• Title/Summary/Keyword: 수학교육의 질

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The Research on Pedagogical Content Knowledge in Mathematics Teaching (수학과 내용 교수 지식(PCK)의 의미 및 분석틀 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Choe, Seung-Hyun;Hwang, Hye-Jeang
    • Journal of the Korean School Mathematics Society
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.569-593
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    • 2008
  • Since 2005 KICE-TLC has focused on the development of supporting programs for teaching consultation and pedagogical content knowledge(PCK). The purpose of this year's research was to explore types of pedagogical content knowledge(PCK, hereafter) for effective teaching mathematics topics drawn from the amended national mathematics curriculum announced in February, 2007. Based on this year's PCK research, we will develop mathematics teaching consulting program from 2009 research by field testing of developed mathematics PCK. The major source of data for this study was transcripts of audiotapes of the group discussions that took place during the regular weekly meetings where we compared and analyzed three teachers' classes. We also conducted open-ended interviews with the three teachers and collected reflective notes written by participants. This research provided teachers with an opportunity to think about what is important in the teaching of a topic and why, and to consider possibilities for future development. This research highlights the importance of teacher meetings where teachers share their expertises and insights through reflection and dialogue. By introducing the concept of PCK, examining, analyzing and modelling it in pre-service and in-service teacher education practice, we can contribute to extend teachers' professional learning. Finally, just like quality student learning, quality teaching and teacher education practices require critical reflection and careful scaffolding.

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A study of the role of environmental influences in talent development of the Korean Math and Science Olympians. (국제과학올림피아드에 참가한 과학영재의 재능 발달에 끼친 촉진 요인과 방해요인에 관한 연구)

  • 윤여홍;김언주;문정화;김명환
    • Journal of Gifted/Talented Education
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.245-270
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    • 2001
  • Math and Science Olympians participated in a study of the role of environmental influences in their talent development. The questions they got was about family and school factors contribute / or hinder to the development of their scientific talents, and the parents' child rearing styles. The questionnaires were originally developed by Campbell(1996) for cross-cultural studies. The major findings were as follows: ⑴ The professional job of the Olympians'father, the high SES, Their parents'discovering their child's talents were positive factors, ⑵ Their family support and learning environment were reported strong and positive, especially books and reading atmosphere, ⑶ The Olympians participated in the accelerated and enriched educational programs, ⑷ The quality of the class and the rigidity of the curriculum were hindering factors, ⑸ Their parents'rearing style were permissive, affective, and supportive.

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An analysis of errors in problem solving of the function unit in the first grade highschool (고등학교 1학년 함수단원 문제해결에서의 오류에 대한 분석)

  • Mun, Hye-Young;Kim, Yung-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean School Mathematics Society
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.277-293
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of mathematics education is to develop the ability of transforming various problems in general situations into mathematics problems and then solving the problem mathematically. Various teaching-learning methods for improving the ability of the mathematics problem-solving can be tried. However, it is necessary to choose an appropriate teaching-learning method after figuring out students' level of understanding the mathematics learning or their problem-solving strategies. The error analysis is helpful for mathematics learning by providing teachers more efficient teaching strategies and by letting students know the cause of failure and then find a correct way. The following subjects were set up and analyzed. First, the error classification pattern was set up. Second, the errors in the solving process of the function problems were analyzed according to the error classification pattern. For this study, the survey was conducted to 90 first grade students of ${\bigcirc}{\bigcirc}$high school in Chung-nam. They were asked to solve 8 problems in the function part. The following error classification patterns were set up by referring to the preceding studies about the error and the error patterns shown in the survey. (1)Misused Data, (2)Misinterpreted Language, (3)Logically Invalid Inference, (4)Distorted Theorem or Definition, (5)Unverified Solution, (6)Technical Errors, (7)Discontinuance of solving process The results of the analysis of errors due to the above error classification pattern were given below First, students don't understand the concept of the function completely. Even if they do, they lack in the application ability. Second, students make many mistakes when they interpret the mathematics problem into different types of languages such as equations, signals, graphs, and figures. Third, students misuse or ignore the data given in the problem. Fourth, students often give up or never try the solving process. The research on the error analysis should be done further because it provides the useful information for the teaching-learning process.

