• Title/Summary/Keyword: 소비자선호도

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A Study on Correlation Analysis and Preference Prediction for Point-of-Interest Recommendation (Point-of-Interest 추천을 위한 매장 간 상관관계 분석 및 선호도 예측 연구)

  • Park, So-Hyun;Park, Young-Ho;Park, Eun-Young;Ihm, Sun-Young
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.871-880
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    • 2018
  • Recently, the technology of recommendation of POI (Point of Interest) related technology is getting attention with the increase of big data related to consumers. Previous studies on POI recommendation systems have been limited to specific data sets. The problem is that if the study is carried out with this particular dataset, it may be suitable for the particular dataset. Therefore, this study analyzes the similarity and correlation between stores using the user visit data obtained from the integrated sensor installed in Seoul and Songjeong roads. Based on the results of the analysis, we study the preference prediction system which recommends the stores that new users are interested in. As a result of the experiment, various similarity and correlation analysis were carried out to obtain a list of relevant stores and a list of stores with low relevance. In addition, we performed a comparative experiment on the preference prediction accuracy under various conditions. As a result, it was confirmed that the jacquard similarity based item collaboration filtering method has higher accuracy than other methods.

The Brand Identity Design Evaluation Using EEG Measurement (뇌전도를 활용한 브랜드 아이덴티티 디자인 평가)

  • Han, Yu-Rim;Kim, Da-Sol;Han, Ji-Ae;You, Sicheon
    • Smart Media Journal
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.106-113
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    • 2018
  • Brand identity (BI) is a key asset that affects consumers' psychological cognition of products and services. In the initial planning stage of the BI design development for a company, a unique approach strategy is required. In the final evaluation stage, a reasonable design evaluation method involving potential consumers needs to be prepared. However, conventional brand identity design evaluation processes tend to depend on the results of surveys, and in many cases it is impossible to be free from the distorting phenomenon of survey respondents' psychological manifestation which is often revealed in the process of the surveys. In this context, this research has explored whether the method of utilizing EEG data of the subjects along with the conventional survey method of preference could be helpful in the process of evaluating the brand identity design. To achieve that, we correlated the subject's preference survey results with the subject's EEG data. 'Attractiveness' and 'concentration' were used as variables. As a result, it was found that there was a high correlation between the results of preference survey on 'attractiveness' and the results of 'EEG' on 'concentration'. Therefore, in addition to the existing conventional qualitative evaluation methods, we confirmed that design evaluation methods using EEG are useful for evaluating tacit knowledge objects such as the BI design.

A Study on Consumer Preference and Willingness to Pay for UWV Panoramic Video (UWV 파노라마 영상에 대한 소비자 선호 및 비용지불의사 연구)

  • Park, Sunny;Lee, Jin-Myong;Rha, Jong-Youn;Cho, EunSun;Koo, Hye-Gyoung;Cho, YongJu;Seo, Jung-Il
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.135-146
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    • 2018
  • This study aims to investigate the consumers' preference and willingness to pay for UWV panoramic video, which is a new realistic video technology, and propose the issues to be considered for developing and commercializing this technology in accordance with the needs of consumers. For this purpose, experimental study was conducted by constructing two environments; watching TV at home and watching panoramic video on the big screen. As a result, consumers in both experimental environments were more likely to prefer UWV than UHD, which is the existing video ratio. Consumers also showed intend to use UWV and are willing to pay for it. As a result of exploring the consumers' maximum amount of money to pay for the UWV and the reasons for it, the perception of immersion, liveliness, and actual experience of UWV were important factors for consumer acceptance of new realistic video technology.

A Study on the Media Recommendation System with Time Period Considering the Consumer Contextual Information Using Public Data (공공 데이터 기반 소비자 상황을 고려한 시간대별 미디어 추천 시스템 연구)

  • Kim, Eunbi;Li, Qinglong;Chang, Pilsik;Kim, Jaekyeong
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.95-117
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    • 2022
  • With the emergence of various media types due to the development of Internet technology, advertisers have difficulty choosing media suitable for corporate advertising strategies. There are challenging to effectively reflect consumer contextual information when advertising media is selected based on traditional marketing strategies. Thus, a recommender system is needed to analyze consumers' past data and provide advertisers with personalized media based on the information consumers needs. Since the traditional recommender system provides recommendation services based on quantitative preference information, there is difficult to reflect various contextual information. This study proposes a methodology that uses deep learning to recommend personalized media to advertisers using consumer contextual information such as consumers' media viewing time, residence area, age, and gender. This study builds a recommender system using media & consumer research data provided by the Korea Broadcasting Advertising Promotion Corporation. Additionally, we evaluate the recommendation performance compared with several benchmark models. As a result of the experiment, we confirmed that the recommendation model reflecting the consumer's contextual information showed higher accuracy than the benchmark model. We expect to contribute to helping advertisers make effective decisions when selecting customized media based on various contextual information of consumers.

A Study on Factors Affecting PB(Private Brand) Products Preference (PB제품의 구매선호도 영향요인)

  • Park, Yeung-Kurn;Kim, Chang-Wan
    • Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science
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    • v.9
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    • pp.189-201
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    • 2002
  • Objectives of this study were: First, the purpose of this study is to develope the factors affecting private brand based on past researches and to review effects of the consumer perception factors affecting private brand preference. Second, to set up research model specifying relationships among price perception, information search and experience, Quality perception and private brand preference. Third, to test hypotheses derived from the research model of this study and to attempts to explain how to have the effect the private brand preference. Marketing implications of this study were: As a result LISREL analysis, price perception, informations search and experience, quality perception increase and enhance private brand preference. Limitations of this study were: Data collection methods used in this study were questionable for the lack of general analysis in the difference of preference between characteristics of purchaser and characteristics of non-purchaser exactly because our sample was only limited to Changwon, Masan and Jinhae. So future study has to include samples in other regions.

