• Title/Summary/Keyword: 순차치료

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Is Genotypic Resistance-guide Eradication Therapy Effective for Patients with Refractory Helicobacter pylori Infection? (불응성 Helicobacter pylori 감염 환자들에게 유전자형 내성을 기반한 제균 치료는 유용한가?)

  • Kim, Sung Eun
    • The Korean journal of helicobacter and upper gastrointestinal research
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.277-279
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    • 2018
  • 전 세계적으로 Helicobacter pylori의 항생제 내성률은 지속적으로 증가하고 있으며, 기존의 제균 치료에 실패한 H. pylori 감염 환자들에 대한 효과적인 구제요법(rescue therapy)의 필요성 역시 증가하고 있다. 이 연구는 두 개 기관, 공개, 평행 그룹, 무작위 배정 연구로서 불응성 H. pylori 감염 환자들의 구제요법으로 유전자형 내성을 기반한 치료(genotype resistance-guided therapy)와 경험적 치료(empirical therapy) 중 어느 것이 보다 효과적인지를 비교하고자 하였다. 2012년 10월부터 2017년 9월까지 20세 이상의 불응성 H. pylori 감염 환자들을 대상으로 하였으며, 불응성 H. pylori 감염은 과거 두 종류 이상의 H. pylori 제균 치료를 받았음에도 불구하고 H. pylori 제균에 실패한 환자들로 정의하였다. 이들에게서 한 군은 14일간의 유전자형 내성을 기반한 순차 치료(n=21 in trial 1, n=205 in trial 2)를, 다른 한 군은 환자들의 과거 제균 치료 종류를 감안한 14일간의 경험적 순차 치료(n=20 in trial 1, n=205 in trial 2)를 시행하였다. 순차 치료법은 첫 7일은 esomeprazole 40 mg과 amoxicillin 1 g을 하루 두 번 복용한 다음, 나머지 7일은 esomeprazole 40 mg과 metronidazole 500 mg, 그리고 1) levofloxacin 250 mg 또는 2) clarithromycin 500 mg 또는 3) tetracycline 500 mg을 하루 두 번 복용하는 것으로 구성하였다. 23S ribosomal RNA (rRNA)나 gyrase A에 대한 내성 관련 돌연변이 여부는 direct sequencing을 통한 중합효소연쇄반응(polymerase chain reaction, PCR) 검사를 이용하였고, 제균 성공 여부는 요소호기검사를 통해 확인하였다. 일차 결과 지표는 치료 방법에 따른 제균율로 정하였다. Trial 1에서는 tetracycline 대신 doxycycline 100 mg을 사용하였는데, 제균 성공률이 유전자형 내성을 기반한 치료군에서는 17명(81%), 경험적 치료군에서는 12명(60%)으로 나타났다(P=0.181). 하지만, 다른 순차 치료군들과 비교하였을 때, doxycycline을 포함한 순차 치료군의 제균율이 현저히 낮은 것으로 나타나서(15/26, 57.7%) doxycycline을 포함한 순차 치료법은 종결하기로 하고, trial 2부터는 doxycycline 대신 tetracycline으로 교체하여 연구를 지속하였다. Trial 2의 intention-to-treat (ITT) 분석 결과, 유전자형 내성을 기반한 치료군에서는 160/205명(78%), 경험적 치료군에서는 148/205명(72.2%)으로 두 그룹 간의 통계적인 제균율의 차이는 보여주지 못하였다(P=0.170). 부작용 및 환자 순응도에서도 양 군 간의 의미 있는 차이는 없었다. 따라서, 두 종류 이상 H. pylori 제균 치료에 실패한 환자들이라고 할지라도 기존의 제균 치료력을 바탕으로 적절한 경험적 치료를 시행하는 것은 유전자형 내성을 기반한 치료 정도의 효과는 있으며 접근성, 비용, 환자들의 선호도 등의 여러 가지 부가적인 사항들을 고려할 때, 제균 치료력을 고려한 경험적 치료는 간단한 수준의 유전자형 내성을 기반한 치료의 대안으로 받아들여질 수 있을 것으로 제안하였다.

Multidisciplinary Management of the Locally Advanced Unresectable Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (수술 불가능한 국소 진행 비소세포성 폐암의 집합적 요법)

