• Title/Summary/Keyword: 수학과 학업성취도

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국제 수학 올림피아드 참가 후보자들을 위한 상황대처훈련에 관한연구

  • 김보경;조성희;이군현
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for the Gifted Conference
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    • 1994.08a
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    • pp.1.2-37
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    • 1994
  • Currently Korea encourages gifted high schoolers and junior high schoolers to participate in international achievement contests such as International Olympiads. Participants for these contests are selected nationwide among gifted students in areas of mathematics, physics, chemistry, and others. They go through a series of screening tests and programs. One of the screening processes IS Korean Olympiad School, which provides study programs each summer for student-candidates prior to following year's International Olympiads. Approximately 40 students of high schools and junior high schools, in each subject of study, gather at Korean Olympiad Summer School, and they go through intensive study programs during a short period of time. Out of 40 candidates,' less than 10 students are finally selected to participate in International Olympiads. In this study, a psycho-educational program called "Situation Coping Training Program" was developed to enhance ahievement motivation for these student-candidates. This study was to see if this training program actually improved their cognitive, emotive motivation factors, and to see how this training program affected their achievement level. Training was administered for five days. This training program was found effective for participants to increase self-efficacy, internal locus of control, and anxiety copmg. These cognitive and emotive motivation factors, other than intelligence, were found to have positive relationship with achievement level, of which self-efficacy and attribution style of students were found as two best predictors of achievement. This training program was perceived as necessary. by participants, and helpful for recovering self-confidence and self-control as well as coping pressure. Suggestions were made that this kind of training program be administered as a regular curriculum in preparative study programs such as Korean Olympiads, since cognitive, emotive motivation factors are related with achievement, and furthermore, be utilized in all gifted education programs in Korea. in Korea.

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A Study on Methods for Teaching Math Texts Applying Storytelling in Elementary School (초등교사들의 스토리텔링을 적용한 수학교과서의 효율적인 지도방안에 관한 연구)

  • Hur, Youn La;Kim, Yongtae
    • Journal of Elementary Mathematics Education in Korea
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.169-187
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze responses of children and teachers in elementary school to math texts applying storytelling in use, and propose some efficient methods for teaching the noumenon of math concept via storytelling math according to analyzed results. For this purpose, we choose 2nd grade children and teachers in J Province for the effects of the storytelling questionnaire study. The results of the survey lead that most children add zest to the math and most teachers are positive to the storytelling math, however, some of low-level and high-level math children lose their interest in math, and some teachers need some systematic devices to help them understand sufficiently and can teach the storytelling math meaningfully. Therefore, there seems to be needed a program that help children develop the achievement of math and teachers teach the storytelling math expertly.

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Analysis of Mathematics Preservice Teachers' Mathematical Content Knowledge based on PISA 2012 Items (PISA 2012 공개 문항을 활용한 예비수학교사의 수학내용지식 분석 사례연구)

  • Rim, Haemee;Lee, Min Hee
    • The Mathematical Education
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    • v.54 no.3
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    • pp.207-222
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    • 2015
  • Mathematics preservice teachers' Mathematical Content Knowledge ("MCK") includes not only knowledge for mathematics, but also academic knowledge for school mathematics and mathematical process knowledge. We can consider the items in PISA 2012 as suitable tools to assess process knowledge as well as mathematical content knowledge because these items are developed by competent international educational experts. Therefore, the responses to items with the low percentage of correct answers in conjunction with the mathematical contents were analyzed with focus on FMC. The results showed the reasoning competency in responses using the conditions of the problem and of understanding the conditions after reading the complex problems within the context (i.e. the reasoning and argumentation competency, and communication competency) requires improvements. Furthermore the results indicated the errors due to a lack of ability of devising strategies for problem solving. Based on the foregoing results, the implications towards the directions of the education for the preservice mathematics teachers have been derived.

