• Title/Summary/Keyword: 안개등

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전 세계 상용 Radar Beacon의 제어 및 감시장치 개발 기술 연구

  • Jo, Mun-Bae;Gang, Chil-Se;Kim, Min-Cheol
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • 2018.11a
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    • pp.144-146
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    • 2018
  • 해상에서 안개 등 시계불량 시 항행 위험을 알려주는 중요한 기능을 하는 레이다 비콘은 세계에서 5 ~ 6 종류를 사용하나, 발사부호 및 발사주기의 조정이 어려운 실정이며, 레이다비콘의 정상적 동작 여부를 확인하기 위해서는 선박의 레이다를 작동시켜 그 동작 여부를 확인하는 방법을 사용하는 등 유지관리가 어려운 실정이다. 이러한 불편을 해소하기 위해 본 연구에서는 전 세계에 상용되는 레이콘을 하나의 기기에서 감시 제어 및 조정기능을 할 수 있는 장치를 전 세계에서 처음으로 개발하였다.

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Weather Data and Praying for Rain and Fine Weather Written in the True Historical Record of the Chosun Dynasty (조선왕조실록에 기록된 기상요소, 기우제 및 기청제)

  • So, Seon Seop;Kim, Yong Heon
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.40-40
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    • 2000
  • After analyzing the record of climate of the Chosun era with the weather data written on the true history of the Chosun Dynasty, and in comparison with the latest weather data in Seoul, the following conclusion has been reached. It s not easy to restore the climate of the Chosun era with the true history of the Chosun Dynasty only, for the data of the Chosun era is nothing but 5.4% of that the recent 10 years, centering around Seoul. The number of days of the praying for rain and fine weather have nothing to do with those of precipitation. The monthly number of days of precipitation and hail are similar to those of the recent 10 years, even though the data is not enough. The situation of the days of frost and fog are very different from that of the recent ,10 years. This suggests that they recorded the situation when there was a lot of casualties to men and property, while they didn't record it when there were no casualties because the precipitation occured at the time.

Weather Data and Praying for Rain and Eine Weather Written in the True Historical Record of the Chosun Dynasty (조선왕조실록에 기록된 기상요소, 기우제 및 기청제)

  • So, Seun-Seup;Kim, Yong-Heon
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.41-50
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    • 2000
  • After analyzing the record of climate of the Chosun era with the weather data written on the true history of the Chosun Dynasty, and in comparison with the latest weather data in Seoul, the following conclusion has been reached. It's not easy to restore the climate of the Chosun era with the true history of the Chosun Dynasty only, for the data of the Chosun era is nothing but 5.4% of that the recent 10 years, centering around Seoul. The number of days of the praying for rain and fine weather have nothing to do with those of precipitation. The monthly number of days of precipitation and hail are similar to those of the recent, years, even though the data is not enough. The situation of the days of frost and fog are very different from that of the recent.10 years. This suggests that they recorded the situation when there was a lot of casualties to men and property, while they didn't record it when there were no casualties because the precipitation occured at the time.

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Novel Defog Algorithm via Evaluation of Local Color Saturation (국부영역 색포화 평가 방법을 통한 안개제거 알고리즘)

  • Park, Hyungjo;Park, Dubok;Ko, Hanseok
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • v.51 no.3
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    • pp.119-128
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    • 2014
  • This paper presents a new method for improving the quality of images corrupted by an external source that generates an attenuation and scattering of light like dust, water droplets and fog. Conventional defog methods typically encounter a distortion such that the restored image has low contrast and oversaturation of color in some regions because of the mis-estimated airlight and wrong media transmission. Therefore, in order to mitigate these problems, we propose a robust airlight selection method and local saturation evaluation method for estimating media transmission. The proposed method addresses the wrong media transmission and over-saturation problems caused by the mis-estimated airlight and thereby improves the restored image quality. The results of relevant experiments of the proposed method against conventional ones confirm the improved accuracy of atmospheric light estimation and the quality of restored images with regard to objective and subjective performance measures.

