• Title/Summary/Keyword: 수치적해석

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A Study on Minimization of Harbor Oscillations by Infragravity Waves Using Permeable Breakwater (투과제를 이용한 중력외파의 항내 수면진동 저감 방법에 대한 연구)

  • Kwak, Moon Su;Jeong, Weon Mu
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.32 no.6
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    • pp.434-445
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    • 2020
  • In this study, the minimization of harbor oscillation using permeable breakwater was applied to the actual harbor and investigated an effect of minimization by computer simulation in order to take into account the water quality problems and measures of harbor oscillation by infragravity waves at the same time. The study site is Mukho harbor located at East coast of Korea that harbor oscillation has been occurred frequently. The infragravity waves obtained by analyzing the observed field data for five years focused on the distribution between wave periods of 40 s and 70 s and wave heights in less than 0.1 m was 94% of analyzing data. The target wave periods was 68.0 s. The most effective method of minimization of harbor oscillation by infragravity waves was to install a detached permeable breakwater with transmission coefficient of 0.3 on the outside harbor and replace some area of the vertical wall in the harbor with wave energy dissipating structure to achieve a reflectivity of 0.9 or less. The amplitude reduction rate of this method shown in 27.4%. And the effect of the difference in transmission coefficient of permeable breakwater on the reduction rate of the amplitude was not significant.

A Study on Behavior of Post-integrated Abutment Bridge When Abutment and Bridge Decks are Jammed (교대 협착 발생 시 무조인트화 교량의 거동 분석 연구)

  • Park, Yang Heum;Nam, Moon S.;Jang, Il Young
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.31-35
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    • 2021
  • The expansion joints installed on the bridge for the accommodation of expansion and contraction of the supper structure are essential members of the bridge. However, the expansion joints are deteriorated over time and the waterproof function weakens, causing rainwater to penetrate and deteriorate the structure. In order to solve the traffic congestion caused by frequent replacement of the old expansion joints along with the deterioration of the structure, a post-integrated abutment bridge in which the existing expansion joints are removed and replaced with reinforced concrete link connection has been applied to highway bridges since 2016. After the post-integrated abutment method was applied, it was partially applied to bridges in which the superstructure and abutment were jammed. In this study, the causes of problems that may occur when the post-integrated abutment method is applied to the jammed bridge were analyzed numerically. It was analyzed that damage occurred in the link connection part. Based on the results of this study, the application condition for the post-integrated abutment method is reinforced as it is not possible to apply the post-integrated abutment method to bridges are already jammed.

Development of seawater inflow equations considering density difference between seawater and freshwater at the Nakdong River estuary (해담수 밀도차를 고려한 낙동강하굿둑 해수유입량 산정식 개발)

  • Jeong, Seokil;Lee, Sanguk;Hur, Young Teck;Kim, Youngsung;Kim, Hwa Young
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.55 no.5
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    • pp.383-392
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    • 2022
  • The restoration of the Nakdong River estuary is one of the most important projects of the Ministry of Environment, Republic of Korea. A real-scale experiment of gate operation was executed from 2019 to 2020, and a pilot operation was performed in 2021. The gate of Nakdong River Estuary Barrier (NEB) is supposed to be continuously opened based on the experiment results. Many critical decisions should be made immediately during the experiment based on the real-time measured data and numerical analysis considering the seawater inflows. The decision-making sequence was made systematically with the accurate estimation of seawater inflow. The estimation of seawater inflow is the main research objective and the equations of seawater inflow were developed, reflecting the structural characteristics of NEB. The inflow equations were developed in two forms, overflow and underflow. ADCP (Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler) was used to measure seawater inflow, check the accuracy of the developed equations, and derive the flow coefficient. The comparison error of the developed equations was about 3% compared to the measured data.

Numerical Study on the Effect of Area Changes in Air Inlets and Vent Ports on the Ventilation of Leaking Hydrogen (급·배기구 면적 변화가 누출 수소 환기에 미치는 영향에 관한 수치해석적 연구)

