• Title/Summary/Keyword: 수학심화과정 학습

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과학영재학교 교육과정 운영실태와 학생 반응분석

  • 문경근;박일영;박수경;정권순;추봉욱;곽미용
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for the Gifted Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.165-166
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    • 2003
  • 2002년 3월부터 영재교육법 시행령이 적용됨에 따라 과학기술부에서는 교육인적자원부, 부산광역시 교육청과의 협약을 통하여 부산과학고등학교를 과학영재학교로 지정하였으며 2003년 3월 신입생 입학 이후 현재까지 운영되고 있다. 과학영재를 조기에 발굴하여 맞춤식 교육을 체계적으로 실천함으로써 지식기반 사회를 선도할 수 있는 창의적인 과학영재를 육성하려는 과학영재학교의 설립목적에 부합되도록 계획, 운영, 평가되기 위해서 현재 진행되고 있는 운영 전반에 대하여 점검 및 분석이 이루어질 필요가 있다. 이에 과학영재학교 운영상의 주요 측면인 교육과정 운영 분야에 대하여 그 실태와 학생 반응을 분석하는데 본 연구의 목적이 있다. 과학영재학교의 교육과정 기본 방침은 과학 분야에 대한 깊은 이해와 논리적, 비판적, 창의적 사고력과 태도를 통하여 지식을 창출하는 자기 주도적 탐구자의 양성을 전제로 하고 있으며 교육과정 편제는 교과, 자율연구, 위탁교육 및 특별활동으로 구성되어있다. 교과에는 국어, 사회, 외국어, 예체능을 포함하는 보통교과와 수학, 과학, 정보과학을 포함하는 전공교과가 있다(과학영재학교 교수요목안내서, 2003). 본 연구에서 교육과정 편제, R&E, 교수학습 및 평가의 하위 영역별로 그 실태와 각 영역별 학생 설문 결과를 분석한 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 영재학교 교육과정 편제 및 운영에 대한 학생들의 인식을 조사한 결과, 심화 선택과목의 학점 비중을 더 높여야한다는 의견과 보통교과의 학점을 줄이고 전공교과의 학점을 늘려야 한다는 의견이 상대적으로 높게 나타났다. 이러한 결과는 대상 학생들이 과학영재학교 선발과정에서 수학, 과학 각 분야별 우수자로 선발된 경우가 많아 학생 개인적으로 자신감을 가지는 과목만 집중적으로 학습하고자 하는 의도의 반영으로 볼 수 있다. 이와 관련하여 영재교육과정의 운영지침(이상천, 2002)에 의하면, 대학 수준의 내용을 그대로 도입하는 속진보다 창의성과 사고력 계발에 보다 충실할 수 있도록 내용의 폭을 넓히고 접근방법을 달리하는 심화 중심으로 교육과정을 구성하고 운영한다고 하였다. 그러나 현재 개발된 교육과정 편성과 운영은 창의성 교육의 구현보다는 압축형 속진 교육과정의 특성이 강하여, 이와 같은 운영지침을 실현하기 어려운 것이 현실이므로 교육과정 편제의 개선이나 운영지침에 적합한 교육내용의 개발이 시급히 이루어져야 할 것이다. 둘째, R&E(Research & Education)는‘연구를 통한 교육’,‘교육을 통한 연구’를 의미하며 과학영재교육과정의 가장 큰 특징이라 할 수 있는 자율연구와 위탁교육을 위한 프로그램이다.

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The Influence of the repeated learning of moving picture materials applying 'the development of mathematical power' program on The Self-Directed Learning (수학적 힘의 신장 프로그램을 적용한 교실 수업 동영상 자료 반복 학습이 자기 주도적 학습에 미치는 영향 - 수학 I 을 중심으로 -)

