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The Study on the Application Plan of democratic citizenship education for Christian Education in the era of Climate Crisis (기후 위기 시대에 기독교 교육을 위한 민주시민교육의 적용방안)

  • Jang-Heum Ok
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.74
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    • pp.7-31
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    • 2023
  • The climate crisis threatens Earth's ecosystems and biodiversity. In particular, it can be said that the cause of the global crisis began with human greed. An educational alternative is needed to change the Christian worldview that causes greed. The purpose of this study is to find ways to apply democratic citizenship education to Christian education as an alternative to overcome the climate crisis. The contents of the study to achieve the purpose were first the essence of Christian citizenship education was examined by dividing it into citizenship education, democratic citizenship education, and Christian citizenship education. Second, The model of democratic citizenship education was established by defining its goals, content, methods, and directions within the context of Christian citizenship education. Third, the application plan of Christian education for democratic citizenship education was classified into 7 categories and proposed; environmental education to overcome the climate crisis, ethical education to restore the public role of the church, education to form God's character, education to realize the village education community, education that promotes Christ's peace and Christ education that fosters consideration for multicultural individuals, and literacy education to prevent the negative impacts of digital media culture. Next, the plan to apply democratic citizenship education to Christian education is, first, to reduce human greed and restore God's creation order through environmental education that can overcome the climate crisis. Second, through ethics education to restore the church's public nature, it is necessary to restore the church's role for the church's moral empathy and publicity. Third, through the education that forms the God's character, it is necessary to form a mature character of faith in which personality and faith are harmonious and balanced. Fourth, schools, villages, and churches form a community through education that realizes a village education community so that the members of the village can obtain educational results. Fifth, through education that aims for the peace of the God Christians should be able to live as Christian democratic citizens who achieve peace in the kingdom of God. Sixth, through education that considers multicultural people, faith education that helps them overcome discrimination, exclusion, and hatred toward multicultural people with the love of Jesus Christ and seek a life of coexistence. Seventh, through literacy education that prevents the harmful effects of digital media culture, personal ability to read and write in media should ultimately be improved to the ability to practice socially.

Need and Contents of Classical River Novels in Secondary Education - Focus on highschool literature textbooks (중등교육과정에서의 고전 대하소설 교육의 필요성과 내용 - 고등학교 『문학』 교과서를 중심으로)

  • Han, Gil-yeon
    • Journal of Korean Classical Literature and Education
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    • no.32
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    • pp.119-158
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    • 2016
  • In this thesis we set forth the reasons for teaching classical river novels in secondary education, and investigated the guiding principles for content design of high school literature textbooks. Although classical river novels have great significance in cultural and narrative histories, they were previously consistently disregarded in secondary education. First, we looked at the need for including classical river novels in the secondary school curriculum to create a well-balanced education of classical novels, to link this with modern river novels, to teach the narrative styles and esthetics of river novels, and to let students understand the various cultures of the late Joseon Dynasty. Second, we examined two ways of educating students about classical river novels. For exclusively teaching classical river novels, we recommended the means of teaching and provided detailed guidelines by which they can be taught, as well as provided complete information about the family tree, the story unit, and the scene deployment. To establish the link between classic river novels and their modern counterparts, we recommended the process of teaching accession and transition of tradition by introducing the commonalities and the differences across three generations stories, besides discussing the viewpoints of female writers. When classical river novels are introduced in literary textbooks, students will realize the existence of such novels though they may not understand all aspects of the novels. We suggest that teaching and introduction of classical river novels in secondary education as soon as possible.

Aristotle's Static World and Traditional Education (아리스토텔레스의 정적인 세계와 전통적인 교육)

  • Oh, Jun-Young;Son, Yeon-A
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Earth Science Education
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.158-170
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to understand the characteristics of Aristotle's view of nature that is, the static view of the universe, and find implications for education. Plato sought to interpret the natural world using a rational approach rather than an incomplete observation, in terms of from the perspective of geometry and mathematical regularity, as the best way to understand the world. On the other hand, Aristotle believed that we could understand the world by observing what we see. This world is a static worldview full of the purpose of the individual with a sense of purposive legitimacy. In addition, the natural motion of earthly objects and celestial bodies, which are natural movements towards the world of order, are the original actions. Aristotle thought that, given the opportunity, all natural things would carry out some movement, that is, their natural movement. Above all, the world that Plato and Aristotle built is a static universe. It is possible to fully grasp the world by approaching the objective nature that exists independently of human being with human reason and observation. After all, for Aristotle, like Plato, their belief that the natural world was subject to regular and orderly laws of nature, despite the complexity of what seemed to be an embarrassingly continual change, became the basis of Western thought. Since the universe, the metaphysical perspective of ancient Greece and modern philosophy, relies on the development of a dichotomy of understanding (cutting branches) into what has already been completed or planned, ideal and inevitable, so it is the basis of traditional teaching-learning that does not value learner's opinions.

