• 제목/요약/키워드: 시각적 성능

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Development of 3D DMFC Model for Flow Field Design (직접 메탄올 연료전지 유로 설계를 위한 3차원 모델 개발)

  • Kim, Hongseong;Danilov, Valeri A.;Lim, Jongkoo;Moon, Il
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.45 no.1
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    • pp.93-102
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    • 2007
  • The objective of this study is to develop a 3D DMFC model for modeling gas evolution and flow patterns to design optimal flow field for gas management. The gas management on the anode side is an important issue in DMFC design and it greatly influences the performance of the fuel cell. The flow field is tightly related to gas management and distribution. Since experiment for the optimal design of various flow fields is difficult and expensive due to high bipolar plate cost, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is implemented to solve the problem. A two-fluid model was developed for CFD based flow field design. The CFD analysis is used to visualize and to analyze the flow pattern and to reduce the number of experiments. Case studies of typical flow field designs such as serpentine, zigzag, parallel and semi-serpentine type illustrate applications of the model. This study presents simulation results of velocity, pressure, methanol mole fraction and gas content distribution. The suggested model is verified to be useful for the optimal flow field design.

A Study on the Development of the Position Detection System of Small Vessels for Collision Avoidance (충돌 회피를 위한 소형 선박의 위치 검출 시스템 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Le, Dang-Khanh;Nam, Teak-Kun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.202-209
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    • 2014
  • In this paper, a developed device for detecting target's location and avoiding collision is proposed. Velocity and acceleration model of target are derived to estimate target's information, i.e. position, velocity and acceleration considering process and measurement noise. Kalman filtering method applied to the estimation process and its results was confirmed by simulation. The distance measurements system using laser sensor for moving target system is also developed to confirm the effectiveness of the proposed scheme. Experiments to get information of moving target with velocity and acceleration model was executed. The data with filtering and without filtering was compared by experiments. Discontinuous measured data was changed to smooth and continuous data by Kalman filtering. It is confirmed that desired data was obtained by applying proposed scheme. UI for measuring and monitoring the target data is developed and visual and auditory alarm function is attached on the system Finally, position estimation system of moving target with good performance is achieved by low price equipments.

A Study on the Development of Monitor Screen Checking System (모니터 화면검사 시스템의 개발에 관한 연구)

  • 조영창;윤정오;최병진;정종혁;강상욱;오주환
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.111-116
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    • 2000
  • There are many recent monitor manufacturing firms not equipped with automatic checking system in their final process. And the check is based on the human perception, so the automatic checking system is needed for the consistency and the accuracy of the checking process to elevate the productivity and the quality. As the performance of computer systems and the vision systems has been increased, the cost for the system is reduced and their applicable algorithms have been developed. In this study we develop monitor checking system which is low-cost, fast, and easy to adopt by the small-scaled manufacturing films. The system is based on the computer vision techniques, and is equipped with the GUI interface and checking functions such as centering, yoke rotation, pincushion, sizing, brightness, and grayscale tracking. Monitor checking system developed in this study can be used in the final checking process thereby we expect the synergy effects both on the efficiency of production and on the reduction of the cost for the facility investments.

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An Improvement of Hospital Reception System using Web Socket (웹소켓을 이용한 병원 접수시스템 개선에 관한 연구)

  • Son, Man-Geun;Park, Ki-Seong;Kong, Yong-Hae
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.185-195
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    • 2015
  • During hospital peak times of outpatients, an effective mechanism that informs the newly receipted patient information to corresponding medical departments is lacking in current hospital reception systems. Since every department repeatedly searches entire patient reception database in sequential manner to acquire its reception information, this is a significant performance degradation factor in hospital information system. To improve hospital reception system efficiency, we developed two web socket based systems, a primary key transmitting batch system and a reception information transmitting real time system. The former reduced database access time compared to sequential search system as well as kept search time low regardless of receipted patient number. The latter effectively reduced waiting list updating time in request/response patient reception system by eliminating database access.

