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Discourse Analysis of Business Chinese and the Comparison of Negotiation Culture between Korea and China - Focused on Business Emails Related to 'Napkin Holder' Imports - (무역 중국어 담화 고찰과 한중 협상문화 비교 - '냅킨꽂이' 수입 관련 비즈니스 이메일을 중심으로 -)

  • Choi, Tae-Hoon
    • Cross-Cultural Studies
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    • v.50
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    • pp.103-130
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    • 2018
  • This research aims to explore the associated linguistic features and functions of Chinese as used for business trading purposes, and which is based on a discourse analysis through a case in which a Korean buyer and a Chinese supplier have exchanged Internet based e-mails. The research questions include first, the linguistic functions and characteristics of Chinese shown as identified in this trade case through e-mails, second, the use of Chinese trade specific terms, and third, the apparent and dynamic negotiation strategies that are identified as followed by the cultural value systems which are used for resolving interest conflicts and issues between the buyer and supplier in the course of negotiating business contracts between two parties. The participants of this research pertain to a Korean buyer, James and a Chinese supplier, Sonya. The associated data consists of 74 e-mails exchanged between the two parties, initiated in an effort to begin and complete a trade item, in this case namely the product of napkin holders. The research for the study is based on the discourse analysis and empirically analyses models of Chinese linguistic functions and features. The findings are the following. First, as identified, the specific Chinese functions used and sequenced in this trade case are of a procedure, request, informing, negotiation and persuasion. Second, the essential trade terms used in this business interaction involve the relevant issues of 1) ordering and price negotiating, 2) marking the origin of the products, 3) the arrangement of the product examination and customs declaration for the anticipated import items, 4) preparation of the necessary legal documents, and 5) the package and transport of the product in the final instance. Third, the impact of the similarities and differences in the cultural value systems between Korea and China on the negotiations and conflict resolution during a negotiated contract between two parties are speculated in terms of the use of culturally based techniques such as face-saving and the utilization of uncertainty-avoiding strategies as meant to prevent misunderstandings from developing between the parties. The concluding part of the study discusses the implications for a practical Chinese language education utilizing the linguistic functions and features of the Chinese culture and language strategies as useful in business associations for trading purposes, and the importance of intercultural communication styles based on similar of different identified cultural values as noted between two parties.

Analyze on Research Trends of Social Welfare in Journal of the Korean Gerontological Society: From 2008 to 2017 (한국노년학의 사회복지분야 연구동향 분석: 2008년부터 2017년까지)

  • Hur, Jun Soo;Kim, Chan Woo;Lee, Min Hong
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.38 no.3
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    • pp.725-744
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to review selected research articles on Social Welfare in Journal of the Korean Gerontological Society from 2008 to 2017 during 10 years periods, and suggest directions and implications for future research in the field of Gerontological Social Welfare. A total of 273 research articles were selected out of all published 655 articles in Journal of the Korean Gerontological Society in last 10 years. And relevant review articles were selected on the basis of cross checking among authors who majored in social welfare. Selected articles were analyzed for ecological system perspective, research subjects, and research methods. The major findings of this study were as follows. First, ecological system were classified into three categories: 1) macro system(52 articles); 2) mezzo system(120 articles); 3) micro system(101 articles). Second, the research subjects were classified into five categories: 1) social problem of the elderly(151 articles); 2) laws and policies(38 articles); 3) social welfare service for the elderly(28 articles); 4) day service and residential service(39 articles), 5) social participation for the elderly(31 articles). Third, the research methods were classified into 5 categories: 1) qualitative research(213 articles); 2) qualitative research(39 articles); 3) literature review(14 articles); 4) meta research(4 articles); 5) mixed research(3 articles). Finally, there are some important research directions and implications in the field of social welfare for the elderly. First, there should be more balance researches related to the ecological system perspectives in the field of social welfare for the elderly. Second, there should be more systematic researches to analyze critical problems and social issues related to the aging and senior citizens, and developing better interventions and social welfare policies for the elderly. Third, there should be more researches related to evidence based approaches, and utilizing various research methods to examine social problems and major issues for the elderly persons.