  • Lee, Chang-Yong;Cho, Dae-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.385-393
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    • 2022
  • Hydrogen has reduced greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, the main cause of global warming, and is emerging as an eco-friendly energy source for ships. Hydrogen is a substance with a lower flammability limit (LFL) of 4 to 75% and a high risk of explosion. To be used for ships, it must be sufficiently safe against leaks. In this study, we analyzed the effect of changes in the area of the air inlet / vent port on the ventilation performance when hydrogen leaks occur in the hydrogen tank storage room. The area of the air inlet / vent port is 1A = 740 mm × 740 mm, and the size and position can be easily changed on the surface of the storage chamber. Using ANSYS CFX ver 18.1, which is a CFD commercial software, the area of the air inlet / vent port was changed to 1A, 2A, 3A, and 5A, and the hydrogen mole fraction in the storage chamber when the area changed was analyzed. Consequently, the increase in the area of the air inlet port further reduced the concentration of the leaked hydrogen as compared with that of the vent port, and improved the ventilation performance of at least 2A or more from the single air inlet port. As the area of the air inlet port increased, hydrogen was uniformly stratified at the upper part of the storage chamber, but was out of the LFL range. However, simply increasing the area of the vent port inadequately affected the ventilation performance.

Development of Three-dimensional Inversion Algorithm of Complex Resistivity Method (복소 전기비저항 3차원 역산 알고리듬 개발)

  • Son, Jeong-Sul;Shin, Seungwook;Park, Sam-Gyu
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.180-193
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    • 2021
  • The complex resistivity method is an exploration technique that can obtain various characteristic information of underground media by measuring resistivity and phase in the frequency domain, and its utilization has recently increased. In this paper, a three-dimensional inversion algorithm for the CR data was developed to increase the utilization of this method. The Poisson equation, which can be applied when the electromagnetic coupling effect is ignored, was applied to the modeling, and the inversion algorithm was developed by modifying the existing algorithm by adopting comlex variables. In order to increase the stability of the inversion, a technique was introduced to automatically adjust the Lagrangian multiplier according to the ratio of the error vector and the model update vector. Furthermore, to compensate for the loss of data due to noisy phase data, a two-step inversion method that conducts inversion iterations using only resistivity data in the beginning and both of resistivity and phase data in the second half was developed. As a result of the experiment for the synthetic data, stable inversion results were obtained, and the validity to real data was also confirmed by applying the developed 3D inversion algorithm to the analysis of field data acquired near a hydrothermal mine.

A Study on Robust Optimal Sensor Placement for Real-time Monitoring of Containment Buildings in Nuclear Power Plants (원전 격납 건물의 실시간 모니터링을 위한 강건한 최적 센서배치 연구)

  • Chanwoo Lee;Youjin Kim;Hyung-jo Jung
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.155-163
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    • 2023
  • Real-time monitoring technology is critical for ensuring the safety and reliability of nuclear power plant structures. However, the current seismic monitoring system has limited system identification capabilities such as modal parameter estimation. To obtain global behavior data and dynamic characteristics, multiple sensors must be optimally placed. Although several studies on optimal sensor placement have been conducted, they have primarily focused on civil and mechanical structures. Nuclear power plant structures require robust signals, even at low signal-to-noise ratios, and the robustness of each mode must be assessed separately. This is because the mode contributions of nuclear power plant containment buildings are concentrated in low-order modes. Therefore, this study proposes an optimal sensor placement methodology that can evaluate robustness against noise and the effects of each mode. Indicators, such as auto modal assurance criterion (MAC), cross MAC, and mode shape distribution by node were analyzed, and the suitability of the methodology was verified through numerical analysis.

Matching of Topic Words and Non-Sympathetic Types on YouTube Videos for Predicting Video Preference (영상 선호도 예측을 위한 유튜브 영상에 대한 토픽어와 비공감 유형 매칭)

  • Jung, Jimin;Kim, Seungjin;Lee, Dongyun;Kim, Gyotae
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2021.10a
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    • pp.189-192
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    • 2021
  • YouTube, the world's largest video sharing platform, is loved by many users in that it provides numerous videos and makes it easy to get helpful information. However, the ratio of like/hate for each video varies according to the subject or upload time, even though they are in the same channel; thus, previous studies try to understand the reason by inspecting some numerical statistics such as the ratio and view count. They can help know how each video is preferred, but there is an explicit limitation to identifying the cause of such preference. Therefore, this study aims to determine the reason that affects the preference through matching between topic words extracted from comments in each video and non-sympathetic types defined in advance. Among the top 10 channels in the field of 'pets' and 'cooking', where outliers occur a lot, the top 10 videos (the threshold of pet: 4.000, the threshold of cooking: 0.723) with the highest ratio were selected. 11,110 comments collected totally, and topics were extracted and matched with non-sympathetic types. The experimental results confirmed that it is possible to predict whether the rate of like/hate would be high or which non-sympathetic type would be by analyzing the comments.

