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Analysis of Trading Performance on Intelligent Trading System for Directional Trading (방향성매매를 위한 지능형 매매시스템의 투자성과분석)

  • Choi, Heung-Sik;Kim, Sun-Woong;Park, Sung-Cheol
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.187-201
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    • 2011
  • KOSPI200 index is the Korean stock price index consisting of actively traded 200 stocks in the Korean stock market. Its base value of 100 was set on January 3, 1990. The Korea Exchange (KRX) developed derivatives markets on the KOSPI200 index. KOSPI200 index futures market, introduced in 1996, has become one of the most actively traded indexes markets in the world. Traders can make profit by entering a long position on the KOSPI200 index futures contract if the KOSPI200 index will rise in the future. Likewise, they can make profit by entering a short position if the KOSPI200 index will decline in the future. Basically, KOSPI200 index futures trading is a short-term zero-sum game and therefore most futures traders are using technical indicators. Advanced traders make stable profits by using system trading technique, also known as algorithm trading. Algorithm trading uses computer programs for receiving real-time stock market data, analyzing stock price movements with various technical indicators and automatically entering trading orders such as timing, price or quantity of the order without any human intervention. Recent studies have shown the usefulness of artificial intelligent systems in forecasting stock prices or investment risk. KOSPI200 index data is numerical time-series data which is a sequence of data points measured at successive uniform time intervals such as minute, day, week or month. KOSPI200 index futures traders use technical analysis to find out some patterns on the time-series chart. Although there are many technical indicators, their results indicate the market states among bull, bear and flat. Most strategies based on technical analysis are divided into trend following strategy and non-trend following strategy. Both strategies decide the market states based on the patterns of the KOSPI200 index time-series data. This goes well with Markov model (MM). Everybody knows that the next price is upper or lower than the last price or similar to the last price, and knows that the next price is influenced by the last price. However, nobody knows the exact status of the next price whether it goes up or down or flat. So, hidden Markov model (HMM) is better fitted than MM. HMM is divided into discrete HMM (DHMM) and continuous HMM (CHMM). The only difference between DHMM and CHMM is in their representation of state probabilities. DHMM uses discrete probability density function and CHMM uses continuous probability density function such as Gaussian Mixture Model. KOSPI200 index values are real number and these follow a continuous probability density function, so CHMM is proper than DHMM for the KOSPI200 index. In this paper, we present an artificial intelligent trading system based on CHMM for the KOSPI200 index futures system traders. Traders have experienced on technical trading for the KOSPI200 index futures market ever since the introduction of the KOSPI200 index futures market. They have applied many strategies to make profit in trading the KOSPI200 index futures. Some strategies are based on technical indicators such as moving averages or stochastics, and others are based on candlestick patterns such as three outside up, three outside down, harami or doji star. We show a trading system of moving average cross strategy based on CHMM, and we compare it to a traditional algorithmic trading system. We set the parameter values of moving averages at common values used by market practitioners. Empirical results are presented to compare the simulation performance with the traditional algorithmic trading system using long-term daily KOSPI200 index data of more than 20 years. Our suggested trading system shows higher trading performance than naive system trading.

A Study on Requirement and Degree of the Satisfaction about Cosmeceuticals of Women (우리나라 여성들의 기능성화장품에 대한 요구 및 만족도 연구)

  • Kim Kang-Mi;Kim Ju-Duck
    • Journal of the Society of Cosmetic Scientists of Korea
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    • v.30 no.4 s.48
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    • pp.571-582
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    • 2004
  • Recently the well-being, which is regarded as the new cultural code, has brought a new change in the cosmetic industry. The application of the functional products is getting mere and lots of functional cosmetics are now diversifying from the skin-care into the make-up as well as the herbal products. So the future in the market of functional cosmetic products is prospected to be positive. Therefore, cosmetic companies need an approach bases on the concept of the well-being. So to speak, they need to understand the needs of customers accurately from the customers point of view. Also it is a crucial issue that how the unique characteristics of functional cosmetic products as well as the development of products base on the concept of well-being make in balance. In this study, we attempt to inspect the advanced domestic market of the functional products due to the well-being trend and try to propose an option of making an advance it through the customers survey (for example, their need and their satisfaction on the functional products, etc) on the functional cosmetic products. For this purpose, it has been surveyed on adult female customers aged 19 to 60 located in Seoul and Gyeonggi province. 379 questionnaires among 510 were used in the final analysis. Collected data was analyzed using the statistical package for the social science (SPSS) program that can give the information about the general characteristics of the subjects like the frequency and percentage. And we used Cronbach's u reliability test, $x^2\;(chi-square)$ frequency analysis, t-test, and one-wat ANOVA to investigate the customers need, their degree of the satisfaction on the functional products of their own, factors of their perception on the quality on them. We think that the results of our study can act not only as the fundamental data on the customers need, their usage pattern, and their degree of the satisfaction, but also as the important tips of planning the marketing strategies.

