• Title/Summary/Keyword: 시공 표준화

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A Study on the Design & Construction Method of Traditional Landscape Space through the 『Imwongyeongjeji』 「Seomyongji」 and the 'Standard Specification for Repairing Cultural Heritages' (『임원경제지』 「섬용지」와 문화재수리 표준시방서를 통해 본 전통조경공간 설계 시공방법)

  • Lee, Jung-Han
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the design & construction methods of the traditional landscape space of the past and the repair and maintenance of cultural heritages to maintain it today. To this end, the method of narrative description, process extraction and construction related to traditional landscaping were compared to each other based on the 『Imwongyeongjeji』 「Seomyongji」 and 'Standard Specification for Repairing Cultural Heritages'. The results are as follows; First, to analyze at the description methods of the 『Imwongyeongjeji』 「Seomyongji」 and 'Standard Specification for Repairing Cultural Heritages' and related processes in the field of traditional landscaping. 『Imwongyeongjeji』 「Seomyongji」 was an encyclopedia of the overall construction method of the living space, describing the location, effect, and advantages and disadvantages of each component and presenting quantitative figures to institutionalize the construction of traditional landscaping spaces. 'Standard Specification for Repairing Cultural Heritages' presented the entire process of repairing cultural heritages, and it is becoming a kind of guide for reference at the site. Among them, foundation construction, roof construction, landscape construction, and fence construction were drawn as items that could be applied to traditional landscaping areas. Second, the traditional landscape space construction method was divided into the processes of foundation construction, roof construction, landscaping construction, and fence construction. Foundation construction is a way of repeating the process of land-tramping. During the construction of the roof, the tile-roofed building was built on top of the rafters and roofed with tiles. And thatched roof was made to a number of rice straws bundles to cover the roof one after the other. Instead of tiles, the stone roof was made of thin and wide stones, and the wooden boards were used for the single roof and the bark roof were constructed with many layers of dried corrugations. Landscape construction mainly consists of the Paving technique through tramping rubble and the construction of terraced flower by planting stone, plants, and shrubs on the top. According to the building materials, the wall construction was derived from the earth-stacked earthen wall, stone walls using stone and clay, marble walls made of tile patterns, and the construction of a board wall using a wood board as a wall. Third, comparing the construction methods of the 『Imwongyeongjeji』 「Seomyongji」 and 'Standard Specification for Repairing Cultural Heritages', 『Imwongyeongjeji』 「Seomyongji」 focuses on standardizing the construction methods to create a new traditional space. There is a difference in the setting of the scope of the 『Imwongyeongjeji』 「Seomyongji」 and the construction because 'Standard Specification for Repairing Cultural Heritages' provides the overall construction procedure considering the diversity of the cultural heritages. In addition, the traditional landscape space used to be a residential space in the past, but today, the maintenance process of the already established facilities as designated cultural heritages has been carried out, and construction methods have been added to create viewing conditions. In terms of the succession of traditional knowledge, some similar methods were found in the repair of cultural assets today, and some cases were also confirmed in the reconstruction of traditional technologies such as application of some materials or mix, separation of added facilities and introduction of efficient construction methods.

A study on testing the ability of Vehicle Detection System in ATMS (차량검지기 성능평가 방안에 관한 연구 (내부순환로 교통관리시스템 영상검지기를 중심으로))

  • 김대호;김승일
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.231-244
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    • 2002
  • 현재 다양한 교통정보 서비스와 소통수준 제고를 목표로 국내 여러 도시에서 진행중인 첨단교통관리체계(ATMS)사업이 운영 또는 구축중에 있으며 도로상의 교통정보를 보다 정확히 수집하기 위해 다양한 종류의 차량검지시스템이 도입되고 있으나 기존 국내외 사례를 볼 때 제반 검지기의 성능평가 방안이 사업별로 상이한 기준으로 진행되었으며 객관적인 성능수준을 제시하지는 못하고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 이에 검지시스템의 성능을 평가하기 위한 과정을 최근의 서울시 내부순환로 교통관리시스템의 사례를 토대로 고찰한 결과 시공단계에서 지속적인 튜닝과 성능제고방안을 추진한다면 상당한 수준의 정확도 확보를 기대할 수 있음을 알 수 있었다. 또한 제시된 평가방안은 향후 보완을 거쳐 타 시스템에 있어 초기설치시 또는 유지관리시 성능의 척도로써 목표를 선정하고 활용하는 데 있어 하나의 대안으로 제시할 수 있을 것이다. 이에 제반 ATMS관련 연구기관에서는 시스템의 성능과 정확성을 좌우한다 해도 과언이 아닌 차량 검지기에 대한 성능평가 기준의 표준화 방안에 대한 연구를 진행하여, 검지기 성능제고를 위한 객관적인 기준목표와 각 검지기변 평가기준의 표준화 방안을 제시한다면 통행시간, 속도 등 제공정보의 신뢰성을 상당수준 향상시킴과 동시에 사업시행에 따른 시행착오를 최소화할 수 있을 것으로 기대한다.