A Study on Christian Educational Implications for 6 Key Competencies of 2015 Revised National Curriculum (2015 개정 교육과정의 6개 핵심역량에 대한 기독교교육적 함의)

  • Seo, Mikyoung
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.63
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    • pp.221-253
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to define the key competency as Christian(in another word: Christian key competency) and to interpret the six key competencies of the 2015 revised curriculum in a Christian educational way. Also as an alternative to the key competencies model of the 2015 revised curriculum, this study aims to materialize the formation of a Christian key competencies model based on Christian faith. This study derived 'faith' from the key competencies as Christian throughout preceding research analysis. The 'faith' of the key competencies as Christian means the ability to know oneself, and to know the world and God within the knowledge of the Bible (knowledge of God) in the personal relationship with God, and also it is the ability to think, judge, and act with biblical values, Christian world view, and Christian self-identity. The key competency 'faith' could be the basis (standard) of motivation, attitude and the value of all competencies in cultivation and exercise. The model of Christian key competencies has the structure in which each six key competencies become to be cultivated based on the Christian key competency called "faith." Based on the structure, the six key competencies of the 2015 revised curriculum were interpreted and explained from the perspective of Christian education. In the self-management competency, self-identity can be correctly formed in relations with transcendent God. In aesthetic emotional competency, the empathic understanding of human beings comes from the understanding of the image of God, the supreme beauty, the source of beauty. About the community competency, human community is the source of God who created the universe, human and all of things. It is because a Christian community is a community within the relationship of Trinity God, Nature and others. Therefore regions, countries, and the world become one community. Communication competency first stem from good attitudes toward yourself and others with respectful mind. It comes from an understanding of Christian human beings. Also, there is a need of having a common language for communications. The common language is the Bible that given to us for our communicative companionship. Through the language of the Bible, God made us to know about God, human being and the creative world, and also made us to continue to communicate with God, others and the world. For having the knowledge-information processing competency, a standard of value for the processing and utilization of knowledge and information is required. The standard should be the basis of moral and ethical values for human respect. About creative thinking competency, the source of creativity is God who created the world. Human beings who have the image of God own creative potential. As well as, creativity has different expression forms depending on individual preferences and interests, and different approaches will be made depending on each individual's importance and achievement. Individual creativity can be found through education, and it can be embodied by converging knowledge, skills and experience.

The Case Study on the Characteristics of Classroom Community in a Christian Alternative School : in Aspects of Activity, Relationship and Value (기독교 대안초등학교 학급의 공동체 특성에 대한 사례연구: 활동, 관계, 가치를 중심으로)

  • Ji, Mikyoung;Kim, Junghyo
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.64
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    • pp.445-477
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    • 2020
  • The topic of school community is considered very important in Christian education because the Christian religion is based on relationships. However, the studies on school community in Christian education are insufficient. Therefore, this study intends to explore the characteristics of school communities in Christian elementary school through descriptive approach. For this, data was collected through a ten-week participant observations and ten-time interview with the teachers, students, and parents, and artifacts collection. The result of the analysis, students were growing up with experiencing inner conflicts when they have a good relationship with their friends as a member of one community. This study gives suggestions to Christian school and public school communities as follows. First, studies on Christian schools' community have to be based on the Christian worldview. Second, The community of justice needs to be included in Christian school communities. Third, Christian school students experience continuous inner conflicts when practicing Christian values, thus the classroom community needs to be a place where students can talk about it openly. Fourth, public schools only consider the abilities to cultivate community competence, but it needs to apply the Christian school community where it is comfortable and acceptable to reveal weakness. In this way, the community will become a more humanistic environment.

The Relationship Between Guunmong and Bok-gwae (<구운몽>과 『주역』 복괘의 관련 양상)