Estimation of Traffic Volume Using Deep Learning in Stereo CCTV Image (스테레오 CCTV 영상에서 딥러닝을 이용한 교통량 추정)

  • Seo, Hong Deok;Kim, Eui Myoung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.38 no.3
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    • pp.269-279
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    • 2020
  • Traffic estimation mainly involves surveying equipment such as automatic vehicle classification, vehicle detection system, toll collection system, and personnel surveys through CCTV (Closed Circuit TeleVision), but this requires a lot of manpower and cost. In this study, we proposed a method of estimating traffic volume using deep learning and stereo CCTV to overcome the limitation of not detecting the entire vehicle in case of single CCTV. COCO (Common Objects in Context) dataset was used to train deep learning models to detect vehicles, and each vehicle was detected in left and right CCTV images in real time. Then, the vehicle that could not be detected from each image was additionally detected by using affine transformation to improve the accuracy of traffic volume. Experiments were conducted separately for the normal road environment and the case of weather conditions with fog. In the normal road environment, vehicle detection improved by 6.75% and 5.92% in left and right images, respectively, than in a single CCTV image. In addition, in the foggy road environment, vehicle detection was improved by 10.79% and 12.88% in the left and right images, respectively.

Chemical Compositions of the Highway Side Fogwater in Shingal, Kyunggi-Province (경기도 신갈지역 고속도로변 안개의 화학적 조성)

  • 김홍률;주영특;정동준
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.11-17
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    • 2003
  • pH value of sampled fogwater at source regions (above highway and road) in Yongin sites showed the lowest value and was increased after passing the forest stands. Changes of ion concentrations through the forest stands showed a lowering tendency at sampling sites. The fogwater passing the forest stands (Quercus mangolica and Pinus rigida) surrendered acid pollutants to crown and stem from the atmosphere. It was concluded that environmental moisture in the atmosphere is acidified in fogwater. The influence was extended to the pure zone, and the frequency of acid rain has increased. The forests are assumed to remove air pollutants because ion concentrations in fogwater decreased after passing the forests. The fogwater which functions as a local sink for pollutants (H$_2$SO$_4$, HNO$_3$, etc.) falling on plant surfaces is considered to effectively remove acid pollutants. But if the deposition of pollutants exceeds the capacity of purification, it would damage the forest ecosystem. Further investigation is necessary to identify tree species tolerant to acid pollutants.

Efficient Real-time 3D Sumi-e Painting (효율적인 실시간 3차원 수묵화 렌더링 기법)

  • Oh, Seung-Yeon;Yang, Hong-Taeg;Seo, Se-Wang;Kim, Sun-Min;Kim, Dong-Ho
    • 한국HCI학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2006.02a
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    • pp.807-811
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    • 2006
  • 본 논문에서는 기존의 연구에서 여러 단계를 거쳐 복잡한 연산을 한 후에 수묵화 표현이 가능했던 것과 달리 기존에 요구되었던 채색과정을 줄임으로써 렌더링의 효율을 높인 실시간 3차원 수묵화 기법을 제안한다. 본 논문에서 제안된 기법은 모델이 보여지는 방향에 따라 다른 조명 값과 법선 벡터 값을 계산한 후 연산 값에 따라서 여러장의 텍스처를 일정 비율에 맞춰서 모델에 적용함으로써 수묵화의 특징인 농담, 발묵 효과를 한 번에 적용할 수 있게 한다. 그리고 모델의 윤곽선을 표현하는데 사용자의 입력에 따라 붓의 굵기를 조절하게 하여 보다 사실적인 수묵화 느낌을 살렸다. 또한 텍스처 매핑 이후 에도 동양화적인 느낌을 살리기 위해서 두 가지의 종이질감효과를 추가하였다. 이 2 가지의 종이질감 효과는 일종의 안개 필터로서 기존의 안개 필터와 달리 모델이 그려지는 위치에 따라서 각각 가중치가 다른 필터가 적용되게 하였다. 이렇게 필터가 적용된 렌더링의 결과는 일반적으로 채색된 3차원 모델과 느낌이 다른 자연스러운 결과를 생성할 수 있다. 본 연구는 또한 간단한 구현에 장점을 두고 있기 때문에 간단한 애니메이션이나 일반 3차원 게임 등 여러 분야에서 기존에 적용하기 어려웠던 수묵화 기법을 다양하게 활용할 수 있는 가능성을 제시한다.

