• Title/Summary/Keyword: 수집과 전시

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The Types and Characteristics of Educational Programs in Major Natural History Museums of the World (세계 주요 자연사 박물관의 교육 프로그램의 유형 및 특징)

  • Lee, Sun-Kyung;Choi, Ji-Eun;Shin, Myeong-Kyeong;Kim, Chan-Jong;Lee, Sun-Kyung;Im, Jin-Young;Byun, Ho-Seung;Lee, Chang-Zin
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.357-374
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    • 2004
  • This paper described the types and characteristics of educational programs in major natural history museums of the world. Data were collected from the websites, annual reports, and written materials of the Natural History Museum at London, Australian Museum at Sydney, Field Museum of Natural History at Chicago, Smithsonian Museum at Washington D.C, Royal Tyrrell Museum at Canada and American Museum of Natural History at New York. As the result of this study, we presented ten types of educational programs, which were moveable museums, workshops, lecture/courses, festival/events, discovery activities, scientific exploration/research projects, field trips, youth curators/internship, loan materials and camp/tours. We also described the examples equivalent to each program type. The characteristics of educational programs provided by museums as informal learning settings were analyzed in terms of their themes, participation levels, connection with exhibition, relation to curriculum, and learning activity levels. Information in this paper will assist science teachers, museum educators and curators: (1) to design and implement various types and contents of educational programs; (2) to use characteristics of educational programs to assess and develop them; (3) to make important contributions to science education that involves the introduction of various scientific aspects and collections to the public, and the use of programs for science learning and teaching coherent to existing curricula.

A Study on Optimum Insemination Interval in Aged Egg-Type Fowl (산란노계의 인공수정에 있어서 적정주정간격에 관한 연구)

  • 이재근
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.91-96
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    • 1983
  • Present study was carried out to find out an optimum interval for artificial insemination in aged and poor laying hens, Brown colored, hundred and twenty commercial laying hens at about 530 days old and 20 S. C. W. Leghorn males at 580 days old were adopted Egg production rate during the experiment was 61.6% and number of eggs examined was 2,283. The intervals for the insemination were 2, 4 and 6 days for experimental groups T-1, T-2 and T-3, respectively. Eggs were collected on every 6th day and examined for fertility by candling after 5 days of incubation. Average fertility rates for T-1, T-2 and T-3 groups appeared 87.5, 81.1, and 65.1%, respectively. The fertility of T-3 group was significantly lower than those of T-1 and T-2 groups(P<0.05). The highest fertility rate was obtained on the second day after the insemination for all groups, i. e. 90.7, 84.0 and 71.7% for T-1, T-2 and T-3, respectively. Thereafter, a tendency of gradual decline in fertility was observed. This study suggests that the optimum interval for artificial insemination in aged hens is 2 days. The fertility tended to be improved by repeated injection. For the 2-day interval group, the highest rate (98.2%) was obtained on the 6th insemination.

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대형유통점과 중소유통점 간의 상생협력 -갈등이슈와 규제방안의 검토를 중심으로

