• Title/Summary/Keyword: 소수성 제어

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Study on Morphology and Current-Voltage (I-V) property of Arachidic acid LB film (Arachidic acid LB 막의 표면 이미지와 I-V 특성 연구)

  • Ryu, Kil-Yong;Lee, Nam-Suk;Park, Sang-Hun;Park, Jae-Chul;Kwon, Young-Soo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers Conference
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    • 2006.05a
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    • pp.61-62
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    • 2006
  • 본 연구에서는 대표적인 양친매성분자인 Arachidic acid를 이용하여 박막을 제작하였으며, 층수 변화에 따른 표면이미지와 전압-전류 특성을 측정하였다. Arachidic acid 는 포화지방산으로 ($CH_3(CH_2)_{18}$ COOH)의 구조를 가지며, 크기가 $27.5{\AA}$으로 $CH_3(CH_2)_{18}$의 소수기와 COOH의 친수기로 구성되어 있어, Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) Trough을 사용하여 박막제작과 분자제어가 쉽다. Chloroform을 용매로 하여 2 mmol/l의 농도를 조성하여 ${\pi}$-A 등온선을 통해 기체 상태, 액체 상태, 고체 상태를 관찰하였다. LB 막의 제작 및 평가에서 막의 안정성은 ${\pi}$-A 곡선, AFM(Atomic force microscopy) 등을 통하여 확인하였다. 또한 LB 막을 Metal/유기물 LB막/Metal 구조의 소자로 제작하여 전압-전류 특성을 측정하였다.

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Study on Morphology and Current-Voltage (I-V) property of Arachidic acid Thin film by LB method (LB법을 이용한 Arachidic acid 박막의 표면이미지와 I-V특성 연구)

  • Ryu, Kil-Yong;Lee, Nam-Suk;Park, Sang-Hun;Park, Jae-Chul;Kwon, Young-Soo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers Conference
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    • 2006.06a
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    • pp.394-395
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    • 2006
  • 본 연구에서는 Arachidic acid Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) 막의 표면이미지와 전압-전류 특성을 측정하였다. Arachidic acid는 포화지방산으로 ($CH3(CH_2)_{18}$ COOH)의 구조를 가지며, 크기가 $27.5\;{\AA}$으로 $CH_3(CH_2)_{18}$의 소수기와 COOH의 친수기로 구성되어 있어, LB Trough를 사용하여 박막제작과 분자제어가 쉽다. Chloroform을 용매로 하여 2mmol/l의 농도를 조성하여 ${\pi}$-A 등온선을 통해 기체 상태, 액체 상태, 고체 상태를 관찰하였다. LB막의 제작 및 평가에서 막의 안정성은 ${\pi}$-A곡선, AFM (Atomic force microscopy) 등을 통하여 확인 하였다. 또한 LB 막을 Metal/LB막/Metal 구조의 소자로 제작하여 전압-전류 특성을 측정하였다.

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Comparison of PI and PR Controller Based Current Control Schemes for Single-Phase Grid-Connected PV Inverter (단상 계통 연계형 태양광 인버터에 사용되는 PI 와 PR 전류제어기의 비교 분석)

  • Vu, Trung-Kien;Seong, Se-Jin
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.11 no.8
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    • pp.2968-2974
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    • 2010
  • Nowadays, the PV systems have been focused on the grid connection between the power source and the grid. The PV inverter can be considered as the core of the whole system because of an important role in the grid-interfacing operation. An important issue in the inverter control is the load current regulation. In the literature, Proportional Integral (PI) controller, which is normally used in the current-controlled Voltage Source Inverter (VSI), cannot be a satisfactory controller for an AC system because of the steady-sate error and the poor disturbance rejection, especially in high-frequency range. Compared with conventional PI controller, Proportional Resonant (PR) controller can introduce an infinite gain at the fundamental frequency of the AC source; hence it can achieve the zero steady-state error without requiring the complex transformation and the de-coupling technique. Theoretical analyses of both PI and PR controller are presented and verified by simulation and experiment. Both controller are implemented in a 32-bit fixed-point TMS320F2812 DSP processor and evaluated on a 3kW experimental prototype PV Power Conditioning System (PCS). Simulation and experimental results are shown to verify the controller performances.

