• Title/Summary/Keyword: 식생도랑

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Modeling and mapping fuel moisture content using equilibrium moisture content computed from weather data of the automatic mountain meteorology observation system (AMOS) (산악기상자료와 목재평형함수율에 기반한 산림연료습도 추정식 개발)

  • Lee, HoonTaek;WON, Myoung-Soo;YOON, Suk-Hee;JANG, Keun-Chang
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.21-36
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    • 2019
  • Dead fuel moisture content is a key variable in fire danger rating as it affects fire ignition and behavior. This study evaluates simple regression models estimating the moisture content of standardized 10-h fuel stick (10-h FMC) at three sites with different characteristics(urban and outside/inside the forest). Equilibrium moisture content (EMC) was used as an independent variable, and in-situ measured 10-h FMC was used as a dependent variable and validation data. 10-h FMC spatial distribution maps were created for dates with the most frequent fire occurrence during 2013-2018. Also, 10-h FMC values of the dates were analyzed to investigate under which 10-h FMC condition forest fire is likely to occur. As the results, fitted equations could explain considerable part of the variance in 10-h FMC (62~78%). Compared to the validation data, the models performed well with R2 ranged from 0.53 to 0.68, root mean squared error (RMSE) ranged from 2.52% to 3.43%, and bias ranged from -0.41% to 1.10%. When the 10-h FMC model fitted for one site was applied to the other sites, $R^2$ was maintained as the same while RMSE and bias increased up to 5.13% and 3.68%, respectively. The major deficiency of the 10-h FMC model was that it poorly caught the difference in the drying process after rainfall between 10-h FMC and EMC. From the analysis of 10-h FMC during the dates fire occurred, more than 70% of the fires occurred under a 10-h FMC condition of less than 10.5%. Overall, the present study suggested a simple model estimating 10-h FMC with acceptable performance. Applying the 10-h FMC model to the automatic mountain weather observation system was successfully tested to produce a national-scale 10-h FMC spatial distribution map. This data will be fundamental information for forest fire research, and will support the policy maker.

The Spatial Changes of Qingguo Lane in Changzhou City Since the Ming and Qing Dynasties in China (중국 명청시대부터 창저우시 청과항(靑果巷)공간의 변천)

  • Ding, Han-Yi;Sung, Jong-Sang
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.42 no.3
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    • pp.13-26
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    • 2024
  • This study examines the historical and cultural landscape of Qingguo Lane (靑果巷) in Changzhou, Jiangsu Province, China, focusing on the relationship between the changes in the landscape and the local residents from the Ming Dynasty to the present. By analyzing ancient maps, literature, and field photographs, the research reveals that the residents played a crucial role in the transformation of the Qingguo Lane landscape. The findings can be summarized as follows: Firstly, the naming of Qingguo Lane. 1) The name "Qingguo Lane" first appeared in the Changzhoufu and was mistakenly understood as a place for selling fruits. In reality, it was a residential area, and the name originated from descriptions of the plant landscape in poetry. 2) Qingguo Lane served as a residential area for the upper-class, including the prominent Bi-Ling Tang and Dong families, from the Ming Dynasty through the Qing Dynasty. Secondly, changes in administrative divisions and road development. 1) During the Ming Dynasty, Qingguo Lane spanned three administrative regions: Zhongwushang, Xiwushang, and Dongwushang, later narrowing to Xiwushang and Dongwushang during the Qing Dynasty. 2) The main road of Qingguo Lane with nine alleys running north to south, forming the historical and cultural preservation area of Qingguo Lane. Over time, the number of roads increased, and the area transitioned into a residential and commercial space, shaping the modern Qingguo Lane. Thirdly, the formation of the cultural landscape of the upper-class in Qingguo Lane. 1) The development of Qingguo Lane was influenced by population movements and growth during the peaceful period following the Yuan Dynasty massacres. The importance of the natural landscape attracted literati to settle there, and Qingguo Lane became a new residential area for the Changzhou upper-class as commerce and culture flourished. 2) From the late Ming Dynasty, Qingguo Lane gained social and cultural prominence through the garden culture of the upper-class. 3) The concentration of upper-class residents attracted many scholars and merchants, leading to the construction of numerous gardens. The literati of the Ming and Qing Dynasties helped shape the unique cultural landscape of Qingguo Lane, and in modern times, it has developed into a protected historical and cultural area with diverse functions as a multifunctional complex.

