• Title/Summary/Keyword: 시문

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A Study on the Garden Culture and Ideology based on the Confucianism and Taoism of the Song Dynasty - Focused on Zhū Xī(朱熹) and Báiyùchán(白玉蟾) - (송대(宋代) 유가와 도교에 근거한 원림 문화와 사상 고찰 - 주희(朱熹)와 백옥섬(白玉蟾)을 중심으로 -)

  • Park So-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.41 no.1
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    • pp.10-20
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    • 2023
  • Zhū Xī, the representative of Confucianism, and Báiyùchán, the representative of Taoism in the South Song Dynasty, showed different sense of appreciation and enjoyment on the same space that was Mountain Wǔyí in their ideologically cultural ways. Based on the temples Wŭyíjīngshè(武夷精舍) where Zhū Xī stayed and Zhĭzhĭān(止止庵) where Báiyùchán resided, this study revealed their lives in such temples to look into their appreciation on ideology and space. Then, based on the words 'YiBoEumYeong [移步吟詠]' shown on the poetry they chanted in relation with Wǔyíjiǔqū from its 1st valley to its 9th valley, this study examines their understanding of scenery and system of appreciation that appeared in dynamic ways to conclude: First, even same scenery shows different understanding of scenery and appreciation of space in accordance with the viewers' thinking ways of culture. Second, as the Confucianism and Taoism influenced in ideologically cultural ways to develop each other in the Song dynasty, they absorbed their merits each other to supplement shortcomings in their own. In this process, they made it clear that their own propositions were different between them in their essential meanings although they used common terms for such propositions. Third, as the Confucian master who compiled the Neo-Confucianism of the South Song dynasty, Zhū Xī regarded Wŭyíjīngshè and Wǔyíjiǔqū as a place of learning and a place of seeking the truth to go for 'being unified with nature' so that everyday life can be united with Tao of Li [理] everywhere beyond the limited appreciation of the scenery. That is, this thought works for 'recovery of nature of our own [復其性]', the learning goal of Confucianism, and is aimed to 'cultivate the essential nature of our own(性情涵養)' through such beautiful nature. Fourth, as the master of Keumdan family of the South Song Taoism, Báiyùchán regarded Zhĭzhĭān and Wǔyíjiǔqū as a Taoist temple that has a long history rooting from Taesangwon temple, a clean place of discipline to become a Taoist hermit through hard training. He, therefore, directly referred to Zhĭzhĭān and Wǔyíjiǔqū in relation with the Taoist legends remaining in Wǔyíjiǔqū such as hermits' dinners, female hermits, leaving the human world as a hermit and so on as ways for becoming a hermit so that he went for the level of perfectly going out of human world and becoming a hermit. He, therefore, defined Mountain Wǔyí as a world and universe of hermits where he himself too hovered between outside and inside of poetry literature as a hermit through the mood and attitude of keeping himself enjoying the scenery as a hermit.

The Location and Landscape Composition of Yowol-pavilion Garden Interpreted from Tablet & Poetry (편액과 시문으로 본 요월정원림(邀月亭園林)의 입지 및 조영 해석)

