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Effect of Low-dose Aspirin on Implantation and Pregnancy Rates in Patients Undergoing Frozen-thawed Embryo Transfer (동결보존 배아 이식에서 저 용량 아스피린 투여가 임신율과 착상율에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Min Ji;Lee, Hyun Jung;Yu, Young;Seo, Back Kyung;Cha, Sun Hwa;Kim, Hae Suk;Song, In Ok;Byun, Hye Kyung;Koong, Mi Kyoung;Kang, Inn Soo;Yang, Kwang Moon
    • Clinical and Experimental Reproductive Medicine
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.243-251
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    • 2005
  • Objective: Low-dose aspirin have been proposed to improving endometrial receptivity and pregnancy rate in COH-IVF by increasing endometrial perfusion. However, the effect of low-dose aspirin in COH-IVF could be negligible because there have been large quantity of other important factors responsible for changing endometrial perfusion accompanied by COH procedure. In contrast, in frozen-thawed embryo transfer cycles which were not accompanied by COH procedure, the effects of low-dose aspirin in endometrial blood flow seems to be more certain than in COH-IVF cycles. In this study, we analyzed the effect of low-dose aspirin treatment on implantation and pregnancy rates in patients undergoing frozen-thawed embryo transfer Methods: From January 2003 to December 2003, total 264 cycles from 264 patients who attended infertility clinic at Samsung Cheil Hospital were enrolled in this study. All cases included in this study, embryos were frozen and thawed at the pronuclear stage and three days after incubation, at least 2 or more good quality embryos were transferred into uterus. In study group, low dose aspirin (100 mg/day) was administrated from the first or second date of menstrual day to 9 days after embryo transfer. On the other hand, control group did not take any medicine except estradiol valerate for endometrial priming. Several variables including implantation and pregnancy rates were compared in both groups. After then, each groups were stratified by endometrial thickness checked at embryo transfer (ET) day such as (28 mm versus <8 mm) and same variables above described were compared between study and control groups. Results: The mean age, infertility duration, endometrial thickness at embryo transfer day and mean number of transferred embryo were not significantly different in both groups. Also, implantation rates (study group: 15.8%, control group: 20.5%) and pregnancy rate (study group: 45.1%, control group: 43.5%) were not significantly different between two groups. (p>0.05) After we analyzed same variables stratified by endometrial thickness checked at embryo transfer day, we could not found any significant difference between study and control groups. Conclusions: Low-dose aspirin treatment seems to have no advantage of improving implantation and pregnancy rates in patients undergoing frozen-thawed embryo transfer.

Studies on Boring Characteristics and Mortality on the Valves of the Seed and Adult Meretrix petechialis by Glossaulax didyma didyma (Gastropoda: Naticidae) in the Shellfish Aquafarm and the Indoor Aquarium (패류양식장과 실내 사육수조에서 큰구슬우렁이 Glossaulax didyma didyma (Gastropoda: Naticidae)에 의한 말백합 종패와 성패의 패각 위 천공특징 및 폐사에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Young-Je;Kim, Sung-Han
    • The Korean Journal of Malacology
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.131-141
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    • 2011
  • Boring caracteristics, boring rate, and predation, rates on the valves of the seed and adult clams of Meretrix petechialis by Glossaulax didyma didyma in the shellfish aquafarm and the indoor rearing aquarium were investigated by various morphometric data. The investigations were carried out from June to September, 2007. The morphology of drilled holes on the valves of M. petechialis showed the crater type as seen in the spats of Ruditapes philippinarum and M. lusoria. The sizes of the outer diameters of holes were greater than the inner diameters of the holes on the valves of M. petechialis in the shellfish aquafarm and the indoor aquarium at the laboratory. On the whole, the sizes of the holes on the valves of the seeds of M. petechialis was smaller than those bored holes on the adult valves. The location of the bored holes on the valves of the seeds varied widely with the the sizes of the individuals of M. petichialis, while most of holes on the valves of adult clams were located near the umbo position of the valves of the clams in the shellfish aquafarm and the indoor aquarium at the laboratory. On the whole, the outer and inner diameters of the bored holes increased with increase of shell lengths of the clams in the shellfish aquafarm and the indoor rearing aquarium at the laboratory. The authors could confirm experimentally the boring snail, G. didyma didyma, drilled the seeds and adult clams of M. petechialis. In the experiments for 15 days (three times repeated) in the indoor rearing aquarium at the laboratory, the mortality of dead shells to total shells of M. petechialis by boring snail Glossaulax didyma didyma was totally average 41.5%, and percent of drilled shells to total dead shells of clams by the boring snail was average 47.1%. Of total shells, percent of drilled shells to total shells of clams by the boring snail was totally average 19.3%. Predation of G. didyma didyma were greater at night than the day time. Average 0.5 seed and adult individuals of M. petewchialis were consumed per G. didyma didyma, per day. Predation varied with shell lengths of M. petechialis and shell widths of G. didyma didyma.