  • Byun Kyung-Hae
    • Communications of Mathematical Education
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    • v.20 no.2 s.26
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    • pp.295-326
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    • 2006
  • Despite the importance of mathematics education, many students in high school have lost their interests and felt difficulties and they don't have 'mathematical' experience with meanings attached because of the entrance examination. This paper attempted to resolve these problems and find the teaching-method with which students can study by themselves with more confidence. Nowadays students' use of Internet is very popular. After develop 'the development of mathematical power' program based on mathematics history, history, science, the application of problems in real world, and self-evaluation, I made students repeat them after making teaching lessons in classroom as moving pictures. Through this processes, I attempted to develop the Self-Directed Learning' ability by making public education substantial. First of all I analyzed the actual conditions on 'Self-Directed Learning' ability in mathematics subject, the conditions of seeing and hearing in Internet learning program, and students' and their parents' interests in Internet education. By analyzing the records, I observed the significance of the introducing mathematics history in mathematics subject in early stager, cooperative-learning, leveled-learning, self-directed learning, and Internet learning. Actually in aspect of applying 'the development of mathematical power' program, at first I made up the educational conditions to fix the program, collected the teaching materials, established the system of teaching-learning model, developed materials for the learning applying Internet mail and instruments of classroom, and carried out instruction to establish and practice mathematics learning plan. Then I applied the teaching-learning model of leveled cooperation and presentation loaming and at the same time constructed and used the leveled learning materials of complementary, average, and advanced process and instructed to watch teaching moving pictures through Internet mail and in the classroom. After that I observed how effective this program was through the interest arid attitude toward mathematics subject, learning accomplishment, and the change of self-directed learning. Finally, I wrote the conclusion and suggestion on the preparation of conditions fur the students' voluntary participation in mathematics learning and the project and application on 'the development of mathematical power' program and repeated learning with the materials of moving pictures in classroom.

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Mathematical Journal Writing as a Method of Improving Mathematical Attitudes and Achievements for Underachieve Students (수학학습 부진아 지도방안으로써의 수학일지 쓰기)

  • Kim, Hong-Chan;Lee, Jeong-Eun
    • Journal of the Korean School Mathematics Society
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.525-548
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    • 2010
  • How to enhance the ability of underachieve students are unsolved problems for mathematics teachers despite of their best efforts to teach them. The purpose of this study is to explore the effectiveness of mathematical journal writing as a method of improving the mathematical attitudes and achievements for underachieve students. Seven students whose performances were below 40% on the final exam in the 1st semester were recruited in order to gather empirical data. Before journal writing procedures, the subjects' characteristics, learning styles and mathematical attitudes were investigated through personal interview and mathematical attitude test. After six-week journal writing, follow-up survey and mathematical attitude test were conducted. The results of this research are as follows: Mathematical journal writing had a positive effect to underachieve students on improving confidence in mathematics and a positive influence on active and effective learning attitude. And mathematical journal writing had an effect on improvement in their mathematics achievement comparing first semester's final exam with second semester's mid-term exam. Finally mathematical journal writing contributes positively to the relationship between students and their teacher.

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An Analysis on Behavior Characteristics between Gifted Students and Talented Students in Open-end Mathematical Problem Solving (개방형 문제 해결과정에서 수학 영재아와 수학 우수아의 행동특성 분석)

  • Shin In-Sun;Kim See-Myung
    • Communications of Mathematical Education
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    • v.20 no.1 s.25
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    • pp.33-59
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    • 2006
  • This study is intended to reconsider the meaning of the education for gifted/talented children, the foundation object of science high school by examining the behavior characteristics between gifted students and talented students in open-end mathematical problem solving and to provide the basis for realization of 'meaningful teaming' tailored to the learner's level, the essential of school education. For the study, 8 students (4 gifted students and 4 talented students) were selected out of the 1 st grade students in science high school through the distinction procedure of 3 steps and the behavior characteristics between these two groups were analyzed according to the basis established through the literature survey. As the results of this study, the following were founded. (1) It must be recognized that the constituent members of science high school were not the same excellent group and divided into the two groups, gifted students who showed excellence in overall field of mathematical behavior characteristics and talented students who had excellence in learning ability of mathematics. (2) The behavior characteristics between gifted students and talented students, members of science high school is understood and a curriculum of science high school must include a lesson for improving the creativity as the educational institutions for gifted/talented students, unlike general high school. Based on these results, it is necessary to try to find a support plan that it reduces the case which gifted students are generalized with common talented students by the same curriculum and induces the meaningful loaming to learners, the essential of school education.

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A Study on Problem-solving Using Combinational Proof (조합적 논증을 이용한 문제해결에 대한 연구)

  • Yoon Dae-Won;Kim Eun-Ju;Lyou Ik-Seung
    • Communications of Mathematical Education
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    • v.20 no.3 s.27
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    • pp.373-389
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study is to compare the way of proving using combinational proof with the way of proving presented in the existing math textbook in the proof of combinational equation and to classify the problem-solving into some categories using combinational proof in combinational equation. Corresponding with these, this study suggests the application of combinational equation using combinational proof and the fundamental material to develop material for advanced study.