  • Lee, Hyun-Woo;Kim, Sang-Wook;Ren, Qin-Hong
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.32-45
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    • 2014
  • The study attempts to interpret original location and landscape composition of Yowol-pavilion Garden under the premise that tablet and poetry are important criteria for inference of unique location and landscape composition of a pavilion garden. The study raises the meaning, status, and value of Yowol Pavilion Garden as a cultural asset. The results of the study are as follows. First, Yowol-pavilion Garden was a place where famous Confucius scholars in Joseon Dynasty in 16th Century, including Kim, Kyung-Woo, the owner of the garden, used to share the taste for the arts and poetries with their colleagues. Along with a main characteristic of Yowol Pavilion Garden as a hideout for the Confucius scholars who stayed away from a political turmoil, the new place characteristic of the garden, a bridgehead for the formation of regional identity, was discovered in the record of "Joseon-Hwanyeo-Seungram Honam-Eupji JangSeong-Eupji", As described in "The first creative poetry of Yowol-pavilion", the intention for the creation of Yowol-pavilion Garden and the motive for its landscape composition is interpreted as a space of rivalry where the world, reality and ideals are mixed up. Second, related to outstanding scenic factors and natural phenomena when taking a view from the pavilion, the name of the house 'Yowol', which means 'Greeting the moon rising on the Mt. Wolbong' is the provision of nature and taste for the arts, and is directly connected to the image of leaving the worldly. In other words, the name was identified to be the one that reflected the intention for landscape composition to follow the provision of nature separating from joy and sorrow of the mundane world. Third, as for the location, it was confirmed through "YeongGwang-Soksu-Yeoji-Seungram" that Yowol-pavilion Garden was a place where the person who made the pavilion prepared for relaxation after stepping down from a government post, and literature and various poetry show that it was also a place of outstanding scenic where Yellow-dragon River meandered facing Mt. Wolbong. Especially, according to an interview with a keeper, the visual perception frequency of the nightscape of Yowol-pavilion Garden is the highest when viewing by considering the east, the direction of Yellow-dragon River, as Suksigak[normal angle's view], towards Yowel-pavilion from the keeper's house. In addition, he said that the most beautiful landscape with high perception strength is when the moon came up from the left side of Yowol-pavilion, cuts across the Lagerstroemia india heal in front of Yowol-pavilion, and crosses the meridian between Mt. Wolbong peaks facing Yowol-pavilion. Currently, the exposure of Yowol-pavilion Garden is $SE\;141.2^{\circ}$, which is almost facing southeast. It is assumed that the exposure of Yowol-pavilion Garden was determined considering the optimized direction for appreciating the trace of the moon and the intention of securing the visibility as well as topographic conditions. Furthermore, it is presumed that the exposure of Yowol-pavilion Garden was determined so that the moon is reflected on the water of Yellow-dragon River and the moon and its reflection form a symmetry. Fourth, currently, Yowol-pavilion Garden is divided into 'inner garden sphere' composed of Yowol-pavilion, meeting place of the clan and administration building, and 'outer garden sphere' which is inclusive of entrance space, Crape Myrtle Community Garden and Pine Tree Forest in the back. Further, Yowol-pavilion Garden has been deteriorated as the edge was expanded to 'Small lake[Yong-so] and Gardens of aquatic plants sphere' and recently-created 'Yellow-dragon Pavilion and park sphere'. Fifth, at the time it was first made, Yowol-pavilion Garden was borderless gardens consisting of mountains and water taking a method of occupying a specific space of nearby nature centering around pavilion by embracing landscape viewed from the pavilion, but interpreted current complex landscapes are identified to be entirely different from landscapes of the original due to 'Different Changes', 'Fragmentation' and 'Apart piece' in many parts. Lastly, considering that Yowol-pavilion Garden belongs to the Cultural Properties Protection Zone, though not the restoration to the landscapes of the original described in tablet and literature record, at least taking a measure from the aspect of land use for minimizing adverse effect on landscape and visual damage is required.

Algorithm and experimental verification of underwater acoustic communication based on passive time reversal mirror in multiuser environment (다중송신채널 환경에서 수동형 시역전에 기반한 수중음향통신 알고리즘 및 실험적 검증)

