• Title/Summary/Keyword: 수정결정계수

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Characteristics of Dynamic Load Transfer for Vertically Vibrating Pile (연직진동말뚝의 동적 하중전이 특성)

  • Lee, Seung-Hyun;Kim, Eung-Seok;Yoon, Ki-Yong
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.3872-3878
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    • 2014
  • In this study, the dynamic load transfer function, which is necessary for analyzing a pile installed by a vibro hammer, was determined by comparing the results of the analyses and instrumented tests. The static load transfer function was modeled by the Ramberg-Osgood model through an analytical method before determining the dynamic load transfer curve. The parameters of the Ramberg-Osgood model were correlated with the N value of the standard penetration test and average values of the correlation coefficient were 0.97 for the shaft load transfer and 0.98 for the base load transfer. The dynamic load transfer function was simulated using the modified Ramberg-Osgood model. The results showed that there were little differences in the characteristics of dynamic load transfer between the results of the measurement and prediction.

Evaluation of Design Response Spectrum in Sejong City Using Gyeongju and Pohang Type Seismic Waves (경주·포항형 지진파에 대한 세종시 지역의 설계응답스펙트럼 성능평가)

  • Oh, Hyun Ju;Lee, Sung Hyun;Park, Hyung Choon
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.44 no.4
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    • pp.503-512
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    • 2024
  • In the seismic design standard, input waves for different levels of seismic performance are proposed in the form of design response spectra. At the time of establishing these standards, measured records of significant earthquakes that occurred domestically, such as the 2016 Gyeongju earthquake and the 2017 Pohang earthquake, were not included. Additionally, for the ground response analysis, shear wave velocities representing ground amplification characteristics were derived from the results of standard penetration tests (N-values) and applied in empirical formulas. This approach may not adequately capture sufficient information about the characteristics of domestic ground properties. Therefore, in this study, seismic records from the Gyeongju and Pohang earthquakes were modified to adjust the bedrock standard design response spectra. Ground response analyses were conducted using shear wave velocity profiles obtained from borehole tests in the Sejong City area. The shape of the response spectrum and ground amplification coefficient obtained from the ground response analysis were then compared with those from existing studies and seismic design standard.

Experimental Assessment of Forest Soil Sensitivity to Acidification -Application of Prediction Models for Acid Neutralization Responses- (산림토양(山林土壤)의 산성화(酸性化) 민감도(敏感度)에 대(對)한 실험적(實驗的) 평가(評價)(I) -산중화(酸中和) 반응(反應) 예측모형(豫測模型)의 활용(活用)-)

  • Lee, Seung Woo;Park, Gwan Soo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.90 no.1
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    • pp.133-138
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    • 2001
  • Increased base cation loss and Al mobilization, a consequence of soil acid neutralization responses, are common in air polluted areas showing forest decline. The prediction models of acid neutralization responses were developed by using indicators of soil acidification level(pH, and base saturation) in order to assess the forest soil sensitivity to acidification. The soil acidification level was greatest in Namsan followed by Kanghwa, Ulsan, and Hongcheon, being contrary to regional total $ANC_H$ pattern through soil columns leached with additional acid ($16.7mmol_c\;H^+/kg$), Both base exchange and Al dissolution were main acid neutralization processes in all study regions. There were low base exchange and high Al dissolution in the regions of the low total $ANC_H$. The $ANC_M$ by sulfate adsorption was greatest in Hongcheon compared with other regions even though the AN rate was very low as 6.4%. Coefficients of adjusted determination of simple and multiple regression models between soil acidification level indicators and the acid neutralization responses were more than 0.52(p<0.04) and 0.89(p<0.01), respectively. The result suggests that soil pH and base saturation are available indicators for predicting the acid neutralization responses. These prediction models could be used as an useful method to measure forest soil sensitivity to acidification.