Analysis of Teaching and Learning Results in Mathematics using Reconstructed Textbook -Focusing on Vocational High School- (재구성 교재를 활용한 수학과 교수·학습 결과 분석 -특성화 고등학교를 중심으로-)

  • So, Jae Hong;Jeon, Young Ju
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.179-194
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is to find out how the reconstructed textbook for vocational high school students influences on students' scholastic achievement and affective domain when it is used in the class of vocational high school. To tackle the study problems, the researcher chose two classes of the first grade in G commercial high school and gave lessons to each of the two classes; one class, as an experimental group, was taught with the reconstructed textbook and the other, as a comparative group, was taught with the original textbook. The following results are derived from the study. First, it turned out in the post academic achievement test result, there is no significant difference between the experimental group and the comparison group, by significant level; .05. However, the prior academic achievement test result shows that the average of the comparison group is 0.44 points higher than the average of the experimental group, while the post test result shows that the average of the experimental group is 1.96 points higher than the average of the comparison group. Second, it turned out by the post affective domain test result, there is no significant difference between the experimental group and the comparison group, by significant level; .05, and any significant difference did not occur in all five areas. However, the whole point of the affective domain and the points of each area of experimental group are higher than those of the comparison group, and the degree of improvement in experimental group is also greater than that of the comparison group. In conclusion, the effectiveness of utilizing a reconstructed textbook in vocational high school math class can be expected in the long term.

A study on the expansion of educational environment and students' competence through smart learning in the tertiary mathematics education (고등 수학교육에서 스마트러닝을 통한 교육환경 및 학습자 역량의 확장)

  • Hong, Ye-Yoon;Im, Yeon-Wook
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.16 no.7
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    • pp.213-222
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of the study is to promote the expansion of educational environment and students' competence through the application of smart learning. In G University in 2017, 118 freshmen in the department of Chemical-bio engineering who were taking Calculus I class were divided into 2 groups of experimental and control group. The study analyzed the effect of the various learning experience using educational technology and the interaction in the class through SNS on students' visual understanding and academic achievement. The result shows that the students' academic achievement and satisfaction in the experimental group were higher than those in the control group. This verifies the potential of smart learning in the field of mathematics in the tertiary level and suggests strategies for high quality smart learning.

Analysis of Educational Context Variable Effects on Gender Differences Observed in PISA 2012 Mathematics in Korea, Singapore, and Finland (우리나라, 싱가포르, 핀란드의 PISA 2012 수학에서의 성차에 대한 교육맥락변인 영향력 비교 분석)

  • Rim, Haemee;Han, Jung-A
    • Journal of Educational Research in Mathematics
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.189-204
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    • 2016
  • As compared with the gender differences in the achievement of mathematics of the PISA 2009, the results of this study on the PISA 2012 show that the achievement of male students sharply increased, while that of female students maintained the status quo. Based on the premise that this result is derived from the ratio differences between male and female students of high level, this study analyzed the educational context variable effects on the achievements of gender differences observed between male and female students of high level. In particular, this study inquired into the factors which influence the gender difference, by analyzing the identical variables regarding Singapore and Finland of which the achievement of female students registers high among other top high-ranking countries of the PISA 2012. Hence, the binominal logistic multi-level analysis was conducted in order to consider the characteristics of hierarchical structure of PISA, and to compare the features of the educational context variable effects between the high level (above level 5) by country and the highest level (above level 6) by group. The analysis results are as follows: in terms of after-school learning time realized either in private lessons and private institutes, no significant effects were shown in any of the students of these three countries. In terms of after-school homework time, the students of Korea and Singapore gave significant influences on the probability which would be included in the group of high level or the highest level. In particular, regarding the variables which influence the probability of inclusion of Korean female students in the group of high level or the highest level, they correspond to "Homework set by teacher", "Attitude toward school: learning activities", "ESCS of School" and "Teacher-student relations". And "Cultural possessions at home" gave main influences on the probability of inclusion of the female students of Korea, Singapore and Finland in the group of the highest level.

