• Title/Summary/Keyword: 수로

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The Effects of Massage and Static Stretching on Cervical Range of Motion in Their 20s of Normal Adult (마사지 및 정적 스트레칭이 20대 정상 성인의 경부 관절가동범위에 미치는 효과)

  • Kwon, Won-An;Kim, Dong-Dae;Lee, Jae-Hong
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.11 no.11
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    • pp.4346-4353
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study was to estimate the cervical range of motion and the effects of massage and static stretching in their 20s of normal adult. One hundred participants(massage=50, stretching=50) with no musculoskeletal and nervous system problems volunteered for this study. Massage and static stretching were applied to sternocleidomstoid, scalenes, trapezius, semispinalis, splenius, suboccipital, multifidi and rotatores. Both groups received intervention for 3 times in a week. The time the intervention was applied was for 10minutes. Effleurage, petrissage and stripping technique was applied to massage group and static stretching technique was applied to stretching group. The cervical range of motion (CROM) instrument was used to measure eight cervical motions (suboccipital flexion, suboccipital extension, neck flexion and extension, and left and right lateral flexion, left and right rotation). As a result of making a statistical analysis of the data, the following findings were given: First, normal cervical range of motion revealed; suboccipital flexion($2.39^{\circ}$) and extension($38.36^{\circ}$), flexion($54.11^{\circ}$) and extension($69.39^{\circ}$), lateral flexion on left($43.50^{\circ}$) and right($41.28^{\circ}$), rotation on left($66.39^{\circ}$) and right($65.94^{\circ}$) in male and suboccipital flexion($5.14^{\circ}$) and extension($36.47^{\circ}$), flexion($55.92^{\circ}$) and extension($71.22^{\circ}$), lateral flexion on left($43.34^{\circ}$) and right($41.06^{\circ}$), rotation on left($69.38^{\circ}$) and right($68.63^{\circ}$) in female. Second, women had greater range of motions than men in suboccipital flexion, left and right rotation(p<0.05). Third, it showed significantly increasing cervical range of motion in all directions within groups following treatments but not between groups(p<0.05). Our results suggest that massage and static stretching are an appropriate intervention to increase cervical range of motion by muscle relaxation and stretching and may be provided a basis for future studies investigating the cervical range of motion.

The Effects of Aroma Inhalation Method with Roll-on in Occupation Stress, Depression and Sleep in Female Manufacture Shift Workers (아로마 롤온흡입법이 생산직 여성 교대근로자의 직무스트레스, 우울 및 수면에 미치는 효과)

  • Oh, Hyun-Mi;Jung, Geum-Sook;Kim, Ja Ok
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.2903-2913
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of aroma inhalation method with roll-on in occupation stress, depression and sleep in female manufacture shift workers. The study was a nonequivalent control group pre-post test design. The subjects in this study were female manufacture shift workers who were from K-do area; 26 in the experiment group and 26 in the control group. Data was collected from April 1 to May 25. The questionnaires about pre and post occupation stress, depression and sleep were used to identify the effect of aroma inhalation method with roll-on. The data was analyzed using SPSS Win 18.0 version program. The homogeneity between two groups of general characteristics was analyzed by Chi-square test and independent t-test. The homogeneity of occupation stress, depression and sleep were analyzed by independent t-test. The difference of pre-post occupation stress, depression and sleep were analyzed by independent t-test. The finding of this study were as follows: The first research hypothesis that the occupation stress of the experimental group might get less than the control group was rejected(t=-0.37, p=.717). The second research hypothesis that depression of the experimental group might get less than the control group was accepted(t=-6.11, p<.001). The third research hypothesis that sleep of the experimental group might get less than the control group was accepted(t=3.15, p=.003). Based on the above-mentioned findings, Aroma inhalation method with roll-on can be utilized as an effective intervention for depression and sleep in female shift workers in the manufacturing industry. and The multiple nursing intervention should be needed to decrease on occupation stress in female manufacture shift workers.