  • Eom, Min-Jeong;Oh, Sehyun;Kim, J.S.;Kim, Sea-Moon
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.167-174
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    • 2016
  • Underwater communication is difficult to increase the communication capacity because the carrier frequency is lower than that of radio communications on land. This is limited to the bandwidth of the signal under the influence of the characteristics of an ocean medium. As the high transmission speed and large transmission capacity have become necessary in the limited frequency range, the studies on MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output) communication have been actively carried out. The performance of the MIMO communication is lower than that of the SIMO (Single Input Multiple Output) communication because cross-talk occurs due to multiusers along with inter symbol interference resulting from the channel characteristics such as delay spread and doppler spread. Although the adaptive equalizer considering multi-channels is used to mitigate the influence of the cross-talk, the algorithm is normally complicated. In this paper, time reversal mirror technique with the characteristic of a self-equalization will be applied to simplify the compensation algorithm and relieve the cross-talk in order to improve the communication performance when the signal transmitted from two channels is received over interference on one channel in the same time. In addition, the performance of the MIMO communication based on the time reversal mirror is verified using data from the SAVEX15(Shallow-water Acoustic Variability Experiment 2015) conducted at the northern area of East China Sea in May 2015.

A Study on the Cultural Landscape around Lotus Ponds of Fortress Wall of Seoul through Old Writings in the Joseon Dynasty (조선시대 옛글을 통한 한양도성 연지(蓮池) 일대의 문화경관 고찰)

  • Gil, Ji-Hye;Son, Yong-Hoon;Hwang, Kee-Won
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.1-17
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this paper is to understand the value of Dongji(東池), Seoji(西池) and Namji(南池), the lotus ponds of Fortress Wall of Seoul as part of the cultural landscape of the period through a consideration of personal behavior and impressive landscape characteristics via various old writings on each pond. The objects of this study include poems, diaries, travelogues and essays describing these ponds. The results are as follows. First, the preferred landscape elements of these three ponds were lotuses, willows and water itself. Second, while Dongji was recognized as a natural landscape, the composition of Seoji was a mixture of with natural and urban landscapes, and Namji was more urban altogether. Third, in aspects of personal behavior, while Dongji was a place where people broke their journeys to gaze at the scenery or looked down distantly, in Seoji, people stayed for a long time in a pavilion called Cheonyeon-jeong(天然亭) and engaged in various leisure activities, and in Namji, there were many gatherings under a temporary shelter or at a friend's house near the pond. Night was the best time to enjoy Namji because during the day, the area was crowded with people, horses, carts and so on. Fourth, the landscapes of fortress walls were impressively described often. Fifth, because these ponds were integrated into the surrounding area, they were like public openspaces mixed with water spaces, natural environment and adjacent facilities. The lotus ponds of the Fortress Wall of Seoul were located in a place connecting inside and outside of fortress, supplemented the cultural features in city, were valued as public openspace, and made it possible to experience the unique landscape of Hanyang. Although these ponds were buried and have now disappeared, they still hold great cultural meaning and potential value as water landscapes of the old city.

A Study on Prototype Landscape of Dosangugok - Focused on Valley4 Booncheon - (도산구곡의 원형경관에 관한 연구 - 제4곡 분천을 중심으로 -)

  • Park, Eun-Hee;Jang, Woun-gi;Youn, Min-Giu;Jo, Byeong-Sang;Lee, Jae-Keun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.95-105
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    • 2014
  • Dosangugok is located at Dosan-myeon, Andong City, Gyeongbuk and its original landscape was analyzed based on Valley4 Buncheon among Dosangugok. In order to estimate original landscape of Dosangugok, landscape elements were extracted after investigating ancient literatures including 'Nongamjib' and poetry/prose relevant to Dosangugok, landscape elements that could be confirmed at local site survey were suggested and arrangement of Buncheon village was estimated based on painting works. In analysis of poetry/prose, 29 landscape elements were extracted and as a result of local site survey, 6 places including Jeomam (Jari-bawi), Nongam (Gwimeok-bawi), Sajaseok (Saja-bawi), Sangam (Elephant rock), Dae and Bungang were confirmed to be existed at present and in painting works, Rocks such as Aeildang on the rock adjacent to Bungang, Buncheon Seowon at its backyard village, Bungang Byeoneui Gwimeokbawi, Jeomam were confirmed to be expressed even though not expressed in detail. Survey was performed based on ancient site of Nongam head house in parallel with interview with 17th eldest grandson(Ph.D. Lee, sung won)of Nongam Lee, Hyeon Bo and local site survey and original landscape was reproduced by making its result as a drawing and preparing an estimated map around this area.

