• Title/Summary/Keyword: 수원

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The Effect of Child Care Teachers' Positive Psychological Capital on Organizational Commitment: Mediating Effect of Job Stress (보육교사의 긍정심리자본이 조직몰입에 미치는 영향: 직무스트레스의 매개효과)

  • Jung Hee Moon;Youn Hee Kim;Seung-Min Song;Hye Soo Kim
    • Korean Journal of Childcare and Education
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.21-43
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    • 2023
  • Objective: The purpose of this study is to reduce job stress among child care teachers and enhance the quality of child care by examining the mediating effect of job stress in the relationship between positive psychological capital and the organizational commitment of child care teachers. Methods: The subjects of this study were 560 childcare teachers in Gyeonggi-do, and 465 questionnaires were ultimately analyzed. Descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, multiple regression analysis, and structural equation model were analyzed using SPSS 23.0 and AMOS 23.0. Results: As a result of the study, first, positive psychological capital of childcare teachers showed a positive correlation with organizational commitment. Additionally, both positive psychological capital and organizational commitment showed a negative correlation with job stress. Second, the direct effect of childcare teachers' positive psychological capital affecting organizational commitment was significant, and the direct effect of job stress affecting organizational commitment was also significant. It was found that positive psychological capital of childcare teachers significantly influenced organizational commitment through job stress. Conclusion/Implications: Therefore, providing an educational program to help childcare teachers enhance their positive psychological capital and foster commitment to the organization can significantly contribute to the improvement of childcare quality.

Effects of Region and Sowing Date on Grain- filling and Quality in Wheat (지역 및 파종기 차이가 소맥의 등숙 및 품질에 미치는 영향)

  • 류용환;하용웅;최창열
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.368-373
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    • 1983
  • To study the grain development and quality during wheat grain-filling under different sowing date and region, the experiments were conducted from 1978 to 1979. The grain weight at the early grain-filling stage in Suweon was heavier than in Gwangju, but the weight at the late grain-filling stage was reversed. The ranges of the physiological maturing period in the optimal sowing for 2 years were from 43 to 49 days in Suweon and from 44 to 51 days in Gwangju. These showed the tendency of lengthened grain-filling periods in southern region, and the periods were 1-4 days longer in optimal sowing than those in late sowing. Wheat grain quality was affected significantly by environmental conditions. The milling rates were increased in southern region where the plumpness of grain was better, the protein content and sedimentation value were higher in northern region where the temperature during grain-filling was high.

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Analysis of Drainage Structure Based on the Geometric Characteristics of Drainage Density and Source-Basin (배수밀도와 수원유역의 기하학적 특성을 기반으로 한 배수구조에 대한 해석)

  • Kim, Joo-Cheol;Kim, Jae-Han
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.40 no.5
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    • pp.373-382
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    • 2007
  • The exact resolution of channel initiation points is not so easy because of the dynamic behaviors of water movement on the hillslope. To this end, Kim, Joocheol and Kim, Jaehan(2007) have represented the channel network in real world basins for slope-area regimes using DEM. This study is its sequential content and then proposes the reliabilities of the hypothetical channel networks identified from DEM, which are assessed based on the geometric characteristics of drainage density and source-basin. The resulting drainage structures on the natural basin can be found to be depicted remarkably depending on the hypothetical channel network applied by slop-area threshold criterion. In addition, it is shown that there is a wonderful geometric similarity between the shapes of source- basin in a geomorphologically homogeneous region. Area threshold criterion could have restricted the shape of source-basin, so that it might bring about the incorrect drainage structures. But the hypothetical channel networks identified from DEM deserves special emphasis on expressing the space-filling structures nonetheless.

Geomorphological Environment of Suwon Basin (수원 분지의 지형 환경)

  • Kee, Keun-Doh;Lee, Sang-Whan
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.300-312
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    • 2004
  • The geomorphological environment of Suwon Basin consists of two great elements: mountains which surround the basin and plains and low relief hills by differential erosion of granitic area. Nothern and eastern parts of the basin surround with gneissic mountains(Mt. Kwangkyo), southern and western parts of the basin with granitic mountains(Mt. Chilbo, etc). The basin developed on granitic saprolites is composed of two types of sub-order geomorphic elements: flood plains alongside four river(Whangkuji-chon, Seoho-chon, Suwon-chon, Wonchonri-chon) and aligned hills and mounts between the river side plains. While the low down lands provided the spatial condition for the extention of downtown of Suwon, the gneissic mountains have played the positive roles by high ecological dam effects with stable supply of water and purification of air, etc.

