• Title/Summary/Keyword: 시간지연인자

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New Factor for Balancing Cost and Delay Unicast Algorithm Based on Statistic Interval Estimation (통계적 구간 추정에 근거한 비용과 지연시간에 조화로운 유니캐스트 라우팅을 위한 새로운 인자)

  • Kim, Moon-Seong;Bang, Young-Cheol;Choo, Hyun-Seung
    • Journal of the Korea Society for Simulation
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2007
  • The development of efficient Qualify of Service (QoS) routing algorithms in high speed networks is extremely difficult to achieve, because in order to operate, divergent services require various quality conditions. If the parameter of concern is to measure the delay on a specific link, the routing algorithm obtains the Least Delay (LD) path. Meanwhile, if the parameter is to measure the link cost, the Least Cost (LC) path is calculated. The Delay Constrained Least Cost (DCLC) path problem of the mixed issues on the LD and LC has been shown to be NP-hard. The path cost of LD path is relatively more expensive than that of the LC path, and the path delay of the LC path is relatively higher than that of the LD path in the DCLC problem. In this paper, we introduce the new factor for balancing cost and delay. The simulation result shows that our introduced factor is satisfied to solve the DCLC problem.

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A Study on the Reduction of Patient's Exposure Dose according to the Arrival Time of Contrast Media in Abdominal CT Scan using Bolus Tracking Technique (Bolus tracking 기법을 이용한 복부 CT 검사 시 조영제 도달시간에 따른 환자 피폭선량 감소에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Seung yong;Han, Dong kyoon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.93-100
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to find out the factors that affect the patient's exposure dose during the abdominal CT scan using the bolus tracking technique, and reducing the radiation exposure to the patient during the abdominal CT scan using the bolus tracking technique by adjusting the delay time according to the corresponding factor. The experiment was divided into two parts, and the first experiment was conducted with 300 patients There were 188 males and 112 females, and their average age was 58±12.18(19~85). In the second experiment, 150 subjects (100 males and 50 females) who were undergoing their follow-up examination among the first experiment subjects, and the difference in dose before and after was compared by applying the delay time according to the influencing factor. As a result of the first experiment, there was a relationship between the arrival time of the contrast media and the heart rate, and it was found that the arrival time decreased as the heart rate increased for both men and women. As a result of the second experiment, the average dose of CTDIvol and DLP before/after applying the delay time according to the heart rate decreased 4.98 mGy and 5.33 mGy·cm in the male group, and 3.54 mGy and 3.88 mGy·cm in the female group. By applying proper delay time according to the patient's heart rate during abdominal CT scan with the bolus tracking technique, the radiation exposure dose of the patient can be reduced.

Criteria for the Float Distribution (여유시간 분배기준에 관한 연구)

  • Lee Gul-Chan;Kim Kyung-Rai;Shin Dong-Woo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute Of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • autumn
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    • pp.509-512
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    • 2003
  • The Critical Path Method(CPM) is an effective tool used for planning and scheduling. One of strong point in the CPM is what can calculate float. Float is able to prolong without having an effect on overall schedule of project, however concept and scope about ownership is not definite, because it is a by-product of project. Thus participants have had many dispute in using float because of their interests. In recent years, a few theories have evolved in an attempt to solve this problem. But the prior research did not make a reasonable distribution of float because their criteria of distribution was based on ratio for total project time. Actually, an application of float is achieved by participant's delay risk. Therefore. this paper proposes criteria for float distribution using delay risks, and the framework for the assessment of the delay risks.

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Design and Implementation of Active Measurement Tool for One-way IP Performance Measurement (단방향 IP 성능 측정을 위한 능동적 측정 도구의 설계 및 구현)

  • 정재훈;박재우;이영석;신효정;서영일;최양희
    • Proceedings of the Korean Information Science Society Conference
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    • 2001.04a
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    • pp.211-213
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    • 2001
  • 본 논문에서는 비대칭적인 인터넷에서의 단방향 지연시간, 지연시간 편차 및 손실률을 측정 할 수 있는 시스템구조를 제시하고, 구현된 측정도구를 이용하여 측정한 결과를 제시한다. 제안된 구조에서는 단방향성 IP 성능 인자의 측정에 반드시 필요한 측정기계들간의 시간 동기화를 위해서 Global Positioning System(GPS)을 이용하여 Micro-second 수준의 정밀도를 제공한다. 그리고, 측정의 정확도를 향상시키기 위하여 송신자 및 수신자가 이더넷 프레임 처리 직전에 시간 정보를 기록하여 프로토콜 계층간의 이동에 의한 지연시간을 줄이고 있다. 본 논문에서는 구현한 측정 도구를 인터넷에 적용하여 단방향성 IP 성능 인자를 얻는다. 또한 이 측정결과를 통해 단방향 측정의 필요성을 제시한다.

