• Title/Summary/Keyword: 실내음향성능 기준

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Analysis of the Acoustic Performance of Classrooms in Korea (국내 학교 교실의 실내음향성능 실태조사)

  • Park, Chan-Jae;Ryu, Da-Jung;Kyoung, Ju-Young;Haan, Chan-Hoon
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.33 no.5
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    • pp.316-325
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    • 2014
  • The basic unit of school is a classroom and the aural environment of the classrooms is essential factor for education purposes. Therefore, many efforts have been undertaken for enhancing the acoustical performance of the classrooms in many countries. As a result, acoustic criteria including reverberation time and background noise level have been established in US and UK for school classrooms depending on the usage and size of the rooms. However, in Korea, there has been little researches concerning the room acoustical investigations of the classrooms. The present study investigates the current situation of the aural environment of the 15 classrooms in Korea including elementary, middle and high schools. The acoustic criteria measured include RT, $D_{50}$, STI, SNR and background noise level. As the results, it was found that the background noise levels of the schools adjacent to roads exceed the US and UK standard of 35 dB(A). Also, most schools have so low SNR that they may be interfered by noise, which may affect speech transmission. It was also revealed that some schools have longer RT than the US standard of 0.6 s, but they all have high speech intelligibility.

A Case Study of the Improvement of the Acoustics of a Traditional Music Hall according to the Acoustical Guideline of the Traditional Music (국악공연장 음향설계기준에 따른 음향개선 사례연구)

  • Shin Jic-Su;Lee Wangu;Haan Chan-Hoon
    • Proceedings of the Acoustical Society of Korea Conference
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    • spring
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    • pp.245-250
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    • 2004
  • 본 연구는 국립국악원 우면당의 개보수공사에 있어서 새로이 변경되는 객석의 형태와 규모 및 목적에 맞는 최적의 실내음향설계를 제시하기 위하여 현재의 우면당 실내음향의 문제점을 파?하고 설계된 도면을 기초로 하여 과학적으로 분석, 평가함으로서 국악공연에 적합한 최적의 음향성능을 창출하고 이에 따른 실내마감 자재 및 설계, 시공방법 등을 제시하였다. 또한 시공후 음향성능에 대한 평가작업을 시행하여 시공전과 비교함으로서 그 개선의 결과를 검증하였다.

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Interior surface treatment guidelines for classrooms according to the acoustical performance criteria (학교 교실의 음환경 기준에 따른 실내마감 방안)

  • Ryu, Da-Jung;Park, Chan-Jae;Haan, Chan-Hoon
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.92-101
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    • 2016
  • There are many results in which acoustical conditions of a classroom play an important role for studying effects and academic achievement of students. However, there are very few guidelines or design proposals which could make appropriate acoustic environment when classrooms are built or renovated. The present study suggests various design proposals satisfying acoustic standards of classrooms based on theoretical calculation and acoustic field experiments. At first, minimum area of sound absorption was calculated which is required to satisfy the acoustic standard for domestic middle and high schools. Also, room acoustic measurements were carried out in order to investigate the acoustic performance of an existing classroom by changing interior finishing materials on ceiling and rear walls. As a result, it was revealed that reverberation time standard below 0.8 s can be acquired even if there is no sound absorption on ceiling which is a general practice executed in Korea. Specially, it was found that if partial area of ceiling would be treated as reflective with the ratio of sound absorption and reflection as 2:1, almost similar acoustic parameters of $C_{50}$, $D_{50}$, RASTI (Rapid Speech Transmission Index) and higher sound levels could be acquired in comparison with the case of entire sound absorption on ceiling.