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Effects of Amylose Content on Quality of Rice Bread (아밀로오스 함량이 쌀식빵의 특성에 미치는 영향)

  • Kum, Jun-Seok
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.590-595
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    • 1998
  • Seven varieties (Suweonjo, Suweon232, BG276-5, IR44, IR41999-139, Suweon230 and Yongjubyeo) of rice were used to study for making rice bread by amylose content. Suweonjo had the highest amylose content (27.07%) and Yongjubyeo had the lowest one (17.17%). Suweonjo showed the highest volume after baking, while Yongjubyeo the lowest volume one. Volume and hardness of the rice bread decreased as amylose content decreased. The amylose content was not associated with hardness and color values of rice bread after baking. Sensory evaluation for internal parts of rice bread showed that score of air cell, color of crumb, aroma, taste, chewability and texture decreased as amylose content increased, while volume of rice bread increased. The low-amylose rice cultivar revealeded better suitability for rice bread.

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Species and Seasonal Occurrences of Sericinae, Melolonthinae, and Rutelinae Chafers Captured by Blacklight Traps in Suwon and Chonju (수원과 전주 지방에서 blacklight trap에 유인된 우단풍뎅이아과, 검정풍뎅이아과 및 줄풍뎅이아과 풍뎅이의 종류와 발생 소장)

  • 김기황;강여규
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.414-419
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    • 1993
  • Species and seasonal occurrences of Sencinae, Melolonthinae and Rutelinae chafers captured b by blacklight traps were investigated from 1989 to 1991 in Suwon and Chonju. Numbers of s species captured in Suwon and Chonju were 6 and 6 for Sericinae, 8 and 7 for Melolothinae, 7 a and 8 for Rutelinae, 21 and 21 in total, respectively. Species with more captures from both districts in each subfamily were Maladera orientalis of Sericinae, Holotrichia morosa and H. diomphalia of Melolonthinae, and Anomala corpulenta, and A. rufocuprea of Rutelinae. Adults of t the above five species were captured 1O~20 days earlier in Chonju than in Suwon. H. d diomphalia adults occurred mamly In odd years in Chonju, which is the same pattern as in S Suwon.

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The Effect of the Varieties and Particle Size on the Properties of Rice Flour (품종 및 입자크기가 쌀가루의 특성에 미치는 영향)

  • Kum, Jun-Seok;Lee, Hyun-Yu
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.31 no.6
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    • pp.1542-1548
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    • 1999
  • Seven rice varieties(Suweonjo, Suweon232, BG276-5, IR44, IR41999-139, Suweon230 and Yongjubyeo) were used to study the effect of particle size on the physicochemical properties(proximate analysis, color values, amylogram, water absorption index and water solubility index) of rice flours. Suweonjo had the highest amylose content (27.07%) and Yongjubyeo had the lowest one (17.17%). Suweonjo had the highest protein content (11.36%) and IR44 had the lowest one (6.75%). Protein content of rice flours prepared in a pin mill was decreased as particle size of rice flours decreased. L value of rice flour was increased as particle size of rice flours decreased while b value and ${\Delta}E$ value decreased. Maximum viscosity, cold paste viscosity, breakdown, total setback in amylogram properties were increased as particle size of rice flours decreased while initial paste temperature decreased. Water absorption index (WAI) and water solubility index (WSI) were increased as particle size of rice flour decreased.

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Comparison of Greenhouse Gas Emission from Construction Equipment by Tier 2 and Tier 3 Methodologies (건설기계의 Tier 2와 Tier 3 방법론에 의한 온실가스 배출량 비교)

  • Shin, Yong Il;Kim, Jeong;Kim, Pil Su;Chung, Chan Kyo;Jang, Young Kee
    • Journal of Climate Change Research
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.13-20
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    • 2010
  • Recently, the operation of construction equipments have increased by many construction project. So a respectable amount of greenhouse gas is expected from construction equipments. But the greenhouse gas emissions from construction equipment have been high uncertainty due investigation of a lack of activity data and emission factors in Korea. In this study, annual greenhouse gas emissions from construction equipment are estimated by IPCC's Tier 2 and Tier 3 method. These methods require emission factors, fuel consumption, average kilowatts and operating hours. As the results, the nationwide emission from construction equipments by Tier 2 and Tier 3 are calculated as $21,784kton-CO_2eq/year$ and $22,811kton-CO_2eq/year$ in 2008.