  • Shin, Jae-Hong
    • Journal of Korean Classical Literature and Education
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    • no.38
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    • pp.139-173
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    • 2018
  • In the study of Guunmong, which is one of the representative classical 17th century novels of the Joseon Dynasty, interpretations through The Book of Change(Juyeok) have recently emerged. It is necessary to more concretely investigate the themes of the research. The writer Kim man-jung wrote the work in an exile situation. In that time he composed a poem using Chinese letters with meaning connected to The book of Change. In particular, the discourse of Bok-gwae(復卦, ䷗) concentrating on the meaning of recovery might be a basis to construct the inner world of the work. The sentence of 'Bok goes well' in The Book of Change suitably match up with the hero's life in Guunmong. In addition the sentences of 'There is no illness in going and coming. So it will be no faults if friends arriver' can be applied to the meeting between the hero and heroines of Guunmong. The general declarations of The Book of Change are appropriate for explaining the contents of Guunmong. There are six Hyos that make up Gwae. The Hyos, from the first one at the bottom to the fifth one up above, connect to the characters of Guunmong. The phrase of 'Not going far away' regarding to the first Yang Hyo can be connected to Yang So-yu, hero of Guunmong. The phrase of 'Recovering beautifully' with regard to the second Eum Hyo can also be realized in the life of Jeong Gyeong-pae and Ga Chunun, two heroines of the work. The phrase of 'Danger owing to frequently recovering' regarding the third Eum Hyo can be applied to the position of Gye Seom-weol and Jeok Gyeong-hong. The phrase of 'Going middle with recovering alone' regarding the forth Eum Hyo can be matched with Sim Yo-yeon and Baek Reung-pa. The phrase of 'No regrets during an intense recovery' with regard to the fifth Eum Hyo is applicable to Yi So-hwa and Jin Chae-bong. The phrase of 'Boding of a confused recovering' regarding the sixth Eum Hyo is related to the writer's situation. The boding of confused recovering is owing to anti-royal road. The contrast between the royal road and the anti-royal road reflects Confucianism and Buddhism, dream and reality, and Yang So-yu in a dream and Seong Jin, who is same hero, in reality. Moreover, the structure of Guunmong which is organized in the form of reality-dream-reality, has a basis in this contrast. Considering these relationships, we can say the classical novel Guunmong is a fable of Bok-gwae. The work is a hopeful narration of an effective recovery that the writer anticipated in exile.

New Perspectives on Sunday School of Korean Church for Next Generation (다음 세대와 한국교회 주일학교의 새 전망)

  • Kim, Jeong Joon
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.67
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    • pp.11-44
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    • 2021
  • In the early 21st century, the global COVID-19 pandemic, which has arisen during the development of the technological science of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, has been a great challenge in all fields including politics, economy, industry, education and religion in Korean society. To prevent the spread of the COVID-19 epidemic, the Korean government announced 'social distancing guidelines,' focused on the 'prohibition of three conditions'(crowd, closeness, airtight) for safety reasons. These quarantine guidelines made it more difficult for Korean churches and Sunday schools to operate. In general, looking at the statistical data of the major denominations of the Korean Church in the second half of the 20th century, shows that the Church has entered a period of stagnant or declining growth. Data also show that the number of students attending Sunday School is decreasing. The researcher identified four causes of the crisis faced by the Korean church and Korean Sunday school entering the 21st century. These trends are influenced by the tendencies of postmodernism, the deconstruction of modern universalism, the certainty and objectivity of knowledge, and the grand narrative and worldview of diffusion. Moreover, it is a phenomenon in which the young population decreases in contrast to the increasing elderly population in the age of population cliff in Korean society. Sunday Schools are also facing a crisis, as the youth population, who will become the future heroes of the Korean church, is declining. Finally, constraints of Church and Sunday school education activities are due to COVID-19 Pandemic. As analysis shows the loss of the Church's educational vision and a decrease in the passion for education. Accordingly, the researcher suggests four new strategies for the next generation of Korean Sunday schools, whose ranges from 200 members or less; this range covers the majority of Sunday School program run by churches in Korea. First, in the age of postmodernism, a time of uncertainty and relativism, Christian Societies requires teachers who are certain of absolute Christian truth and faith. Second, in an era of declining population cliffs for younger generations, a shift to a home-friendly Sunday school paradigm is needed. Third, during the COVID-19 pandemic, educational activities must appropriately utilize face-to-face and non-face-to-face communication. Finally, even in difficult times, Korean Sunday school should nevertheless remember the Lord's great commandment(Matthew 28:18-20) and restore the vision and passion of education to announce and teach the gospel. The researcher hopes that this study will provide small, positive steps in rebuilding Korean Sunday school educational activities for future generations in difficult times.

A Comparative Study of the Feminist View of the World Between Na Hye-Sok and George Sand - Focusing on Conscious Vocation of the Artist - (나혜석과 조르주 상드의 여성주의 세계관 비교연구 - 예술가의 소명의식을 중심으로 -)

  • Cho, Ji-Sook
    • Cross-Cultural Studies
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    • v.41
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    • pp.321-349
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    • 2015
  • This paper is to make a comparative study between George Sand and Na Hye-sok through their lives and works. The research found that George Sand and Na Hye-sok had similar views about the institution and social system of their age. Both women were aware of importance and necessity of education and the arts but showed a clear distinction between their beliefs in education and the arts. George Sand found that education was an indispensable part of women's lives but found that educationforwomentotheageofSandwasuseless. For this reason she continued to assert a substantial reform concerning women's education. In addition, she argued that everyone should have been given the same opportunities regardless of gender or class. Na Hye-sok, meanwhile, looked at women's education in a more realistic perspective, that is to say to make money. The two women showed remarkable differences in the view of art. This is evident from the presence of a responsibility and a sense of purpose as an artist. George Sand was imbued with a sense of purpose and clarified her own belief at the beginning of her activities as a writer. She wanted to inform the suffering of the weak through her writing and to contribute to build a Utopia where everyone could be happy to live beyond the boundaries of gender. However, Na Hye-sok did not reveal her own clear sense of purpose to her art activities. Art is not just a job - it's a vocation. Na Hye-sok was enthusiastic but didn't have a sense of purpose. She should have had a vocation and a sense of purpose. Na Hye-sok was lacking of responsibilities and obligations as a pioneer of Western painting. If there were a distinct vocation and a sense of purpose to Na Hye-sok as an artist, she would have left a trail as valuable as that of George Sand.