동서간 중소기업 협력체제 구축 방안

  • Han, Jang-Hui
    • Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science
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    • v.2
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    • pp.17-37
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    • 1998
  • 중소기업간 협력 활동은 사업의 전체 혹은 일정 부분에 대하여 분업이나 협업의 관계를 맺는 공동사업의 형태로 나타난다. 기업간 연결의 강도에 따라 기업들간에 형성되는 분업과 협업의 관계를 시장형, 중간조직형, 위계조직형으로 구분할 때, 중소기업간 공동사업은 중간조직형에 속하는 일종의 기업간 네트워크라고 볼 수 있다. 물론 네트워크형의 협력관계를 추진하는 방식도 업무제휴, 지분제휴, 합작투자, 컨소시엄 등으로 다양하다. 그러나 완전한 자본적 통합에 따른 위계적 조직과는 달리 참여기업들이 독립성을 유지하면서, 네트워크 밖의 기업에 대해 경쟁우위를 확보하기 위해 형성한다는 공통점을 가지고 있다. 기업간 협력관계를 통해 참여 기업들이 얻을 수 있는 혜택에 관한 기존연구들은 크게 두 가지로 나누어 볼 수 있다. 하나는 기업의 생산함수를 중심으로 그 이점을 파악하는 것이고 다른 하나는 관계의 종류에 따라 기업간 거래관계를 관리하는 소위 거래비용의 효율성을 중심으로 혜택을 파악하는 접근방법이다. 전자의 접근방법을 따를 때, 기업간 협력의 근본 유인은 규모의 경제(혹은 비경제), 범위의 경제, 집적의 경제, 구도의 경제 등이 협력관계에서 발생하는 혜택의 근본 원천이다. 기술과 제도의 발전, 시장과 경쟁환경의 변화에 따른 기업간 협력의 필요성은 갈수록 증대되고 있다. 소비자들의 요구는 매우 개성화 다양화되고 종합화되는 추세이다. 더불어 기술개발의 비용이 큰 폭으로 증가하고 있으며, 경쟁의 격화로 기술 및 제품의 진부화도 급속도로 이루어지고 있다. 세계화 상품고도화 서비스산업화 정보화 등으로 특징지워지는 새로운 경쟁환경 아래에서 장기적으로 기업의 경쟁력을 향상시키기 위해서는 시장중심적인 관점에서 형성된 기업간 전략적 연계를 바탕으로, 정보의 집적을 통해 다양한 생산성 향상 혹은 관계효율성 향상의 경제를 추구하는 것이 필연적 전제 조건이 되었다. 기업간 경쟁보다는 최종제품의 생산과 판매를 위해 형성된 기업네트워크간의 경쟁이 중시되는 시대인 것이다. 동서간(東西間) 중소기업(中小企業)의 협력(協力)을 새삼스럽게 논의하는 것은 다분히 정치적이라는 느낌을 준다. 경제적인 관점에서 실익이 있음에도 불구하고 동서간 중소기업의 협력이 이루어지지 못하고 있다면, 그 이유는 기업정보의 수집과 유통상의 문제이거나 문화나 기업관행에 대한 잘못된 선입관에서 비롯된 관계 관리비용 계산상의 문제일 것이다. 현실적으로 이 가능성은 매우 낮다. 산업의 발전 정도나 연관성에 있어서 동서축보다는 남북축을 따라 기업간 협력이 이루어질 수 밖에 없는 우리나라의 현재 상황이 동서간보다는 남북간 경제교류를 유도하고 있는 것이다. 동서간 중서기업 협력체제의 구축에 대한 논의가 본질적으로 정치적 관심에서 비롯되었다는 전제 하에, 구축의 방안을 논의하고자 한다. 경제적으로도 타당하면서 정치적으로 관심을 유발할 수 있는 협력체제 구축방안으로, 기업간 네트워크의 조직 주체로서 최근에 논의되고 있는 새로운 형태의 마케팅회사를 동서간에 공동으로 설립할 것을 제안한다. 영구 지속적 공동사업관계보다는 프로젝트별 공동사업을 전제로 기업들 사이의 효과적인 네트워크를 형성함으로써 일종의 가상적 기업을 결성할 필요가 있다. 이러한 기업간 네트워크 형성의 실행주체가 될 수 있는 새로운 마케팅 전문기업의 형태로는 공동회사(空洞會社)(hollow company), 종합상사(綜合商社)(General Trading Company), 거래형 마케팅회사(Marketing Exchange Company), 변환형 마케팅회사(Marketing Coalition Company) 등을 들 수 있다. 양 지역에서는 소비자환경과 기술환경의 특성 및 양 지역의 경제에 대한 파급효과를 고려하여 가장 적합한 마케팅회사의 유형은 선택하여 육성하고, 이를 중심으로 강력한 양 지역 및 다른 지역에 입지한 기업간의 네트워크를 구축하여야 한다. 마케팅회사를 설립하고 완전한 마케팅 서비스를 제공할 수 있도록 육성하기 위해서는 많은 투자가 필요하다. 마케팅회사의 핵심기능 분야인 금융부문, 정보부문, 영업조직 등은 모두 막대한 투자를 필요로하는 기능영역이다. 정보부문은 기술의 발전과 범세계적인 정보관련기관과의 제휴를 통해 독자적인 구축이 어느 정도 가능하나, 영업조직의 구축을 위해서는 기존업체와의 연대가 필수적인 것으로 판단된다. 지속적으로 효과적인 기업간 네트워크를 형성하고 유지하기 위해서는 또한 기업간 관계를 관리하는 방식과 제도 및 수단에 대한 연구가 필요하다. 양 지역 산 학 관의 공동노력을 통해서 새로운 경제 환경에 가장 적합한 기업 형태로 제시된 바 있는 마케팅 전문회사 중심의 기업간 네트워크를 성공적으로 구축한다면, 양 지역 및 국가 경제의 지속적인 동력원이 될 수 있을 것이다