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Visibility Enhancement of Underwater Image Using a Color Transform Model (색상 변환 모델을 이용한 수중 영상의 가시성 개선)

  • Jang, Ik-Hee;Park, Jeong-Seon
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.645-652
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    • 2015
  • In underwater, such as fish farm and sea, turbidity is increased by water droplets and various suspended, therefore light attenuation occurs depending on the depth also caused by the scattering effect of light float. In this paper, in order to improve the visibility of underwater images obtained from these aquatic environment, we propose a visibility enhancement method using a haze removal method based on dark channel prior and a trained color transform model. In order to train a color transform model, we used underwater pattern images captured from Pohang and Yeosu, and to measure the performance of the proposed method, we carried out experiment of visibility enhancement using underwater images collected from Yeosu, Geomundo and Philippines. The results show that the proposed method can improve the visibility of underwater images of various locations.

A Study on the Automatic Threshold Value Detection Method for Effective Extraction of Vehicle Movement Areas on Road with Poor Visibility Condition (저시정 도로상 차량이동영역의 효과적인 추출을 위한 임계치 자동결정 방법에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Bong-Keun;Chang, In-Soo;Lee, Gwang;Park, Ki-Bum;Cho, Jung-Sik;Lee, Myung-Jin
    • Proceedings of the KAIS Fall Conference
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    • 2010.05a
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    • pp.400-403
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    • 2010
  • 도로상의 안개로 인한 시정감소는 교통사고를 유발하는 주된 원인이므로 전방의 운전자에게 도로의 시정거리를 미리 알려주어 안전운행을 유도하기 위한 안개경고시스템은 도로의 안전관리를 위해 매우 중요한 요소이다. 우리는 CCTV 카메라 영상에서 도로상에 통행중인 차량의 이동영역이 시정에 따라 달라진다는 점에 착안하여 이동영역을 추출하고 이를 이용하여 가시거리를 계산하는 시정 측정 장치를 개발하고 있으며, 주간, 야간 등 날씨의 변화에 덜 민감하면서도 효과적이고 정확한 이동영역의 추출은 시정측정을 위해 매우 중요하다. 본 논문에서는 이동영역의 추출을 위해 영상대비를 이용하여 자동으로 임계치를 결정하는 방법을 제안하며, 결정된 임계치를 적용시킴으로써 프레임간의 차영상으로 부터 잡음이 효과적으로 제거될 수 있음을 보인다. 또한, 차영상을 일정시간 누적시키는 방법을 통해 효과적으로 차량의 이동영역이 추출 되는 것을 보이기 위해 실제 고속도로에서 촬영된 CCTV 영상을 이용하여 실험한 결과를 제시한다.

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The Characteristics of Aerosol in Seoul by Asian Dust and Haze during Springtime from 1998 to 2002 (황사현상과 연무현상에 따른 서울의 봄철 에어로플 특성)

  • 전영신;임주연;최병철
    • Proceedings of the Korea Air Pollution Research Association Conference
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    • 2002.11a
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    • pp.438-439
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    • 2002
  • 연무란 육안으로 보이지 않는 극히 작고 건조한 고체입자가 대기 중에 떠 있는 현상으로, 그 수가 많아서 대기가 흐려 보이고 시정을 악화시키는 기상현상이다(기상청, 2002). 대기 중에 있는 고체성 또는 액체성 에어로졸에 대한 연구는 최근 대기질이 악화되고 에어로졸이 대기오염물질의 한 성분으로 인간과 동·식물뿐 아니라 연무, 스모그, 시정 장애, 안개와 구름, 기후변화의 한 요소로 작용함에 따라 관심이 집중되고 있다(김필수 등, 1986). (중략)

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