• Title/Summary/Keyword: 시간적 연관성

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A Study on the Locational Decision Factors of Discount Stores : The Case of Cheonan (종합슈퍼마켓의 입지 결정 요인에 관한 연구 : 천안상권을 중심으로)

  • So, Jang-Hoon;Hwang, Hee-Joong
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.37-44
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    • 2012
  • In this paper, we investigate several factors that affect the locational decision of discount stores by using previous studies on the marketing area and the location of commercial facilities. We selected 21 primary variables that are expected to influence the decision of store location and, by factor analysis, grouped them into five underlying factors. Among these, the demographic factor, which shows the potential purchasing power level, had the greatest impact on the locational decision for the store. However, we found individual stores positioned according to unique locational characteristics in addition to the demographic factor. It means that we have to additionally consider if the vicinity of the market is based on any physical properties. Many previous studies proposed four decision factors for store location: the economic factor, the demographic factor, the land utilization factor, and traffic factor. However, the fivefold factors-our distinctive contribution-are more concrete and persuasive according to Korean reality. We show that location preference is based on the following criteria: (1) the area is densely populated, (2) houses stand close together, (3) residents have a high income level, (4) road traffic is developed and easy to access, and (5) public transportation is well developed. The demographic factor has the greatest impact on the location of a discount store. The number of households has a greater relevance to the demographic factor than does the individual consumer. Second, discount stores relatively prefer places where houses are located close together because such places offer easy access to the market. Third, a place whose residents have a high income level will be preferred, with its large cars and excellent traffic conditions. Fourth, a location would be highly rated if the roads around commercial facilities are well developed and their accessibility is good. Finally, discount stores must be located close to bus stops because female consumers, including housewives-the most important customers-evaluate stores based on distance. In this research, the variable of consumer attitude and preference was excluded, and the location factors of discount stores were analyzed according to a microscopic view through physical spatial data. In the future, the opening of new discount stores based on the five factors indicated above will require a comparatively shorter time from the first project feasibility analysis. In addition, the result of our study can be applied to the field of public policy for constructing and attracting large-scale distribution facilities.

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Temporal variation in the community structure of green tide forming macroalgae(Chlorophyta; genus Ulva) on the coast of Jeju Island, Korea based on DNA barcoding (DNA 바코드를 이용한 제주도 연안 파래대발생(green tide)을 형성하는 갈파래(genus Ulva) 군집구조 및 주요 종 구성의 시간적 변이)

  • Hye Jin Park;Seo Yeon Byeon;Sang Rul Park;Hyuk Je Lee
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.40 no.4
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    • pp.464-476
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    • 2022
  • In recent years, macroalgal bloom occurs frequently in coastal oceans worldwide. It might be attributed to accelerating climate change. "Green tide" events caused by proliferation of green macroalgae (Ulva spp.) not only damage the local economy, but also harm coastal environments. These nuisance events have become common across several coastal regions of continents. In Korea, green tide incidences are readily seen throughout the year along the coastlines of Jeju Island, particularly the northeastern coast, since the 2000s. Ulva species are notorious to be difficult for morphology-based species identification due to their high degrees of phenotypic plasticity. In this study, to investigate temporal variation in Ulva community structure on Jeju Island between 2015 and 2020, chloroplast barcode tufA gene was sequenced and phylogenetically analyzed for 152 specimens from 24 sites. We found that Ulva ohnoi and Ulva pertusa known to be originated from subtropical regions were the most predominant all year round, suggesting that these two species contributed the most to local green tides in this region. While U. pertusa was relatively stable in frequency during 2015 to 2020, U. ohnoi increased 16% in frequency in 2020 (36.84%), which might be associated with rising sea surface temperature from which U. ohnoi could benefit. Two species (Ulva flexuosa, Ulva procera) of origins of Europe should be continuously monitored. The findings of this study provide valuable information and molecular genetic data of genus Ulva occurring in southern coasts of Korea, which will help mitigate negative influences of green tide events on Korea coast.