  • Im, Yeong-Gyun;Lee, Jeong-Hui
    • Proceedings of the Korean DIstribution Association Conference
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    • 2006.08a
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    • pp.69-90
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    • 2006
  • 1997년 시장개방 이후 할인점을 중심으로 한 대형유통점은 급성장한 반면, 중소유통점은 계속 쇠퇴하고 있다. 대형유통점이 대도시에 이어 지방중소도시로 확대되면서 중소유통점은 대형유통점이 자신의 생존을 가장 크게 위협하고 있는 것으로 인식하고 있다. 이로 인해 중소유통점과 대형유통점간의 갈등이 확산되고 있는 실정이다. 갈등이 확산되면서 일부 지자체의 경우 이미 조례로 대형유통점에 대한 규제를 강화하였으며, 일부 의원들에 의해 대형 유통점에 대한 규제를 주 내용으로 하는 입법발의가 되고 있다. 중소유통점이 정부와 지자체에 요구하는 것은 크게 두 가지이다. 하나는 중소유통업을 살리기 위해 중소유통점에 대한 지원을 강화해 달라는 것이며, 또 다른 하나는 대형유통점에 대한 규제를 강화해 달라는 것이다. 반면, 대형유통점은 유통산업 전체의 건전한 발전과 선진화, 글로벌화를 위해 대형유통점에 대한 규제를 오히려 완화해 달라고 요구하고 있다. 대형유통점은 중소유통점의 경쟁력 강화를 목적으로 하는 정부나 지자체의 지원에는 반대하고 있지 않다. 정부와 지자체가 고려할 수 있는 정책대안은 크게 네 가지이다. 첫 번째 방안은 자유경쟁의 원리에 의해 정부가 시장에 개입하지 않는 것이다. 이 경우, 경쟁력이 약한 중소유통점은 계속 쇠퇴할 것이며 갈등이 심화되고 정부와 지자체에 대한 사회정치적 비난이 커질 우려가 있다. 두 번째 방안은 중소유통점의 경쟁력 강화를 위해 정부와 지자체가 이들에 대한 지원을 강화하는 것이다. 개별 중소유통점의 경영혁신 노력과 중소유통점간의 연대노력을 행 재정적으로 지원하는 것이 주된 내용이다. 중소유통사업자의 경영능력 배양을 목적으로 한 교육지원, 마케팅능력 제고, 협업화, 조직화, 정보화의 촉진, 공동사업에 대한 지원이 이에 해당될 것이다. 현재 정부와 다수의 지자체가 취하고 있는 방안이며 네 가지 대안 중 가장 합리적인 것으로 평가되고 있다. 세 번째 방안은 대형유통점과 중소유통점간의 상생협력을 정부와 지자체가 유도하는 것이다. 경쟁관계에 있는 두 당사자 간의 상생협력을 모색하는 것은 모양새는 아름답지만 실효성이 낮은 것이 문제이다. 전시성, 일회성 사업으로 끝나지 않도록 하여야 할 것이다. 네 번째 방안은, 정부와 지자체가 대형유통점에 대한 규제를 강화하는 것이다. 먼저, 대형유통점의 불공정거래행위에 대한 감시감독과 처벌을 강화하는 것은 당연한 것이다. 그러나 정부가 아닌 지자체가 이를 주도하기는 사실 어려움이 있다. 그리고 대형유통점이 영업행위를 영업시간제한에서부터 출점제한에 이르기까지 규제하는 건은 심사숙고하여야 한다. 대형유통점이 국가경제 및 지역사회에 미치는 영향이 부정적인가 긍정적인가에 대해 국내외 학계와 업계에서 여전히 많은 논란이 있기 때문이다. 정부와 지자체에 의한 시장개입은 반드시 필요한 경우에 한해 합당한 방법에 의해 이루어져야 한다. 대형유통점에 대한 규제는 지역사회에 미치는 영향을 다면적으로 평가한 결과에 근거하여 이루어져야 할 것이다. 대부분의 지자체는 체계적인 평가시스템과 객관적인 통계 자료를 갖고 있지 못한 실정이다. 향후 가장 시급한 과제는 시장개방 이후 지난 10년간 대형유통점이 지역사회에 미친 영향에 관한 광범위한 통계자료를 수집하고 이를 체계적으로 분석하여 정책방향을 올바르게 설정하는 것이라 할 수 있다.

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Investigation of the Medicinal Plant Resources (약용식물(藥用植物)의 유전자원수집(遺傳資源蒐集)과 이용(利用)에 대(對)한 조사(調査))

  • Lee, Joon Tak
    • Current Research on Agriculture and Life Sciences
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    • v.8
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    • pp.71-82
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    • 1990
  • In order to collect the plant genetic resources in Korea, the medicinal plants were surveyed from 1987 to 1989 in Kyungbuk province and at the several areas in Kyuognam and Choongbuk province. The medicinal plants of 456 species in 118 families were investigated in these regions. Among them, 249 species were belonged to 19 families, Compositae, Liliaceae, Leguminosae, Poiygonaceae, Labiatae, Rosaceae, Umbelliferae, Gramineae, Solanaceae, Cucurbitaceae, Ranunculaceae, Cruciferae, Rutaceae, Araliaceae, Araceae, Moraceae, Scrophulariaceae, Caryopyhllaceae, and Convolvulaceae, and others were belonged to 99 families. They have been used mostly for urination, gastroenteric disoder, robustness, antiphlogistic, anodyne, cough medicine, fever remedy, hemostatic, and 9 species of them have been used for anticancer medicine. The medicinal plant resources which were planted in the fields, gardens, parks, roadsides, and glass house, were 93 species for ornamental, 50 for medicine, 27 for vegetable, 14 for food, 5 for vegetable fruit, 13 for fruit, 5 for oil, 6 for tea, 9 for shade, and 14 for other purposes. Most of investigated plants were perennial, and flowered from June to August. The root parts were most frequently used as medicine, and other parts were used in the order of leaf and stem, whole plants, flower, seed, and fruit. Among the 456 species, 191 species in 87 families were investigated to be important medicinal plants.