A Quantitative Analysis of Air Purification Effectiveness on Urban Forest Considering the Spatial Distribution of Pollutant Concentration (오염농도의 공간적 분포를 고려한 도시림의 대기정화기능 계량화)

  • Choi, Chul-Hyun;Lee, Woo-Sung;Jung, Sung-Gwan
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.71-85
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study is to estimate air purification effectiveness considering the improvement of its methods related atmospheric environment. The air purification effectiveness is estimated in Daegu, one out of Korean Metropolitan cities because air pollution is getting serious in a heavily urbanized area. The absorption of pollutants is calculated by considering spatial heterogeneity that was not considered previous studies and the spatial resolution of air dispersion modeling is also improved by kriging method. According to the type and distribution of urban forest, total 26 kinds of plant communities were distributed with Pinus densiflora community, Pinus densiflora-Quercus mongolica community, Pinus densiflora-Quercus acutissima community and other kinds of communities in the study area. In the results of estimating the $CO_2$ absorption amount for identification of the air purification effectiveness on urban forest, the annual absorption amount was total 108,155t/yr. Also, the annual absorption amounts of $NO_2$ and $SO_2$ were total 183.5 ton and 410.2 ton respectively. The findings from this study can confirm the differences of pollutant absorption by concentration that could not identify if spatial distribution of pollutant concentration had not been considered.

Estimating Rice Yield Using MODIS NDVI and Meteorological Data in Korea (MODIS NDVI와 기상자료를 이용한 우리나라 벼 수량 추정)

  • Hong, Suk Young;Hur, Jina;Ahn, Joong-Bae;Lee, Jee-Min;Min, Byoung-Keol;Lee, Chung-Kuen;Kim, Yihyun;Lee, Kyung Do;Kim, Sun-Hwa;Kim, Gun Yeob;Shim, Kyo Moon
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.28 no.5
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    • pp.509-520
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    • 2012
  • The objective of this study was to estimate rice yield in Korea using satellite and meteorological data such as sunshine hours or solar radiation, and rainfall. Terra and Aqua MODIS (The MOderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) products; MOD13 and MYD13 for NDVI and EVI, MOD15 and MYD15 for LAI, respectively from a NASA web site were used. Relations of NDVI, EVI, and LAI obtained in July and August from 2000 to 2011 with rice yield were investigated to find informative days for rice yield estimation. Weather data of rainfall and sunshine hours (climate data 1) or solar radiation (climate data 2) were selected to correlate rice yield. Aqua NDVI at DOY 233 was chosen to represent maximum vegetative growth of rice canopy. Sunshine hours and solar radiation during rice ripening stage were selected to represent climate condition. Multiple regression based on MODIS NDVI and sunshine hours or solar radiation were conducted to estimate rice yields in Korea. The results showed rice yield of $494.6kg\;10a^{-1}$ and $509.7kg\;10a^{-1}$ in 2011, respectively and the difference from statistics were $1.1kg\;10a^{-1}$ and $14.1kg\;10a^{-1}$, respectively. Rice yield distributions from 2002 to 2011 were presented to show spatial variability in the country.