Properties of Components for the Dapogye of Hipped and Gable Roof Wooden Buildings (합각지붕 사찰 주불전의 규모에 따른 기둥 및 처마부 관계분석 연구)

  • Go, Jung-Ju;Lee, Jeong-Soo
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.3192-3202
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    • 2014
  • This study has its purposes on analyzing specific features of the elements according to scales of 32 main buddhist sancta among wooden temples with gable roof that are nationally designated as cultural assets, and analyzing influences and proportional relations between main and submaterials, so that it could be basic and objective data for restore and repair cultural assets in the future. Results of the study are following. First of all, the average plane proportion of doritong (facade) and yangtong (side) in 3-room building is about 1.31:1, while it is 1.70:1 in 5-room building. Secondly, as a result of analyzing the locational proportion and thickness of pillars at each location, floor room turned out to have wider space between pillars than that of edge room or side room in both cases of 3 and 5-room buildings. In the mean time, for the average thickness of the pillars in 3-room building, it was 491mm for corner pillars, 433mm for general pillars in cases of 3-room building, while it was 595 and 511mm respectively in cases of 5-room building. The reason why corner pillars are 60~80mm thicker than general ones in average, is determined to considered structural stability and optical illusion. For the third, as a result of analyzing the influences on pillar thickness, eaves projection and eaves height according to the scale(dimension) of buildings, 3-room buildings have outstanding correlation as its scale(dimension) goes bigger, while 5-room ones are not very much influenced by its scale(dimension). For the fourth, as a result of the relation between pillars and eaves, both of 3 and 5-room buildings have longer-projected and higher eaves as their pillars go taller; especially height of eaves turns out to have very close relation between length of pillars. In addition to that, both of 3 and 5-room buildings have much projected eaves as the eaves go higher.

Effects of Elbow Ulnar Collateral Ligament Injury on Differences in Maximal Isometric Strength of Upper body in Young Baseball Pitchers (주니어 투수들의 팔꿈치 안쪽 곁인대 손상이 상지 근육의 최대등척성수축력 차이에 미치는 영향)

  • Jang, Sehong;Kim, Donghee
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.10
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    • pp.628-634
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    • 2016
  • Many pitchers suffer from various types of injury (distortion, sprain and so on). The rate of injury is increased if there are differences in strength between the extensor and flexor muscles when a joint movement is performed with maximum speed. However, there has been insufficient research into the injury caused by strength differences between the extensor and flexor muscles. Thus, the purpose of the study was to examine the effects of elbow ulnar collateral ligament injury on the maximal isometric strength in young baseball pitchers. The data collection was conducted for 2 weeks. The subjects (n=36) who participated in this study were placed into either the injury group (n = 18, IG) or normal group (n = 18, NG). The maximal isometric strength for the pectoralis major (PM), infraspintus (I), biceps brachii (BB), triceps brachii (TB), flexor carpi radialis (ECR) and extensor carpi radialis (FCR) muscles were determined by an isometric strength machine (K-DFX) and then the differences in strength were calculated by muscle group. All of the data were analyzed by SPSS 18.0 with the independent t-test. In the results, the maximal isometric strengths in the IG for the I (p=0.035), BB (p=0.031) and TB (p=0.041) were significantly lower than those in the NG, while that for the ECR (p=0.047) was significantly greater. In addition, the differences of the maximal isometric strength between the PM and I (p = 0.008), BB and TB (p = 0.002), and FCR and ECR (p = 0.032) in the IG were significantly greater than those in the NG. In conclusion, the differences in muscle strengths of the subjects in the IG were greater than those in the NG, which suggests that they might have a higher injury rate in the future. However, they might be able to recover from their injury and achieve better performance if the differences in strength were reduced by training.

Changes in the Contents of Major Minerals and Trace Elements of Human Milk During the Breast-Feeding (수유기간별 모유의 주요 무기질 및 미량원소 함량 변화)

  • 안홍석
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.123-131
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    • 1992
  • Concentrations of 5 major minerals(Na, K, Ca, P, Mg) and 3 trace elements(Mn, Mo, Ni) were measured in human milk samples collected from 21 highly selected healty lactating women at 2-5 days and at 1, 2, 4, 6 and 12 weeks postpartum. Significant decrease in contents of the major minerals and trace elements were found with time postpartum. Sodium contents decreased from 293.01ug/N at 2-5 days to 194.27ug/N at 12 weeks. Potassium contents also decreased from 436.18ug/N in colostrum to 358.51ug/N in matured milk at 12 weeks. The Ca/P ratios of colostrum transitional and matured milk were 3.39, 281 and 2.45 respecti-vely. Mean manganese levels of colostrum and transitional were 0.024ug/N and those of matured milk were 0.014ug/N. Molybdenum concentrations in the breast-milk collected at 1, 2, 4 weeks were higher than those in the milk samples at 2-5 days and 12 weeks Nickel content of colostrum was 0.062ug/N and those of trnsitional matured milk were 0.22ug/N and 0.017ug/N, These determinations will provide the basic information on the variability of minerals and trace elements as lactation proceed and the comparison of the components between term and preterm milk.