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The Consolidation and Implementation of Green Infrastructure Policy in Urban Spatial Planning - Focused on the London Plan & the All London Green Grid - (그린 인프라스트럭처 정책의 확대와 적용 - 런던플랜과 런던 그린그리드를 중심으로 -)

  • Yoon, Sang-Jun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.44 no.2
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    • pp.83-95
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    • 2016
  • Strategies for parks and open spaces in the 21st century have moved from focusing on specific elements, such as quantitative growth and ecological and recreational aspects, to green infrastructure, which refers to a multi-functional network of open and green spaces offering a range of benefits. In the case of London, green infrastructure is realised as an integral part of urban infrastructure, involving physical and social infrastructure as well as practical spatial planning at the local level within statutory urban planning as part of a continuously developing green infrastructure framework with a theoretical basis. Taking this perspective, the present study looks at alterations to and developments in green infrastructure policies in the London Plan, the green grid framework as detailed in the city's strategic implementation of green infrastructure. Various trends and characteristics of the policies adopted in the London Plan and some implications are deduced, with three main results being identified. The first is a clear division of roles among the national government, Greater London Authority and borough councils, with local plans established under the guidance of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and the London Plan. Green infrastructure policies in the London Plan have been applied at a high rate in the boroughs' local plans, which leads to another, linked point. Secondly, green infrastructure policies and the green grid as an implementation framework have been consistently extended and developed through consolidating the London Plan, despite the change of government. Finally, in order to achieve the London Plan, the Mayor of London implemented policies by partnership and supporting programmes for London boroughs. Recently, the Seoul Metropolitan Authority introduced a parks and green spaces development policy, but the London case remains a good example; this is because green infrastructure policies in London were not a manifesto pledge but rather have been continuously and consistently advanced regardless of party politics and thus realised as long-term planning.

