• Title/Summary/Keyword: 성 페로몬

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Perception of Sex Pheromone in Moth (나방의 성페로몬 감지)

  • Park, Kye Chung
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.61 no.1
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 2022
  • Moths have a well-developed sex pheromone communication system. Male moths exhibit an extremely sensitive and selective sex pheromone detection system so that they can detect the sex pheromone produced by conspecific females and locate them for successful mating. Using the pheromone detection system, male moths display characteristic stereotypic behavioral responses, flying upwind to follow intermittent filamentous pheromone strands in pheromone plume. The chemical composition of female sex pheromone in moths, typically comprised of multiple compounds, is species-specific. Male moths contain specialized pheromone receptor neurons on the antennae to detect conspecific sex pheromone accurately, and distinguish it from the pheromones produced by other species. The signals from pheromone receptor neurons are integrated and induce relevant behavior from the male moths. Male moths also contain olfactory sensory neurons in pheromone sensilla, specialized for pheromone-related behavioral antagonist compounds, which can enhance discrimination between conspecific and heterospecific pheromones. Here we review reports on the sex pheromone detection system in male moths and their related responses, and suggest future research direction.

Sex Pheromone Biosynthesis in the Legume Pod Borer, Maruca vitrata (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) (콩명나방의 성페로몬 생합성)

  • Cha, Wook Hyun;Park, Jung Jun;Lee, Dae-Weon
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.61 no.1
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    • pp.29-34
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    • 2022
  • Pheromone biosynthesis in the pheromone gland is triggered from release of pheromone biosynthesis-activating neuropeptide (PBAN) synthesized in the suboesophageal ganglion. PBAN binds to its receptor on the epithelial cell membrane and activates signal transduction pathways for the pheromone biosynthesis. This study reviews sex pheromone, PBAN and its receptor, and pheromone biosynthesis pathway of Maruca vitrata.

Sensory Physiology of Sex Pheromone and Its uses for Insect Pest Management (성페로몬 감각생리와 해충관리기술)

  • Kim, Yonggyun
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.60 no.1
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    • pp.15-47
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    • 2021
  • Sex pheromone is used for chemical communication for mating in a species-specific manner in insects. Insect antennae possess sensory receptors specific to sex pheromone components and generate receptor potential to be perceived by the brain to evoke mating behavior. The sex pheromones have been used for monitoring specific species of insect pests to predict their subsequent occurrences based on a temperature-dependent growth model. Sex pheromones are also used for controlling pest insects using several different strategies such as mass capture, lure-and-kill, or mating disruption. This review explains the sensory physiology and insect pest management techniques related with sex pheromone.

The Optimal Compositions of Sex Pheromones for Monitoring Major Lepidopteran Pests of Food Crops in Korea (식량작물 주요 나비목 해충의 성페로몬 조성 연구 현황)

  • Jung, Jin Kyo;Seo, Bo Yoon;Cho, Jum Rae
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.61 no.1
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    • pp.35-50
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    • 2022
  • In this review, the compositions of the sex pheromones of 22 lepidopteran species were analyzed and briefly arranged by comparing the research results conducted in different locations worldwide. These compositions can be used as monitoring tools for pests of rice, maize, leguminous crops, perilla, and sesame in Korea. The sex pheromone compounds and those compositions of four species were successfully identified within Korean populations. The optimal compositions of sex pheromones of three other species were selected through behavioral studies using synthetic chemicals of the known pheromone compounds in laboratories and fields, without chemical identification processes in the sex pheromone compounds of Korean populations. For a few species, the roles of the minor components of the sex pheromone volatiles should be re-assessed for use in the development of optimal monitoring lures.