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The Effect of Repetitive Insertion and Pullout of Spinal Screws on Pullout Resistance : A Biomechanical Study (척추 수술에 사용되는 나사못의 반복 삽입과 인출이 인장항력에 미치는 영향 : 생체 역학적 연구)

  • Bak, Koang Hum;Ferrara, Lisa;Kim, Kwang Jin;Kim, Jae Min;Kim, Choong Hyun;Benzel, Edward C.
    • Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.131-136
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    • 2001
  • Object : The clinical uses of screws are increasing with broader applications in spinal disorders. When screws are inserted repeatedly to achieve optimal position, tips of screw pitch may become damaged during insertion even though there are significant differences in the moduli of elasticity between bone and titanium. The effect of repeated screw insertion on pullout resistance was investigated. Methods : Three different titanium screws(cortical lateral mass screw, cancellous lateral mass screw and cervical vertebral body screw) were inserted into the synthetic cancellous material and then extracted axially at a rate of 2.4mm/min using Instron(Model TT-D, Canton, MA). Each set of screws was inserted and pulled out three times. There were six screws in each group. The insertional torque was measured with a torque wrench during insertion. Pullout strength was recorded with a digital oscilloscope. Results : The mean pullout force measurements for the cortical lateral mass screws($185.66N{\pm}42.60$, $167.10N{\pm}27.01$ and $162.52 N{\pm}23.83$ for first, second and third pullout respectively : p=0.03) and the cervical vertebral body screws($386.0N{\pm}24.1$, $360.2N{\pm}17.5$ and $330.9N{\pm}16.7$ : p=0.0024) showed consecutive decrease in pullout resistance after each pullout, whereas the cancellous lateral mass screws did not($194.00N{\pm}36.47$, $219.24N{\pm}26.58$ and 199.49N(36.63 : p=0.24). The SEM after insertion and pullout three times showed a blunting in the tip of the screw pitch and a smearing of the screw surface. Conclusions : Repetitive screw insertion and pullout resulted in the decrease of pullout resistance in certain screws possibly caused by blunting the screw tip. This means screw tips suffer deformations during either repeated insertion or pullout. Thus, the screws that have been inserted should not be used for the final construct.

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The Clinical Applicability of Transoral Transpharyngeal Approach to the Craniovertebral Junction Lesions (두개 경추 이행부의 병소에 대한 경구적 접근법의 유용성)

  • Cho, Tae Goo;Park, Kwan;Cho, Yang-Sun;Baek, Chung-Hwan;Nam, Do Hyun;Kim, Jong Soo;Hong, Seung-Chyul;Shin, Hyung Jin;Eoh, Whan;Kim, Jong Hyun
    • Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.379-388
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    • 2000
  • Objective : Although transoral transpharyngeal approach is a very useful method for the lesions of craniovertebral junction, it is not frequently used because of anatomical unfamilarity, risk of cerebrospinal fluid(CSF) leakage, and resultant postoperative meningitis. To evaluate the usefulness of transoral transpharyngeal approach for various lesions of craniovertebral junction, clinical characteristics and the results of this approach are investigated. Methods : Transoral transpharyngeal approaches were performed in eight cases between 1996 and 1999. Among them, there were three basilar invaginations due to congenital anomalies, two odontoid type I fractures, two atlantoaxial dislocations, and one pseudotumor. Surgical methods included five cases of anterior decompression and posterior fusion, two anterior approaches for decompression and one transoral approach for biopsy. Results : This procedure allowed immediate clinical improvement in all cases. In seven patients with preoperative motor deficit showed a progressive neurological improvement. The follow-up plain x-rays demonstrated successful bony fusion in all patients. Only one patient suffered from postoperative wound dehiscence, but she completely recovered after wound revision. There was no complication of postoperative CSF leakages. Conclusions : Transoral transpharyngeal approach for the ventral lesions of craniovertebral junction, can be used as a relatively simple and effective method.

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Effect of Fish Oil Ingestion on Serum Apoprotein and Platelet Function in Healthy Young Females (어유의 섭취가 젊은 여성의 혈청 Apoprotein 및 혈소판 기능에 미치는 영향)