Factors Related to Mental Health of Juveniles - Using the Korea Youth Risk Behavior Web-Based Survey 2019 - (청소년의 정신건강 관련 요인 연구 - 2019년 청소년건강행태온라인조사 자료를 이용하여 -)

  • Kim, Kyeong-Na
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.475-481
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    • 2020
  • This study investigated the mental health factors of juveniles according to socio-demographic characteristics and mental health related characteristics using the Korea Youth Risk Behavior Web-Based Survey 2019 Data. The study subjects were total 57,303 students (middle school: 29,384, high school: 27,919). The data was analyzed with descriptive statistics, frequency analysis, χ2-tests and regression analysis using SPSS ver. 18.0. The findings revealed that socio-demographic characteristics (gender, residential area, residential type, economic status, school achievement) and mental health related characteristics (subjective assessment, stress cognition, overcoming fatigue through sleeping, experiencing sadness and despair, suicidal ideation, suicidal planning, suicidal attempts, experience of hospital care for violence, experience of smoking, drinking, sexual relations and/or habitual drug use, internet use except for study) were factors that influenced factors related to the mental health of juveniles (p<0.05). The mental health of juveniles was closely related with health behaviors. This study could be used as a tool for the development and establishment of juveniles' health promotion and prevention strategies in the future.

Studies on the Fine Structures of Mouse Oocyte Whose Maturation has been suppressed in Vitro by Dibutyryl Cyclic AMP (Dibutyryl Cyclic AMP에 의해 成熟이 抑制된 Mouse 卵子의 微細構造에 관한 硏究)

  • 崔林淳
    • The Korean Journal of Zoology
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.87-101
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    • 1975
  • Electron microscopic studies on the ultrastructure of the mouse oocyte were made to investigate the inhibition of germinal vesicle breakdown by dibutyryl cAMP. The nuclear membrane of the dibutyryl cAMP-treated oocyte is characterized by a decreased degree of folding, maintains the normal double membrane structure, and shows an increased occurrence of the nuclear pore. It is suggested that these may be related to the suppression of the maturation of oocytes at the germinal vesicle. Mitochondria in the control cell were shown to be spread evenly throughout the cytoplasm and structurally underdeveloped or transitionary having little cristae development. On the contrary, mitochondria in the treated oocyte were found to be localized mainly around the nucleus and to show a greater extent of cristae development. The oocyte treated with dibutyryl cAMP appears to have fewer and structurally simpler lysosomes as compared to the control. The Golgi complex in the control oocyte exhibits the typical granular and lamellar structure, whereas that in the treated cell is poorly developed. Many multivesicular bodies, tonofilaments, and free ribosomes were observed in the control as well as in treated cells. The microvilli become structurally irregular, and a development of the perivitelline space is apparent in the treated oocyte. It is concluded that there is no basic difference in the ultrastructure between the oocytes treated with dibutyryl cAMP for 24 hours in the medium and those collected directly from the follicle. However, the finding that dibutyryl cAMP induces a development of more pores along the nuclear membrane strongly suggests the possibility that this compound inhibits the maturation of oocytes by influencing the permeability of the nuclear membrane.