A Study on the Effect of Technological Innovation Capability and Technology Commercialization Capability on Business Performance in SMEs of Korea (우리나라 중소기업의 기술혁신능력과 기술사업화능력이 경영성과에 미치는 영향연구)

  • Lee, Dongsuk;Chung, Lakchae
    • Korean small business review
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.65-87
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    • 2010
  • With the advent of knowledge-based society, the revitalization of technological innovation type SMEs, termed "inno-biz" hereafter, has been globally recognized as a government policymakers' primary concern in strengthening national competitiveness, and much effort is being put into establishing polices of boosting the start-ups and innovation capability of SMEs. Especially, in that the inno-biz enables national economy to get vitalized by widening world markets with its superior technology, and thus, taking the initiative of extremely competitive world markets, its growth and development has greater significance. In the case of Korea, the government has been maintaining the policies since the late 1990s of stimulating the growth of SMEs as well as building various infrastructures to foster the start-ups of the SMEs such as venture businesses with high technology. In addition, since the enactment of "Innovation Promotion Law for SMEs" in 2001, the government has been accelerating the policies of prioritizing the growth and development of inno-biz. So, for the sound growth and development of Korean inno-biz, this paper intends to offer effective management strategies for SMEs and suggest proper policies for the government, by researching into the effect of technological innovation capability and technology commercialization capability as the primary business resources on business performance in Korean SMEs in the light of market information orientation. The research is carried out on Korean companies characterized as inno-biz. On the basis of OSLO manual and prior studies, the research categorizes their status. R&D capability, technology accumulation capability and technological innovation system are categorized into technological innovation capability; product development capability, manufacturing capability and marketing capability into technology commercialization capability; and increase in product competitiveness and merits for new technology and/or product development into business performance. Then the effect of each component on business performance is substantially analyzed. In addition, the mediation effect of technological innovation and technology commercialization capability on business performance is observed by the use of the market information orientation as a parameter. The following hypotheses are proposed. H1 : Technology innovation capability will positively influence business performance. H1-1 : R&D capability will positively influence product competitiveness. H1-2 : R&D capability will positively influence merits for new technology and/or product development into business performance. H1-3 : Technology accumulation capability will positively influence product competitiveness. H1-4 : Technology accumulation capability will positively influence merits for new technology and/or product development into business performance. H1-5 : Technological innovation system will positively influence product competitiveness. H1-6 : Technological innovation system will positively influence merits for new technology and/or product development into business performance. H2 : Technology commercializing capability will positively influence business performance. H2-1 : Product development capability will positively influence product competitiveness. H2-2 : Product development capability will positively influence merits for new technology and/or product development into business performance. H2-3 : Manufacturing capability will positively influence product competitiveness. H2-4 : Manufacturing capability will positively influence merits for new technology and/or product development into business performance. H2-5 : Marketing capability will positively influence product competitiveness. H2-6 : Marketing capability will positively influence merits for new technology and/or product development into business performance. H3 : Technology innovation capability will positively influence market information orientation. H3-1 : R&D capability will positively influence information generation. H3-2 : R&D capability will positively influence information diffusion. H3-3 : R&D capability will positively influence information response. H3-4 : Technology accumulation capability will positively influence information generation. H3-5 : Technology accumulation capability will positively influence information diffusion. H3-6 : Technology accumulation capability will positively influence information response. H3-7 : Technological innovation system will positively influence information generation. H3-8 : Technological innovation system will positively influence information diffusion. H3-9 : Technological innovation system will positively influence information response. H4 : Technology commercialization capability will positively influence market information orientation. H4-1 : Product development capability will positively influence information generation. H4-2 : Product development capability will positively influence information diffusion. H4-3 : Product development capability will positively influence information response. H4-4 : Manufacturing capability will positively influence information generation. H4-5 : Manufacturing capability will positively influence information diffusion. H4-6 : Manufacturing capability will positively influence information response. H4-7 : Marketing capability will positively influence information generation. H4-8 : Marketing capability will positively influence information diffusion. H4-9 : Marketing capability will positively influence information response. H5 : Market information orientation will positively influence business performance. H5-1 : Information generation will positively influence product competitiveness. H5-2 : Information generation will positively influence merits for new technology and/or product development into business performance. H5-3 : Information diffusion will positively influence product competitiveness. H5-4 : Information diffusion will positively influence merits for new technology and/or product development into business performance. H5-5 : Information response will positively influence product competitiveness. H5-6 : Information response will positively influence merits for new technology and/or product development into business performance. H6 : Market information orientation will mediate the relationship between technology innovation capability and business performance. H7 : Market information orientation will mediate the relationship between technology commercializing capability and business performance. The followings are the research results : First, as for the effect of technological innovation on business performance, the technology accumulation capability and technological innovating system have a positive effect on increase in product competitiveness and merits for new technology and/or product development, while R&D capability has little effect on business performance. Second, as for the effect of technology commercialization capability on business performance, the effect of manufacturing capability is relatively greater than that of merits for new technology and/or product development. Third, the mediation effect of market information orientation is identified to exist partially in information generation, information diffusion and information response. Judging from these results, the following analysis can be made : On Increase in product competitiveness, directly related to successful technology commercialization of technology, management capability including technological innovation system, manufacturing capability and marketing capability has a relatively strong effect. On merits for new technology and/or product development, on the other hand, capability in technological aspect including R&D capability, technology accumulation capability and product development capability has relatively strong effect. Besides, in the cast of market information orientation, the level of information diffusion within an organization plays and important role in new technology and/or product development. Also, for commercial success like increase in product competitiveness, the level of information response is primarily required. Accordingly, the following policies are suggested : First, as the effect of technological innovation capability and technology commercialization capability on business performance differs among SMEs; in order for SMEs to secure competitiveness, the government has to establish microscopic policies for SMEs which meet their needs and characteristics. Especially, the SMEs lacking in capital and labor are required to map out management strategies of focusing their resources primarily on their strengths. And the government needs to set up policies for SMEs, not from its macro-scaled standpoint, but from the selective and concentrative one that meets the needs and characteristics of respective SMEs. Second, systematic infrastructures are urgently required which lead technological success to commercial success. Namely, as technological merits at respective SME levels do not always guarantee commercial success, the government should make and effort to build systematic infrastructures including encouragement of M&A or technology trade, systematic support for protecting intellectual property, furtherance of business incubating and industrial clusters for strengthening academic-industrial network, and revitalization of technology financing, in order to make successful commercialization from technological success. Finally, the effort to innovate technology, R&D, for example, is essential to future national competitiveness, but its result is often prolonged. So the government needs continuous concern and funding for basic science, in order to maximize technological innovation capability. Indeed the government needs to examine continuously whether technological innovation capability or technological success leads satisfactorily to commercial success in market economic system. It is because, when the transition fails, it should be left to the government.