  • 장현숙
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.157-169
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    • 1990
  • This study was designed to investigate the effect of supplementation of fish oil on serum apoprotein and platelet function in healthy young females. Eighteen female college students were divided into 3 groups. Each group fed a typical Korean diet supplemented with 15g, 12g, and 9g of fish oil respectively for 1-week. Blood samples were obtained 4 times, before supplementation, immediately after, 1-week after and 3-week after stopping supplementation. After 6-week break, the doses of fish oil were interchanged among 3 groups and the experiment was repeated to reduce interindividual variation. The concentration of apoprotein A, apoprotein B in the serum samples and the platelet adhesion, the platelet aggregation and bleeding time were determined immediately after supplementation of fish oil, 1-week after and 3-week after stopping supplementation and then the value compared with those of before supplementation period. The results obtained are summarized as follows: Serum apoprotein A levels decreased significantly(p<0.05), immediately after supplementation of fish oil in the 15g group. The serum apoprotein B levels did not show significant change. The platelet adhesion decreased significantly(p<0.05) 1-week after supplementation of fish oil in the 15g group. The platelet aggregation decreased significantly(p<0.01) immedeately after supplementation of fish oil in the 15g group.

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Changes of Lipid Content and Histochemical Observation in Liver of Rats Fed High Fat Diet (고지방식이(高脂肪食餌)에 따른 흰쥐의 간장내(肝臟內) 지질함량변화(脂質含量變化)와 병리조직학적(病理組織學的) 소견(所見))

  • Rhee, Soon-Jae;Park, Hong-Koo
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.113-125
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    • 1984
  • The long-term effects of vegetable and animal high fat diet on the lipid metabolism were investigated in male weaning rats. The rats were fed one of four semipurified diet ad libitum : control diet supplied 12% of calories as fat(control group), low fat diet supplied 3% of calories as fat(3% F group), 45% corn oil diet supplied 45% calories from corn oil(45% C group) and 45% butter fat diet supplied 45% calories from butte. fat(45% B group). The weights of liver, content of triacylglycerol(TG), total cholesterol and phospholipid(PL) in liver were investigated. The weight of liver of rats, fed 45% corn oil at 12 weeks and fed 45% butter fat for all period of diet were higher than that of control group. The contents of TG in liver of rats, fed 45% corn oil from 8 weeks and fed 45% butter fat for all period of diet were higher than that of control group. The levels of TG in liver of rats fed 45% butter fat were higher than those of rats fed 45% corn oil. The contents of total lipid and cholesterol in liver of rats were increased with similar trend of TG level, but contents of PL in liver had no relation with the levels and types of dietary fat and feeding periods. The liver of rats were observed histochemically by light microscope. Mild to severe level of fatty changes in liver of 45% C and 45% B group were observed at 8 and 12 weeks of diet. The liver of rats in control group appeared to be healthy and normal electron-microscopically, but in fatty degenerated hepatocytes of 45% C and 45% B group, nuclear membranes were irregular and a great number of intracytoplasmic fat vacuoles in cells were variable in size and low in electon density. The numbers of lysosome were increased and secondary lysosomes among them were observed on electron microscope.

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Comparison of the SNR in the MR images on dental implant material (치아 임플란트 재료에 따른 자기공명영상의 SNR 비교)

  • Kim, Dong-Hyun;Ko, Seong-Jin;Ye, Soo-Young
    • Journal of the Institute of Convergence Signal Processing
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.149-155
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    • 2015
  • Tooth implant is located in oral cavity and affects neck, skull base, and facail image. These magnetic inhomogeneities are usually frequency encoding direction which cause artifacts due to change of signal strength and geometric distortion. First, to evaluate signal to noise ratio (SNR) of magnetic resonance image caused by tooth implant this study uses meat phantom which is similar to human body and is consisted with fat, muscle, and water to measure signal to noise ratio. Second, signal to noise ratio by using custom-made fixed phantom is measured, and then signal to noise ratio size of different tooth implant types is compared and analyzed. The measured signal to noise ratio values of Brushite, HSA, Metal, and RBM for meat phantom were 2.76, 2.22, 1.88, and 1.57 on T1 SE, 1.88, 1.78, 1.65, and 1.79 on T2 FLAIR, 2.28, 2.25, 2.88, and 2.05 on T2 FSE, and 2.74, 1.94, 1.67, and 1.48 on T2 GRE. The measured signal to noise ratio values of Brushite, HSA, Metal, and RBM for fixed water phantom were 1.2, 1.06, 1.12, and 1.22 on DWI, 1.93, 1.87, 1.93, and 2.06 T1 SE, 1.83, 1.76, 1.82, and 1.92 on T2 FLAIR, 1.85, 1.79, 7.86, and 1.97 on T2 FSE, and 1.97, 1.93, 1.99, and 2.06 on T2 GRE. By considering through the results, patients and dentists need to consider some impacts from testing many aspects although their main purpose of having tooth implants is a dental restoration. Moreover, depending on the tooth implant characteristics of individual patients this study results can be used as baseline data when choosing test protocol.