Effect of Soil Organic Amendment and Water-Absorbing Polymer on Growth Characteristics in Poa pratensis L. (Poa pratensis L. 에서 유기질 토양개량재 및 수분 중합체가 잔디생육에 미치는 효과)

  • Kim, Kyoung-Nam
    • Asian Journal of Turfgrass Science
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.317-330
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    • 2009
  • Research was initiated to investigate germination vigor, number of leaves, plant height and turfgrass density. A total of 18 treatment combinations were used in the study. Treatments were made of soil organic amendment(SOA), sand, and water-absorbing polymer. Germination vigor, leaf number, plant height and turfgrass density were evaluated in Kentucky bluegrass(KB) grown under greenhouse conditions. Significant differences were observed in germination vigor, leaf number, plant height and turfgrass density among 18 mixtures of SOA and polymer. Highest germination rate was associated with mixture of SOA 20% + sand 80% + polymer 0%, resulting in 56.3% for KB. Number of leaves at 60 DAS(days after seeding) were greater with KB over PR, while plant height higher with PR over KB. Leaf number increased with SOA, being SOA 20% > SOA 100% > SOA 10% and with polymer from 0 to 12%. Plant height was greatest with SOA 20% and lowest with SOA 100%. Greater density was observed with PR rather than KB due to longer plant height. Turf density was best under SOA 10% and poorest under SOA 100% in KB. A further research would be required for investigating the individual effect of K-SAM, Ca, perlite on the turf growth characteristics.

Inter-ramet Physiological Integration Detected in Buffalograss(Buchloe dactyloides (Nutt.) Engelm.) under Water Stress (수분스트레스 하에 있는 버팔로그래스에서 검출된 무성생식체의 생리학적 조정)

  • Qian, Yongqiang;Li, Deying;Han, Lei;Ju, Guansheng;Liu, Junxiang;Wu, Juying;Sun, Zhenyuan
    • Asian Journal of Turfgrass Science
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.331-344
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    • 2009
  • Buffalograss is an important turfgrass species with excellent cold, heat, and drought tolerance. Understanding the physiological integration of buffalograss under heterogeneous conditions helps to develop cultural practices that better use limited resources for uniform turf quality. The objective of this study was to evaluate physiological integration of buffalograss under water deficit stress and the involvement of lipid peroxidation and antioxidants in the process. In one experiment, buffalograss was planted in the center of a four-compartment growth unit. Watering frequencies, once a week(+) and once in two weeks(-), were combined with the sand(S) or peat(P) in each unit to generate five total treatments(P+S-P-S+, P+P+P+P+, S-S-S-S-, P-P-P-P-, and S+S+S+S+). The average number of shoot established from the heterogeneous root-zone medium was higher than the average of four possible homogeneous media. In second experiment, single ramet in Hoagland solution($S_0$) or single ramet in Hoagland solution with 20% PEG-6000($S_s$) were compared with two connectedramets under different treatments. Treatments for connected ramets were young ramet in Hoagland solution($Y_{os}$) and old ramet in Hoagland solution with 20% PEG-6000($O_{os}$), and old ramet in Hoagland solution($O_{ys}$) and young ramet in Hoagland solution with 20% PEG-6000($Y_{ys}$). Lipid peroxidation, antioxidants, and proline showedphysiological integration between ramets subjected to different levels of water stress. Superoxide dismutase(SOD), Guaiacol peroxidase(G-POD), malondialdehyde(MDA), and free proline also showed different time courses and relative activities during the physiological integration.