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VDT작업대 설계의 인간공학적 연구

  • 권영국;이성렬;민재형
    • Proceedings of the Korean Operations and Management Science Society Conference
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    • 1992.04b
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    • pp.581-591
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    • 1992
  • 최근 급속한 사무자동화와 함께 컴퓨터의 사용이 보편화되어 가지고 있다. 이에 따라 컴퓨터등 VDT에 매달려 일하는 사무직 근로자들이 시력장해, 두통, 어깨결림, 요통, 스트레스성 장애등 새로운 질병에 시달리고 있다. 이것은 "VDT증후군"(Visual Display Terminal Syndrome) 또는 "VDT병"이란 신종 직업병이다. 컴퓨터 수상기 화면을 계속해서 들여다보면 화면에서 나오는 자외선과 강한 빛으로 눈에 무리가 와 충혈되고 침침해지며 두통 증세가 나타난다. 이런 초기증상이 6개월이상 계속되면 시력이 떨어지고 만성피로를 느끼는가 하면, 때때로 독감과 비슷한 증상이 나타나며, 심하면 탈모현상까지 경험하게 된다. 요즘 시행되고 있는 초등 고교 컴퓨터교육의 의무화와 2천년대의 1가구 1단말기 설치를 목표로한 컴퓨터 영상단말기의 급속한 보급으로, 앞으로는 사무실뿐만 아니라 일반 가정에까지 컴퓨터 이용이 일상화될 전망이고 보면 VDT작업에 따른 건강장해 문제는 더이상 가볍게 볼 수 없는 문제이다. 이에 대해 선진국에서는 작업시간 규제, 회사가 종업원의 정기적인 시력검진 및 시력교정에 필요한 비용을 보조하도록 하는가하면 실작업환경 개선등 다각적인 대책을 마련하고 있다. 미국, 유럽, 일본등 선진국에서는 VDT작업 여성들의 유산 및 기형아 출산등 임신이상에 관한 실태보고서까지 나오고 있어 여성들에게 커다란 충격을 던져주고 있다. 그러나 우리나라에서는 VDT병 증상을 호소하는 근로자들의 직업병예방 및 대책에 큰 어려움을 겪고있다. 그러므로, VDT작업으로 인한 건강상의 문제, 작업환경 및 작업자세등을 조사하여 문제점과 예방대책을 살펴보고, 작업장을 인간공학적으로 설계하고 평가하여 사용자의 건강을 보호하고 생산성의 향상에 도움이 되고자 한다.생산성의 향상에 도움이 되고자 한다.Action Code를 계산처리부로 넘겨준다. 입력처리부에서는 Mouse와 Keyboard 어느것으로나 입력이 가능하도록 해준다. 출력처리부에서는 Action Code에 따라 계산처리부에서 계산된 결과를 화면에 보여주기 위한 각종 2D/3D Graphic Routine들이 포함되어있어 계산처리부에서 불러쓰도록 되어있다.에서는 전문가시스템 기법을 도입해서 사출금형 공정계획전문가의 지식과 경험을 획득하여 지식베이스를 구축하고, 전문가시스템 셀(shell)중 CLIPS를 이용하여 자동공정계획시스템인 Mold CAPP을 개발하였다.PP을 개발하였다.며 이와 상이한 결과도 보여주고 있다. 이상으로 볼 때 1) 가정하수의 질을 높이기 위하여 분뇨정화조 의 효율증대 2) 산업폐수의 공정별 폐수량의 조절 및 폐수성 상에 따른 총량규제에 대비한 효율증대 3) 하천의 오염부하와 자정능력 최대한 부여 4) 폐수처리를 위한 미생물제개발 및 오염지표 종 연구와 오염내성 생물의 연구등이 종합적 으로 수행되어야 한다. 5) 이상의 모든 조사와 연구결과를 객관적으로 표기할 수 있도록 하천의 이정표가 정해져야 하겠다.7%)에 비해 유의하게 낮았고 정상군과는 유의한 차이를 보이지 않았다.상고나성이 있었다. 혈중 호모시스테인 농도는 질병의 위험요인으로서 뿐 아니라 대사적으로 밀접하게 연관된 비타민 영양상태의 biomarker로서도 그 영향력이 크다고 할 수 있다. 따라서 성별에 다른 다양한 연령집단에서 건강한 일반인과 심혈관계 질환자 등을 대상으로 호모시스테인과 비타민 영양상태에 대한 연구가 체계적으로 이루어 져야 할 것이다.태를 보다 효율적으로 증진시킬 수 있는 대안이 마련되어져야 한다고 사료된다.$\ulcorner$순응$\lrcorner$의 범위를 벗어나지 않는다. 그렇기 때문에도

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Effect of prophylactic indomethacin in extremely low birth weight infants (초극소 저출생체중아에서 예방적 indomethacin 투여효과)

  • Lee, Bo Lyun;Kim, Su Jin;Koo, Soo Hyun;Jeon, Ga Won;Chang, Yun Sil;Park, Won Soon
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.49 no.9
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    • pp.959-965
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    • 2006
  • Purpose : The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of prophylactic indomethacin on reduction of patent ductus arteriosus(PDA) and intraventricular hemorrhage(IVH) in extremely low birth weight infants(ELBWI). Methods : Retrospective review of 84 ELBWI who were admitted to our neonatal intensive care unit from June 2004 to April 2006 was performed. Patients were divided into prophylactic group(n=28) and control group(n=56), where prophylactic indomethacin were given within 6 hours after birth. Clinical outcomes were compared between these groups. Results : There were no significant differences in gestational age, birth weight, incidence of hemodynamically significant PDA and severe IVH, and mortality between prophylactic group and control group. However, there were more frequent indications for therapeutic indomethacin, higher incidence of intestinal perforation, and longer time to achieve full enteral feeding in prophylactic group than control group. The incidence of other adverse events attributed to indomethacin prophylaxis did not differ between two groups. Conclusions : Prophylactic indomethacin may not prevent hemodynamically significant PDA and severe IVH in ELBWI. On the contrary, it may be associated with increased risk of adverse events. Further efforts should be investigated to decrease PDA and severe IVH in ELBWI.