Distribution of Vascular Plants and Plant Resources Characteristics in Hapcheon-gun, Gyeongsangnamdo Province - Mt. Odo, Mt. Hwangmae, Mt. Daeam, and Muweol Peak - (경남 합천군의 관속식물 분포와 자원특성에 관한 연구 - 오도산, 황매산, 대암산, 무월봉을 중심으로 -)

  • Han, Jong-Won;Kim, Hyun-Jun;Kang, Shin-Ho;Yang, Sun-Gyu;Park, Jeong-Mi;Jang, Chang-Gee
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.406-425
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    • 2010
  • The flora for resource plants in Hapcheon-gun were investigated 10 times from March to October, 2009. Based on collected voucher specimens, the flora of this area consisted of 489 taxa in total; 82 families, 292 genera, 427 species, 4 subspecies, 49 varieties and 9 forms. The resources plants in the area were categorized by usage into 9 groups including an unknown group: 187 edible, 126 pasturing, 137 medicinal, 112 dyeing, 52 ornamental, 16 timber, 9 fiber, 2 industrial taxa and 134 unknown resource plants were recorded respectively. In addition, there were 18 taxa of Korean endemic plants, 33 taxa of specific plants which were designated by the Ministry of Environment, and 2 taxa of rare plants. Furthermore, 44 taxa of naturalized plants were observed in this investigated area. The vegetation status of the investigated area was well conserved, but it is likely that the contaminated area could be rapidly increased and exacerbated by the climbers and development of forest roads. Therefore, the systems for conservation need to be prepared for the effective management of forests, and there must be special rules to control the number of climbers and visitors.

A study on the Distribution, External Morphological Characteristics and Soil Condition of Exochorda serratifolia S.Moore (희귀식물 가침박달(Exochorda serratifolia S.Moore)의 분포, 외부형태학적 형질 및 토양특성에 관한 연구)

  • Song, Jun-Ho;Kong, Min-Jung;Oak, Min-Kyeong;Hong, Suk-Pyo
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.30 no.6
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    • pp.929-938
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    • 2016
  • This study reviewed the external morphological characteristics of a rare species, Exochorda serratifolia S.Moore, in South Korea through a comparison of its previous records. Also, a distribution map of this species was made using previous data on flora and voucher specimens. Furthermore, the soil characteristics of Exochorda serratifolia S.Moore was analysed in order to determine the correlation between external morphological features and soil characteristics. At the study sites, soil organic matter, total nitrogen, available phosphates, exchangeable potassium, exchangeable calcium, exchangeable magnesium, cation exchange capacity and soil pH were found to be in the ranges of 3.25-29.83%, 0.15-1.14%, 3.0-156 mg/kg, $0.39-1.49cmol^+/kg$, $2.48-38.07cmol^+/kg$, $0.77-18.29cmol^+/kg$, $7.3-23.0cmol^+/kg$ and 4.6-7.1 respectively. The soil condition surrounding the population of Exochorda serratifolia S.Moore in Mt. Ap-san (Daegu) was found to have higher percentages of organic matter, total nitrogen, and cation exchange capacity than the soil condition of other populations. Moreover, the length of inflorescence and the number of flowers in this population were significantly higher than the populations studied in other areas (P < 0.001). We also identified a significant correlation between genetic, geographic distance and several morphological characteristics. A comprehensive review of various data on Exochorda serratifolia S.Moore such as external morphological characteristics, genetic structure, growth conditions, vegetation properties, and environmental characteristics is required to understand its growth characteristics and conserve this rare species.

Study on Sodium-related Dietary Attitude, Behaviors according to Practice of Dietary Guidelines of University Students (경기 일부 지역 대학생에서 식생할지침 실천도에 따른 나트륨 관련 식습관 및 식행동 분석 연구)