The Present State of Marine Oil Spills and the Enhancement Plans of National Oil Spill Response Capability in Vietnam - Through the Comparison of Statistics and OSR System between Vietnam and Republic of Korea - (베트남의 해양기름유출 현황과 국가대응역량 증강 방안 - 통계자료와 유출유 방제시스템에 대한 베트남과 한국 간의 비교를 통하여 -)

  • Phan, Van Hung;Kim, Kwang-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.690-698
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    • 2017
  • Vietnam is a marine nation with more than 3,444 km of shorelines, thousands of islands, and 2,360 rivers and canals of over 42,000 km long. As the frequency and the volume of oil transportation by ships increase, the possibility of oil spill incidents becomes higher than ever. Fuel oil and cargo oil spills at sea have widespread impact and long-term consequences on marine ecosystems, coastal resources and human health as well as socio-economy. This study is to show not only the present state of marine oil spills in Vietnam such as the number and the volume of oil spills for two decades, and an overall about Vietnamese national response system like national framework for Oil Spill Response (OSR), etc. but also to present the recommendations for enhancing national capability in response to oil spill incidents in Vietnam, especially, with a comparison of national OSR systems between Vietnam and South Korea. As the result, the number and the volume of marine oil spills in Vietnam showed an upward trend as opposed to a downward trend in South Korea. This means that Vietnam has the possibility of oil spills in coastal waters. Therefore, three main recommendations for the enhancement of national OSR capability in Vietnam are proposed as follows: (1) the development of alternative plan for reenforcing national OSR system involving legal system for preparedness and response to oil spill pollution such as the acceptance and implementation of OPRC Convention as well as the establishment of national fund compensating for the damage and loss caused by oil pollution; (2) the enhancement of a consistent reporting, alerting and monitoring system; and (3) the development of training and exercise programs with standard contents of educational courses.

A Study on the Integrated Utilization of Nationally-Supported Research Vessels Using Cost-Benefit Analysis (비용-편익 분석을 통한 국가 해양 연구·조사선의 최적 통합활용 방안 연구)

  • Park, Cheong Kee;Park, Se Hun;Park, Seong Wook;Lee, Gun Chang
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.719-730
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    • 2017
  • Recently, oceanic research has been carried out investigating global scientific interests and the territorial management of national marine jurisdictional waters, including exclusive economic zones (EEZ) and the open seas. To meet the needs of ocean researchers pursuing these - objectives, acquiring advanced research infrastructure, including research vessels, large facilities, and equipment, is a top priority in ocean science. However, ocean science is a similar to space science, and securing resources and state-of-the-art technology can be expensive. Faced with these challenges, our study focused on establishing a strategy for the efficient operation and management of research vessels, attempting to establish benchmarks from foreign examples that can be adapted to suit the target context. The results of this study provide ways to identify operating systems that could increase the efficiency of joint-use research vessels. The different systems examined in this study included a joint-use committee-based management system (JCMS, Type 1), private enterprise entrusted operating system (PEOS, Type 2), institutional investment operating system (IIOS, Type 3), and commissioned executive operating system (CEOS, Type 4). The efficiencies of JCMS, PEOS, IIOS and CEOS were 9.17, 5.82, 11.2 and -1.72 %, respectively. Given the total costs involved, the most affordable operating system was IIOS. JCMS was the most cost-effective system based on a quantitative cost-benefit analysis, but IIOS also had an acceptable cost-benefit balance. An operational committee would be required and regulations and guidelines shoulde be established to employ, JCMS, while a strategy to yield independent revenue would be needed to utilize an IIOS system.

A Study of Three-dimensional Magnetization Vector Inversion (MVI) Modeling Using Bathymetry Data and Magnetic Data of TA (Tofua Arc) 12 Seamount in Tonga Arc, Southwestern Pacific (남서태평양 통가열도 TA (Tofua Arc) 12 해저산의 해저지형과 자력자료를 이용한 3차원 자화벡터역산 모델 연구)