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Load Distribution Ratios of Indeterminate Strut-Tie Models for Simply Supported RC Deep Beams - (I) Proposal of Load Distribution Ratios (단순지지 RC 깊은 보 부정정 스트럿-타이 모델의 하중분배율- (I) 하중분배율의 제안)

  • Kim, Byung Hun;Yun, Young Mook
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.28 no.2A
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    • pp.259-267
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    • 2008
  • The ultimate strengths of reinforced concrete deep beams are governed by the capacity of the shear resistance mechanism composed of concrete and shear reinforcing bars, and the structural behaviors of the beams are mainly controlled by the mechanical relationships according to the shear span-to-effective depth ratio, flexural reinforcement ratio, load and support conditions, and material properties. In this study, a simple indeterminate strut-tie model reflecting all characteristics of the ultimate strengths and complicated structural behaviors is presented for the design of simply supported reinforced concrete deep beams. In addition, a load distribution ratio, defined as a magnitude of load transferred by a vertical truss mechanism, is proposed to help structural designers perform the design of simply supported reinforced concrete deep beams by using the strut-tie model approaches of current design codes. In the determination of a load distribution ratio, a concept of balanced shear reinforcement ratio requiring a simultaneous failure of inclined concrete strut and vertical steel tie is introduced to ensure the ductile shear failure of reinforced concrete deep beams, and the prime design variables including the shear span-to-effective depth ratio, flexural reinforcement ratio, and compressive strength of concrete influencing the ultimate strength and behavior are reflected upon based on various and numerous numerical analysis results. In the companion paper, the validity of presented model and load distribution ratio was examined by employing them to the evaluation of the ultimate strengths of various simply supported reinforced concrete deep beams tested to failure.

Modification of SPT-Uphole Method using Two Component Surface Geophones (2방향 지표면 속도계를 활용한 SPT-업홀 기법 개선 연구)

  • Bang, Eun-Seok;Kim, Jong-Tae;Kim, Dong-Soo
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.26 no.2C
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    • pp.109-120
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    • 2006
  • SPT-Uphole test is a seismic field test using receivers on ground surface and a SPT (Standard penetration test) source in depth. Even though this method is simple and economic, it makes hesitate to apply in real field that it is difficult to obtain reliable travel time information of shear wave because of the characteristics of SPT impact source. To overcome this shortcoming, in this paper, modified SPT-Uphole method using two component surface geophones was suggested. Numerical analysis was performed using finite element method for understanding the characteristics of surface motion induced by in-depth vertical source, and comparison study of the various methods which determine the travel time information in SPT-Uphole method was performed. In result, it is thought that the most reasonable method is using the first local maximum point of the root mean square value signals of vertical and horizontal component in time domain. Finally, modified SPT-Uphole method using two component surface geophones was performed at the site, and the applicability in field was verified by comparing wave velocity profiles determined by the SPT-Uphole method with the profiles determined by SASW method and SPT-N values.

Development of Steel Composite Cable Stayed Bridge Weigh-in-Motion System using Artificial Neural Network (인공신경망을 이용한 강합성 사장교 차량하중분석시스템 개발)

  • Park, Min-Seok;Jo, Byung-Wan;Lee, Jungwhee;Kim, Sungkon
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.28 no.6A
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    • pp.799-808
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    • 2008
  • The analysis of vehicular loads reflecting the domestic traffic circumstances is necessary for the development of adequate design live load models in the analysis and design of cable-supported bridges or the development of fatigue load models to predict the remaining lifespan of the bridges. This study intends to develop an ANN(artificial neural network)-based Bridge WIM system and Influence line-based Bridge WIM system for obtaining information concerning the loads conditions of vehicles crossing bridge structures by exploiting the signals measured by strain gauges installed at the bottom surface of the bridge superstructure. This study relies on experimental data corresponding to the travelling of hundreds of random vehicles rather than on theoretical data generated through numerical simulations to secure data sets for the training and test of the ANN. In addition, data acquired from 3 types of vehicles weighed statically at measurement station and then crossing the bridge repeatedly are also exploited to examine the accuracy of the trained ANN. The results obtained through the proposed ANN-based analysis method, the influence line analysis method considering the local behavior of the bridge are compared for an example cable-stayed bridge. In view of the results related to the cable-stayed bridge, the cross beam ANN analysis method appears to provide more remarkable load analysis results than the cross beam influence line method.