  • Bae, Yun-Jung;No, Seung-Eun;Seo, Jeong-Hwa;Son, Joo-Hee;Lee, Mi-Jin;Jung, Da-Woon
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.376-386
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study was to evaluate the sodium-related dietary attitudes, behaviors, and nutritional knowledge in university students according to the practice of dietary guidelines for Koreans established by the Ministry of Health and Welfare, Republic of Korea. Based on the total practice score related to the dietary guidelines (PDG), we classified subjects into a "low practice of the dietary guidelines (LPDG)" group (n=94, male=43, female=51) (total score of PDG ${\leq}13$) and a "high practice of the dietary guidelines (HPDG)" group (n=56, male=32, female=24) (total score of PDG >13). Subjects were asked about general characteristics, lifestyle, salt-related dietary attitudes, behaviors, and nutritional knowledge using a questionnaire. The LPDG group had more subjects who were breakfast skippers (p<0.001) compared to the HPDG group. The LPDG group (31.26) had a significantly lower score in terms of salt-related dietary attitudes compared to the HPDG group (33.77) (p=0.0042). The score for salt-related dietary attitudes was significantly higher in the HPDG (32.52) group than in the LPDG (29.91) group (p=0.0041). There was no significant difference in the total score for salt-related nutrition knowledge between the groups. The correlation analysis indicated that the dietary guidelines practice score had a positive correlation with the salt-related dietary attitude score (r=0.3593, p<0.0001) and the dietary attitude score (r=0.3443, p<0.0001) after adjustments for sex. These results show that the degree of adherence to the dietary guidelines for adults may be related to sodium-related dietary attitudes, behaviors, and nutrition knowledge.

Analysis of River Disturbance Using GIS techniques and aerial photographs (항공사진 및 GIS기법을 이용한 하천 교란 실태의 분석)

  • Park, Eun-Ji;Kim, Kye-Hyun;Park, Tae-Og
    • 한국공간정보시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2007.06a
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    • pp.268-272
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    • 2007
  • 현재 시행되고 있는 하천정비와 하도정비는 하천 흐름의 특성을 간과한 채 일괄적으로 진행되어 왔으며 그 결과로 하천의 인공화는 지금까지 계속되고 있다. 이에 따라 하천 및 하도의 물리, 화학, 생물에 미치는 영향은 심각하며, 그 동안 인위적인 하천교란의 요인과 하천교란에 따른 영향, 즉 하상변동, 외래종 식생 침입, 생태서식처 변화 등의 정량적 평가 기술의 수립은 매우 미흡한 상태이다. 뿐만 아니라 하천 교란 극복을 위한 저감기술, 복원기술 및 적응관리 기술 또한 체계적으로 정리되지 못하여 하천과 댐 관리당국이 어려움을 겪고 있다. 이러한 상황을 극복하기 위해서는 하천 교란에 대항하는 회복관리 기술 개발을 위한 교란 평가 기술이 필요하다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 항공사진 및 GIS기법을 이용하여 국내 주요하천의 원인별 교란실태를 조사하고 분석함으로써 하천교란 조사기술 개발에 응용할 수 있는 방안을 제시하고자 하였다. 분석을 위하여 댐 하류의 하천교란 및 적응현장 시범지역을 선정한 후 대상 지역의 항공사진을 GIS화하여 하천 교란 실태를 분석하는 데에 필요한 자료를 생성하였으며 생성된 자료를 바탕으로 하천의 평면 및 단면의 변화특성을 조사할 수 있었다. 또한 경년별 저수로 형태와 하천 중심선 비교 분석을 통하여 저수로의 이동 및 변화 양상을 규명해 낼 수 있었으며 그 결과 댐 하류지역에서 하도안정문제가 발생하였음을 확인할 수 있었다. 본 연구 결과를 바탕으로 보다 효율적인 하도안정문제에 관한 대책수립이 가능하리라 보며, 이를 위해서는 하천 교란 조사기술 개발에 대한 연구가 뒤따라야 할 것이다.과적임을 알 수 있었다. 실험 결과 본 기법으로 유휴시간에 프로세서를 저전력모드로 바꾸는 기존의 고전적인 전력 관리 기법보다 전체 시스템 전력 소모를 9% 더 절약할 수 있었다. 위성영상과 DEM 개발기술이 87% 이상의 점수를 받아 가장 시장성 및 활용성이 높은 기술로 평가되었으며, 초다분광영상에 대한 기술은 70%를 겨우 넘는 수준에서 평가가 되었다. 멀티센서 공간영상정보 통합처리 기술 개발은 다목적 실용위성의 보유, 국가 NGIS 사업의 결과물이 상당히 축척이 되어 있고, 라이다(LiDAR) 기술의 도입을 위한 환경이 조성되었기에 다른 국가에 비해 멀티센서 기술의 적용과 산업화가 가시화 될 수 있을 것으로 기대된다. 그러나 멀티센서 자료의 수급이 용이하지 못하고, 법 제도적인 한계, 시장의 성숙도가 기대이하라는 점 등의 한계를 노정하고 있다.a var. sieboldii 3. Pinus densiflora, Q. aliena, Q. acutissima, P. thunbergii, Q. acuta 4. Carpinus laxiflora, Camellia japonicas. C. tschonoskii community의 5개 그룹으로 나타났다. 하류의 부착돌말류는 상대적으로 양호한 수질을 가지고 있는 정점 1에서 다양한 생물상을, 탄천의 영향을 받는 정점 2는 상대적으로 수질이 악화되어 호오염성 종들이 높은 분포를 나타내고 있었다. 또한 부착돌말류 중 Cymbella minuta는 다른 부착돌말류에 비해 강한 오염지표성을 나타내고 있었다.p=0.000, $4.76{\pm}3.31$