Sexual Behavior and Sex Pheromone Gland of the Apple Leafminer, Phyllonorycter ringoniella(Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae) (사과굴나방(Phyllonorycter ringoniella)의 생식행동과 성페로몬샘 구조)

  • 정창훈;부경생
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.323-330
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    • 1997
  • The apple leafminer, Phyllonorycrer ringoniella (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae), is the most important pest on apple leaves and is not easy to be controlled with insecticides because of leafmining habit of its larvae. This study was undertaken to develop an artificial diet for mass rearing of the moth, and to look at their reproductive behavior. For developing an artificial diet the problem of diet contamination with microorganisms and how to supply artificial diet to first instar larvae have to be solved first. Artificial oviposition trial was successful with shadowy bottomside of various papers sprayed with apple leaf extracts. The highest activity of both calling and mating was observed within 30 min. after the onset of photophase and 3- to 4-day -old adults showed the highest mating rate. A ring-shaped sex pheromone gland was found at the intersegmental membrane between the 8th and 9th abdominal segments of the female. (E, 2)-4,lOtetradecadienyl acetate was identified as the major component from the femall gland extracts by the gas chromatography (GC) and GC-mass spectrometry. Additionally it was thought that (a-10-tetradecenyl acetate could be the second component of their sex pheromone.

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Enhancement of Species-specific Attraction by Addition of a Minor Component of Sex Pheromone Gland of Grapholita dimorpha (복숭아순나방붙이 성페로몬샘의 미량성분 첨가에 따른 종특이적 유인력 증가 효과)

  • Jung, Chung Ryul;Kim, Seong-Ho;Kim, Yonggyun
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.53 no.3
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    • pp.239-246
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    • 2014
  • Two congener species of Grapholita molesta and G. dimorpha have similar host ranges and adult occurrence patterns. In addition, the two species commonly use cis-8-dodecenyl acetate (Z8-12:Ac) and trans-8-dodecenyl acetate (E8-12:Ac) as their major sex pheromone components. The commercial lures made of the two components, therefore, suffer a mixed attraction of these two species. This study was conducted to assess any effect of their known minor sex pheromone components to reduce the mixed attraction. When cis-8-tetradecenyl acetate (Z8-14:Ac) was added to the commercial sex pheromone consisting of Z8-12:Ac/E8-12:Ac = 85/15, the attraction to G. dimorpha was not affected, but its attraction to G. molesta was significantly reduced. However, the addition of either dodecanyl acetate (12:Ac) or tetradedecanyl acetate (14:Ac) did not influence on the attraction of both species to the commercial lure. The addition of E8-14:Ac to 3-component sex pheromone, Z8-12:Ac/E8-12:Ac/Z8-14:Ac = 85/15/10, the attraction to G. dimorpha was rather significantly suppressed. From these results, the 3-component sex pheromone, Z8-12:Ac/E8-12:Ac/Z8-14:Ac = 85/15/10 was suggested as an improved composition of sex pheromone lure for G. dimorpha.

Electroantennogram Responses of Spodoptera frugiperda Males (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) to Sex Pheromone Compounds (열대거세미나방 성페로몬 성분에 대한 수컷의 촉각 반응)

  • Cho, Jum Rae;Kim, Jeong Hwan;Seo, Bo Yoon;Seo, Meeja;Lee, Gwan Seok
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.60 no.4
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    • pp.363-367
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    • 2021
  • This study was conducted to investigate the EAG (electroantennogram) response of Spodoptera frugiperda male to sex pheromone compounds and whether or not S. frugiperda male adults would undergo double mating. The EAG response of S. frugiperda male adult to Z9-14:Ac increased in a dose-dependent as the dose increased. Among the 7 sex pheromone components investigated, male EAG recording was the highest to Z9-14:Ac. The EAG response of S. frugiperda male adult to the mixed sex pheromone component was greater than that to the single component. Male adults of S. frugiperda were capable of double mating under laboratory condition, and the secondary mating rate increased to 72.2% compared to the 58.3% of primary mating rate. The EAG response of mated S. frugiperda male adult was not different from that of unmated S. frugiperda male. In the net house test with sex pheromone lure, mated male adults were not captured during the test period. Also, strangely, unmated male adults were not captured even in a trap equipped with virgin female adults, although the antennae of mated male adult were responded to the sex pheromone component in the laboratory. Probably, it is thought that the mated male adults may not have been caught in the trap be due to flight ability which has been decreased after mating. The field attractiveness of S. frugiperda male adults to sex pheromones remains to be further elucidated.

