• Title/Summary/Keyword: 시설소개

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Quantification of Odorants from Animal Husbandry using Solid-phase Microextraction (고상(固相) 미세 추출법에 의한 축산 관리시설에서 발생하는 악취성 가스 화합물의 정량적 평가)

  • Kim, Jae-Hyuck;Choi, Hong-Lim;Kown, So-Young;Lim, Hong-Lae;McConnell, Laura L.;Arispe, Susana;Park, Chul-Hwi;Kim, Hyun-Ook
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.158-164
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    • 2006
  • Offensive odor from CAFO(concentrated animal feeding operation) and its control have become a significant issue in Korea. Control of odors from the CAFO requires to identify major odorant and their generation mechanisms. In this study, an easy method to collect gas sample and to quantify its odorants is proposed. The method involves on-site odorant extraction with solid-phase microextraction and quantitation with GC/MSD or GC/FID. Analytes of the current study include: trimethylamine(TMA), carbon disulfide($CS_2$), dimethyl sulfide(DMS), dimethyl disulfide(DMDS), acetic acid(AA), propionic acid(PA) and n-butyric acid(BA). The resulting linearity($R^2$) of calibration curve for each analyte was good over the range from several ppbv to ppmv; 0.984 for TMA(0.056-1.437), 0.996 for $CS_2$(0.039-0.999), 0.994 for DMS(0.029-0.756), 0.995 for DMDS(0.024-0.623), 0.992 for AA(0.068-1.314), 0.955 for PA(0.047-0.940), and 0.976 for BA(0.036-0.712). Method detection limits were 5.67, 6.39, 5.78, 25.2, 0.098, 0.363 and 0.099 ppbv for AA, PA, BA, TMA, DMS, $CS_2$, and DMDS, respectively. With the developed method, odorants from poultry, swine, and cattle barns were analysed. All the compounds but DMDS were detected from the sample collected in the poultry barn, and their levels exceeded the representative published human olfactory threshold.

Comparative analysis on status of events and importance-performance analysis (IPA) between industry and school foodservices (사업체급식소와 학교급식소의 이벤트 실태 및 이벤트에 대한 중요도-수행도 분석 비교)

  • Song, Hyun Jin;Rho, Jeong Ok
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.47 no.6
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    • pp.452-462
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    • 2014
  • Purpose: The purpose of the study was to evaluate the status of events and importance-performance analysis (IPA) between industry and school foodservices. Methods: The study subjects were dietitians in industry foodservices (n = 73) and nutrition teachers in school foodservices (n = 135) in the Jeonbuk area. Demographic characteristics, status of events, and problems of implementing events were assessed using a self-administered questionnaire. Results: Approximately 67% of industry foodservices had implemented an event a month, whereas 40.7% of school foodservices did not implement events for students. The type of events that industry and school foodservices had implemented most frequently were Sambok event, Dongji event, Daeboreum event, Spring-Namul event, and Chuseok event. The industry foodservices had significantly higher average scores for performance of events than those of the school foodservices (p < 0.001). In the Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA), high importance and high performance (A area: doing great) in industry foodservices were seasonal events, traditional festival day events, anniversary events, traditional seasonal events, and personal memory events, whereas in school foodservices were traditional festival day events, traditional seasonal events, school events, and environment events. Conclusion: These results showed that events are important for the increase in customer satisfaction. Therefore, it is necessary to consider educational programs on event implementation for dietitians and employees in industry and school foodservices.