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Determinants of Variance Risk Premium (경제지표를 활용한 분산프리미엄의 결정요인 추정과 수익률 예측)

  • Yoon, Sun-Joong
    • Economic Analysis
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.1-33
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    • 2019
  • This paper examines the economic factors that are related to the dynamics of the variance risk premium, and specially, which economic factors are related to the forecasting power of the variance premium regarding future index returns. Eleven general economic variables, eight interest rate variables, and eleven sentiment-associated variables are used to figure out the relevant economic variables that affect the variance risk premium. According to our empirical results, the won-dollar exchange rates, foreign reserves, the historical/implied volatility, and interest rate variables all have significant coefficients. The highest adjusted R-squared is more than 65 percent, indicating their significant explanatory power of the variance risk premium. Next, to verify the economic variables associated with the predictability of the variance risk premium, we conduct forecasting regressions to predict future stock returns and volatilities for one to six months. Our empirical analysis shows that only the won-dollar exchange rate, among the many variables associated with the dynamics of the variance risk premium, has a significant forecasting ability regarding future index returns. These results are consistent with results found in previous studies, including Londono (2012) and Bollerslev et al. (2014), which show that the variance risk premium is related to global risk factors.

산지유역의 초과우량 추정 모형

  • 남선우;최은호
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 1990.07a
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    • pp.49-52
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    • 1990
  • 강우강도가 큰 집중호우가 지표면에 도달하게 되면 강우량중 상당 부분이 수문학적 손실성분인 침수, 증발산, 차단 및 저류등으로 시간에 따라 분포된다. 이 가운데 지표면에 분포된 식생계 및 낙엽등에 의한 차단(canopy interception effect)과, 지표가 포화시의 증발산(wetted environmental evapotranspiration) 및 각종 저류, 즉 지표면 저류(depression storage), 지표토양층에의 저류(retention storage) 성분 등을 들 수 있으며 이들 각 손실성분은 직접유출로 나타나는 초과우량의 발생시간을 지체시켜 주는 역할을 하나 차단성분 및 저류성분은 시간이 경과함에 따라 결국은 증발산 또는 침투성분으로 흡수된다. 따라서 침투성분은 초과우량 추정에 매우 큰 영향을 줄 뿐 아니라 지표면 아래의 흙의 변형을 야기시키며, 중간유출 및 지하수유출에 기여 한다. 대부분의 호우사상은 강우초기에 강우강도가 지표 흙의 침수계수(hydraulic conductivity)보다 작기 때문에 모두 각 손실성분에 의해 손실되며, 강우강도가 점차 커져 침수능을 초과하면 지표면에 순간적으로 물이 고이게 되는데 이것을 지표심수(surface ponding)라하고, 강우시작부터 이 때까지가 침수시간(ponding time)이 된다. 이 지표침수가 나타나는 순간이 곧 직접유출 시작 시간으로 볼 수 있을 뿐 아니라, 침수시간은 지표면의 물수지면에서 볼 때 초기손실량 및 침수율 결정에 중요한 인자가 된다. 본 연구에서는 각 손실 성분별로 유역의 제반 특성을 고려하여 구한 매개변수로부터 시간에 대한 손실율을 결정하여 산지 하천유역에 발생하는 부정강우사상(unsteady rainfall)의 초과우량을 추정하는 모델을 유도하였다. 대상유역으로는 현재 건설부에서 수행하고 있는 국제수문개발계획(IHP) 대표시험유역 가운데 평창강 수계내의 장평유역으로서, 본 유역은 자기 우량계 및 자기 수위계가 운용되고 있고, 인접 대관령 측후소로부터 기상자료를 획득, 이용할 수 있는 비교적 분석에 양호한 조건을 지닌 유역이다. 모델의 유도 과정은 대상유역 식생계로 피복된 산지유역임으로, 식생차단 저류효과를 고려해서 지표면의 흙에 도달되는 순강우주상도를 얻고 이로부터 침수시간 및 침투율을 결정해서 초과우량을 산정하는 모델을 유도하였다. 강우 지속시간내 즉, 유역이 완전 포화시의 증발산율의 결정은 Morton 모델로부터, 침수시간 및 침투율 결정은 Green-Ampt 방정식을 부정강우사상에 적용할 수 있도록 수정된 모델을 사용하였으며, 분석에 이용된 호우는 1986 ~ 1987년도 발생된 호우사상 가운데 강우강도 및 총 강우량이 비교적 큰 7개 강우사상을 선정하였다. 각 호우사상별로 손실율울 지표면에서 물수지개념을 이용하여 계산하고 산술지상에 구성시킨 결과는 다음 그림과 같다. 이 그림에서 굵은 실선으로 나타낸 곡선(B. L. R)은 각 손실을 곡선을 시간축에 따라 산술평균한 대표손실율곡선이다. 이 대표손실율곡선은 역지수함수형으로서 곡선식의 유도는 회기분석을 이용하였다. 초과우량 주상도를 얻기 위하여 이 대표손실을 곡선을 관측 강우주상도에 적용시켜 본 결과 식생계에 의한 차단 저류율은 약 6mm/hr 정도인 것으로 나타났으며, 이로 인한 침수시간 지체효과는 1~3시간 정도로서 비교적 그 영향이 큼을 알았다. 또한 각 호우사상별 침수시간 계산 결과 그 변동이 큰 것으로 나타났는데 이는 초기 강우강도에 민감하기 때문인 것으로 판단되낟. 한편 유역 포화시의 증발산율은 우기의 기상자료를 이용하여 구한 결과 0.05 - 0.10 mm/hr 의 범위로서 이로 인한 강우손실량은 큰 의미가 없음을 알았다.