An Establishment of Guideline and Evaluation Items for Before-and-After Study in Railroad Construction Projects (철도건설공사 사후평가 항목 및 지침 수립방안)

  • Kim, Yeon Kyu
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.31 no.2D
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    • pp.315-322
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    • 2011
  • The Korea government set a Act called as Before and After Study for a huge SOC projects in order to check their feasibility again at the time of design, construction and completion period. However, the evaluation items and analysis method are so vague that its effectiveness has been challenged. Especially railroad projects need to be evaluated differently by railroad construction types and rolling stocks. This paper suggests the evaluation items as a common items and exclusive items on the type of construction and rolling stocks. Also data collection in the standardized form and GIS techniques and are introduced to analyze evaluation items effectively.

The Study on Application of Aerated Concrete as a Filling Material for Special Use (특수용도 충전재로서 기포콘크리트의 활용성에 관한 연구)

  • 허재원;이종필;김효열;임남기
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Building Construction Conference
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    • 2004.05a
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    • pp.45-50
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    • 2004
  • In this study, we processed two procedures of application test of filler for special-purpose utility that are new application methods of aerated concrete and properties test of aerated concrete according to mixing ratio because we investigated the better use of aerated concrete as filler for fireproof safety and we proposed basic data about standardization of mixing of aerated concrete. We measured flow and volume change of aerated concrete. And if its volume doesn't change, we added measuring unit weight and compressive strength. To test application of aerated concrete as filler for fireproof safety, we filled up aerated concrete to fireproof safety according to suitable mixing ratio. Then we measured maximum temperature of inner part of fireproof safety in accordance with the standard test of fireproof. According to the results, aerated concrete as filler for fireproof safety could be possibly used. So when we make aerated concrete, we should consider using an adding agent as well as a foaming agent.

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기획특집 - T.A.B. 수행절차 및 수행 계획

  • An, Jeong-Ho
    • 월간 기계설비
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    • s.232
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    • pp.50-70
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    • 2009
  • T.A.B란 공기조화설비에 대한 종합시험조정으로 시험, 조정 및 균형(Testing, Adjusting & Balancing)이라는 뜻이다. 이는 설계 목적에 부합되도록 모든 빌딩의 환경시스템을 검토하고, 조정하는 과정이다. 따라서 T.A.B기술은 공기 및 물이라는 유체의 흐름과 온 습도에 관련된 분야이기 때문에 시각적으로 그 성과를 알아보기 힘들고, T.A.B를 적용한 후 결과치를 정밀 분석해 판단할 수 있으며 T.A.B기술을 적용하지 않은 건물과 간접비교하는 방법으로 그 효과를 쉽게 알 수 있다. T.A.B기술을 적용할 경우 시공 중인 건물에 설계도서가 완료되기 전, 또는 장비의 구매발주 전에 T.A.B측면에서 모든 기술 도서를 면밀히 검토하게 된다. 그 중 일부에서 발견되는 문제점들 즉, 적정치 못한 용량 선정, 시스템 구성상 미비점, 불필요한 장비 선정, 누락 사항을 발견할 수 있다. 따라서 T.A.B 기술을 적용할 경우 향상된 품질의 시공이 가능해 준공 후 빈번히 대두되는 하자 문제가 현격히 줄게 되며 또한 운전경비 절감, 쾌적한 실내환경 조성, 장비수명 연장 등 효율적인 운전관리 효과를 얻을 수 있다. 우리나라 공기조화설비기술은 꾸준한 발전을 이루었고, 최근에는 도입 초기단계시 전혀 고려되지 않던 공조공간의 쾌적성 및 소음 방지 대책 등의 문제가 주요사항으로 부각되고 있다. 이에 따라 공조설비에 T.A.B실행의 표준화 정착과정에 있으며, 국내 학계 및 연구기관에서 공조설비에 대한 연구 및 T.A.B용역업체의 기술축적 등 T.A.B분야 발전을 위해 노력하고 있다. 본지는 T.A.B의 수행절차 및 수행계획, TAB 수행업체 등에 대해 알아본다.

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Development of 3D Parametric Models for Modular Bridge Substructures (모듈러 교량 하부구조를 위한 3차원 변수모델의 개발)

  • Kim, Dong-Wook;Chung, Dong-Ki;Shim, Chang-Su
    • Journal of KIBIM
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.37-45
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    • 2012
  • Modular bridge construction enabling better productivity of design and construction by standardized members and robotic construction becomes an important issue in construction industry. Modular structures needs accurate information delivery between design, fabrication and construction processes. BIM (Building Information Modeling) based parametric modeling was proposed for the modular bridge substructure. Considering ranges of parameters of the modular bridge, fixed value, variables and relations were defined and these parametric models were applied to design, analysis and fabrication. Experience from development of new structures can be embedded in the 3D models, and the models provide efficient and precise knowledge delivery.