Scale Estimation of External Garden by Landscape Components and Fractal Structure in Seoseokjiwon(瑞石池園) (영양 서석지원(瑞石池園)의 경관요소를 통한 외원 규모 추정 및 프랙탈 구조(Fractal Structure))

  • Kil, Sung-Ho;Yang, Byoung-E
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.41 no.5
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    • pp.57-67
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    • 2013
  • The studies of Korean traditional gardens have been a lot of diachronic approaches through ancient documents and on-site investigation. Previous research has focused on the characteristics that are inherent symbolism of the traditional landscape space, such as site characteristics. There are many studies for inner gardens, outer gardens and other influential ranges of gardens of the location characteristics. However, studies on the scale of external gardens were not satisfactory from a quantitative perspective. Unlike private life sphere, quantitative analysis was conducted on the role of a sphere of public community life for outer gardens. Visibility analysis was performed through the existing literature and GIS programs to estimate the magnitude of the outer garden. When it was compared with Min G. H.(1982) research, it is almost the same if it is estimated to focus on Buyoung -bong(芙蓉峯) and Ip-am(立巖). Also, as a result of the fractal structure for a variety of symbols in the garden, fractal dimension in landscape elements is relatively concentrated, unlike in other areas. Thus, the external scale can be a means of cultural property protection out of the crucial perspective for the inner garden. There has been consideration of the cooperation with the visual complexity using the concept of fractal structure as one of the elements of landscape analysis.

Characteristics of New Satsuma Mandarin Cultivar 'Sangdojosaeng' (온주밀감 신품종 '상도조생' 특성)

  • Park, Young Chul;Oh, Hyun Woo;Kang, Jong Hoon;Lee, Joong Seok;Chin, Seok Cheon;Kang, Sang Hoon;Kang, Sung Geun
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.143-147
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    • 2013
  • 'Sangdojosaeng' is a new cultivar from bud spot of Citrus unshiu 'Sasaki unshiu' which has late maturity habit. It was found in 1996, and primary selected and named as 'JARES108' in 1998. 'JARES108' was grafted on to adult satsuma mandarin trees in Seogwipo-si and Jeju-si in 2000. Four years survey on the characteristics of trees and fruits from 2003 to 2006 was carried and confirmed the superiority. Thus it was finally selected as 'Sangdojosaeng'. 'Sangdojosaeng' is a very early wase type satsuma mandarin. It shows relatively strong tree vigor among the very early wase type varieties and its branches are spreading. Its ripening time is late October, 25 days earlier than 'Sasaki unshiu'. Compared to 'Ueno wase' which has similar characteristics with 'Sangdojosaeng' such as ripening time, tree vigor, fruit type and peel color, its soluble solid content of fruit is $0.6^{\circ}Bx$ higher and acidity was a little lower than 'Ueno wase'. Because this cultivar has good quality and its tree makes vigorous growth among very early wase type varieties in Jeju, we expect to substitute it for some very early wase type varieties such as 'Miyamoto wase', 'Ichifumi wase', 'Yamakawa wase', etc.

A Study on Utility and Appreciation of the Plants in "Poetry of the South" - Focusing on Qu-Yuan's Poetry - (초사(楚辭)에 나타난 식물 소재의 활용 및 향유 방식 - 굴원(屈原)의 시문을 중심으로 -)