A Method for Optimal Operation of Irrigation Supply using Multi Water Resources (다중수원을 활용한 관수공급 최적 운영에 관한 방법)

  • Gwon, Yong Hyeon;Jung, Seung Kwon;Lee, Su Won
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2017.05a
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    • pp.225-225
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    • 2017
  • 농촌지역 관수공급의 대부분은 지하수, 하천, 저수지 등 주변의 다중수원을 활용하고 있지만, 지속적인 가뭄 발생시 농업용수의 부족현상을 일으키며, 농작물의 생산량과 품질에 많은 영향을 주는 원인이 된다. 밭작물의 경우, 재배작물별로 적절한 재배환경조성은 작물의 생산성에 매우 큰 영향을 주므로 생육에 필요한 알맞은 토양수분을 유지를 위해 적절한 관수공급이 중요하다. 이러한 농촌지역의 물부족 현상을 대비하여 효율적인 관수공급으로 인한 물관리와 대체 수자원의 확보 및 활용방안이 요구되며, 대체 수자원을 저류하여 관수공급을 효과적으로 사용하는 방법들이 다각적으로 검토되고 있다. 특히, 빗물을 집수하여 재사용 하여 작물을 재배하는 방법이 친환경적일 뿐만 아니라, 수자원을 재활용하기 때문에 비용적인 측면에서 가장 효율적이므로 이러한 빗물을 저류조에 집수하여 효과적으로 재사용 하여 관수공급하는 방법에 대한 필요성이 대두되고 있는 실정이다. 이에, 본 연구에서는 농촌지역에서 작물재배를 하기 위해 관수공급시 관정의 수량이 충분한 평상시는 관정펌프로부터 물을 길러 관수를 하도록 하였고, 관정의 수량이 부족한 비상시(가뭄)와 강우 예측시에는 저류조로부터 관수를 하도록 가뭄시나리오와 강우시나리오를 구축하였다. 효율적인 관수공급 운영을 위해 기상청의 7일 기상예보 자료를 획득하고 강우분석을 통해 저류량 예측을 하고 작물별 일관수공급량을 계산하여 물부족이 일어나지 않도록 최적의 운영방법론을 구축하였다. 이를 통해, 다중수원으로부터 확보된 수원을 저류조에 저장하여 가뭄과 같은 비상 상황에서 농업용수로 사용이 가능하도록 함으로써 비상 상황에서 농작물의 피해를 최소화할 수 있을 것으로 판단된다.

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Differences in COVID-19 Related Anxiety, Stress and Preventive Health Behavior before and after the Covid-19 Vaccination: Focusing on College Students Who have Completed the COVID-19 Vaccination in the Metropolitan Area (COVID-19 백신 접종 전후 건강 불안감과 스트레스와 예방적 건강행위의 차이: 수도권 지역에 거주하는 COVID-19 백신 접종을 완료한 대학생을 중심으로)

  • Yun, Dahee;Won, Seonmi;Lee, Younsun;Lee, Jiyoon;Lee, Kowoon
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Rural Health Nursing
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.59-66
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    • 2022
  • Purpose: This study was conducted to provide basic data for college students living in the Seoul metropolitan area to prevent the spread of infectious diseases and explore countermeasures by identifying the degree of difference with anxiety, stress, and preventive health behavior before and after the COVID-19 vaccination. Methods: Data were collected from the subjects of the study, 192 college students aged 19 to 29 who completed the COVID-19 vaccination in the Seoul metropolitan area. The data were analyzed with the correlation, paired t-test, and independent t-test using the SPSS 27.0. Results: Preventive health behavior, health anxiety, and stress showed the positive correlation before and after the COVID-19 vaccination among the college students. After the COVID-19 vaccination, COVID-19 related stress including fear of infection (d=-0.11±0.09), and difficulty in social distancing (d=-0.21±0.08), and health behavior (d=-0.06±0.44) decreased compared to before the vaccination. Conclusion: Health education and health policies are required to continue preventive health behavior even after the vaccination.