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Determination of Suitable Antecedent Rainfall Days for Curve Number Estimation (CN값 산정을 위한 적정 선행강우일수의 결정)

  • Lee Myoung Woo;Choi Seoung An;Kim Hung Soo;Shim Myung Pil
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2005.05b
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    • pp.553-557
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    • 2005
  • 유역의 강우-유출 분석에서 유효우량의 산정은 매우 중요하다고 할 수 있다. 이러한 유효우량의 산정에서 대상호우에 대한 유출량 자료가 있는 경우는 침투지수법(infiltration index method)중 하나인 $\Phi$-지표법이나 W-지표법을 사용하여 그 양을 산정할 수 있다. 그러나 대상호우에 대한 유출량 자료가 없는 경우는 침투지수법을 이용하여 유효우량을 산정 할 수 없으며, 이러한 경우 유역의 토양 특성과 식생피복 상태에 대한 자료만으로 총우량으로부터 유효우량을 산정할 수 있는 NRCS(Natural Resources Conservation Service)의 유효우량 산정방법이 널리 사용되고 있다. NRCS유효우량 산정 방법은 선행토양함수조건(antecedent moisture condition, AMC)을 이 용하여 유출곡선지수(runoff curve number, CN)를 결정하는데, 이때 AMC의 산정을 위해 선행5일강우량(total 5-day antecedent rainfall)을 그 기준으로 하고 있으나, 이는 미국의 유역을 대상으로 하여 얻어진 결과이므로 이를 국내 유역에 검증 없이 적용하는 데에는 문제가 있을 것으로 예상되었다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 HEC-HMS모형을 이용하여 선행강우일수을 변화시켜 가면서 실제 유역의 강우-유출에 적용하여 본 뒤 강우-유출을 가장 잘 모의하는 선행강우일수을 결정하였다. 이를 위해, IHP 대상유역인 보청천의 탄부소유역에 대하여 AMC의 산정을 위한 선행강우량을 1일부터 7일까지 변화시키며 적용한 결과 탄부소유역에서는 선행2일강우량이 가장 적합한 결과를 주는 것으로 나타났다. 국내 유역에서 NRCS유효유량 산정방법을 통한 강우-유출모의시 보다 정확한 값을 산정하기 위해서는 대상유역에 적합한 선행 강우일수의 결정이 중요하리라 판단된다.인 분석을 수행하고, 배수갑문 개방에 의한 수질개선효과를 최대화하기 위한 환경관리 방안 제시에 중점을 두어 수행하였다.ncy), 환경성(environmental feasibility) 등을 정성적으로(qualitatively) 파악하여 실현가능한 대안을 선정하였다. 이렇게 선정된 대안들은 중유역별로 검토하여 효과가 있을 것으로 판단되는 대안들을 제시하는 예비타당성(Prefeasibility) 계획을 수립하였다. 이렇게 제시된 계획은 향후 과학적인 분석(세부평가방법)을 통해 대안을 평가하고 구체적인 타당성(feasibility) 계획을 수립하는데 토대가 될 것이다.{0.11R(mm)}(r^2=0.69)$로 나타났다. 이는 토양의 투수특성에 따라 강우량 증가에 비례하여 점증하는 침투수와 구분되는 현상이었다. 경사와 토양이 같은 조건에서 나지의 경우 역시 $Ro_{B10}(mm)=20.3e^{0.08R(mm)(r^2=0.84)$로 지수적으로 증가하는 경향을 나타내었다. 유거수량은 토성별로 양토를 1.0으로 기준할 때 사양토가 0.86으로 가장 작았고, 식양토 1.09, 식토 1.15로 평가되어 침투수에 비해 토성별 차이가 크게 나타났다. 이는 토성이 세립질일 수록 유거수의 저항이 작기 때문으로 생각된다. 경사에 따라서는 경사도가 증가할수록 증가하였으며 $10\% 경사일 때를 기준으로 $Ro(mm)=Ro_{10}{\times}0.797{\times}e^{-0.021s(\%)}$로 나타났다.천성 승모판 폐쇄 부전등을 초래하는 심각한 선천성 심질환이다. 그러나 진단 즉시 직접 좌관상동맥-대동맥 이식술로 수술적 교정을 해줌으로써 좋은 성적을 기대할 수 있음을 보여주었다.특히 교사들이 중요하게 인식하는 해방적 행동에 대한 목표를 강조하여 적용할 필요가 있음을 시사하고