Mind Sentencer System using KoGPT2-based SSVEP for Intention Recognition (사용자 의도 인식을 위한 KoGPT2기반 SSVEP를 활용한 Mind Sentencer 시스템)

  • Seong-Taek Oh;Tae-Woong Seo;Seung-Min Park
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.1353-1358
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    • 2024
  • Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) have shown promising results in assisting individuals with speech impairments. A BCI system called Mind Speller has been used to evaluate user intention recognition skills while also helping people with speech impairment. This study proposes a method to integrate Mind Speller with Large Language Model (LLM) techniques to improve its performance. By combining SSVEP-based Mind Speller with Korean language model KoGPT-2, we aim to improve typing speed compared to conventional Mind Speller. This study sought to provide practical assistance to individuals with speech impairment and seeks the possibility to provide more efficient and accurate communication tools to people with speech impairment. The Mind Sentencer proposed in this paper shows 67% improvement in sentence generation speed over the conventional Mind Speller.

Extraction of Attentive Objects Using Feature Maps (특징 지도를 이용한 중요 객체 추출)

  • Park Ki-Tae;Kim Jong-Hyeok;Moon Young-Shik
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.43 no.5 s.311
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    • pp.12-21
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    • 2006
  • In this paper, we propose a technique for extracting attentive objects in images using feature maps, regardless of the complexity of images and the position of objects. The proposed method uses feature maps with edge and color information in order to extract attentive objects. We also propose a reference map which is created by integrating feature maps. In order to create a reference map, feature maps which represent visually attentive regions in images are constructed. Three feature maps including edge map, CbCr map and H map are utilized. These maps contain the information about boundary regions by the difference of intensity or colors. Then the combination map which represents the meaningful boundary is created by integrating the reference map and feature maps. Since the combination map simply represents the boundary of objects we extract the candidate object regions including meaningful boundaries from the combination map. In order to extract candidate object regions, we use the convex hull algorithm. By applying a segmentation algorithm to the area of candidate regions to separate object regions and background regions, real object regions are extracted from the candidate object regions. Experiment results show that the proposed method extracts the attentive regions and attentive objects efficiently, with 84.3% Precision rate and 81.3% recall rate.

Illumination Estimation Based on Nonnegative Matrix Factorization with Dominant Chromaticity Analysis (주색도 분석을 적용한 비음수 행렬 분해 기반의 광원 추정)

  • Lee, Ji-Heon;Kim, Dae-Chul;Ha, Yeong-Ho
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • v.52 no.8
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    • pp.89-96
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    • 2015
  • Human visual system has chromatic adaptation to determine the color of an object regardless of illumination, whereas digital camera records illumination and reflectance together, giving the color appearance of the scene varied under different illumination. NMFsc(nonnegative matrix factorization with sparseness constraint) was recently introduced to estimate original object color by using sparseness constraint. In NMFsc, low sparseness constraint is used to estimate illumination and high sparseness constraint is used to estimate reflectance. However, NMFsc has an illumination estimation error for images with large uniform area, which is considered as dominant chromaticity. To overcome the defects of NMFsc, illumination estimation via nonnegative matrix factorization with dominant chromaticity image is proposed. First, image is converted to chromaticity color space and analyzed by chromaticity histogram. Chromaticity histogram segments the original image into similar chromaticity images. A segmented region with the lowest standard deviation is determined as dominant chromaticity region. Next, dominant chromaticity is removed in the original image. Then, illumination estimation using nonnegative matrix factorization is performed on the image without dominant chromaticity. To evaluate the proposed method, experimental results are analyzed by average angular error in the real world dataset and it has shown that the proposed method with 5.5 average angular error achieve better illuminant estimation over the previous method with 5.7 average angular error.

A Development of Integrated Monitoring and Control System for Identification and Management of Fishing Gears (어구 식별 및 관리를 위한 통합 관제 시스템 개발)

  • Hwang, Hun-Gyu;Kim, Bae-Sung;Woo, Sang-Min;Woo, Yun-Tae;Kim, Nam-Su;Nam, Gyeung-Tae;Hwang, Jee-Joong;Lee, Young-Geun
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.22 no.9
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    • pp.1228-1236
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    • 2018
  • Recently, the maritime environment contaminated by the abandoned fishing gears. To solve this problem, there requires systematic management techniques for the fishing gears based on ICT technologies. The existed systems are optionally used by owners, but the systems need to adopt the monitoring and control architecture for integrated national surveillance. To do this, we designed an architecture for effective monitoring and management which collects position and state information using automatic identification buoy (AIB) device, to send the fishing ship, administrator ship, and shore side control center based on the IoT networks. Especially, in this paper, we developed the ENC-based integrated control system for efficient management which provides functions for position indication, state information display and loss alarm of fishing gears. Also, we conduct performance tests for data processing and visualization functions of the system to use a virtual buoy generation module.