Comparative Study on the Perceptions of Global and Korean HRD Professionals in Workplace Learning and Performance(WLP) Competencies (한국과 글로벌 HRD 전문가의 WLP 역량 인식 비교연구)

  • Kim, Young-Kil;Kil, Min-Wook
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.10 no.6
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    • pp.99-109
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study was to scrutinize and compare the perceptions of Global and Korean HRD Professionals in Workplace Learning and Performance(WLP) competencies in Korea. To answer these questions, the following research methods were employed. A questionnaire, which was modified and translates from the 2004 ASTD model for WLP, was distributed to 319 HRD consultants working in Seoul and Kyounggi-Do. It was sent out directly and by email. Among returned questionnaires, 205 were valid to be examined. The important findings of the study were as follows. First, the role of business partner ranked highest in the level of importance of WLP roles in Korean and the role of special professional ranked highest in global. For the competencies of WLP, effective communication ranked highest both Korean and global. Based on the findings of this study, the conclusion was as follows. First, the perceptions of WLP roles were different between Korean and global HRD professionals. The reason why it's differences is because the size of market are different. Second, the perceptions of WLP competencies were similar between Korean and global HRD professionals. HRD professionals should need to professionalize the communication skills continuously.

The Mediating Effect of Learning Flow on Affective Outcomes in Software Education Using Games (게임을 활용한 SW교육의 정의적 성과에 대한 학습몰입의 매개 효과)

  • Kang, Myunghee;Park, Juyeon;Yoon, Seonghye;Kang, Minjeng;Jang, JeeEun
    • Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.475-486
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    • 2016
  • As software transforms the structure of industry, it becomes a key measure in determining market competitiveness. Therefore, various educational efforts have been attempted in Korea to cultivate software professionals to secure software competitiveness. While previous studies had focused mainly on the cognitive effectiveness of software education, the authors tried to focus on affective perspectives. The authors, therefore, aimed to analyze the predictive power of the recognition of software importance and learning flow on affective outcomes, such as efficacy of computational thinking skills, and attitude toward, and satisfaction with, software education. The data were collected from 103 sixth grade students who participated in a software education. Results show that software importance and learning flow had significant predictive power on affective outcomes; Learning flow mediated the relationship between software importance and affective outcomes. This study provides practical implications for improving affective outcomes in the design and implementation of software education.