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Effectiveness of mathematics education through the process-oriented evaluation - Focusing on Geometry and vector subjects - (과정 중심 평가를 통한 수학교과 인성 함양 효과 - 기하와 벡터 과목을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Hyunjoo
    • Journal of the Korean School Mathematics Society
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.369-393
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to find the commonality between process-focused assessment and existing performance evaluation and to find out whether the process-focused assessment is effective for the development of the character of school mathematics. By analyzing the previous research, this study defined the meaning of process-focused assessment as an evaluation that can improve students' growth and quality of class through immediate feedback by introducing various performance tasks and evaluation methods. The character of school mathematics refers to personality factors that are easily expressed and cultivated during math classes. Therefore, this study presented examples of the feasibility of process-focused assessment focusing on geometry and vector subjects and examined the effectiveness of mathematics and character development through process-based evaluation. Four course-based assessments (math experiments, logic, proof, and communication) aimed at cultivating the character of school mathematics were conducted from March to June 2019 for the third year of high school. The index was measured. Analysis of the results using the corresponding variable t-test showed that the process-based evaluation in this study had a significant effect on the character of school mathematics development.

An Analysis of Preservice Teachers' Lesson Plays: How Do Preservice Teachers Give Feedbacks to Students in an Imaginary Classroom Discourse? (예비교사들은 학생의 대답에 어떻게 피드백 하는가? - Lesson Play의 분석 -)

  • Lee, Jihyu
    • School Mathematics
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.19-41
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this article was to a) identify how preservice teachers conceive feedbacks and subsequent classroom discourses, and b) compare them with those in reform-oriented mathematics classroom video for mathematics teachers' professional development about classroom discourse. This article analyzes feedback patterns and subsequent classroom discourses in preservice teachers' imaginary classroom scripts (lesson plays) and compares them with those in the reform-oriented classroom video dealing with the same teaching situation. Most of the preservice teachers' feedbacks focused the evaluation of students' responses and transmission of meaning (univocal function), whereas the teacher's feedback in the reform-oriented classroom allowed the whole class to validate or challenge the answers, thereby facilitating students' generation of meaning (dialogic function). The comparison analysis between the univocal discourse in a preservice teacher's lesson play and the dialogical discourse in the reform-oriented classroom video shows that teacher feedback serves as an important indicator for the main function of classroom discourse and the levels of students' cognitive participation, and also as a variable that determines and changes them. This case study suggests that to improve the quality of classroom discourse, preservice and in-service teachers need experience of perceiving the variety of feedback patterns available in specific teaching contexts and exploring ways to balance the univocal and dialogical functioning in their feedback move during the teacher training courses.

Elementary Teachers' Epistemological Beliefs and Practice on Convergent Science Teaching: Survey and Self-Study (융합적 과학수업에 대한 초등교사의 인식론적 신념과 실행 -조사연구 및 자기연구-)

  • Lee, Sooah;Jhun, Youngseok
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.40 no.4
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    • pp.359-374
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    • 2020
  • This study is a complex type consisting of survey study and self-study. The former investigated elementary teachers' epistemological beliefs on convergence knowledge and teaching. As a representative of the result of survey study I, as a teacher as well as a researcher, was the participant of the self-study, which investigated my epistemological belief on convergence knowledge and teaching and my execution of convergent science teaching based on family resemblance of mathematics, science, and physical education. A set of open-ended written questionnaires was administered to 28 elementary teachers. Participating teachers considered convergent teaching as discipline-using or multi-disciplinary teaching. They also have epistemological beliefs in which they conceived convergence knowledge as aggregation of diverse disciplinary knowledge and students could get it through their own problem solving processes. As a teacher and researcher I have similar epistemological belief as the other teachers. During the self-study, I tried to apply convergence knowledge system based on the family resemblance analysis among math, science, and PE to my teaching. Inter-disciplinary approach to convergence teaching was not easy for me to conduct. Mathematical units, ratio and rate were linked to science concept of velocity so that it was effective to converge two disciplines. Moreover PE offered specific context where the concepts of math and science were connected convergently so that PE facilitated inter-disciplinary convergent teaching. The gaps between my epistemological belief and inter-disciplinary convergence knowledge based on family resemblance and the cases of how to bridge the gap by my experience were discussed.