A Study on the Association of Thin Glomerular Basement Membrane Abnormality with Minimal Change Nephrotic Syndrome (사구체 기저막 비박화 소견을 보인 미세변화 신증후군에 관한 고찰)

  • Kim, Chang-Woo;Cho, Min-Hyun;Ko, Cheol-Woo;Koo, Ja-Hoon;Kwak, Jung-Sik
    • Childhood Kidney Diseases
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.48-55
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    • 2002
  • Purpose: Thin glomerular basement membrane nephropathy (TGBMN) is recognized as the leading cause of microscopic hematuria in both children and adults. However thinning of glomerular basement membrane (TCBM) has been found in healthy adult and also is known to be associated with various renal diseases such as Alport syndronh, IgA nephropathy and mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis. The association of TGBM with minimal change nephrotic syndrome (MCNS) has been very rare so that the present study was undertaken to determine the relationship between TGBM and MCNS. Methods: The study population consisted of 49 children with biopsy- proven MCNS who have been admitted to the pediatric department of Kyungpook University Hospital during the past 5 years from 1997 to 2001. Group I consisted of 8 children associated with TGBM and Group II 41 children without TCBM. Various parameters such as age of illness, duration from discovery of illness to the time of biopsy, family history of hematuria and other laboratory tests were compared between these two groups and the following results were obtained. Results: Age distribution showed slightly older age in Group I ($7.1{\pm}3.5$ years) compared to Group II ($4.8{\pm}2.9$ years). However this was not statistically different (P=0.056). Family history of hematuria was noted in 2 cases in Group II. Though statistically not significant, hematuria was seen in 2 out of 8 cases ($25\%$) in MCNS children with TGBM, compared to 7 out of 41 cases ($17\%$) with MCNS children without TGBM. Other parameters such as BUN, creatinine, 24 hours urine protein excretion, serum protein, albumin, cholesterol, and T4/T8 ratio, showed no difference. Also renal biopsy finding showed no significant difference and the thickness of glomerular basement membrane in Croup I was $188{\pm}30nm$. Conclusion: TGBM was found in 8 out of 49 children with MCNS ($16.3\%$). And this high frequency of occurrence indicates that these association is not an incidental findings. Typical clinical findings of TCBMN was not noted in all of the 8 children with MCNS associated with TGBM, suggesting that thinning of glomerular basement membrane (TCBN) is secondary to rather than the cause of MCNS. (J Korean Soc Pediatr Nephrol 2002;6: 48-55)

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A Study on the Variation of Daily Urban Water Demand Based on the Weather Condition (기후조건에 의한 상수도 일일 급수량의 변화에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Gyeong-Hun;Mun, Byeong-Seok;Eom, Dong-Jo
    • Water for future
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    • v.28 no.6
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    • pp.147-158
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    • 1995
  • The purpose of this study is to establish a method of estimating the daily urban water demand using statistical model. This method will be used for the development of the efficient management and operation of the water supply facilities. The data used were the daily urban water use, the population, the year lapse and the weather conditions such as temperature, precipitation, relative humidity, etc. Kwangju city was selected for the case study area. The raw data used in this study were rearranged either by month or by season for the purpose of analysis, and the statistical analysis was applied to the data to obtain the regression model. As a result, the multiple linear regression model was developed to estimate the daily urban water use based on the seather condition. The regression constant and the model coefficients were determined for each month of a year. The accuracy of the model was within 3% of average error and within 10% of maximum error. The developed model was found to be useful to the practical operation and management of the water supply facilities.

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A Comparison of the Designation Characteristics of Korean Scenic Sites Policies and National Park System in the United States (국내 명승 정책과 미국 국립공원 시스템의 지정 특성 비교)