Analyzing the weblog data of a shopping mall using process mining (프로세스 마이닝을 이용한 쇼핑몰 웹로그 데이터 분석)

  • Kim, Chae-Young;Yong, Hye-Ryeon;Hwang, Hyun-Seok
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.11
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    • pp.777-787
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    • 2020
  • With the development of the Internet and the spread of mobile devices, the online market is growing rapidly. As the number of customers using online shopping malls explodes, research is being conducted on the analysis of usage behavior from customer data, personalized product recommendations, and service development. Thus, this paper seeks to analyze the overall process of online shopping malls through process mining, and to identify the factors that influence users' purchases. The data used are from a large online shopping mall, and R was the analysis tool. The results show that customer activity was most prominent in categories with event elements, such as unconventional discounts and monthly giveaway events. On the other hand, searches, logins, and campaign activity were found to be less relevant than their importance. Those are very important, because they can provide clues to a customer's information and needs. Therefore, it is necessary to refine the recommendations from related search words, and to manage activity, such as coupons provided when customers log in. In addition to the previous discussion, this paper proposes various business strategies to enhance the competitiveness of online shopping malls and to increase profits.

A Study on the Decision Making Process of Social Venture: The case of Goyohan Taxi (소셜벤처의 의사결정 프로세스에 관한 연구: 고요한택시 사례)

  • Kim, Jinyoung;Sung, Changsoo;Cho, Hanjun;Moon, Kanghyun
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.83-96
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    • 2020
  • Traditionally social problems had been largely left to be handled by non-profit organizations, not because of lack of interests in social causes but mostly because of lack of innovative ideas to solve them in commercially viable ways. This market failure has recently been fixed by social enterprises, which manage to provide both solutions for social issues and commercially viable business models. As a result, we have been witnessing a sudden spike of public interests in these social enterprises as well as a call for empirical investigation on social enterprises by prior studies. However, empirically investigating a social enterprise has been a challenging endeavor mostly due to the insufficient number of successful social enterprises. Answering to the call in this study, we empirically investigate Goyohan Taxi, a successful social enterprise that partners with visually impaired cabdrivers and offers a taxi service, by both longitudinally interviewing the founder and adopting in vivo observation throughout the entrepreneurial journey of Goyohan Taxi. Based on the single case study method, we find that Goyohan Taxi adopts two distinctive decision-making mechanisms, the de-escalation of commitment and the orthogonality of commercial and social goals. Although generalizability of the our finding is minimal due to the limitation of single case study method, our finding contributes to the research of social entrepreneurship by offering new avenue of research in decision-making process of social entrepreneurs.

Causes of Cyber Sickness of VR Contents: An Experimental Study on the Viewpoint and Movement (VR 콘텐츠의 사이버 멀미 유발 요인: 시점과 움직임의 효과에 대한 실험 연구)

  • Jung, Ji-Young;Cho, Kwang-Su;Choi, Jinhae;Choi, Junho
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.200-208
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    • 2017
  • Despite a rapid market growth in VR, cyber sickness has become the most serious problem in terms of user experience. The aim of this study is to verify whether there are differences in user's perception of cyber sickness by the point-of-view and the movement in VR contents. An experimental testing of game playing with VR headset was conducted on the effects of two conditions: first-person and third-person views in the point-of-view condition, and yaw - pitch rotations in the head movement condition. The results showed that cyber sickness worsened in the first-person point-of-view and in the yaw rotation movement. Point-of-view and movement had main effects on the cyber sickness, but an interaction effect between point-of-view and movement was not found. Based on the findings, along with reducing VR sickness, we proposed practical implications for VR contents planning for building balanced VR user experience. Positive VR experience can be reinforced through visual design, multi-modal interface design, and experience marketing for the optimal level of contents immersion. A future research was suggested on the roll rotation for diverse content genre development.