Stimme aus der Seinsquelle Hölderlins Gedicht >Andeoken< und Philosophische Hermeneutik (존재원천의 소리 - 횔덜린의 시 '회상'과 철학적 해석학 -)

  • Lee, Kyeong-bae
    • Journal of Korean Philosophical Society
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    • v.117
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    • pp.223-247
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    • 2011
  • In der vorliegenden Arbeit geht es um das Primat des Seins und die Ereignisontologie, denen der Diskurshorizont zwischen der Ontologie der philosophischen Hermeneutik und der dichterischen $Repr{\ddot{a}}sentation$ der Seinsquelle in $H{\ddot{o}}lderlins$ spekulativem Gedicht, >Andenken<, das die spekulative Philsophie als eine Philosophie ${\ddot{u}}ber$ das Wissen um Ursein vor dem Denken darstellt, zugrunde liegt. $H{\ddot{o}}lderlins$ und Hermeneutische Ontologie nimmt erstens das Ursein, das die ontologische Voraussetzung des Denkens sei, als die nicht nur logische, sondern auch temporale Quelle auf Grund der Kritik an der reflexiven Struktur des modernen Denkens an. Zweitens suchen beide die $Gesinnungsm{\ddot{o}}glichkeit$ des Urseins, das niemals ein begreifbarer Gegenstand des Denkens war, deshalb immer schon ${\ddot{u}}ber$ das Denken ${\ddot{u}}bertrefflich$ ist, auf der ontologischen Seite aus der selbstnegierenden Bewegung des Seins, auf der erkenntnistheoretischen Seite aus dem sprachlichen Ausdruck des Seins: Insofern das reflexive Denken die analytische Unterscheidung zwn Prinzip hat, ist das Ursein deshalb der logische Ursprung des analytischen Denkens, weil das Unterschiedene aus dem Einen geteilt wird. Und das Ursein ist deshalb auch die geschichtsphilosophische Arsche, weil das Viele die geschichtliche Selbstentwicklung des Einen ist. Aus dessen Grund $l{\ddot{a}}sst$ das Sein, das allem vorausgeht, mit seiner geschichtlichen Selbsterscheinung als negativer $Selbstverkl{\ddot{a}}rung$ und darnit zugleich mit dem sprachlichen Ausdruck als der epischen Symbolisierung solcher Ereignissen sich selbst als etwas sein. Das Wort des Verstandes, das nur die Negationsbewegung der Analyse ist, kategorisch einbegrenzt ist, kann daher nicht das Verweilen bei dem Geschehen der $urspr{\ddot{u}}nglichen$ Seinsquelle sein. Das dichterische Wort, das der Stimme aus der Seinsquelle $zugeh{\ddot{o}}rig$ ist, ${\ddot{u}}bersetzt$ die Selbstbewegung des Urseins auf den hermeneutischen Sinnhorizont, in dessen Spielraum das Ursein sich selbst aussagt. $Schlie{\ss}lich$ hoffe ich damit, in dieser Arbeit davon ${\ddot{u}}berzeugend$ vorderseite zu legen, dass $H{\ddot{o}}lderlins$ Gedicht, >Andenken< nicht nur die poetische Gesinnung auf die Seinsquelle, sondern auch die hermeneutische Ontologie der Seinsquelle ist.

The Opposition and Disputation between Pelagius and Augustine -Focused on Free-will- (아우구스티누스와 펠라기우스의 대립과 논쟁 - 자유의지를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Young-jin
    • Journal of Korean Philosophical Society
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    • v.137
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    • pp.81-108
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    • 2016
  • In Medieval and Christian history, disputation between Augustine and Pelagius originated from different perspectives regarding the free-will of humans and the grace of God. This debate has continued throughout the Middle-Ages and the Reformation to date. In this regard, the purpose of this article is to investigate the implication of opposition and disputation between Augustine and Pelagius on today's society. Overemphasis on human capacity and free-will leads to humanism, while the arguments supporting the grace of God can encourage evasion of the ethical obligations of humans. Augustine and Pelagius had opposing views on this subject. Pelagius emerged in the Roman Empire, emphasizing the ethical responsibility of humans with free-will. On the other hand, Augustine argued that human nature and free-will had been damaged. With a pessimistic outlook on human capacity, he emphasized the grace of God. Shocked by the self-indulgence and ethical negligence of the Church of Rome which was the center of Christian nations at that time, Pelagius strongly urged Christians of the Roman Church to take moral responsibility. However, the theology of Augustine justified the status quo of the Roman Church while Pelagius focused on the necessity of an ethical life of humans based on free-will. Viewing Pelagius' strict moralism as a humanist view that emphasizes human capacity and action, Augustine showed strong opposition to such a view and instead emphasized God's grace. Pelagius was condemned as a heretic as his belief in free-will did not follow Augustine's Doctrine of Grace. However, Pelagianism penetrated Christian history and still poses a threat to Christianity to date. Societal corruption and depravity is still prevalent in today's society as it was in the time of Pelagius. South Korea for instance is exposed to serious moral corruption and a lack of social responsibility as shown in the sinking of the MV Sewol in April 2014. For those reasons, Christian society emphasizes Christian ethics and requires an honest leader who will set an example of Christian life. In this light, I want to examine the implications of disputation between Augustine and Pelagius on today's society.