Proposal for Improvement on the Task of Construction Project Management Service(CM) for the Customized Service Project of the Public Procurement Service (조달청 맞춤형서비스 사업에 대한 '감독 권한대행 등 건설사업관리용역(CM)' 과업내용 개선방향)

  • Lee, Jong-Tae;Yun, Hyun-Do
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.3-11
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    • 2021
  • The construction project manager must clearly carry out the activities of each construction stage specified in the 'Task Description'. In this study, 'design change' and 'completion process' were classified as core tasks in consideration of the frequency and importance of tasks. And, by analyzing the actual construction project, the task contents for the core work were standardized. This laid the foundation for the ordering office, construction project management technicians, and builders to clearly understand the business areas of construction project management and fulfill their responsibilities for their respective tasks.

Hydraulic Experiment for Effect Analysis of Debris Flow Reduction Facilities (토석류 유출저감시설 효과분석을 위한 기초 수리실험)

  • Jun, Kye won;Jung, Wook kyo;Yoon, Young ho
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2015.05a
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    • pp.367-367
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    • 2015
  • 토석류는 바위, 자갈, 토사 등이 물과 혼합하여 흐르는 재해 현상이다. 근래에 이슈가 되었던 우면산 토석류사태, 춘천시 펜션 토석류재해로 인한 피해로 토석류에 대한 국민적 관심이 높아지게 되었다. 토석류의 피해를 저감하기 위한 대표적 시설로는 사방댐, 링네트, 브레이커시스템 등의 다양한 저감시설이 있다. 2000년 이후 국내에는 사방댐 형태의 토석류 유출저감시설의 설치가 매년 증가하고 있다. 그러나 대부분의 사방시설은 표준화된 설계기준에 의해 시공되기 보다는 단순한 검토만을 통해 시공되고 있어 관리적인 측면에서 문제점이 대두되고 있다. 또한 대부분 구조적인 안정성 검토는 이루어지고 있으나 수리적인 특성을 고려한 검토는 미흡한 실정이다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 수리 실험 연구를 진행하기 위한 실험계획을 수립하고, 수리실험에 사용할 토석류 유출 저감시설 축소모형을 제작하였다. 모형의 제작 방법으로는 최근 다양한 분야에 활용되며, 널리 보급 되고 있는 3D프린터를 이용하였다. 3D프린터는 레이어를 한 장씩 쌓는 과정으로 제작되어 정밀하고 세밀한 모형물을 제작할 수 있다. 이러한 특성을 활용하여 기존에 단순화 시켜 제작되던 모형을 실제와 거의 동일한 형태로 제작하였다. 본 연구에서는 3D 프린터로 제작된 실험용 모형을 이용하여 토석류 유출저감시설의 토석류 저감효과 분석을 위한 기초 수리실험을 수행하였다.

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Development of Integrated Management System Based on GIS on Soft Ground (GIS 기법을 이용한 연약 지반 시공 관리 시스템의 개발)

  • Chun, Sung-Ho;Woo, Sang-Inn;Chung, Choong-Ki;Choi, In-Gul
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.23 no.7
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    • pp.37-46
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    • 2007
  • In the practice of preloading method for soft ground improvement, field engineers need information of ground properties, construction works and field monitoring on ground behaviors of the site. So, integrating all these informations into one database can provide more efficient way for managing and utilizing the data for construction management. In this study, integrated system for construction management of ground improvement sites under preloading is developed. The developed system consists of database (DB) and application program. The database contains all collected data in a construction site and processed data in the system with their geographic information. All informations in the database are standardized from the result of data characterization. Application program performs various functions on managing and utilizing information in the database; pre- and post- data processing with graphic visualization of output, spatial data interpolation, and prediction of ground behavior using field measuring data. And by providing integrating informations and predictions over entire project area with comprehensible visual displays, the applicability and effectiveness of the developed system for construction management were confirmed.

Improvement of Shear Connection Design Procedure using Connections Standardization Database (접합부 표준화 데이터베이스를 활용한 전단접합 설계 프로세스 개선)

  • Kim, Hee Dong;Hwang, In Kyu;Lee, Myung Jae
    • Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.81-89
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    • 2014
  • Investigation results on shear connections design procedure which is conducted in Korea show that there are many communication problems between structural engineer and detailer, and there are unnecessary work procedures. To solve conventional connection design procedure problems, improved shear connection design procedure is suggested. Most of suggested design procedure is controlled by structure engineer, and the introduction of connections standardization makes computer aided design possible. Standardized connection details are satisfied with structural safety and constructability, and it improves design efficiency. Many problems which are caused by conventional design procedure are fundamentally blocked by using suggested design procedure.