Analysis of Site Condition in Domestic Trade Port for Operation of Mobile Harbor (모바일하버 운영을 위한 국내 무역항 후보지 분석)

  • Lee, Joong-Woo;Gug, Seung-Gi;Jung, Dae-Deug;Yang, Sang-Young;Kim, Tae-Hyung
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.34 no.10
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    • pp.781-786
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    • 2010
  • In this study, a new concept of ocean transport system, called the mobile harbor serving for a short distance transport of containers with cargo handling cranes between mother containerships and coastal ports, is introduced. Instead of direct berthing a very large containership at the coastal port, Mobile Harbor is moving to the offshore mooring basin with enough water depth condition. Therefore, investigation of the coastal environment, technical condition and limitation of the domestic trade ports for the application of Mobile Harbor, is essential process. To figure out the accessibility of mobile harbor, the environmental conditions, the cargo handling capacity and marine traffic volume and flow pattern has been analyzed with the tools for marine traffic simulation and virtual navigation aids system. The most proper Mobile Harbor mooring areas among trade ports of the south and east coast are selected by analyzing the obtained information and evaluating its application: (1) Under natural environmental conditions such as air and sea weather, three candidate areas are selected such as Masan port, Ulsan port, and Busan(New port) port. (2) Under marine traffic and appropriateness of water facilities, three candidate areas are selected as Mokpo port, Busan(New port) port, and Donghae & Mookho port (3) For a region-based analysis considering handling capacity and the local managed trade ports in vicinity, three candidate areas are selected as Busan region, Yosu & KwangYang region, and Mokpo region. Through this study, the basic guideline for selection of optimum trade port and offshore mooring basin for mothership and Mobile Harbor is recommended. In order to apply the Mobile Harbor to the real water, navigaton aids as the virtual route identification with AIS must be introduced for maritime safety in the vicinity of Mobile Harbor area which berthing and cargo handling is being conducted.

Current Statues of Phenomics and its Application for Crop Improvement: Imaging Systems for High-throughput Screening (작물육종 효율 극대화를 위한 피노믹스(phenomics) 연구동향: 화상기술을 이용한 식물 표현형 분석을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Seong-Kon;Kwon, Tack-Ryoun;Suh, Eun-Jung;Bae, Shin-Chul
    • Korean Journal of Breeding Science
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    • v.43 no.4
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    • pp.233-240
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    • 2011
  • Food security has been a main global issue due to climate changes and growing world population expected to 9 billion by 2050. While biodiversity is becoming more highlight, breeders are confronting shortage of various genetic materials needed for new variety to tackle food shortage challenge. Though biotechnology is still under debate on potential risk to human and environment, it is considered as one of alternative tools to address food supply issue for its potential to create a number of variations in genetic resource. The new technology, phenomics, is developing to improve efficiency of crop improvement. Phenomics is concerned with the measurement of phenomes which are the physical, morphological, physiological and/or biochemical traits of organisms as they change in response to genetic mutation and environmental influences. It can be served to provide better understanding of phenotypes at whole plant. For last decades, high-throughput screening (HTS) systems have been developed to measure phenomes, rapidly and quantitatively. Imaging technology such as thermal and chlorophyll fluorescence imaging systems is an area of HTS which has been used in agriculture. In this article, we review the current statues of high-throughput screening system in phenomics and its application for crop improvement.

Overseas exhibition and organization of Korean exhibition room in foreign museum. (해외 전시와 외국 박물관의 한국실 설치-그리스 특별 전시 사례를 중심으로)

  • Jeong, Ho-Seop
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    • no.70
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    • pp.163-178
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    • 2007
  • Among many functions of the museum, the educational function is being emphasized. Museums should actively expand their scope of action through special exhibits or various educational activities. It is through exhibits that museums prove their reason for existence and raise calls for support. Through such activities, university museums should demonstrate the role and reason of existence of a museum inside a university to the members of the university. They should carry out various activities to raise the presence of the museum in the university. That may be the way for university museums, which face many difficulties in reality, to find their breakthrough. Especially in a situation of a low-budget, holding overseas exhibition may be a good opportunity to display the excellence of the Korean culture and, at the same time, publicize the school and the museum. Also, through such overseas exhibition, benchmarking of facilities and activities of advanced museums can be made and networks can be set up with museums around the world. This paper introduces the planning and progressing procedures of exhibitions abroad through the experiences of the Korea University Museum. I sincerely hope that it will contribute to the hereafter development of university museums. Aside from such overseas exhibition, the Korea Foundation has been supporting prestigious foreign museums to establish a Korean exhibition room in order to form a perpetual space to systematically introduce Korean culture and art to foreign audience. Thus far, the National Museum of Korea has stood in the forefront in lending relics to Korean exhibition rooms abroad. I believe it would be a worthwhile activity for the Korea Association of University Museums, which has approximately 100 institutions as its members, to actively participate in the establishment of Korean exhibitions rooms of foreign museums for the development of university museums. Participating in the establishment of Korean exhibition rooms is attractive as it will lead to a constant exchange with foreign museums instead of a one-time exchange. Localization and globalization, which became a big issue about ten years ago, is reality from which university museums cannot be free. In such reality, it is time for university museums to look back on whether they are ready to make their way forward in this era called the century of culture.