Latitude within Judgement and Virtue (판단력과 덕 그리고 활동여지)

  • Kim, Duk-soo
    • Journal of Korean Philosophical Society
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    • v.142
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    • pp.1-25
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    • 2017
  • Kant's doctrine of virtue shows how an actor should behave morally in an individual situation with moral law defines the limits of human action. There is latitude for action in the course of formulating the maxims of action by an actor. And moral judgement, as Aristotle's Pronesis, is very important in the latitude for action. In the doctrine of virtue, Kant suggests two kinds of duty of virtue: one's own perfeciton as an obligatory end, and the happiness to others as an obligatory end-and raises the question of casuistics for each. However, this was the practice and training for the human moral life by application of the moral law. In particular, Kant saw that ethics does not give laws for action, but only give laws for the maxims of action, and further intended to realize the practice in a proper way of seeking truth through casuistical questions. Thus, Kant points out that the casuistic is related only to ethics in a fragmentary way and is added to ethics only as a comment on the system. According to Kant, virtue and judgment are inevitable to apply categorical imperative in the empirical and realistic world. In other words, virtue and judgment are necessary to enable people who are likely to act in accordance to inclination to live a moral life in accordance with the command of reason. Thus Kant saw that in order to take wide duty into narrow ones, human beings must not only have to cultivate virtues as a strong power of will, but also to exercise judgment. In addition, the distinction between duty of law(narrow obligation) and duty of virtue(wide obligation) is dependent on whether there is a latitude for action in the application of both duties. So the role of virtue and training of judgement is very important in the latitude for action that occurs in the process of formalizing actor's maxims. In detail, as the duty is wider, so man's obligation to action is more imperfect, but the closer to narrow duty(Law) he brings the maxim of observing this duty(in his attitude of will), so much the more perfect is his virtuous action. Thus, it was an effort to show how Kant's best moral principles, that is categorical imperative could be applied to the real world at the time of criticism. Of course, even if it is difficult to assess Kant's efforts as successful, criticizing Kant's ethics as 'formal', 'abstract', or 'monologous' is not persuasive because of critics did not understand his ethics as a whole.

Concurrent Degenerative Cervical and Lumbar Spondylolisthesis (경추 및 요추 퇴행성 척추전위증의 병발성 유병률)

  • Park, Moon Soo;Hwang, Ji-Hyo;Kim, Tae-Hwan;Oh, Jae Keun;Chang, Ho Guen;Kim, Hyung Joon;Park, Kun-Tae;Lim, Jin Kyu;Riew, K. Daniel
    • Journal of Korean Society of Spine Surgery
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.154-159
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    • 2018
  • Study Design: Retrospective radiographic study. Objective: To evaluate the characteristics of concurrent degenerative cervical and lumbar spondylolisthesis. Summary of Literature Review: Concurrent degenerative cervical and lumbar spondylotic diseases have been reported. Given that severe spondylosis can result in spondylolisthesis, one might expect that concurrent spondylolisthesis of the cervical and lumbar spines might also be prevalent. However, the incidence of spondylolistheses in the lumbar and cervical spines might differ due to anatomical differences between the 2 areas. Nonetheless, there is minimal information in the literature concerning the incidence of concurrent cervical and lumbar spondylolisthesis. Material and Methods: We evaluated standing cervical and lumbar lateral radiographs of 2510 patients with spondylosis. Concurrence, age group, gender, and direction of spondylolisthesis were evaluated. Lumbar spondylolisthesis was defined as at least Meyerding grade I and degenerative cervical spondylolisthesis was defined as over 2 mm of displacement on standing lateral radiographs. Results: Lumbar spondylolisthesis was found in 125 patients (5.0%) and cervical spondylolisthesis was found in 193 patients (7.7%). Seventeen patients had both degenerative cervical and lumbar spondylolistheses (0.7%). Lumbar spondylolisthesis is a risk factor for coexisting cervical spondylolisthesis. Lumbar spondylolisthesis was more common in females than males, independent of advancing age. In contrast, degenerative cervical spondylolisthesis was more common in older patients, independent of gender. Anterolisthesis was more common in the lumbar spine. Retrolisthesis was more common in the cervical spine. Conclusions: There was a higher prevalence of degenerative cervical spondylolisthesis in patients with degenerative lumbar spondylolisthesis.