Investigation of the sound insulation performance of walls and flanking noises in classrooms using field measurements (현장실험을 통한 학교교실의 벽체 차음성능 및 측로전달소음 조사)

  • Ryu, Da-Jung;Park, Chan-Jae;Haan, Chan-Hoon
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.36 no.5
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    • pp.329-337
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    • 2017
  • In USA and UK, the standards of both reverberation time and background noise level have been established for the appropriate aural environment in classrooms. In order to realize this, guidelines for architectural planning and interior finishing have been also suggested. However, in Korea, there has hardly been any guidelines for satisfying background noise criteria and investigation about sound insulation performance of current walls of classrooms. The present study investigates the structure of outer wall and walls between classrooms of two middle schools in order to analyze the sound insulation performance against both exterior and interior noises. Acoustic parameters including transmission loss, standardized sound level difference, and signal to noise ratio have been measured and analyzed for sound insulation performance of walls and flanking noises. As a result, concerning the walls in between classrooms, it was found that walls of dry construction have greater sound insulation performance rather than the walls of wet construction especially in mid and high frequency bands. Also, It was revealed that thermopane, insulated pair glass, of outer walls, has greater sound insulation performance than the double window consisted of two single pane glass. Regarding flanking noises, the standards were exceeded when all windows, or windows and doors front onto corridor were opened. It denotes that students could be disturbed with the sound transmission by the interior noises.

A Study on the Characteristics of Sound Insulation between Rooms in Apartment Houses (공동주택의 실간차음성능 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Sang-Woo;Jeong, Dae-Up;Kim, Heung-Sik;Kim, Ha-Geun
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.50-58
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    • 1992
  • To improve the quality of dwelling environment of domestic apartment house, it is required to establish the sound insulation standard and the performance evaluation method which is suitable to the domestic residential conditions. In this study, the properties of internal noisy sources of a single unit in apartment houses and the sound insulation performance of party walls are investigated and analyzed, as a primary step to the establishment of sound insulation standard. Based on these data, the differences in sound insulation index of each plane type are investigated along with their causes. Also, the factor which affect and decide the insulation performance are analyzed in an effort to improve the performance of party wall structures.

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Evaluation of the acoustic environments of open-plan offices in Korean public buildings (국내 공공건축물 개방형 사무실 음환경 평가)

  • Sang Hee Park;Hye-Kyung Shin;Seung-Min Lee;Kyoung Woo Kim
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.42-49
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    • 2023
  • Poor indoor acoustic environments negatively affect occupants. Previous research has shown that indoor acoustic environments affect not only task performance and job satisfaction of the occupants, but also their health and well-being. This study aimed for evaluating indoor acoustic environments of open-plan offices located in public buildings in Korea. It also aimed to review the matters that need to be considered in order to improve occupants' acoustic comfort. Indoor noise levels were measured in 13 sites; the measurements were conducted for five consecutive working days from Monday to Friday. The noise levels were evaluated based on the levels recommended by the ISO and the EU ALDREN project. The study found that most of the indoor noise levels measured in the sampled sites during the working hours met the ISO standard. In the case of the levels under unoccupied conditions at night, those at three sites did not meet the recommendation of the ALDREN. In addition, some characteristics of the sites had significant effects on the noise level. Since the exact acoustic performance of the building envelope could not be identified, future research is needed for investigating the relationship between accurate building performance and indoor acoustic environments.

Comparison of Acoustic Performance Depending on the Location of Sound Absorptive and Diffuser in Small Auditoriums Using 1/10 Scale Models (1/10 축소모형을 이용한 소공연장의 흡음재와 확산체의 적용위치에 따른 음향성능 비교)

  • Kim, Tae-Hee;Park, Chan-Jae;Park, Ji-Hoon;Haan, Chan-Hoon
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.146-156
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    • 2015
  • This study investigated how the location of sound absorptive materials and sound diffusers affects the acoustic performance of small auditoriums. It was conducted for a standard model established with the averaged dimension of 36 auditoriums which had opened since 2000 in Daehak-ro, Seoul. In this study, the installation area of finishing materials was calculated upon a back wall which had the smallest installation effective area of finishing materials. To analyze the changes of acoustic performance according to installation location of finishing materials, experiments were carried out using the 1/10 down scale models for 8 cases which were made by classifying the installation location of ceiling and side wall into the front, middle and rear part.The used acoustic parameters were reverberation time (RT), early decay time (EDT), clarity (C80), definition (D50) and speech transmission index (STI). In result, the index related to the amount of reverberant sound (RT, EDT) showed the great changes when evaluating it through just noticeable difference (JND), but the one related to clarity (C80, D50, STI) hardly indicated the changes. In case to obtain short reverberation time, it was most effective to control reverberation time through the side walls when installing sound absorptive and diffusive materials, and side wall front was the location which could get the shortest reverberation time.