배양액이 마우스 핵이식 재구축배의 초기발생에 미치는 영향

  • 심보웅;권오용;이은화;김순희;서정선
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Embryo Transfer Conference
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    • 2002.11a
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    • pp.76-76
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    • 2002
  • 본 실험은 Piezo-미세조작기(PrimeTech Ltd., Japan)를 사용하여 마우스 핵이식 후 재구축배를 CZB와 KSOM 두가지 배양액을 사용하여 체외배양성적을 비교 검토하였다. MII의 미수정란은 성숙한 4~5주령 B6D2Fl에 hCG 주사 후 14시간째에 과적 방법을 통해 난관의 팽대부로 부터 회수하였고, metaphase II chromosome-spindle complex와 최소량의 세포질을 내경이 10$\mu\textrm{m}$인 피펫으로 흡입하여 탈핵하였다. 핵이식에 사용된 난구세포(8-l0$\mu\textrm{m}$)는 3시간동안 12% PVP 에처리 하여 piezo-미세조작기를 이용하여 세포질에 세포의 핵을 직접 미세주입 하였다. 핵이식 후 생존한 재구축배는 2시간동안 배양한 후 10mM SrC1$_2$와 5$\mu\textrm{g}$/$m\ell$의 cytochalasin B가 첨가된 $Ca^{2+}$-free CZB에서 6시간 활성화 처리하였다, 활성화 처리 후 위전핵이 관찰된 재구축란을 CZB 와 KSOM 배지에서 배양하면서 발달률을 비교하였고, 상실배 및 배반포배로 발달한 재구축배를 day 3 대리모에 이식하였다. 표 1에서 보는 바와 같이 재구축배의 2-cell로의 발달률에 있어서 KSOM이 CZB에 비하여 유의적으로 높게 나타났으며(P<0.05), 또한 4-cell과 상실배/배반 포배로의 발달률에 있어서도 KSOM이 CZB에 비하여 유의적으로 높은 발달률을 나타내었다(P<0.01). 또한 KSOM 배지에서 배양된 상실배/배반포배를 대리모에 이식한 경우에 11.5 d.p.c에 생존한 태아가 관찰되었다. 이상의 결과로 핵이식 재구축배의 활성화 처리 후의 발생에는 KSOM 배지가 CZB 배지에 비하여 유효함을 확인 할 수 있었다.그와 같은 배양 기술을 이용하여 외래유전자를 도입한 일련의 결과에 관하여 보고 하고자한다., 이것은 세포내 유전자가 transfection되지 않은 세포도 neo selection에서 선발된다는 것을 제시하고 있다. 따라서 체세포를 이용한 형질전환동물 생산을 위해서는 세포내 유전자 도입과 선발 과정에서 나타난 colony에 대하여 보다 엄격한 screen을 하는 것이 필요한 것으로 생각된다.로 우점하였다. 여름철 식물플랑크톤 대발생에 영향은 수온과 직산염이 중요하였으나, 부유물질 크게 기여하지 못하였다.애를 확인하고 지도 관점을 파악하는 것을 포함한다. 그러나 본 논문은 역사발생적 수학 학습-지도 원리의 실제적인 적용에 관하여는 기초적인 연구에 지나지 않기 때문에, 역사발생적 원리를 학교수학에 실제적으로 적용하기 위해서는 각각의 내용에 대한 철저한 역사적 분석을 바탕으로 하는 후속 연구가 필요하다./TEX>구성교육${\lrcorner}$이 조선총독부의 관리하에서 실행되었다는 것을, 당시의 사범학교를 중심으로 한 교육조직을 기술한 문헌에 의해 규명시켰다.nd of letter design which represents -natural objects and was popular at the time of Yukjo Dynasty, and there are some documents of that period left both in Japan and Korea. "Hyojedo" in Korea is supposed to have been influenced by the letter design. Asite- is also considered to have been "Japanese Letter Jobcheso." Therefore, the purpose of this study is to look into the origin of the letter designs in t

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Research on the manual development for activating teaching consulting in mathematics (수업컨설팅 활성화를 위한 매뉴얼 개발 - 수학 교과를 중심으로 -)