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Introduction of the International Standardization of ISO in the Production and Quality of Herbal Medicines and a Review of Countermeasures (한약재 생산 및 품질부문의 ISO국제표준화 등재현황 소개 및 대응방안 고찰)

  • Kim, Yong Il;Kang, Young Min;Han, Sin-Hee;Hur, Mok;Kim, Young Guk;Chang, Jae Ki
    • Journal of the Korean Society of International Agriculture
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.257-268
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    • 2018
  • Recently, the international standardization of ISO in the field of Oriental Herbal Medicine has been progressing rapidly under the direction of China's promotion. China's intention to promote international standardization is to extend its influence to the world and beyond the domestic market. The Oriental medicine system in East Asia has similar roots in academic terms, but the medicines that can be supplied and received in each country are different and have developed independently. The international standardization of medicinal herbs is expected to function in a direction that weakens such differentiation and independence. From a commercial point of view, international standardization is no different from creating evaluation criteria for oriental medicinal products, and it is expected that its potential impact on domestic and overseas markets and producers will be large. In particular, the international standardization centered on China can lead to favorable evaluation criteria for China, which may further negatively affect the market competitiveness of domestic raw materials, which have been pushed back by Chinese manufacturers. If the domestic production base is weakened, not only will the farmers suffer but the supply and demand of raw materials will also be manipulated, safety management control will be reduced, and the development of oriental herbal products using domestic raw materials will be hurt. Therefore, in the promotion of international standardization, it is necessary not only to reflect the value of Korean herbal medicine but also to provide strategic responses to protect the domestic production base. However, in the case of recent initiatives, there is no precedent in analyzing influence on the production partners and the related industries. In addition, there are few related papers and reports on the subject, so the publicity process has not been done sufficiently. In response to this, this study will examine the countermeasures against the international standardization of herbal medicines through reviewing its present status and evaluating the agenda of the Korean initiative.

Meteorological Constraints and Countermeasures in Rice Breeding -Breeding for cold tolerance- (기상재해와 수도육종상의 대책 - 내냉성품종육성방안-)