Religious Freedom and Religious Education in Protestant Mission School in Recent Korea: with Special Reference to Proselytism (한국 개신교사학의 종교교육 공간에 나타난 종교자유 논쟁: 개종주의와의 관련을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Jin Gu
    • The Critical Review of Religion and Culture
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    • no.29
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    • pp.134-167
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    • 2016
  • This paper aims at exploring the characteristics and meanings of religious freedom controversy surrounding religious education, with special reference to proselytism, in protestant mission school in recent Korea. Most of protestant mission schools have been providing students compulsory religion class and chapel service in the name of religious education. According to the school authorities, religious education should be provided for the realization of founding philosophy, and they say that mission school has the right to religious education. On the contrary, many non-christian students argue that their religious liberty is seriously violated by required religious education especially compulsory chapel worship. So serious conflicts broke between mission school authorities and students. Supreme Court decided that Soongsil University has the right to maintain compulsory chapel service, ruling that Daegwang High School should not maintain required chapel worship. It seems that Supreme Court gave different decisions to high school and university respectively, considering the differences between high school and university in application for admission to a school, students' critical consciousness, school's autonomous rights, etc. However, these precedents are being challenged by many peoples and groups. There are three agents which are involved in religious freedom controversy in mission school. The first are mission school authorities supported by religious groups, the second government supported by political parties, and the third mission school students guided by NGO. Among them protestant groups are playing the major role in making religious freedom problems in mission school. Protestant groups try to convert mission school students to protestantism by compulsory chapel service and religion class. Such a protestant proselytism becomes a cause of oppressing students' human rights and religious liberty. In this situation government has a responsibility to protect the students' rights to religious freedom. But government seldom impose sanctions on the protestant mission schools' compulsory programs. The reason why government does not restrict mission school's unlawful religious education is because protestant groups have strong influence in voting. Eventually civil movements organizations involved in religious freedom controversy for the sake of students's human rights. In conclusion, the assailment is protestant proselytism, the accessory is government, the victim is students in the religious education in mission school in recent Korea.

Persuasion and Truth in Gorgias' Rhetoric: A Feature of the Sophistic Reception of Parmenidean Logos Tradition (고르기아스 수사학에서 설득과 진리: 파르메니데스적 로고스 전통에 대한 소피스트적 수용의 한 국면)

  • Kang, Chol-Ung
    • Journal of Korean Philosophical Society
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    • no.116
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    • pp.251-281
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    • 2017
  • The Parmenidean tradition of logos which previous researches fail to fully appreciate has three dimensions of reality-knowledge-discourse. Parmenides is not just an ontologist, as the traditional view emphasizes, but also an epistemologist, as the revisionist view begins to emphasize, and, at the same time, a meta-discourser, as those two established views fail to embrace. In order to reach the third view which fully grasps such a dynamic and integrated feature of Parmenides, we should closely pay attention to the organic interconnectedness of three discourse parts of truth-doxa-proem, especially the significance of proem and meta-discourse. In the Eleatic tradition of discourse, the figure who clearly appreciated and further developed such an authentic feature of Parmenides' discourse is not, as one might easily expect, one of the second-generation Eleatics, but Gorgias who has commonly been positioned at the opposite side of Eleatism. This paper investigates how he actually both innovated and succeeded the Parmenidean tradition of logos; especially, it characterizes his discourse as an antilogy(antilogia) from within the tradition: as a 'devil' advocate' who complemented and completed Parmenidean persuasion by positing the Parmenidean tradition of logos as an arena of a huge intellectual discipline and cultivation, offering himself as a sparring partner to it, and bringing up an antilogy. In the process of this antilogy he performed in his rhetorical speeches such as the Encomium of Helen and the Defense of Palamedes he experimented and examined a possibility of persuasion operating independently from truth, which, however, is not merely sacrificing truth in favor of persuasiveness and probability (to eikos) as Plato criticized mainly focussing on his 'philosophical' writing On not-being. Rather, it was an 'opposition for opposition's sake' and serious play which purported to provide balance and flexibility to contemporary intellectual society which had too much inclined towards truth and knowledge and become stiff and to put weight on the opposite side of mainstream. It is wholly our eranos (i.e. our share of contribution) to summon and examine such sophistic tradition for the sake of the task of our times, not for the sake of Plato's task, that we should build up a healthy culture of discourse where we can share serious play.