Analysis of the acoustical conditions in active classrooms based on the speech and noise levels (실시간 학습현장의 음성 및 소음 레벨을 바탕으로 한 재실 음향특성 분석)

  • Young-Ji Choi
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.43 no.5
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    • pp.517-528
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    • 2024
  • This paper reports the results of a recent acoustic survey conducted with the objective of providing on the acoustic conditions of school classrooms in Korea. The measurements included both occupied speech and noise levels during 27 active classes and unoccupied data on the acoustical conditions, and sound insulation performance in 16 classrooms in 4 schools. The effects various parameters on the speech and noise levels in occupied classrooms has been examined. The impact of room acoustic design on speech and noise levels in active classrooms has been also investigated. The speech and noise levels of the elementary school are approximately 4 dBA to 5 dBA higher than those of the other three schools (junior high, high, and special), likely due to the nature of activities involved in group work and the age of the students. A notable 19 dBA difference is observed between the quietest and noisiest classroom activities and the classrooms in which students were observed working in groups with discussion had the highest noise levels. Both occupied and unoccupied data have enabled the establishment of a comprehensive picture of the acoustic conditions in classrooms and have highlighted the necessity of introducing acoustic standards for improving the acoustic environment in Korean schools.

The Estimaion of Sound source of DIFAR Sonobuoy in Time Domain (DIFAR Sonobuoy의 시간영역에서의 음원 방향 추정)

  • Kim Jung-Hwa;Lee Baek-Lyeol;Bae Hyeon-Gee;Park Soon-Jong;Kim Chun-Duck;Lim Jung-Bin;Lee Yung-Yook
    • Proceedings of the Acoustical Society of Korea Conference
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    • spring
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    • pp.241-244
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    • 2002
  • 시간영역에서의 음원 방향 추정 알고리즘을 이용하여 수동형 DIFAR Sonobuoy 의 도래각 추정 성능 평가 시스템을 구성하고 추정 오차에 대하여 고찰하였다. 일반 실내에서 음원주파수 $f_0(700Hz\~1.7kHz)$로 입사하는 음원에 대하여 도래각을 추정한 결과 한 주기당 한계 ${\pm}10^{\circ}$ 이내로 약 $80\%$ 이상 추정 결과로 나타났으며 특히, 1.7kHz 의 경우는 ${\pm}2.97^{\circ}$로 적은 오차를 보임에 따라 이 대역에서의 기준 주파수로 평가 시스템에 적용할 수 있음을 확인하였다.

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Performance Evaluation of Underwater Acoustic Communication using Transmit Diversity in Water Tank (수조에서 전송 다이버시티를 사용한 수중음향통신의 성능 고찰)

  • Park, Chan-Sub;Kim, Ki-Man
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.269-273
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    • 2013
  • Underwater acoustic channels are generally recognized as one of the most difficult communication media because of the multipath propagation, dispersion, and so on. MIMO (Multiple-input multiple-output) techniques have been actively pursued in underwater acoustic communications recently to increase the data rate over the bandwidth-limited channels. The transmit diversity techniques can be applied in this case, and one of them is Alamouti's scheme. In this paper the performances of the transmit diversity technique are evaluated via experiment. Two transmitters and two receivers were used in experiment, and the experiment was performed in indoor water tank. The error rate 5~8% was confirmed in experimental results, and these are the improved values than the error rate 14.8% for SISO(Single-input single-output) channel under same data rate condition.