  • Mun-Hue Heu;Young-Soo Han
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.371-384
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    • 1982
  • Highly cold tolerant varieties are requested not only at high latitute cool area but also tropical high elevated areas, and the required tolerance is different from location to location. IRRI identified 6 different types of cold tolerance required in the world for breeding purpose; a) Hokkaido type, b) Suweon type, c) Taipei 1st season type, d) Taipei 2nd season type, e) Tropical alpine type and, f) Bangladesh type. The cold tolerance requested in Korea is more eargent in Tongil group cultivars and their required tolerance is the one such as the physiological activities at low temperature are as active as in Japonica group cultivars at least during young seedling stage and reproduction stage. With conventional Japonica cultivars, such cold tolerant characters are requested as short growth duration but stable basic vegetative growth, less sensitive to high temperature and less prolonged growth duration at low temperature. The methods screening for cold tolerance were developed rapidly after the Tongil cultivar was reliesed. The facilities of screening for cold tolerance, such as, low temperature incubator, cold water tank, growth cabinet, phytotron, cold water nursery in Chuncheon, breeding nursery located in Jinbu, Unbong and Youngduk, are well established. Foreign facilities such as, cold water tank with the rapid generation advancement facilities, cold nurseries located in Banaue, Kathmandu and Kashimir may be available for the screening of some limitted breeding materials. For the reference, screening methods applied at different growth stages in Japan are introduced. The component characters of cold tolerance are not well identified, but the varietal differences in a) germinability, b) young seedling growth, c) rooting, d) tillering, e) discolation, f) nutrition uptake, g) photosynthesis rate, h) delay in heading, i) pollen sterility, and j) grain fertility at low temperature are reported to be distinguishable. Relationships among those traits are not consistent. Reported studies on the inheritance of cold tolerance are summarized. Four or more genes are controlling low temperature germinability, one or several genes are controlling seedling tolerance, and four or more genes are responsible for the pollen fertility of the rice treated with cold air or grown in the cold water nursery. But most of those data indicate that the results may come out in different way if those were tested at different temperature. Many cold tolerant parents among Japonicas, Indicas and Javanicas were identified as the results of the improvement of cold tolerance screening techniques and IRTP efforts and they are ready to be utilized. Considering a) diversification of germ plasm, b) integration of resistances to diseases and insects, c) identification of adaptability of recommending cultivars and, d) systematic control of recommending cultivars, breeding strategies for short term and long term are suggested. For short term, efforts will be concentrated mainly to the conventional cultivar group. Domestic cultivars will be used as foundation stock and ecologically different foreign introductions such as from Hokkaido, China or from Taiwan, will be used as cross parents for the adjustment of growth durations and synthsize the prototype of tolerances. While at the other side, extreme early waxy Japonicas will be crossed with the Indica parents which are identified for their resistances to the diseases and insects. Through the back corsses to waxy Japonicas, those Indica resistances will be transfered to the Japonicas and these will be utilized to the crosses for the improvement of resistances of prototype. For the long term, efforts will be payed to synthsize all the available tolerances identified any from Japonicas, Indicas and Javanicas to diversify the germ plasm. The tolerant cultivars newly synthsized, should be stable and affected minimum. to the low temperature at all the growing stages. The resistances to the diseases and insects should be integrated also. The rapid generation advancement, pollen culture and international cooperations were emphasized to maximize the breeding efficiency.

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A Study on the Archives and Records Management in Korea - Overview and Future Direction - (한국의 기록관리 현황 및 발전방향에 관한 연구)

  • Han, Sang-Wan;Kim, Sung-Soo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Archives and Records Management
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.1-38
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    • 2002
  • This study examines the status quo of Korean archives and records management from the Governmental as well as professional activities for the development of the field in relation to the new legislation on records management. Among many concerns, this study primarily explores the following four perspectives: 1) the Government Archives and Records Services; 2) the Korean Association of Archives; 3) the Korean Society of Archives and Records Management; 4) the Journal of Korean Society of Archives and Records Management. One of the primary tasks of the is to build the special depository within which the Presidential Library should be located. As a result, the position of the GARS can be elevated and directed by an official at the level of vice-minister right under a president as a governmental representative of managing the public records. In this manner, GARS can sustain its independency and take custody of public records across government agencies. made efforts in regard to the preservation of paper records, the preservation of digital resources in new media formats, facilities and equipments, education of archivists and continuing, training of practitioners, and policy-making of records preservation. For further development, academia and corporate should cooperate continuously to face with the current problems. has held three international conferences to date. The topics of conferences include respectively: 1) records management and archival education of Korea, Japan, and China; 2) knowledge management and metadata for the fulfillment of archives and information science; and 3) electronic records management and preservation with the understanding of ongoing archival research in the States, Europe, and Asia. The Society continues to play a leading role in both of theory and practice for the development of archival science in Korea. It should also suggest an educational model of archival curricula that fits into the Korean context. The Journals of Records Management & Archives Society of Korea have been published on the six major topics to date. Findings suggest that "Special Archives" on regional or topical collections are desirable because it can house subject holdings on specialty or particular figures in that region. In addition, archival education at the undergraduate level is more desirable for Korean situations where practitioners are strongly needed and professionals with master degrees go to manager positions. Departments of Library and Information Science in universities, therefore, are needed to open archival science major or track at the undergraduate level in order to meet current market demands. The qualification of professional archivists should be moderate as well.