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An International Comparative Study of the Research Support Reality of Natural History Museums (자연사박물관 연구 지원 실태에 대한 국제 비교 연구)

  • Cho, Jun-Oh;Lee, Chang-Zin
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.411-421
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study is to classify the budget and settlement of global natural history museums into functional criteria, to compare and analyze the integrative research and general administrative functions of these museums, and to suggest the standard of budget compilation of the Korean National Museum of Natural History, which will be established in the near future. Annual reports, documents of budget request, financial statements and account books were collected from the following museums: SNMNH of The U.S.A, AMNH of the U.S.A, NHM of England, MNHN of France and NMNS of Japan. The integrative research and general administrative functions of the studied museums are reclassified into the criteria of budget and settlement data of the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History. After arranging the details regarding budget and settlement of each museum, the international comparative analysis was investigated on the amounts of the integrative research and general administrative functions among the studied museums. The comparison and analysis show the ratio of integrative research function and general administrative function in budget expenditure standard at 6:4 in natural history museums of the U.S.A and England, of which the functions of research, education, exhibition and publication are considered to be the most activated in the world. This implies that museums should increase the budget for support of integrative research to allow them to maximize their functions.

A study on specializing the University Museum in the Perspective of Culture, Arts, and Science (문화.예술.과학의 관점에서 대학박물관의 특성화를 위한 기초연구)

  • Choe, Jong-Ho
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    • no.68
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    • pp.25-39
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    • 2006
  • This article attempts to define identity, role and functions of a university museum and to suggest specialization of the university museum in the perspective of culture, arts, and science. A university museum is defined as a center for the service of the university community and its development which acquires, researches, communicates, exhibits and educates, for purposes of eduinfotainment,29 material evidence of people and their environment. The target user of the today's university museum are not only professors, students, university workers, but also university neighbourhood such as the related professionals, patrons, parents, school children and villagers. A multi-dimensional and multi-purpose university museum can be established and managed in a real world and / or a cyber world in the perspective of culture, arts, and science. Based on a ubiquitous system30 in a cyber world vis-a-vie a real world, the university museum can be easily utilized by users anywhere, anytime and any device. In order to specialize the university museum in the perspective of culture, arts and science, it is desirable that the university museum director with the CEO of the university community promote the specialization of the university museum based on philosophy and strategies of university community management after they definitely evaluate the components and resources of the university museum such as human powers, museum collections, organizational, technological, capital, spacial and symbolic resources, The specialization of the university museum should be projected and executed in the direction of maintaining the typical scope of museum activities and managing the effective museum management. Specializing the university museum in the perspective of culture, arts, and science can contribute not only to establish the identity of the university community and to perform role and functions of the university museum but also to encourage academic development, to revaluate the brand of the university community and to promote the marketing for the university.

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A Study on the Collection and Utilization of Myanmar Plants as Garden Plants (정원소재로서의 미얀마 유용 및 관상식물 수집·활용에 관한 연구)

  • Ahn, Tai Hyeon;Goh, Yeo Bin;Jin, Hye Young;Bae, Jun Gyu;Lee, Ki Cheol
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.404-416
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    • 2020
  • Studies on the preservation and propagation of tropical and subtropical plants are required, but the studies are insufficient in Korea. Since 2013, the Tropical Plant Resources Research Center has been collaborating on field research and publication to preserve plant diversity in Myanmar protected areas and Sagging areas in cooperation with Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Conservation and the Myanmar Forest Research Institute. This study is to provide information on cooperative projects. As a result of the joint research between the Korea National Arboretum and Myanmar, in December 2018, the Korea National Arboretum Tropical Plant Resources Research Center is on display for conservation and education purposes with the 65 Myanmar useful materials and specimens of 326 kinds of plants and specimens that Myanmar Forest Research Institute donated. This donation is the first case of Myanmar's export of plant organisms to a foreign country, and as for the Korea National Arboretum, it is the second official case of introducing a mass plant from foreign governments. The study will also accelerate preservation biodiversity and propagation methods of tropical and subtropical plants as well as research on biodiversity conservation and industrial use.