  • Lee, Won-Ho;Kim, Dong-Hyun;Janet, R. Balsom
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.38 no.3
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    • pp.25-34
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    • 2020
  • This study examined the definition and major values, the designated procedures and types, and the designation trend in Korean scenic sites and national parks in the United States. Based on this, the analysis of the characteristics of the designation of the two natural heritages. The results are as follows; First, Scenic Sites has characteristics of complex heritage that includes academic, historical, and humanities values on the basis of landscape. As a natural heritage based on public nature, the U.S. National Park aims to contribute to the people's natural heritage and satisfy both ecological and historical values through the protection of the landscape. Second, the designation of a scenic sites are decided through deliberation by the Cultural Heritage Committee after the request of the owner, manager, or local government or by the authority of the head of the Cultural Heritage Administration. The designated survey is divided into basic resource surveys and resource surveys by type. Since the initial designation of the Sogeumgang Mountain in Cheonghakdong, Myeongju in 1970, the number of designated scenic sites was low until the 2000s, but the number of designated scenic sites has increased rapidly since 2006 due to the policy to promote the scenic site, and the proportion of natural and historical and cultural scenic sites has been balanced. The designation of the U.S. national park is decided by the Congress or the president, and the National Park Service makes a series of decisions on whether to conduct a special resource study of provisional resources through a preliminary inspection survey, whether to satisfy the criteria for designation of national parks based on the results of special resource research, and to prioritize them. The U.S. National Parks have been expanded not only by Congress but also by the president's empowerment to designate them as national monuments. With the integrated operation of the National Park Service, the number of designated cases increased as the national park included the heritage sites under the control of various ministries. In addition, a number of historical areas were designated by the enactment of the Historical Site Act, and recreational areas were designated to provide leisure space and classified and managed in a total of 18 units. Third, the comparison of the designation characteristics of the two heritage properties confirmed that the designation of natural heritage with complex value, the classification of types according to complementary designation system and resource characteristics, the establishment of the competent ministry and the balancing of the heritage according to the designation policy. The two heritages had the characteristics of complex natural heritages that met ecological, historical and academic values at the same time based on landscape and public nature. In addition, both countries have identified a system for deliberating the designation of heritage through a basic resource survey and an in-depth designation survey, and classified each type according to the characteristics of the resource. In addition, the policies for promoting scenic sites in Korea and the integrated operation of the National Park Service in the U.S. influenced the designated aspects of the two heritage sites, balancing natural heritage with historical and cultural heritage. Fourth, the resource types and conservation management methods of Scenic site and National Park were largely related. The natural areas of the U.S. National Park include types of natural monuments in Korea as major resources, and have characteristics similar to natural scenic sites. In addition, historical resources were similar to the criteria for designation of historical and cultural scenic sites in terms of landscape, and the aspects of war and celebrity-related relics were related to the types of historic sites. In terms of conservation management, the natural area of the U.S. national park has a way of keeping the original ecosystem intact, but the Korean natural heritage protection system is likely to be useful for focusing on the resource of viscosity. Meanwhile, historical resources include historical sites and historical and cultural scenic sites in the traditional era, but historical relics in the U.S. National Parks have set a time limit to modern times for war history and celebrity-related relics, and the active provision of entertainment programs based on existing resources was derived as a difference.

Development of a simplified malnutrition screening tool for hospitalized patients and evaluation of its inter-methods reliability (입원환자의 초기영양평가를 위한 단순영양검색도구 개발 및 도구 간 신뢰도 검증)

  • Yun, Oak Hee;Lee, Gyuhwi;Park, Yoon Jung
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.47 no.2
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    • pp.124-133
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    • 2014
  • Purpose: The current study was designed for development of a simplified malnutrition screening tool (SMST) for hospitalized patients using readily available laboratory and patient information and for evaluation of its reliability compared to well-established tools, such as PGSGA and NRS-2002. Methods: Anthropometric and biochemical measurements, as well as a few subjective assessments, of 903 patients who were preclassified by their nutritional status according to PGSGA were analyzed. Among them, a combination of factors, including age, BMI, albumin, cholesterol, total protein, hematocrit, and changes in body weight and food intake, were statistically selected as variables for SMST. Results: According to SMST, 620 patients (68.7%) were classified as the normal group and 283 patients (31.3%) were classified as the malnutrition group. Significant differences in age, albumin, TLC, BMI, hemoglobin, hematocrit, total protein, cholesterol, and length of stay were observed between the two groups. For inter-methods reliability, the screening results by SMST were compared with those by PGSGA and NRS-2002. The comparison with PGSGA and NRS-2002 showed 'Substantial agreement' (sensitivity 94.4%, specificity 88.4%, ${\kappa}$ = 0.747) and 'Moderate agreement' (sensitivity 96.1%, specificity 79.5%, ${\kappa}$ = 0.505), respectively, indicating that SMST held high inter-methods reliability. Conclusion: In conclusion, SMST, based on readily available laboratory and patient information and simple subjective assessments on changes in food intake and body weight, may be a useful alternative tool with a simple but reliable risk index, especially in resource-limited domestic hospitals.