  • Cho, Kwan-Ho
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2004
  • Locally advanced (Stage III) non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) accounts for approximately one third of all cases of NSCLC. Few patients with locally advanced NSCLC present with disease amenable to curative surgical resection. Historically, these patients were treated with primary thoracic radiation therapy (RT) and had poor long term survival rates, due to both progression of local disease and development on distant metastases. Over the last two decades, the use of multidisciplinary approach has improved the outcome for patients with locally advanced NSCLC. Combined chemoradiotherapy is the most favored approach for treatment of locally advanced unresectable NSCLC. There are two basic treatment protocols for administering combined chemotherapy and radiation, sequential versus concurrent. The rationale for using chemotherapy is to eliminate subclinical metastatic disease while improving local control. Sequential use of chemotherapy followed by radiotherapy has improved median and long term survival compared to radiation therapy alone. This approach appears to decrease the risk of distant metastases,, but local failure rates remain the same as radiation alone. Concurrent chemoradiotherapy has been studied extensively. The potential advantages of this approach may include sensitization of tumor cells to radiation by the administration of chemotherapy, and reduced overall treatment time compared to sequential therapy; which is known to be important for improving local control in radiation biology. This approach Improves survival primarily as a result of improved local control. However, it doesn't seem to decrease the risk of distant metastases probably because concurrent chemoradiation requires dose reductions in chemotherapy due to increased risks of acute morbidity such as acute esophageal toxicity. Although multidisciplinary therapy has led to improved survival rates compared to radiation therapy alone and has become the new standard of care, the optimal therapy of locally advanced NSCLC continues to evolve. The current issues in the multidisciplinary management of locally advanced NSCLC will be reviewed in this report.

Retrospective Analysis of Chemoradiotherapy for Limited-Stage Small-Cell Lung Cancer (제한병기 소세포암 환자의 항암화학방사선요법에 대한 후향적 분석)

  • Lee, Jong-Hoon;Kim, Sung-Hwan;Kim, Su-Zy;Lee, Joo-Hwan;Kim, Hoon-Kyo;Shim, Byoung-Yong
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.133-139
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    • 2009
  • Purpose: This study was designed to analyze the outcome and toxicity of thoracic radiation therapy (TRT) and chemotherapy for patients who suffer with limited-stage small-cell lung cancer (LS-SCLC). Materials and Methods: We retrospectively studied 35 patients with LS-SCLC. TRT was administered once daily (1.8 to 2 Gy per fraction) and it was directed to the primary tumor for a total 50 to 66 Gy in 6 to 7 weeks. The patients received four cycles of etoposide plus cisplatin. TRT was begun on day 1 of the first cycle of chemotherapy in the concurrent arm and after the fourth cycle in the sequential arm. Results: The median progression-free survival time was 16.5 months (95% confidence interval [CI], 9.0 to 24.1 months) for the sequential arm, and 26.3 months (95% CI, 16.6 to 35.9 months) for the concurrent arm. The 2-year progression-free survival rate was 16.0 percent for the sequential arm and 50.0 percent for the concurrent arm (p=0.0950 by log-rank test). Leukopenia was more severe and more frequent in the concurrent arm than in the sequential arm. However, severe esophagitis was infrequent in both arms. The radiotherapy was interrupted more frequently in the concurrent arm than in the sequential arm due to hematologic toxicities (p=0.001). Conclusion: This study suggests that concurrent TRT with etoposide plus cisplatin is more effective for the treatment of LS-SCLC than sequential TRT. However, there is a significant increase in the risk of toxicities, and radiotherapy was frequently interrupted in the concurrent arm due to hematologic toxicities.

Development of Hypertension Patients Management System using Sequential Patterns and Association Rules (순차패턴과 연관규칙을 이용한 고혈압 환자 관리 시스템 개발)

  • Park, Nam youl;Hong, Jae-sin;Park, Doo-Soon;Hong, Min;Lee, Hwa-Min;Jeong, Young-Sik
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2009.04a
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    • pp.555-557
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    • 2009
  • 최근 의료 패러다임은 치료에서 예방과 관리의 개념으로 변화하고 있다. 특히 우리나라 성인 인구 중 20~30%에서 발견되는 만성질환은 예방과 관리가 더욱 필요한 성인병이다. 본 논문에서는 만성 질환 중 지속적인 치료와 예방 그리고 관리가 필요한 고혈압 환자들을 관리하기 위하여 생체 데이터, 검진 데이터, 문진 데이터, 생활 습관 등을 이용하여 순차패턴 방법을 적용한 고혈압 환자에 대한 약제 처방 시스템과 연관규칙을 적용하여 고혈압 환자들에게 24시간 관리가 가능하도록 하는 고혈압 환자 관리 시스템을 개발한다.

Development of a Pulse Light System for Treating Skin Pigmentation (피부의 색소치료를 위한 펄스 광 시스템의 개발)

  • Jeun, Jong-Baeg;Tack, Han-Ho
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.81-87
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    • 2021
  • In this study the skin care system was designed and tested by introducing V-IPL(Variable-Intense Pulse Light) methods that allow various skin treatments. The discharge method, a new method of switching on the flash lamp sequentially according to the lesions, was used. Pulse shape control is implemented in the system using the conventional LC variable method and the switching method control method of the switching element. As a result, the pulse width could be varied up to 1[㎛] by using a microprocessor, and by turning on the flash lamp sequentially along the lesions the depth and width, the pulse shape and pulse shape could be more diverse. We could also make long pulses of up to 1~100[ms] in various pulse width. And the special differences between the existing system and the proposed system in this study are as follow. Existing system is one pulse(pulse width : 1~40ms) and proposed system is three pulse(pulse width : 1~100ms).