Current Status and Future Directions of Pheromone Research on Orchard Pests in Korea (과수해충 페로몬 연구의 현황과 향후 방향)

  • Yang, Chang Yeol
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.61 no.1
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    • pp.51-62
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    • 2022
  • Numerous insect pests threaten the Korean orchard industry through feeding on various tissues of fruit trees. Generally, the control of economically important orchard pests is based on the use of chemical insecticides. Owing to growing concerns regarding the environmental and human health effects of insecticides, environment-friendly pest control strategies are urgently needed. Pheromones of orchard pests could lead to an environmentally safe control system based on mating disruption or mass trapping. This review summarizes the functions and compounds of known pheromones from 51 orchard pests in Korea. The pheromones identified to date from 14 species in the families Miridae, Aphididae, Diaspididae, Pseudococcidae, Rutelidae, Cecidomyiidae, and Eurytomidae and 26 species in the order Lepidoptera are female-produced sex pheromones that attract only males. In contrast, all known examples for 11 species in the families Alydidae, Pentatomidae, Thripidae and Cerambycidae are male-produced aggregation pheromones that attract both sexes. Research on pheromones in new pests, kairomones in key orchard pests, mating disruption dispensers to generate prolonged release of the pheromones, and trap design and trap location for mass trapping will be required for the expanded use of pheromones and other semiochemicals in orchard pest management in the future.

Disruption of Chemical Communication of Synanthedon tenuis (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae) by Sex Pheromone Dispensers in Sweet Persimmon Orchards (단감원에서 성페로몬 방출기에 의한 애기유리나방의 화학통신 교란 효과)

  • Chiluwal, Kashinath;Kim, Junheon;Park, Chung Gyoo;Roh, Gwang Hyun
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.59 no.4
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    • pp.333-339
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    • 2020
  • Pheromone-based techniques are becoming a viable strategy of insect pest management as facilitated by the exponential increase in numbers of pheromone identifications from many insect pests. This is the report on the efficacy of pheromone-mediated chemical communication disruption (PCD) technique against the Korean population of smaller clearwing moths, Synanthedon tenuis (Butler) (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae) using its female sex pheromone component, (Z, Z)-3, 13-octadecadien-1-ol. The PCD trials were carried out four times during 2016 and 2017 in persimmon orchards located at Suncheon and Jinju Cities in Korea, and the PCD efficacy was expressed as the mean differences in the seasonal catches of S. tenuis males in the PCD and control plots. The seasonal male moth catches in monitoring traps installed in the PCD plots were significantly lower as compared with those installed in the control plots. Consequently, the PCD efficacy in the experimental orchards ranged from 95.2-100% with an average efficacy of 98.8 ± 1.2%, revealing a future possibility of pheromone-based management of S. tenuis.

Attractive Effect using Pheromone Trap of Various Conditions Against the Peach Pyralid Moth, Dichocrocis punctiferalis (복숭아명나방에 대한 페로몬 트랩의 처리조건에 따른 유인효과)

  • Kim, Young-Jae;Kim, Hyun Kyung;Kang, Kil-Nam;Kim, Young-Myung;Moon, Sun-Ju;Kim, Gil-Hah
    • The Korean Journal of Pesticide Science
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.200-205
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    • 2013
  • Mating disruption experiments were evaluated and compared in several pheromone traps and sex pheromone composition ratios at commercial chestnut garden for developing alternative control method of D. punctiferalis. The highest attractive was shown in Delta traps at the effective sex pheromone ratio of 75:25 (E10-16:A1:Z10-16:A1). Comparisons of domestic and imported pheromone constituents were not significant difference in 90:10 (E10-16:A1:Z10-16:A1). But, there was significant difference in sex pheromone ratio of 75:25. D. punctiferalis was caught the highest number in Gongju area for attractive test using pheromone trap. Attractive effects with dose of pheromone were showed the highest at 2.5 mg/lure and 1 mg/lure in Gongju area and Cheongyang area respectively. However, there was no significant difference among pheromone dose in Buyeo area. These data could be useful for eco-friendly managing of D. punctiferalis in the chestnut farm.