Regional cooperation of NOWPAP MERRAC against marine litter from sea-based activities in the Northwest Pacific region (북서태평양 지역의 해상기인 해양쓰레기 저감을 위한 NOWPAP 방제지역활동센터의 지역협력 활동현황 분석 및 향후 발전방향)

  • Noh, Hyon-Jeong;Oh, Jeong-Hwan;Kang, Seong-Gil;Kang, Chang-Gu
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Marine Environment & Energy
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.150-159
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    • 2008
  • The marine litter generated as by-products of human activities and economic development enters to the sea through rivers or stream Indirectly, and through sea-based activities directly. It is commonly comprised of materials that degrade very slowly, such as various plastic products, polystyrene, glass, rubber, metal, wood, derelict fishing nets, wire, rope and so on. Such litter is found in the water column and on the seafloor as well as coastal areas In the Northwest Pacific region. It causes injury or death of human and other living organisms and also accident or damage of the vessel. It is not only a problem of country but also regional and/or global problem because it is transported by currents and winds from one country to another. In this regard, Northwest Pacific Action Plan (NOWPAP) Marine Litter Activity (MALITA) project had been carried out during 2006-2007 biennium and NOWPAP Regional Action Plan on Marine Litter (RAP MALI) has been also continuously implemented in the 2008-2009 biennium as next phase step of MALITA. MERRAC, one of four Regional Activity Centres (RACs) of NOWPAP, has developed monitoring guidelines, sectoral guidelines, and brochures related to sea-based marine litter and port reception facilities and services through MALITA project. Based upon these output, MERRAC will continuously implement relevant activities of RAP MALI in order to help to establish and improve a regional mechanism to deal with the sea-based marine litter problem. This paper aims to introduce MERRAC activities under MALITA and RAP MALI, and to suggest several recommendations to reduce marine litter in the NOWPAP region.

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Monte Carlo Simulation of the Carbon Beam Nozzle for the Biomedical Research Facility in RAON (한국형 중이온 가속기 RAON의 의생물 연구시설 탄소 빔 노즐에 대한 Monte Carlo 시뮬레이션)

  • Bae, Jae-Beom;Cho, Byung-Cheol;Kwak, Jung-Won;Park, Woo-Yoon;Lim, Young-Kyung;Chung, Hyun-Tai
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.12-17
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of the Monte Carlo simulation study was to provide the optimized nozzle design to satisfy the beam conditions for biomedical researches in the Korean heavy-ion accelerator, RAON. The nozzle design was required to produce $C^{12}$ beam satisfying the three conditions; the maximum field size, the dose uniformity and the beam contamination. We employed the GEANT4 toolkit in Monte Carlo simulation to optimize the nozzle design. The beams for biomedical researches were required that the maximum field size should be more than $15{\times}15cm^2$, the dose uniformity was to be less than 3% and the level of beam contamination due to the scattered radiation from collimation systems was less than 5% of total dose. For the field size, we optimized the tilting angle of the circularly rotating beam controlled by a pair of dipole magnets at the most upstream of the user beam line unit and the thickness of the scatter plate located downstream of the dipole magnets. The values of beam scanning angle and the thickness of the scatter plate could be successfully optimized to be $0.5^{\circ}$ and 0.05 cm via this Monte Carlo simulation analysis. For the dose uniformity and the beam contamination, we introduced the new beam configuration technique by the combination of scanning and static beams. With the combination of a central static beam and a circularly rotating beam with the tilting angle of $0.5^{\circ}$ to beam axis, the dose uniformity could be established to be 1.1% in $15{\times}15cm^2$ sized maximum field. For the beam contamination, it was determined by the ratio of the absorbed doses delivered by $C^{12}$ ion and other particles. The level of the beam contamination could be achieved to be less than 2.5% of total dose in the region from 5 cm to 17 cm water equivalent depth in the combined beam configuration. Based on the results, we could establish the optimized nozzle design satisfying the beam conditions which were required for biomedical researches.