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The Effects of the Verbal Anchoring in the Nostalgia Ads -The Moderating Role of Nostalgia Familiarity, product type- (향수광고의 언어적 의미 고정수준이 광고효과에 미치는 영향 -향수의 친숙성과 제품유형의 조절효과를 중심으로-)

  • Kim, Sung-Jae
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.77-88
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    • 2018
  • In this study, we conducted an experiment with the 219 undergraduates to find out the controlling effects of the verbal anchoring (low, high, non) in the nostalgia ads and the consumers' responses according to the product types (emotional/rational). The results suggest the higher the standards of the effects of the verbal anchoring are, the more favorably the preferences to the ads and the purchasing intention are formed regardless of the existence of the nostalgia. The following reveals that the controlling effects of the verbal anchoring in the nostalgia ads have differences between the purchasing intention and the preferences to the ads as to both the nostalgia familiarity and the product types. In the preferences to the ads in case that the standards of the effects of the verbal anchoring are low, the differences between familiarity group and non familiarity one are not noticeable but in the purchasing intention the differences between the low case and non of the standards of the effects of the verbal anchoring are a little more noticeable.

A Study on Consumer Preferences for Partnership Model of Smartphone App (스마트폰 앱 광고 제휴모델에 대한 소비자 선호도 연구)

  • Nam, You-Jung;Kim, Myung-Gwan
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.12 no.6
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    • pp.223-227
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    • 2012
  • The core parties operating application stores can be categorized into two major groups. One of which is an application store that offers manufacturing and platforms while the other being telecommunication company orientated. Each group has an affiliated partnership. In a larger group, there are three major types of partnership such as "partnership that causes an increase in traffic","partnership through the sales within the application contents" and "partnership through advertisements". In order to find out whether teenagers and potential consumers in their twenties would prefer a "message-type advertising" or an "application-type advertising". Through experiment, we also figured out which type of advertising worked more effectively between the two given types.

Development of Fashion Design Recommender System using Textile based Collaborative Filtering Personalization Technique (Textile 기반의 협력적 필터링 개인화 기술을 이용한 패션 디자인 추천 시스템 개발)

  • 정경용;나영주;이정현
    • Journal of KIISE:Computing Practices and Letters
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    • v.9 no.5
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    • pp.541-550
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    • 2003
  • It is important for the strategy of product sales to investigate the consumer's sensitivity and preference degree in the environment that the process of material development has been changed focusing on the consumer renter. In the present study, we propose the Fashion Design Recommender System (FDRS) of textile design applying collaborative filtering personalization technique as one of methods in the material development centered on consumer's sensibility and preferences. In collaborative filtering personalization technique based on textile, Pearson Correlation Coefficient is used to calculate similarity weights between users. We build the database founded on the sensibility adjective to develop textile designs by extracting the representative sensibility adjective from users' sensibility and preferences about textile designs. FDRS recommends textile designs to a consumer who has a similar propensity about textile. Ultimately, this paper sugeests empirical applications to verify the adequacy and the validity on this system with the development of Fashion Design Recommender System (FDRS)

The Effects of User Involvement on Internet Ad Preference Based on Presentation Type and Content

  • Joo Hoo Kim
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.33-51
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    • 2003
  • The primary objectives of this study were, using data from Internet users in Korea, to determine users' preference of banner ad through two ad properties; ad presentation type (text vs. image) and ad content (product information vs. prize information) by incorporating the level of involvement into research design. Using within-group experimental design by means of subjects' web-based participation in the study, the study result showed that image-based banner ad was significantly preferred to text-based banner ad. It was found that the level of ad involvement had a significant impact on the preference of banner ads. Also it was found that image-based banner ad had a greater effect on ad preference than text-based banner ad in low involvement situation only, Finally, image-based banner ad was consistently preferred to text-based banner ad regardless of involvement level when the banner ad was product oriented. The study findings suggest that adoption decisions regarding banner ad presentation type and banner ad content should be based on the knowledge of both the level of consumer's ad involvement and the interactive effects between ad presentation and ad content.

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A Study on the Visual Attention of Game Broadcast Real-time Review Using Eye Tracking: Focusing on Mobile Platform (아이트래킹을 활용한 개인 게임방송 실시간 댓글의 시각적 주의에 관한 연구: 모바일 플랫폼을 중심으로)

  • Yin, Shuo-Han;Wang, Jin-Nan;Hwang, Mi-Kyung;Lee, Sang-Ho
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.733-739
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    • 2022
  • The study investigated the users' functional requirement, degree of acceptance and preference of game broadcast real-time review .Secondly it comparatively analyzed the types and locations of game broadcast real-time review through eye tracking tech. The results show that users have high functional requirements and high acceptance for game broadcast real-time review but their preference has no significant correlation with the feature. Among the types of game broadcast real-time review the type with translucent text bubble took the highest visual attention. The above shows that the users' visual behavior has the tendency of special style. The visual attention analysis results of different types and locations of game broadcast real-time review in the study can play a guiding role in the interface design of real-time review feature in the future.