A Study of Developing and Applying of Learner-leading e-Learning Contents Model for Vacational High school (전문계고 교수-학습 효과성 제고를 위한 학습자 주도형 e-Learning 콘텐츠 모델 개발 및 적용 연구 - 「공업입문」 교과목을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Sun-Tae
    • 대한공업교육학회지
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.44-66
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    • 2008
  • As the way to intensify vocational education, the places to learn and work merge into one educational system and teaching-learning methods that were pointed at lecturer level are adjusted to learners level. However, the current education environment of vocational highschool doesn't keep up with a new teaching and learning paradigm due to the lack of government-level support and the lecturer level education as well. In this paper, we present a novel learner-leading e-Learning teaching & learning contents framework that intensifying self leading education. In this framework, we concern the ability of self leading, space perception and lesson preparation, preferences of multimedia, scholastic aptitude level and achievement level of students in vocational highschool. Moreover, with following the protocol of the suggested model, we generate a new e-learning contents applying to the subject "Introduction to industry". Especially, to perform better quality of contents, we have survey the whole content of the subject and assorted part of it that would work best with learner-leading e-Learning teaching and learning contents. As we tentatively apply e-learning contents to students in vocational highschool, 79% of them replied that contents brought advantages to get school accomplishment, whereas 19% of students answered in negative that contents wasn't helpful than we've expected. Therefore, the statistical results probe that the e-learning contents we proposed show positive effect, and we analyzed the reasons that deteriorate the effects of contents as shortage of budget and copyright limitation.

The Effect of G-Learning Towards a Student's Affective Domain in Math Subject (수학 교과에서 G러닝이 학습자의 정의적 영역에 미치는 영향)

  • Wi, Jong-Hyun;Cho, Doo-Young
    • Journal of Korea Game Society
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    • v.10 no.6
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    • pp.37-45
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this paper is to analyze a positive educational effect of G learning(online game based learning). G learning has become an effective learning tool for constructivism based learning. Therefore, the paper developed G learning 'SKY math' and applied it to the elementary students. Through the analysis, the fact has been found that students' attitude and confidence for Math changed positively.

Development and Application of Meta-cognition-based App for Students with Learning Disabilities (학습장애학생을 위한 메타인지기반 앱 개발 및 적용)

  • Kwak, Sungtae;Jun, Woochun
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.689-696
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    • 2015
  • In this study, a learning system based on smart learning is proposed so that students with learning disabilities can learn the effective use of meta-cognitive to solve problems arising during the learning process. The features of the proposed system are as follow. First, it is possible to achieve students' individualized learning by use of smart devices and smart education system. Second, it is possible to provide the constant repetition learning for students. Third, students can improve their achievement using the proposed app. The proposed smart education system using meta-cognition was applied to some learning disabilities students. The following results were obtained. First, the disabled students could have an interest in learning math and improve confidence. Second, the student's mathematical problem-solving skills have improved. Third, students' individualized and self-directed learning was achieved.

Design and Implementation of WBI Courseware Based on Learning Activities for Studying Angle Subject at Elementary School (학습 활동 중심의 초등학교 수학과 각도학습 웹코스웨어의 설계 및 구현)

  • Park, Ung-Kyu;An, Byung-Hong
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.6 no.12
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    • pp.192-200
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    • 2006
  • With the appearance of the Internet and the development of the World Wide Web, web-based education has made individual and selective learning centered on students in cyberspace available at any time and anywhere. In this paper, we design and implement courseware for a web-based 4th-year elementary school mathematics course. In order to make it as student-centered as possible, the courseware adopted learning activities using various Flash animation and design methodology to enhance students' interest to complete all parts of the course. When we gave our WBI courseware to 4th-year elementary school students to use, their achievement in the subject was greater than a group who studied with the traditional course. The results of the question investigation of the experimental group showed a positive reaction and increased educational achievements in the fields of comprehension, interest, convenience and reflection on self-directed learning.

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