A Study on Interoperability of Geo-sensor Based Outcomes : Focusing on Korean Land Spatialization Program (센서기반 응용시스템간 상호운용성 확보에 관한 연구 : 지능형국토정보기술혁신사업을 대상으로)

  • Park, Jae-Min;Jung, Yeun-J.;Park, Kwan-Dong;Kim, Byung-Guk
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.27 no.5
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    • pp.517-528
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    • 2009
  • Korean Land Spatialization Program (KLSP) is a R&D program of the National GIS Project for developing ubiquitous GIS technologies under control of Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs. The first program from 2006 to 2012, initiated with 132millionofnationalfundand42 million of private matching fund. Aiming 'Innovation of the GIS technology for the ubiquitous Korean land', KLSP consists of five core research projects and one research coordination project. The coordination project's purpose is to practically utilize and commercialize the results of core research projects. Korean Land Spatialization Group (KLSG) is planning a test-bed for testing, integrating, and exhibit- ing the KLSP's outcomes. Integrations of the outcomes are mandatory for the successful KLSG Test-Bed. The main objective of this paper is to introduce KLSP test-bed and three methodologies for integration of the outcomes in KLSP. As a plan of integrations, especially, this paper proposes SWE SOS (Sensor Observation Service) prototype to achieve interoperability of the geo-sensor networks.

A Survey for Distribution of Airborne Microorganisms in Storage of Movable Cultural Properties (동산문화재 다량 보관처의 공기 중 부유 미생물 분포 조사)

  • Hong, Jin-Young;Seo, Min-Seok;Kim, Soo-Ji;Kim, Young-Hee;Jo, Chang-Wook;Lee, Jeung-Min
    • 보존과학연구
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    • s.36
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    • pp.64-73
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    • 2015
  • The temple and family or private owner have managed the storage space of movable cultural properties. Thus they lack the ability to manage professionally and systematically, movable cultural properties are in a poor environment and have been damaged by abundant dust and airborne fungi in the storage. In this study, we investigated microbes distribution in 10 storage or exhibition hall housing the movable cultural properties. As a results, concentration of collected microorganisms exhibited a large difference according to a storage and the D Relic Museum in Yeongam is the most contaminant storage, in which detected 2,000m3 or more. More than 166m3 of the fungi were detected in most storages of the other. We identified so many varieties of fungi such as Aspergillus sp., Penicillium sp., Alternaria sp. and Cladosporium sp. existing commonly in 10 storages including wood rot fungi such as Ceriporia lacerata, Ganoderma carnosum, Myrothecium gramineum and Bjerkandera sp.. This airborne fungi may damage cultural heritages. The Guideline on a concentration of airborne fungi should be estimated and management system to the preservation environment must be provided.

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A Study on the Structure and Content Analysis of Art Museum Websites in Korea (미술관 웹 사이트의 구조 및 콘텐츠 분석에 관한 연구)

  • Noh, Dong-Jo;Lee, Seung-Wook
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.54 no.1
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    • pp.277-301
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze art museum websites and derive implications for future operation of art museum websites. To this end, this research collected basic information about art museums according to '2018 National General Report of Cultural Infrastructure' and investigate the websites of 30 art museums through multi-step sampling process. This study analyzed the structure and menu of the art museum websites as well as the current state of various contents provided by the websites and the search service for the collections offered by the websites. Following sentences are the results. First of all, the art museum websites offer 5.6 top menus on average. Secondly, contents related to art museum, exhibitions, news, education, general forum, and SNS are the basic contents that should be provided on the art museum websites. Third, for contents related to news, education, and events have problems with hierarchical structure and need to be adjusted. Fourth, in the content type, specialized information contents are relatively insufficient and thus need to be improved. Fifth, the art museum websites should give sufficient information about the collection and offer directory searching hat includes keyword searching as well as detail searching service. It is also required to reorganize the directory along with the download function for searched results and the sorting service.