A Numerical Study on Combustion-Response Parameters of Impinging-Jet Injectors for Stability Rating (충돌형 분사기의 연소응답 인자 정량화에 관한 수치해석적 연구)

  • Son, Jin Woo;Kim, Chul Jin;Sohn, Chae Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2013
  • This study presents relations between the time lag and interaction index of the impinging-jet injectors using the time lag model in a model chamber. The response of the flame is analyzed to artificial perturbation with 5% amplitude of oxidizer speed at a resonance frequency. At the mixing point of fuel and oxidizer, which determines the characteristic length, the relationship between velocity perturbation and heat release rate is quantified by combustion parameters of interaction index and time lag. In this method, time lag or delay is calculated by the characteristic length and the average velocity obtained from numerical results. The tendency that the time delay decreases with axial jet velocity has been observed.

A study on the Algorithm for Mesh Network Topology Optimization and Routing (망토폴로지 최적화와 라우팅을 위한 알고리즘에 대한 연구)

  • Kim, Dong-Choon;Na, Seung-Kwon;Pyeon, Yong-Kug
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.53-59
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    • 2015
  • We consider the problems that consist of designing time, establishment cost, delay time and reliability in designing a mesh network when given link costs and traffic requirements between nodes. Designing time, establishment cost and delay time are less, reliability is higher in designing a mesh network. One of the problems designing time is solved by mesh network topology optimization and routing (MENTOR) algorithm that Aaron Kershenbaum propose, but the others remain. In this paper we propose a new mesh network design algorithm with small computational complexity that the others are solved. The result of the proposed algorithm is better than MENTOR's in total establishment cost, delay time and reliability.

Hydrogeologic Parameter Estimation by Using Tidal Method in a Fractured Rock Aquifer (단열암반 대수층에서 조석분석법을 이용한 수리상수 추정)

  • Shim Byoung Ohan;Chung Sang Yong
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.27-32
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    • 2004
  • The oceanic tides have an effect on groundwater levels in coastal fractured rock aquifers. The observed groundwater table fluctuations caused by the effective stress through an aquifer are shown as sine curves similar with tidal fluctuation. To estimate a hydrogeologic parameter, tidal method is utilized with groundwater level fluctuations of two monitoring wells. Cross correlation function is used to calculate time lags between observed groundwater levels and tide, and the deeper well shows longer time lag. The storage coefficients calculated by using tidal efficiency and time lag show large differences. The storage coefficients obtained by using time lags are close to the result of slug test, and that of the deeper well shows closer value by slug test. The tidal efficiency is unsatisfied to apply in the tidal method because of an effect of phreatic aquifer and the vertical flow of groundwater through fractured confining bed. This tidal method can be an economical and effective way to define the parameter by considering the location of observation well and hydrogeologic characteristics of a coastal aquifer.

Low Cost and Acceptable Delay Unicast Routing Algorithm Based on Interval Estimation (구간 추정 기반의 지연시간을 고려한 저비용 유니캐스트 라우팅 방식)

  • Kim, Moon-Seong;Bang, Young-Cheol;Choo, Hyun-Seung
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartC
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    • v.11C no.2
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    • pp.263-268
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    • 2004
  • The end-to-end characteristic Is an important factor for QoS support. Since network users and required bandwidths for applications increase, the efficient usage of networks has been intensively investigated for the better utilization of network resources. The distributed adaptive routing is the typical routing algorithm that is used in the current Internet. The DCLC(Delay Constrained 1.east Cost) path problem has been shown to be NP-hard problem. The path cost of LD path is relatively more expensive than that of LC path, and the path delay of LC path is relatively higher than that of LD path in DCLC problem. In this paper, we investigate the performance of heuristic algorithm for the DCLC problem with new factor which is probabilistic combination of cost and delay. Recently Dr. Salama proposed a polynomial time algorithm called DCUR. The algorithm always computes a path, where the cost of the path is always within 10% from the optimal CBF. Our evaluation showed that heuristic we propose is more than 38% better than DCUR with cost when number of nodes is more than 200. The new factor takes in account both cost and delay at the same time.