  • Choi, Soon Young;Kim, Chang Hwan;Park, Chan Hong;Kim, Hyung Rae
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.22-37
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    • 2020
  • We analyze the comprehensive three-dimensional (3D) magnetic structure characteristics from the seafloor to the deep layer of the Tofua Arc (TA) 12 seamount in the Tonga Arc, Southwestern Pacific, using bathymetric and geomagnetic data, and magnetization vector inversion (MVI) results. The seafloor features surrounding TA 12 highlight a NW-SE-oriented elliptical caldera at the summit of the seamount, two small cones in the depressed area. A large-scale sea valley is present on the western flank of the seamount, extending from these caldera cones to the southwestern base of the seamount. TA 12 seamount exhibits a low magnetic anomaly in the caldera depression, whereas a high magnetic anomaly is observed surrounding the low magnetic anomaly across the caldera summit. It is therefore presumed that there may be a strong magnetic material distribution or magma intrusion in the caldera. The 3D MVI results show that the high anomaly zones are mainly present in the surrounding slopes of the seamount from the seafloor to the -3,000 m (below the seafloor) level, with the magnetic susceptibility intensity increasing as the seafloor level increases at the caldera depression. However, small high anomaly zones are present across the study area near the seafloor level. Therefore, we expect that the magma ascent in TA 12 seamount migrated from the flanks to the depression area. Furthermore, we assume that the complex magnetic distribution near the seafloor is due to the remnant magnetization.

Research on Classifying the 'Sijochang', or Korean Ode Narrative Song (시조창 분류고)

  • Shin Woong-Soon
    • Sijohaknonchong
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    • v.24
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    • pp.223-258
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    • 2006
  • This Research is about the classification of 'Sijochang', or the Korean ode narrative song, in terms of music. Contrary to the literature classification by the number of letters, sijochang varies with the melody. Literally, the classification is generally made as Dansijo(or short ode) Jungsijo(or medium ode) and Jangsijo(or lengthy ode) but the sijochang is normally divided into 'Pyongsijo' (or plain ode), 'Jirumsijo and Saseolsijo'. As while the same Sijochang is called under the different names, the different type of sijochang is also called as the same name, it needs the discussion about its name. Some Korean classical musicians have attempted to define it but they are trying to do it without the specific reasoning about its concept. As a result, the systematic research is required. This study designs to streamline the currently confusing and complex names and set up the sijo's classification system. After reviewing the ancient music note, current sijo score and the traditional theory, I largely classified it into 3 types: Pyongsijo, Jirumsijo and Saseolsijo. And then, 1 analyzed on to which type the sijochang which is presently called belongs, based on several principles. The 67 names of the sijo which I have investigated about are classified with them sharpy reduced into 16. Among the current sijo names. there are some which are of same type yet of different phonetics and there are others which are of different phonetics yet of same type. To avoid such complex and troublesome names, I have orchestrated them as follows, taking the literary and music concept into account. 1) Pyongsijo type : Pyongsijo, Joongherisijo, Wujosijo and Payeonkok 2) Jirumsijo type: Jirumsiro, Namchangjirumsijo(it refers to Jirumsijo sung by male ), Yeochangjirumsijo (it refers to Jirumsijo sung by female), Banjirumsijo(it refers to half the Jiumsiro), Onjirumsijo (it refers to the whole Jirumsijo), Wujojr\irumsijo, Saseoljirumsijo and Whimorisijo) 3) Saseolsijo type : Saseolsijo, Bansaseolsijo(it refers to half the Saseolsijo, Gaksijo or Pyongsiro There are still lots of things to musically streamline, in the fields of disposition of Sijo letters, its form, musical scale and influences on other genre. etc. and as such. the accumulation of theory on them is urgently required. Those musical elements need an in-depth review and study by the experts and the Korean traditional musicians. Later research is expected to play a role of exploring it.

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The Comparative Understanding between Red Ginseng and White Ginsengs, Processed Ginsengs (Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer) (홍삼과 백삼의 비교 고찰)