Diagnosis and Improvements Plan Study of CIPP Model-based Vocational Competency Development Training Teacher Qualification Training (Training Course) (CIPP 모형 기반 직업능력개발훈련교사 자격연수(양성과정) 진단 및 개선 방안 연구)

  • Bae, Gwang-Min;Woo, Hye-Jung;Choi, Myung-Ran;Yoon, Gwan-Sik
    • Journal of vocational education research
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.95-121
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    • 2017
  • The vocational competency development training teacher must complete the training course for the training of vocational competency development training instructor and get the qualification of the vocational competency development training teacher from the Ministry of Employment & Labor with the criteria set by the Presidential Decree. Therefore, it can be said that H_university 's educational performance, which is the only vocational competency development training teacher in Korea and that plays a role of mass production in the labor market, has a great influence on vocational competency development training. The purpose of this study is to identify the problems through the analysis of actual condition of vocational competency development training education based on CIPP model, Furthermore, it was aimed to suggest improvement plan of qualification training education. In order to accomplish the purpose of the research, the present situation of the training course for the vocational competency development training teacher training students was grasped. And We conducted a survey to draw out the improvement plan and utilized the results of 173 copies. We conducted interviews by selecting eight subjects for in-depth analysis and Understand the details of the results of the surveys conducted. As a result of the study, positive responses were obtained from the educational objectives and educational resources in the context factors. On the other hand, there were negative opinions about the curriculum reflecting the learner and social needs. In the input factors, positive opinions were derived from the educational objectives and training requirements. However, there were many negative opinions about the achievement of the learner's educational goals. In addition, there were many negative opinions of online contents education. In the process factors, positive evaluation was high in class related part, learner attendance management, and institutional support. However, negative opinions were drawn on the comprehensive evaluation of qualification training period, and the learner's burden due to lack of learning period appeared to be the main reason. In the factor of calculation, Positive opinions were derived from the applicability of the business curriculum for training courses for training teachers who are in charge of education and training in industry occupations. However, there were negative opinions such as learning time, concentration of learning, and communication of instructors. Based on the results of the study, suggestions for improving the operation of vocational competency training teacher qualification training are as follows. First, it is necessary to flexibly manage the training schedule for the weekly training course for vocational competency development training teachers. Second, it is necessary to seek to improve the online education curriculum centered on consumers. Third, it is necessary to seek access to qualification training for local residents. Fourth, pre - education support for qualified applicants is required. Finally, follow-up care of qualified trainees is necessary.

Changes in prevalence of obesity according to gender in Korea adults: Using a population-based Korea National Health Check-up Database, 2011-2013 (우리나라 성인의 성별에 따른 비만유병률의 변화 : 국민건강보험 건강검진(2011-2013) 자료 이용)

  • Choi, Oh-Jong;Cho, Sung-Il
    • Korean Public Health Research
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    • v.44 no.4
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    • pp.87-97
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    • 2018
  • Background: Recently, the prevalence of obesity (body mass index [BMI] ${\geq}25kg/m^2$) has been increasing rapidly worldwide over a short period. In Korea, the prevalence of obesity has also increased rapidly due to the rapid socio-economic development and lifestyle changes, with differing patterns according to gender. This study aimed to compare the change in obesity prevalence according to gender among the adult population in Korea using representative data, the National Health Check-up Database (NHCD), to follow-up individuals who had undergone checkups during both years in Korea (2011~2013). Methods: To analyze the changes in obesity prevalence in the recent two years, data regarding men and women who had undergone health check-ups in both two years (2011, 2013) were extracted. The final study population comprised 144,934 persons: 83,604 (58%) males and 61,330 (42%) females. Chi-square test within a univariate analysis, and the level of factor difference was verified with t-test, one-way ANOVA and multiple comparison. Results: In 2011, one out of three participants was obese (BMI ${\geq}25kg/m^2$; male, 37.7%; female, 27.3%) and more than half of the subjects were overweight (BMI ${\geq}23kg/m^2$; male, 65.6%; female, 50.4%) requiring obesity management. For the two years, the BMI of the participants significantly increased (p < .0001) and the prevalence of obesity increased among both males and females. The prevalence of obesity was higher among both genders with a longer duration of smoking, more smoking, family history of hypertension, and family history of diabetes. However, residence, income level, drinking status, psychiatric disorder, disability status and severity of disability were the opposite gender. Conclusion: In the analysis of data, the prevalence of obesity among both men and women was increasing. The degree of change in the prevalence of obesity among men and women was different in each variable. Thus, it will need to consider gender in developing health policies for obesity mediation and to provide integrated healthcare and management for those people.