Development of Digital Games Based on Historical Material and its Design Components - With History Based Games of 5 Countries (역사소재 기반 디지털게임의 발전과정 및 기획요소 연구 - 동.서양 5개국의 역사소재 게임을 중심으로)

  • Moon, Man-Ki;Kim, Tae-Yong
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.12 no.5
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    • pp.460-479
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    • 2007
  • When culture took large part in industrial area, every country has tried to utilize own cultural contents for educational or commercial purpose and the various cultures and histories are recognized as a main concept or subject so that a number of scholars who study history increase. In video game field, special characteristics of interface that audiences participate in the game to complete story-telling is considered as efficient material for learning process. As observed above, it is important to analyze the games that every country makes and export to the world in which the video games is understood as a play of human in general. This Paper has firstly analyzed the most favorite historical games developed in Korea, the USA, Japan, Taiwan and Germany from 1980 to 2005 and secondly, compared that wars and historical origin appears in game scenario, a world view and background story and finally after point out the preferable era and genre of the countries then propose the promising way of design for historical video games. In the process of analysis of a view and heroes in historical games, we compared the real persons, the real historical events and novel in which 11.8% only employed the real persons in 8 out of 68 games. Also the real history and background story are appeared in 37 games which is 54.4% of them. We discovered that the main material that is popular for each country is the historical backing rather than real persons where the favorite historical background is chosen at which they are proud of; 3-Throne era with strong ancient Gogurye for Korea, the 1st and 2nd World Wars and the Independence War for the USA, the tide of war around Middle age for Japan, ancient history of Europe for Germany. The favorite age for video games is Ancient times with 37 games for 54.4%, Middle Age with 7 games fer 10.3%, the prehistoric age with 5 games for 7.35%, remote age with 1 for 1.47%, while current historical games favor Ancient or Modern Age.

Discussions about Expanded Fests of Cartoons and Multimedia Comics as Visual Culture: With a Focus on New Technologies (비주얼 컬처로서 만화영상의 확장된 장(場, fest)에 대한 논의: 뉴 테크놀로지를 중심으로)

  • Lee, Hwa-Ja;Kim, Se-Jong
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.28
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    • pp.1-25
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    • 2012
  • The rapid digitalization across all aspects of society since 1990 led to the digitalization of cartoons. As the medium of cartoons moved from paper to the web, a powerful visual culture emerged. An encounter between cartoons and multimedia technologies has helped cartoons evolve into a video culture. Today cartoons are no longer literate culture. It is critical to pay attention to cartoons as an "expanded fest" and as visual and video culture with much broader significance. In this paper, the investigator set out to diagnose the current position of cartoons changing in the rapidly changing digital age and talk about future directions that they should pursue. Thus she discussed cases of changes from 1990 when colleges began to provide specialized education for cartoons and animation to the present day when cartoon and Multimedia Comics fests exist in addition to the digitalization of cartoons. The encounter between new technologies and cartoons broke down the conventional forms of cartoons. The massive appearance of artists that made active use of new technologies in their works, in particular, has facilitated changes to the content and forms of cartoons and the expansion of character uses. The development of high technologies extends influence to the roles of appreciators beyond the artists' works. Today readers voice their opinions about works actively, build a fan base, promote the works and artists they favor, and help them rise to stardom. As artist groups of various genres were formed, the possibilities of new stories and texts and the appearance of diverse styles and world views have expanded the essence of cartoon texts and the overall cartoon system of cartoon culture, industry, education, institution, and technology. It is expected that cartoons and Multimedia Comics will continue to make a contribution as a messenger to reflect the next generation of culture, mediate it, and communicate with it. Today there is no longer a distinction between print and video cartoons. Cartoons will expand in every field through a wide range of forms and styles, given the current situations involving installation concept cartoons, blockbuster digital videos, fancy items, and characters at theme parks based on a narrative. It is therefore necessary to diversify cartoon and Multimedia Comics education in diverse ways. Today educators are faced with a task to bring up future generations of talents who are capable of leading the culture of overall senses based on literate and video culture by incorporating humanities, social studies, and new technology education into their creative artistic abilities.