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Prediction of Nitrate Contamination of Groundwater in the Northern Nonsan area Using Multiple Regression Analysis (다중 회귀 분석을 이용한 논산 북부 지역 지하수의 질산성 질소 오염 예측)

  • Kim, Eun-Young;Koh, Dong-Chan;Ko, Kyung-Seok;Yeo, In-Wook
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.57-73
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    • 2008
  • Nitrate concentrations were measured up to 49 mg/L (as $NO_3$-N) and 22% of the samples exceeded drinking water standard in shallow and bedrock groundwater of the northern Nonsan area. Nitrate concentrations showed a significant difference among land use groups. To predict nitrate concentration in groundwater, multiple regression analysis was carried out using hydrogeologic parameters of soil media, topography and land use which were categorized as several groups, well depth and altitude, and field parameters of temperature, pH, DO and EC. Hydrogeologic parameters were quantified as area proportions of each category within circular buffers centering at wells. Regression was performed to all the combination of variables and the most relevant model was selected based on adjusted coefficient of determination (Adj. $R^2$). Regression using hydrogelogic parameters with varying buffer radii show highest Adj. $R^2$ at 50m and 300m for shallow and bedrock groundwater, respectively. Shallow groundwater has higher Adj. $R^2$ than bedrock groundwater indicating higher susceptibility to hydrogeologic properties of surface environment near the well. Land use and soil media was major explanatory variables for shallow and bedrock groundwater, respectively and residential area was a major variable in both shallow and bedrock groundwater. Regression involving hydrogeologic parameters and field parameters showed that EC, paddy and pH were major variables in shallow groundwater whereas DO, EC and natural area were in bedrock groundwater. Field parameters have much higher explanatory power over the hydrogeologic parameters suggesting field parameters which are routinely measured can provide important information on each well in assessment of nitrate contamination. The most relevant buffer radii can be applied to estimation of travel time of contaminants in surface environment to wells.

Developments of Greenhouse Gas Generation Models and Estimation Method of Their Parameters for Solid Waste Landfills (폐기물매립지에서의 온실가스 발생량 예측 모델 및 변수 산정방법 개발)

  • Park, Jin-Kyu;Kang, Jeong-Hee;Ban, Jong-Ki;Lee, Nam-Hoon
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.32 no.6B
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    • pp.399-406
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    • 2012
  • The objective of this research is to develop greenhouse gas generation models and estimation method of their parameters for solid waste landfills. Two models obtained by differentiating the Modified Gompertz and Logistic models were employed to evaluate two parameters of a first-order decay model, methane generation potential ($L_0$) and methane generation rate constant (k). The parameters were determined by the statistical comparison of predicted gas generation rate data using the two models and actual landfill gas collection data. The values of r-square obtained from regression analysis between two data showed that one model by differentiating the Modified Gompetz was 0.92 and the other model by differentiating the Logistic was 0.94. From this result, the estimation methods showed that $L_0$ and k values can be determined by regression analysis if landfill gas collection data are available. Also, new models based on two models obtained by differentiating the Modified Gompertz and Logistic models were developed to predict greenhouse gas generation from solid waste landfills that actual landfill generation data could not be available. They showed better prediction than LandGEM model. Frequency distribution of the ratio of Qcs (LFG collection system) to Q (prediction value) was used to evaluate the accuracy of the models. The new models showed higher accuracy than LandGEM model. Thus, it is concluded that the models developed in this research are suitable for the prediction of greenhouse gas generation from solid waste landfills.