Design and Implementation of Real-time Moving Picture Encoder Based on the Fractal Algorithm (프랙탈 알고리즘 기반의 실시간 영상 부호화기의 설계 및 구현)

  • Kim, Jae-Chul;Choi, In-Kyu
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartB
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    • v.9B no.6
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    • pp.715-726
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    • 2002
  • In this paper, we construct real-time moving picture encoder based on fractal theory by using general purpose digital signal processors. The constructed encoder is implemented using two fixed-point general DSPs (ADSP2181) and performs image encoding by three stage pipeline structure. In the first pipeline stage, the image grabber acquires image data from NTSC standard image signals and stores digital image into frame memory. In the second stage, the main controller encode image dada using fractal algorithm. The last stage, output controller perform Huffman coding and result the coded data via RS422 port. The performance tests of the constructed encoder shows over 10 frames/sec encoding speed for QCIF data when all the frames are encoded. When we encode the images using the interframe and redundency based on the proposed algorithms, encoding speed increased over 30 frames/sec in average.

Vacuum Infusion System for Manufacture Process Convergence and Automation of Boat (보트제작 공정융합과 자동화를 위한 베큠인퓨전 시스템 구현)

  • Yoon, Dal-Hwan;Xiang, Zhao;Lee, Cheol-Ho
    • Journal of IKEEE
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.274-280
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    • 2018
  • In this paper, we have developed the vacuum infusion automation system for the safety and quality advancement of the boat. It is necessary for the precise mixing rate of resinoid and curingagent to inject in an inner ship and deck at short time. We need for the optimal condition to a strengthen construction of boat. This one can solve the post deformability of the strengthen structure and can control the precise mixing rate of resinoid and curingagent to the resinoid fluidity and flowing rate per time. Under these condition, we can advance the an quality construction that based on the model and database information of the boat. Also, we can have an effective process management and retrench the production cost.

Design of MRI Spectrometer Using 1 Giga-FLOPS DSP (1-GFLOPS DSP를 이용한 자기공명영상 스펙트로미터 설계)

  • 김휴정;고광혁;이상철;정민영;장경섭;이동훈;이흥규;안창범
    • Investigative Magnetic Resonance Imaging
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.12-21
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    • 2003
  • Purpose : In order to overcome limitations in the existing conventional spectrometer, a new spectrometer with advanced functionalities is designed and implemented. Materials and Methods : We designed a spectrometer using the TMS320C6701 DSP capable of 1 giga floating point operations per second (GFLOPS). The spectrometer can generate continuously varying complicate gradient waveforms by real-time calculation, and select image plane interactively. The designed spectrometer is composed of two parts: one is DSP-based digital control part, and the other is analog part generating gradient and RF waveforms, and performing demodulation of the received RF signal. Each recover board can measure 4 channel FID signals simultaneously for parallel imaging, and provides fast reconstruction using the high speed DSP. Results : The developed spectrometer was installed on a 1.5 Tesla whole body MRI system, and performance was tested by various methods. The accurate phase control required in digital modulation and demodulation was tested, and multi-channel acquisition was examined with phase-array coil imaging. Superior image quality is obtained by the developed spectrometer compared to existing commercial spectrometer especially in the fast spin echo images. Conclusion : Interactive control of the selection planes and real-time generation of gradient waveforms are important functions required for advanced imaging such as spiral scan cardiac imaging. Multi-channel acquisition is also highly demanding for parallel imaging. In this paper a spectrometer having such functionalities is designed and developed using the TMS320C6701 DSP having 1 GFLOPS computational power. Accurate phase control was achieved by the digital modulation and demodulation techniques. Superior image qualities are obtained by the developed spectrometer for various imaging techniques including FSE, GE, and angiography compared to those obtained by the existing commercial spectrometer.

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A Fast Motion Detection and Tracking Algorithm for Automatic Control of an Object Tracking Camera (객체 추적 카메라 제어를 위한 고속의 움직임 검출 및 추적 알고리즘)

  • 강동구;나종범
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.181-191
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    • 2002
  • Video based surveillance systems based on an active camera require a fast algorithm for real time detection and tracking of local motion in the presence of global motion. This paper presents a new fast and efficient motion detection and tracking algorithm using the displaced frame difference (DFD). In the Proposed algorithm, first, a Previous frame is adaptively selected according to the magnitude of object motion, and the global motion is estimated by using only a few confident matching blocks for a fast and accurate result. Then, a DFD is obtained between the current frame and the selected previous frame displaced by the global motion. Finally, a moving object is extracted from the noisy DFD by utilizing the correlation between the DFD and current frame. We implement this algorithm into an active camera system including a pan-tilt unit and a standard PC equipped with an AMD 800MHz processor. The system can perform the exhaustive search for a search range of 120, and achieve the processing speed of about 50 frames/sec for video sequences of 320$\times$240. Thereby, it provides satisfactory tracking results.