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Analysis on Topographic Normalization Methods for 2019 Gangneung-East Sea Wildfire Area Using PlanetScope Imagery (2019 강릉-동해 산불 피해 지역에 대한 PlanetScope 영상을 이용한 지형 정규화 기법 분석)

  • Chung, Minkyung;Kim, Yongil
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.36 no.2_1
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    • pp.179-197
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    • 2020
  • Topographic normalization reduces the terrain effects on reflectance by adjusting the brightness values of the image pixels to be equal if the pixels cover the same land-cover. Topographic effects are induced by the imaging conditions and tend to be large in high mountainousregions. Therefore, image analysis on mountainous terrain such as estimation of wildfire damage assessment requires appropriate topographic normalization techniques to yield accurate image processing results. However, most of the previous studies focused on the evaluation of topographic normalization on satellite images with moderate-low spatial resolution. Thus, the alleviation of topographic effects on multi-temporal high-resolution images was not dealt enough. In this study, the evaluation of terrain normalization was performed for each band to select the optimal technical combinations for rapid and accurate wildfire damage assessment using PlanetScope images. PlanetScope has considerable potential in the disaster management field as it satisfies the rapid image acquisition by providing the 3 m resolution daily image with global coverage. For comparison of topographic normalization techniques, seven widely used methods were employed on both pre-fire and post-fire images. The analysis on bi-temporal images suggests the optimal combination of techniques which can be applied on images with different land-cover composition. Then, the vegetation index was calculated from the images after the topographic normalization with the proposed method. The wildfire damage detection results were obtained by thresholding the index and showed improvementsin detection accuracy for both object-based and pixel-based image analysis. In addition, the burn severity map was constructed to verify the effects oftopographic correction on a continuous distribution of brightness values.