Bilateral Sequential Single Lung Transplantation for Eisenmenger's Syndrome (Eisenmenger's 증후군이 동반된 동맥관 개존증환자에서의 순차적 양측 폐이식술 - 1례 보고 -)

  • 이교준;정은규;함석진;이두연;백효채;김해균;조현민
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.64-67
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    • 2002
  • Eisenmenger's syndrome is the disease of right to left shunt developing from the increased pulmonary vascular resistance caused by excessive pulmonary blood flow in patients with abnormal connections of systemic to pulmonary blood passage. The heart-lung transplantation was the only curative method in early transplantation period, but good results after bilateral lung transplantation have been reported as the fact that right heart function improved by only lung transplantation. We successfully carried out bilateral sequential single lung transplantation in a 34-year-old female patient with Eisenmenger's syndrome with large PDA. We report this case with a brief review of the literature.

Sequential Surgical Treatment of Hemoptysis Caused by Bilateral Aspergilloma -A case report- (양측 폐상엽 진균구에 의한 객혈의 순차적 수술 치험 1례)

  • Hur, Jin;Goo, Bon-Won
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.34 no.7
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    • pp.569-573
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    • 2001
  • We experienced a case of hemoptysis caused by bilateral upper lobe aspergilloma. He was 66 years old and had a history of old unclear pulmonary tuberculosis with irregular medication 20 years ago and intermittent hemoptysis for several years. In x-ray study, there was a bilateral upper lobe aspergilloma with cavity. He received bilateral wedge resection through thoracotomy with some interval to reduce postoperative complications. We selected the priorty of operation through the bronchoscope in the operation room. Both sides had the same pathology of aspergilloma and he was discharged after an uneventful postoperative course.

  • PDF

Sequential Chemoradiotherapy for Stage I/II Nasal Natural Killer/T Cell Lymphoma (I/II 병기 비강 Natural Killer/T Cell 림프종에 대한 순차적 항암화학요법과 방사선치료)

  • Noh Young Joo;Ahn Yong Chan;Kim Won Seog;Ko Young Hyeh
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.177-183
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    • 2004
  • Purpose: Authors would report the results of sequential CHOP chemotherapy (cyclophosphamide, adriamycin, vincristine, and prednisone) and involved field radiotherapy (IFRT) for early stage nasal natural killer/T-cell Iymphoma (NKTCL). Materials and Methods: Fourteen among 17 patients, who were registered at the Samsung Medical Center tumor registry with stage I and II nasal NKTCL from March 1995 to December 1999 received this treatment protocol. Three to four cycles of CHOP chemotherapy were given at 3 weeks' interval, which was followed by local IFRT including the known tumor extent and the adjacent draining lymphatics. Results: Favorable responses after chemotherapy (before IFRT) were achievable only in seven patients (5 CR's+2 PR's: 50%), while seven patients showed disease progression. There were six patients with local failures, two with distant relapses, and none with regional lymphatic failure. The actuarial overall survival and progression-free survival at 3 years were 50.0% and 42.9%. All the failures and deaths occurred within 13 months of the treatment start. The factors that correlated with the improved survival were the absence of 'B' symptoms, the favorable response to chemotherapy and overall treatment, and the low risk by international prognostic index on univariate analyses. Conclusion: Compared with the historic treatment results by IFRT either alone or followed by chemotherapy, the current trial failed to demonstrate advantages with respect to the failure pattern and survival. Development of new treatment strategy in combining IFRT and chemotherapy is required for improving outcomes.

The Availability of the step optimization in Monaco Planning system (모나코 치료계획 시스템에서 단계적 최적화 조건 실현의 유용성)

  • Kim, Dae Sup
    • The Journal of Korean Society for Radiation Therapy
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.207-216
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    • 2014
  • Purpose : We present a method to reduce this gap and complete the treatment plan, to be made by the re-optimization is performed in the same conditions as the initial treatment plan different from Monaco treatment planning system. Materials and Methods : The optimization is carried in two steps when performing the inverse calculation for volumetric modulated radiation therapy or intensity modulated radiation therapy in Monaco treatment planning system. This study was the first plan with a complete optimization in two steps by performing all of the treatment plan, without changing the optimized condition from Step 1 to Step 2, a typical sequential optimization performed. At this time, the experiment was carried out with a pencil beam and Monte Carlo algorithm is applied In step 2. We compared initial plan and re-optimized plan with the same optimized conditions. And then evaluated the planning dose by measurement. When performing a re-optimization for the initial treatment plan, the second plan applied the step optimization. Results : When the common optimization again carried out in the same conditions in the initial treatment plan was completed, the result is not the same. From a comparison of the treatment planning system, similar to the dose-volume the histogram showed a similar trend, but exhibit different values that do not satisfy the conditions best optimized dose, dose homogeneity and dose limits. Also showed more than 20% different in comparison dosimetry. If different dose algorithms, this measure is not the same out. Conclusion : The process of performing a number of trial and error, and you get to the ultimate goal of treatment planning optimization process. If carried out to optimize the completion of the initial trust only the treatment plan, we could be made of another treatment plan. The similar treatment plan could not satisfy to optimization results. When you perform re-optimization process, you will need to apply the step optimized conditions, making sure the dose distribution through the optimization process.