SeE in concentrates may accelerate both of the growth rate and feed efficiency in Hanwoo cull cows. MQI from MGA+SeE was more developed based on the larger rib-eye area and thinner backfat thickness in carcass than that from control. Marbling score for MGA+SeE tended to increase compared to control. Dietary Se supplementation significantly affected muscle Se concentration in longissimus dorsi meat of MGA+SeE group(P<0.05). Similar results to Se were obtained from α-Tocoperol concentration. During 7 days of simulated retail display, accumulations of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances(TBARS) concentration in beef was greater(P<0.05) in control than in supplemented cows. These results supported the hypothesis that supplementation of MGA+SeE improve the growth performance and carcass grade both by the growth stimulating effect of MGA+SeE and by preventing the oxidation of the longissimus dorsi muscle in Hanwoo cull cows.
Kim, D.S.;Sung, H.Y.;Choi, K.M.;Paik, J.Y.;Roh, S.Y.;Moon, H.;Kim, C.C.;Hong, Y.S.
Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care
Purpose: To evaluate the efficacy of dolasetron mesylate in controlling nausea and vomiting in the first 24 hours and to extend these comparisons over the next 4 days in patients receiving moderately emetogenic chemotherapy. Methods: This was a single center, open-labeled study with single arm. Dolasetron (1.8 mg/kg) was given intravenously (I.V.) prechemotherapy with 10 mg of dexamethasone IV, followed 24 hours later by oral dolasetron (200 mg once daily) for the subsequent 4 days. The frequency of vomiting, severity of nausea and the presence of rescue antiemetics were assessed daily. Results: Of 30 patients enrolled, 28 were eligible and evaluable for the efficacy. Four out of 28 patients had complete control of nausea and vomiting without any rescue antiemetics through 5 days. The complete control got better as time went by with the rates of 17.9/46.4/42.9/53.6/60.7% on days 1 to 5. Vomiting was better controlled than nausea in both cisplatin-containing and non-containing chemotherapy. The adverse events were mild to moderate degrees of headache, diarrhea and fever, but were recovered spontaneously. Conclusion: Dolasetron was effective and safe for the control of nausea and vomiting in the patients with moderately emetogenic chemotherapeutic agents.
An investigation was conducted to get the basic data for establishing structural safety and environmental management of tomato greenhouses in Chungnam region. The contents of the investigation consisted of actual state of greenhouse structures and environmental control facilities. Most of greenhouses were arch type single-span plastic houses and they had too low height for growing tomatoes. Frameworks of multi-span greenhouses were suitable, but those of single-span were mostly insufficient. Every greenhouse had thermal curtain movable or covering fixed inside the greenhouse for energy saving, and heating facilities were mostly warm air heater. Irrigation facilities were mostly drip tube and controlled by manual operation or timer. Almost all of the greenhouses didn't install high level of environmental control facilities such as ventilator, air circulation fan, $CO_2$ fertilizer, insect screen, supplemental light, and cooling device.
The present study examined the epidermal changes of adhesive disks which occur during attachment in Parthenocissus tricuspidata using scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Several adhesive disks, each covered with a bract, develop from the shoot apical meristem during early development. In the initial stage, the adhesive disks are club-shaped and their upper and lower epidermis are indistinguishable. However, in the actively growing stage, they become spherical and both epidermis are clearly differentiated into the adventitious roots. Prior to wall attachment, the adhesive disks exhibit adaxial convex and abaxial concave shapes, and electron-dense substances are abundant in the vacuoles of epidermal cells. The peripheral area of the adhesive disk is adhered first to the wall surface, while the central area is drawn inward in a vacuum-like state during attachment. As the attachment progresses and the electron-dense substances continue to discharge, the upper and lower epidermis rapidly undergo deterioration and the disks shrink considerably. At this stage, structural changes of the lower epidermis occur much faster than in the upper one. The discharged substance is accumulated on the wall surface, and this aids the attachment of adhesive disks on the wall for long periods. In this manner, the shape and structure of the adhesive disk epidermis change drastically from initial growth to the mature stage. Further, the role of electron-dense substance and shrinkage of the disk during attachment has been discussed in Parthenocissus tricuspidata.
Choi Byeong Ock;Kang Ki Mun;Jang Hong Seok;Lee Snag-wook;Kang Young Nam;Chai Gyu Young;Choi Ihl Bhong
Radiation Oncology Journal
Purpose : Reports on the outcome of curative radiotherapy for the primary hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) are rarely encountered in the literature. in this study, we report our experience of a clinical trial where fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy (SRT) was used in treating a primary HCC. Materials and Methods : A retrospective analysis was peformed on 20 patients who had been histologically diagnosed as HCC and treated by fractionated SRT. The long diameter of tumor measured by CT was $2\~6.5$ cm (average: 3.8 cm). A single dose of radiation used in fractionated SRT was S or 10 Gy: each dose was prescribed based on the planning target volume and normalized to $85\~99\%$ isocenter dose. Patients were treated $3\~5$ times per week for 2 weeks, with each receiving a total dose of 50 Gy (the median dose: 50 Gy). The follow up period was $\~55$ months (the median follow up period: 23 months). Results : The response rate was $50\%$ (12 patients), with 4 patients showing complete response ($20%$), 8 patients showing partial response ($40\%$), and 8 patients showing stable disease ($40\%$). The 1-year and 2-year survival rates were $70.0\%$ and $43.1\%$, respectively, and the median survival time was 20 months. The 1-year and 2-year disease free survival rates were $65\%$ and $32.5\%$, respectively, and the median disease-free survival rate was 19 months. Some acute complications of the treatment were noted as follows: dyspepsia in 12 patients ($60\%$), nausea/emesis in 8 patients ($40\%$), and transient liver function impairment in 6 patients ($30\%$). However, there was no treatment related death. Conclusion : The study indicates that fractionated SRT is a relatively safe and effective method for treating primary HCC. Thus, fractionated SRT may be suggested as a local treatment for HCC of small lesion and containing a single lesion, when the patients are inoperable or operation is refused by the patients. We thought that fractionated SRT is a challenging treatment modality for the HCC.
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② 상기 이용제한 규정에 따라 서비스를 이용하는 회원에게 서비스 이용에 대하여 별도 공지 없이 서비스 이용의
일시정지, 이용계약 해지 할 수 있습니다.
제 17 조 (전자우편주소 수집 금지)
회원은 전자우편주소 추출기 등을 이용하여 전자우편주소를 수집 또는 제3자에게 제공할 수 없습니다.
제 6 장 손해배상 및 기타사항
제 18 조 (손해배상)
당 사이트는 무료로 제공되는 서비스와 관련하여 회원에게 어떠한 손해가 발생하더라도 당 사이트가 고의 또는 과실로 인한 손해발생을 제외하고는 이에 대하여 책임을 부담하지 아니합니다.
제 19 조 (관할 법원)
서비스 이용으로 발생한 분쟁에 대해 소송이 제기되는 경우 민사 소송법상의 관할 법원에 제기합니다.
[부 칙]
1. (시행일) 이 약관은 2016년 9월 5일부터 적용되며, 종전 약관은 본 약관으로 대체되며, 개정된 약관의 적용일 이전 가입자도 개정된 약관의 적용을 받습니다.