Rapid Estimation of the Aerodynamic Coefficients of a Missile via Co-Kriging (코크리깅을 활용한 신속한 유도무기 공력계수 추정)

  • Kang, Shinseong;Lee, Kyunghoon
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.48 no.1
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    • pp.13-21
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    • 2020
  • Surrogate models have been used for the rapid estimation of six-DOF aerodynamic coefficients in the context of the design and control of a missile. For this end, we may generate highly accurate surrogate models with a multitude of aerodynamic data obtained from wind tunnel tests (WTTs); however, this approach is time-consuming and expensive. Thus, we aim to swiftly predict aerodynamic coefficients via co-Kriging using a few WTT data along with plenty of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) data. To demonstrate the excellence of co-Kriging models based on both WTT and CFD data, we first generated two surrogate models: co-Kriging models with CFD data and Kriging models without the CFD data. Afterwards, we carried out numerical validation and examined predictive trends to compare the two different surrogate models. As a result, we found that the co-Kriging models produced more accurate aerodynamic coefficients than the Kriging models thanks to the assistance of CFD data.

Multidisciplinary Management of the Locally Advanced Unresectable Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (수술 불가능한 국소 진행 비소세포성 폐암의 집합적 요법)

  • Cho, Kwan-Ho
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2004
  • Locally advanced (Stage III) non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) accounts for approximately one third of all cases of NSCLC. Few patients with locally advanced NSCLC present with disease amenable to curative surgical resection. Historically, these patients were treated with primary thoracic radiation therapy (RT) and had poor long term survival rates, due to both progression of local disease and development on distant metastases. Over the last two decades, the use of multidisciplinary approach has improved the outcome for patients with locally advanced NSCLC. Combined chemoradiotherapy is the most favored approach for treatment of locally advanced unresectable NSCLC. There are two basic treatment protocols for administering combined chemotherapy and radiation, sequential versus concurrent. The rationale for using chemotherapy is to eliminate subclinical metastatic disease while improving local control. Sequential use of chemotherapy followed by radiotherapy has improved median and long term survival compared to radiation therapy alone. This approach appears to decrease the risk of distant metastases,, but local failure rates remain the same as radiation alone. Concurrent chemoradiotherapy has been studied extensively. The potential advantages of this approach may include sensitization of tumor cells to radiation by the administration of chemotherapy, and reduced overall treatment time compared to sequential therapy; which is known to be important for improving local control in radiation biology. This approach Improves survival primarily as a result of improved local control. However, it doesn't seem to decrease the risk of distant metastases probably because concurrent chemoradiation requires dose reductions in chemotherapy due to increased risks of acute morbidity such as acute esophageal toxicity. Although multidisciplinary therapy has led to improved survival rates compared to radiation therapy alone and has become the new standard of care, the optimal therapy of locally advanced NSCLC continues to evolve. The current issues in the multidisciplinary management of locally advanced NSCLC will be reviewed in this report.

Development of Wireless Smart Sensing Framework for Structural Health Monitoring of High-speed Railway Bridges (고속 철도 교량의 구조 건전성 모니터링을 위한 스마트 무선 센서 프레임워크 개발)

  • Kim, Eunju;Park, Jong-Woong;Sim, Sung-Han
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2016
  • Railroad bridges account for 25% of the entire high-speed rail network. Railway bridges are subject to gradual structural degradation or fatigue accumulation due to consistent and repeating excitation by fast moving trains. Wireless sensing technology has opened up a new avenue for bridge health monitoring owing to its low-cost, high fidelity, and multiple sensing capability. On the other hand, measuring the transient response during train passage is quite challenging that the current wireless sensor system cannot be applied due to the intrinsic time delay of the sensor network. Therefore, this paper presents a framework for monitoring such transient responses with wireless sensing systems using 1) real-time excessive vibration monitoring through ultra-low-power MEMS accelerometers, and 2) post-event time synchronization scheme. The ultra-low power accelerometer continuously monitors the vibration and trigger network when excessive vibrations are detected. The entire network of wireless smart sensors starts sensing through triggering and the post-event time synchronization is conducted to compensate for the time error on the measured responses. The results of this study highlight the potential of detecting the impact load and triggering the entire network, as well as the effectiveness of the post-event time synchronized scheme for compensating for the time error. A numerical and experimental study was carried out to validate the proposed sensing hardware and time synchronization method.