Prediction of patent lifespan and analysis of influencing factors using machine learning (기계학습을 활용한 특허수명 예측 및 영향요인 분석)

  • Kim, Yongwoo;Kim, Min Gu;Kim, Young-Min
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.147-170
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    • 2022
  • Although the number of patent which is one of the core outputs of technological innovation continues to increase, the number of low-value patents also hugely increased. Therefore, efficient evaluation of patents has become important. Estimation of patent lifespan which represents private value of a patent, has been studied for a long time, but in most cases it relied on a linear model. Even if machine learning methods were used, interpretation or explanation of the relationship between explanatory variables and patent lifespan was insufficient. In this study, patent lifespan (number of renewals) is predicted based on the idea that patent lifespan represents the value of the patent. For the research, 4,033,414 patents applied between 1996 and 2017 and finally granted were collected from USPTO (US Patent and Trademark Office). To predict the patent lifespan, we use variables that can reflect the characteristics of the patent, the patent owner's characteristics, and the inventor's characteristics. We build four different models (Ridge Regression, Random Forest, Feed Forward Neural Network, Gradient Boosting Models) and perform hyperparameter tuning through 5-fold Cross Validation. Then, the performance of the generated models are evaluated, and the relative importance of predictors is also presented. In addition, based on the Gradient Boosting Model which have excellent performance, Accumulated Local Effects Plot is presented to visualize the relationship between predictors and patent lifespan. Finally, we apply Kernal SHAP (SHapley Additive exPlanations) to present the evaluation reason of individual patents, and discuss applicability to the patent evaluation system. This study has academic significance in that it cumulatively contributes to the existing patent life estimation research and supplements the limitations of existing patent life estimation studies based on linearity. It is academically meaningful that this study contributes cumulatively to the existing studies which estimate patent lifespan, and that it supplements the limitations of linear models. Also, it is practically meaningful to suggest a method for deriving the evaluation basis for individual patent value and examine the applicability to patent evaluation systems.

Color Media Instructions for Embedded Parallel Processors (임베디드 병렬 프로세서를 위한 칼라미디어 명령어 구현)

  • Kim, Cheol-Hong;Kim, Jong-Myon
    • Journal of KIISE:Computer Systems and Theory
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    • v.35 no.7
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    • pp.305-317
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    • 2008
  • As a mobile computing environment is rapidly changing, increasing user demand for multimedia-over-wireless capabilities on embedded processors places constraints on performance, power, and sire. In this regard, this paper proposes color media instructions (CMI) for single instruction, multiple data (SIMD) parallel processors to meet the computational requirements and cost goals. While existing multimedia extensions store and process 48-bit pixels in a 32-bit register, CMI, which considers that color components are perceptually less significant, supports parallel operations on two-packed compressed 16-bit YCbCr (6 bit Y and 5 bits Cb, Cr) data in a 32-bit datapath processor. This provides greater concurrency and efficiency for YCbCr data processing. Moreover, the ability to reduce data format size reduces system cost. The reduction in data bandwidth also simplifies system design. Experimental results on a representative SIMD parallel processor architecture show that CMI achieves an average speedup of 6.3x over the baseline SIMD parallel processor performance. This is in contrast to MMX (a representative Intel's multimedia extensions), which achieves an average speedup of only 3.7x over the same baseline SIMD architecture. CMI also outperforms MMX in both area efficiency (a 52% increase versus a 13% increase) and energy efficiency (a 50% increase versus an 11% increase). CMI improves the performance and efficiency with a mere 3% increase in the system area and a 5% increase in the system power, while MMX requires a 14% increase in the system area and a 16% increase in the system power.