사고관리 방안의 정량적 평가 방법론 및 공동범람 방안 평가

  • 김재환;유동한;서균렬
    • Proceedings of the Korean Nuclear Society Conference
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    • 1996.05b
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    • pp.487-492
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    • 1996
  • 이 논문은 원자력발전소의 중대사고를 중지 또는 완화시키기 위하여 제시된 사고관리 방안의 실현가능성을 평가하기 위한 새로운 방법론을 소개하고 있다. 이 방법론은 사고관리 방안의 수행실패 요인으로 운전원 진단 및 의사결정 오류, 운전원 수행오류, 관련기기 실패로 인한 오류, 수행지연으로 인한 오류 등으로 나누고, 각각에 대하여 평가 방법을 제시하였다 .운전원 진단 및 의사결정 오류 평가시 고려하여야 할 주요 인자들을 제시하였으며, 수행지연으로 인한 오류 평가시에는 시스템 가용시간과 방안 수행 소요시간을 정의하고 각각에 대한 분포 획득 방법과 이를 이용한 평가 방법을 제시하였다. 제시된 방법론을 영광 3.4호기 공동범람 방안의 평가에 적용하였다.

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A study on Green Roof System and Stormwater Reduction Effectiveness based on SWMM Model (SWMM 모델을 이용한 옥상녹화면에 따른 유출저감효과분석)

  • Kim, Jae Moon;Kim, Sae Bom;Kim, Byung Sung;Park, Kwang Hee;Shin, Hyun Suk
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2018.05a
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    • pp.383-383
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    • 2018
  • 최근 기후변화와 도시화로 인해 국지성 집중호우 및 불투수면적이 증가하고 있는 실정이며, 도시 지역 내의 첨두유량, 도달시간, 지체시간 등과 같은 수문학적 인자가 변화함에 따라 재산피해, 인명피해가 발생하고 있다. 저영향개발(Low Impact Development, LID) 기법은 수리수문학적 및 환경생태학적 문제를 저감하는 방안 중 하나로써 도시지역에서 수환경을 자연상태로 복원하는 대안으로 제시되고 있다. LID 기법 중 하나인 옥상녹화는 도시 내의 불투수면 증가로 인한 초과 지표면유출을 저감시켜 물관리를 하는 기술이다. 본 연구는 경남 양산시 부산대학교 제 2 캠퍼스에 조성된 옥상녹화 장치를 이용하여 정량적으로 유출량을 분석하였다. 비식생구와 식생구를 설치하고 실험의 시나리오는 강우강도를 25, 50, 75, 100 mm/hr로 설정하여 측정된 데이터 값을 바탕으로 SWMM(Storm Water Management Model) 모델링을 수행하였다. 유출량 값은 SWMM 5의 매개변수 추정지원 시스템인 SWMM-SCE를 이용하여 모형을 자동보정하였다. 보정된 모의유량은 실측유량과 0.28~3.81% 만큼의 오차를 보였고 각 시나리오에 따라 검증한 결과 상관계수가 0.82 이상으로서 실측값과 높은 상관성을 나타내었다. 옥상녹화 실험의 경우, 강우강도 75mm/hr일 때 첨두유출저감율과 지연시간은 각각 15.45% 감소, 15초 지연으로 최적의 효율이 나타났으며 강우강도 25mm/hr일 때 첨두유출저감율과 지연시간은 각각 1.36% 감소, 4초 지연으로 최저의 효율이 나타났다. SWMM 모의 결과는 강우강도 75mm/hr일 때 첨두유출저감율과 지연시간은 각각 15.45% 감소, 16초 지연으로 최적의 효율이 나타났으며 강우강도 25mm/hr일 때 첨두유출저감율과 지연시간은 각각 2.73% 감소, 4초 지연으로 최저의 효율이 나타났다.

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