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An Analysis on the Programs for the Mathematically Gifted Children in the Elementary Schools (초등 수학 영재 교수-학습 프로그램 분석)

  • Hong, Eun Ja;Bae, Jong Soo
    • Journal of Elementary Mathematics Education in Korea
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.65-84
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the contents and designs of the developed 22 teaching and programs for the gifted students in elementary mathematics. The focus of the analysis were the participants and the characteristics of the contents, and were to reflect them on the areas of the 7th elementary mathematics curriculum and Renzulli's Enrichment Triad Model. The results of the study as follows: First, the programs for the low grade gifted students are very few compared to those of the high grade students. For earlier development of the young gifted students, we need to develop more programs for the young gifted students. Second, there are many programs in the area of geometry, whereas few programs are developed in the area of measurement. We need to develop programs in the various areas such as measurement, probability and statistics, and patterns and representations. Third, most programs do not follow the steps of the Renzulli's Enrichment Triad Model, and the frequency of appearance of the steps are the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd enrichments, sequentially. We need to develop hierarchical programs in which the sequency and relations are well orchestrated. Fourth, the frequency of appearance is as follows as sequentially: types of exploration of topics, creative problem solving, using materials, project types, and types of games and puzzles. In the development of structure of the program, the following factors should be considered: name of the chapter, overview of the chapter, objectives, contents by steps, evaluation, reading materials, and extra materials.

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A Study on the Curriculum Development of Statistics for University-level Program (대학과목선이수제(UP)의 통계학 표준교육과정 개발 연구)

  • Lee, Jong-Hak;Cho, Wan-Young
    • Communications of Mathematical Education
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.653-679
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    • 2011
  • The objective of this study is to develop university-level program(UP) 'Statistics Curriculum'. The UP program is a Korean curriculum sponsored by the Ministry of Education and Technology, which offers standardized courses to high school students that are generally recognized to be equivalent to undergraduate courses in college. In this paper we analyze that various programs are being conducted currently in Korea and overseas related with University-level Program in mathematics. And we describe course of the study, mathematical objectives of developed statistics curriculum on the study.

Mathematics Teacher Education for the Teaching of Content Area Reading in School Mathematics (수학 교과 독서 지도를 위한 교사 교육 실행 - 예비 교사 교육 사례를 연계한 현직 교사 연수 -)

  • Kim, NamHee
    • School Mathematics
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.471-489
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    • 2014
  • In this study, we carried out mathematics teacher-training course. The topic of this training course is the understanding of content area reading in school mathematics. The teacher-training course is planned to guide mathematics teachers can perform effectively the teaching of content area reading. In particular, we illustrated the pre-service mathematics teacher education practice. Mathematics teachers investigated various teaching strategies that can lead their students read reading materials related to mathematics effectively. In this training courses, teachers reflects on their own experience and they have an opportunity to learn the new strategies that improve their teaching methods. Teacher educator and in-service teachers share and discuss their practices, they have a meaningful learning experiences. In this study, we presented the processes of the teacher-training course and the results of practice. Furthermore, on the basis of the limitations of this study, we suggested recommendations for the future teacher training program.

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The Generalization of the Area of Internal Triangles for the GSP Use of Mathematically Gifted Students (중등 영재학생들의 GSP를 활용한 내분삼각형 넓이의 일반화)

  • Lee, Heon-Soo;Lee, Kwang-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean School Mathematics Society
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.565-584
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    • 2012
  • This study investigates how the GSP helps gifted and talented students understand geometric principles and concepts during the inquiry process in the generalization of the internal triangle, and how the students logically proceeded to visualize the content during the process of generalization. Four mathematically gifted students were chosen for the study. They investigated the pattern between the area of the original triangle and the area of the internal triangle with the ratio of each sides on m:n respectively. Digital audio, video and written data were collected and analyzed. From the analysis the researcher found four results. First, the visualization used the GSP helps the students to understand the geometric principles and concepts intuitively. Second, the GSP helps the students to develop their inductive reasoning skills by proving the various cases. Third, the lessons used GSP increases interest in apathetic students and improves their mathematical communication and self-efficiency.

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On the Isoperimetric Problem of Polygons: the mathematical reasoning and proof with the Geometer's Sketchpad (다각형의 등주문제: Geometer's Sketchpad로 수학적 추론과 정당화하기)

  • Choi, Keunbae
    • Communications of Mathematical Education
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.257-273
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    • 2018
  • In this paper, we deal with the isoprimetric problem of polygons from the point of view of learning materials for elementary gifted students. The isoperimetric problem of the polygon of odd degree can be solved by E-transformation(see Figure III-1) and M-transformation(see Figure III-3). But in the case of even degree's polygon, it is quite difficult to solve the problem because of the connected components of diagonals (here we consider the diagonals forming triangle with two adjacent sides of polygon). The primary purpose of this paper is to give an idea to solve the isoperimetric problem of polygons of even degree using the properties of ellipse. This idea is derived from the programs of the Institute of Science Education for Gifted Students in the Jeju National University.