Mathematical Understanding of the Saint-Venant Approximation in Analysis of a Transverse Isotropy (평면이방성 분석에서 Saint-Venant 근사식의 수학적 해석)

  • Park, Chulwhan;Park, Chan;Park, Jung-Wook;Jung, Yong-Bok
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.26 no.5
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    • pp.363-374
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    • 2016
  • All five independent elastic constants of a transversely isotropic rock sometimes need to be determined from a single specimen. Saint-Venant approximation has been widely used for a long time in the analysis of single specimen test. This paper has proven how this empirical equation can be mathematically transformed into a form of the apparent Young's modulus based on theory of elasticity. The transformed equation is a monotonous function on anisotropic angle and can be useful in the analysis of the in-situ stress measurement in an anisotropic rock mass. The estimations of data in literatures have shown that the measured values of $G^2$ are uniform on anisotropic angles and smaller than that of Saint-Venant's case. This decrement may be caused by sliding of the interface of strata and the decrement rate is inferred to relate well with the combination of bonding condition of strata and strength of rock material. Accumulation of these kinds of studies in the future enables to define the decrement and to determine elastic constants of a transversely isotropic rock from a single specimen from modifying Saint-Venant approximation.

Micro- Weather Factors during Rice Heading Period Influencing the Development of Rice Bacterial Grain Rot (세균성벼알마름병 발병에 미치는 벼 출수기의 미기상 요인)

  • Lee, Yong-Hwan;Ko, Sug-Ju;Cha, Kwang-Hong;Choi, Hyeong-Gug;Lee, Doo-Goo;Noh, Tae-Hwan;Lee, Seung-Don;Han, Kwang-Seop
    • Research in Plant Disease
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.167-174
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    • 2004
  • To make the forecasting model of rice bacterial grain rot (RGBR) using the statistical procedures with SAS(Statistical Analysis System) based on micro-weather factors during heading period of rice, 21 rice varieties having the different heading time (40% panicles headed) were planted at 30 May and 15 June in Naju. Heading time and diseased panicles were investigated from July to August in 1998. RGBR mainly occurred on varieties headed from 29 July to 19 August, but not on varieties headed after 22 August. RGBR was highly correlated with diurnal temperature during 7 days (r =-0.871 **) and 10 days (r =-0.867**) and minimum relative humidity during 15 days from 3 days before heading time. After examining the models with several ways ($R^2$, Adjusted $R^2$, MSE), one equations were selected: Y =92.83 - 2.43Tavr + 1.88Tmin - 1.04RHavr + 0.37RHmin + 0.43RD - 3.68WS ($R^2$=0.824) using six variables of average and minimum temperature (Tavr and Tmin), average and minimum relative humidity (RHavr and RHmin), rainy days (RD), and wind speed (WS) during 7 days from 3 days before to 3 days after heading time.

Predicting Site Quality by Partial Least Squares Regression Using Site and Soil Attributes in Quercus mongolica Stands (신갈나무 임분의 입지 및 토양 속성을 이용한 부분최소제곱 회귀의 지위추정 모형)

  • Choonsig Kim;Gyeongwon Baek;Sang Hoon Chung;Jaehong Hwang;Sang Tae Lee
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.112 no.1
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    • pp.23-31
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    • 2023
  • Predicting forest productivity is essential to evaluate sustainable forest management or to enhance forest ecosystem services. Ordinary least squares (OLS) and partial least squares (PLS) regression models were used to develop predictive models for forest productivity (site index) from the site characteristics and soil profile, along with soil physical and chemical properties, of 112 Quercus mongolica stands. The adjusted coefficients of determination (adjusted R2) in the regression models were higher for the site characteristics and soil profile of B horizon (R2=0.32) and of A horizon (R2=0.29) than for the soil physical and chemical properties of B horizon (R2=0.21) and A horizon (R2=0.09). The PLS models (R2=0.20-0.32) were better predictors of site index than the OLS models (R2=0.09-0.31). These results suggest that the regression models for Q. mongolica can be applied to predict the forest productivity, but new variables may need to be developed to enhance the explanatory power of regression models.