  • Yun, Jia-Yan;Sung, Jong-Sang
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.50-60
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    • 2014
  • This study aims to sort out the plants in "Poetry of the South" what is in the written by Qu Yuan in the Kingdom of Chu and to analyze the utility and appreciation of plants. The conclusions are as follows. First, there were 80 plant names and 56 plant species were sorted out, and these results can confirm that the plants were existed in the 340-277 BC. Second, through analyzing the utility of the plants, herba lycopi, basil etc. as the garden plants; lotus, chrysanthemum etc. as the ornamental plants; galangal and cannabis sativa as the present; basil, musa basjoo, etc. as the sacrifice plants. Third, through analyzing the appreciation of the plants, golden birch, chrysanthemum etc. for gustatory appreciation; herba lycopi and pine tree etc. for tactile appreciation; bamboo for sensory appreciation. Forth, through analyzing the token of the plants, calamus and basil etc. are the symbol of personal character noble; wormwood and caltrop etc. are the symbol of villain. Based on the research of "Poetry of the South", it can help to understand the plants culture in 340-277 BC, and it will be a useful information for the plant design.

A Management and Chronological History of Mangwijung Garden Located at Seo-gu in Gwangju (광주시 서구 만귀정(晩歸亭) 원림의 경영과 역사경관 변천사)

  • Choi, Jin-Seo;Kim, Choong-Sik
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.85-91
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    • 2020
  • The descendants of Jang, Chang-woo(張昌雨) reconstructed the Mangwijung (晩歸亭), which is currently located at Seha-dong, Seo-gu, Gangju Metropolitan City, in the context of succeeding the work of their ancestor. This study investigated the management viewpoint of Mangwijung that has been altered in going through the reconstruction and repairs processes, and examined the chronological history for a landscape of the Mangwijung Garden. First, in the Mangwijung Garden, three gazebos such as Mangwijung, Seubhyanggag(襲香閣) and Mukamjeongsa(墨庵精舍) stand in a row with three bridges between each of them in the middle of a wide pond. This is a group of gazebos that is a quite unique structure. Second, Hyowoodang(孝友堂) Jang, Chang-woo (張昌雨) built Mangwijung as a role of thatched cottage in order to teach younger students and enjoy the arts in his later life. The Mangwijung was reconstructed by the descendants of Jang, Chang-woo at the collapsed place later on in order to commemorate the achievements of their ancestor. By the way, it was revealed that the management of Mangwijung has been altered during the process of reconstruction. Third, when comparing the current appearance with those depicted in the 8 scenic views(八景) by Jang, Chang-woo and the literary works of his descendants, it was confirmed that the landscape and shape of the pond were damaged due to a road expansion caused by a construction of Seubhyanggag and Mukamjeongsa as well as an advancement of the city. Fourth, it is speculated that the pond of Mangwijung Garden is probably a spring not a reservoir to store the water stream that flows in.

About Ahn, Jasan's theory of Sijo (안자산의 시조론에 대하여)

  • Cho, Kyu-Ick
    • Sijohaknonchong
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    • v.30
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    • pp.165-188
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    • 2009
  • This paper is an analysis about Ahn, Jasan's theory of Sijo. He comprehended that Korean classical poetry is not a literary genre written in letters but a music genre sung orally, because he minutely investigated old books under the situation without preconceptions. Ahn, who had a thorough knowledge on our native music or literature, had an exact recognition about Sijo. He had analyzed existence of Sijo after commenting Sijo's true nature, whenever he discuss. His attitude was possible for his recognition like that. The first step of Ahn, Jasan's theory of Sijo is source of Sijo searched for identity of Sijo. Generic source, metrics, poetical idea, and history are written well in the paper. Establishment of Sijo's poetic identity is second step's discourse about Ahn's theory of Sijo, the contents are integrated in his book Poetics of Sijo poetry. He became to discuss Sijo as a regular poetry, even in this book. Especially a minute discussion about theory of Sijo's phrase and lines was accomplished in this time, theory of metrics based on meter and rhythm was a core discussion of this time too. Although his scholarly opinions are not refined comparing to the scholars of later ages, we can say that his opinions clearly worked a role of exemplary precedent. His opinions were other scholars ahead, nevertheless he had been neglected by researchers for not belonging to major group against his will. For this reason, I think Ahn's status in history of Sijo study has to be readjusted.

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