  • Nam, Ki-Yeul
    • Journal of Ginseng Research
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.1-18
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    • 2005
  • Ginseng Radix, the root of Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer has been used in Eastern Asia for 2000 years as a tonic and restorative, promoting health and longevity. Two varieties are commercially available: white ginseng(Ginseng Radix Alba) is produced by air-drying the root, while red ginseng(Ginseng Radix Rubra) is produced by steaming the root followed by drying. These two varieties of different processing have somewhat differences by heat processing between them. During the heat processing for preparing red ginseng, it has been found to exhibit inactivation of catabolic enzymes, thereby preventing deterioration of ginseng quality and the increased antioxidant-like substances which inhibit lipid peroxide formation, and also good gastro-intestinal absorption by gelatinization of starch. Moreover, studies of changes in ginsenosides composition due to different processing of ginseng roots have been undertaken. The results obtained showed that red ginseng differ from white ginseng due to the lack of acidic malonyl-ginsenosides. The heating procedure in red ginseng was proved to degrade the thermally unstable malonyl-ginsenoside into corresponding netural ginsenosides. Also the steaming process of red ginseng causes degradation or transformation of neutral ginsenosides. Ginsenosides $Rh_2,\;Rh_4,\;Rs_3,\;Rs_4\;and\;Rg_5$, found only in red ginseng, have been known to be hydrolyzed products derived from original saponin by heat processing, responsible for inhibitory effects on the growth of cancer cells through the induction of apoptosis. 20(S)-ginsenoside $Rg_3$ was also formed in red ginseng and was shown to exhibit vasorelaxation properties, antimetastatic activities, and anti-platelet aggregation activity. Recently, steamed red ginseng at high temperature was shown to provide enhance the yield of ginsenosides $Rg_3\;and\;Rg_5$ characteristic of red ginseng Additionally, one of non-saponin constituents, panaxytriol, was found to be structually transformed from polyacetylenic alcohol(panaxydol) showing cytotoxicity during the preparation of red ginseng and also maltol, antioxidant maillard product, from maltose and arginyl-fructosyl-glucose, amino acid derivative, from arginine and maltose. In regard to the in vitro and in vivo comparative biological activities, red ginseng was reported to show more potent activities on the antioxidant effect, anticarcinogenic effect and ameliorative effect on blood circulation than those of white ginseng. In oriental medicine, the ability of red ginseng to supplement the vacancy(허) was known to be relatively stronger than that of white ginseng, but very few are known on its comparative clinical studies. Further investigation on the preclinical and clinical experiments are needed to show the differences of indications and efficacies between red and white ginsengs on the basis of oriental medicines.

The Effects of Red Ginseng Product and Combined Exercise on Blood Lipids and Body Composition of Obese Women in Their Twenties (복합운동과 홍삼복합제의 투여가 20대 비만여성의 혈중 지질 및 체구성에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Sung-Soo;Kim, Jae-Deung;Kim, Hong;Shin, Mal-Soon;Park, Chae-Kyu;Park, Myung-Han;Yang, Jai-Won
    • Journal of Ginseng Research
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.59-66
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    • 2002
  • This study was carried out to investigate the effects of red ginseng product and combined exercise on the changes of blood lipids(total cholesterol, high density lipoprotein, low density lipoprotein, triglyceride) and body composition (weight, % body fat) of obese women in their twenties. The experiments were performed with 21 women who had up to 30% body fat. They were randomly assigned into three groups [CON : control group (n=7), EXPI : red ginseng product group (n=7), EXP2 red ginseng product + exercise group (n=7)]. EXPI group and EXP2 group took red ginseng product for 12 weeks, and especially EXP2 group performed combined three-times-a-week exercise during the experiments period, too. The blood of each group was also sampled for three times (before experiments, after 8 weeks, after 12 weeks) to know the changes of blood lipid profile. Weight and %body fat were measured by body composition analyser. After 12 weeks, weight increased in CON group, but decreased in EXP1 and EXP2 group significantly. %body fat significantly decreased in EXP1 and EXP2 group, but not in CON group. When other two groups steadily increased in TC, EXP2 group constantly decreased, although there was no significant difference. After 12 weeks, while CON group and EXP2 group decreased within narrow limits in HDL-C, EXPI group was showing a rising tendency. But couldn't find any significant difference. Between the 8th and the 12th week, CON group and EXPI group were showing a rising tendency in LDL-C. But there was little change in EXP2 group. The results of ANOVA didn't show any significant difference. In TG, CON group and EXP2 group had little change. On the other hand, EXPI group steadily decreased. But there was no significant difference. In conclusion, with the 12-week experiments, weight and %body tat significantly decreased by red ginseng product and combined exercise which could derive profitable changes from blood lipids-especially total cholesterol, HDL-C, TG.