  • Choe, Seung-Hyun;Hwang, Hye Jeang;Nam, Geum Cheon
    • Journal of the Korean School Mathematics Society
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.1-29
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    • 2013
  • The main goal of the research is to develop instructional consulting manual to help math teachers improve classroom teaching. Improving the quality of teaching in schools is stressed as a central focus of meaningful classroom instruction and high quality education. In this research, teaching consulting was defined as an activity that covers reflection process oriented towards formative assessment and continuing professional development. Within this context, subject-specific teaching consulting and teaching professionalism with focus on PCK was reviewed. Further, the questionnaire survey was conducted to investigate the current situation of teaching consulting and teachers' needs for consulting. And also, specific examples of subject-specific consulting based on our previous consulting experiences in math classes were shown. Alternative ways to improve subject teaching were derived through the conferences where consultants and consultees analyze video-taped lessons conducted by the consultees. By those results, a manual for invigorating teaching consulting was developed. The contents of the manual consists of setting conditions of teaching consulting and its implementation in the classroom teaching. The first part of the manual contains steps to establish teaching consulting system, the qualification and role of the consultant, system evaluation, etc. The second part of the manual presents the pre-preparation, prescription and implementation and follow-up management steps. Each part of the manual provides consultants with specific guidelines for each step. Finally, recommendations for making policy related to ways to invigorate teaching consulting was suggested. It is expected that specific examples and cases of subject-specific teaching consulting presented in this research will be used to narrow the gap between theory and practice of teaching consulting, and to help math, science and English teachers develop teaching professionalism.

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An Exploratory Study about the Activity Framework for 3D Printing in Education and Implementation (3D 프린팅 활용 교육 프레임워크 제안 및 적용의 탐색적 연구)

  • So, Hyo-Jeong;Lee, Ji-hyang;Kye, Bokyung
    • Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.451-462
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    • 2017
  • This study selected 3D printing that is highly likely to be adopted in schools. This research was conducted in two stages: 1) proposing the learning activity framework for utilizing 3D printing in education, and 2) exploring the potential of integrating 3D printing in the school field. The '3D printing learning activity framework' proposed in this study includes four phases that are categorized according to the complexity of problem-solving processes and collaborative interaction: Step 1 as production through replication, Phase 2 as means of imaginary expression, Phase 3 as near problem-solving, and Phase 4 as expanded problem-solving. Next, we conducted the field study with 23 students in the 6th grade math class where they learned the various solid shapes and volumes through 3D printing-integrated activities. The lesson was considered as Phase 1, which is the production through replication. Overall, the results showed that the participants had positive perceptions about the efficacy of 3D printing activities, the quality of learning experience, and satisfaction. On the other hand, it was found that the usability of 3D printers and CAD program needs further improvement The contribution of this study can be found in the learning activity framework that can guide 3D printing activity design in school, and in the exploration of enhancing the connection between 3D printing activities and curricular relevance beyond simple interest toward a novel technology.

Predictors of Attitudes toward Own Aging among Middle-Aged and Elderly Adults -Panel Analysis Using Latent Growth Modeling- (중노년층의 본인의 노화에 대한 태도에 영향을 미치는 요인 -잠재성장모델을 이용한 패널분석)

  • Lee, Mi-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.64 no.1
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    • pp.101-124
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    • 2012
  • This study examined the longitudinal changes of self-perceptions of own aging among middle-aged and elderly adults, using the latent growth modeling with the three waves of the "Aging and the Quality of Life of the Elderly in Korea", which sampled adults aged over 45 living in Seoul and Chuncheon. The dependent variable is attitudes toward own aging, the sub-scale of the Philadelphia Geriatric Center Morale Scale developed by Lawton (1975). The results showed that the research participants' attitudes of their own aging deteriorated over time. In addition, the lower initial status of the research participants' attitudes of their own aging was associated with being older, being non-married, living in rural areas, attaining the lower level of education, having the fewer social activities, reporting the worse subjective economic status, and reporting the worse subjective health status. The slope of the research participants' attitudes of their own aging differed by the residence areas, educational attainments, subjective economic status and subjective health status. In particular, the difference of the initial status by educational attainments grew over time. Social welfare policy and practice implications are discussed for middle-aged and elderly adults to improve attitudes toward their own aging.

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