• Title/Summary/Keyword: 성장과 발달

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A Courseware for the Learning of Visual Basic on the Web (초등학생을 위한 비주얼베이식 교육 시스템 개발)

  • Jin, Hyun-Sik;Park, Phan-Woo
    • Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.299-308
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    • 2003
  • Programming education in the area of ICT instruction is usually considered as contributing to the improvement of one's analytical power, logic in thinking, and procedural problem-solving capabilities. However, it is hard to get access to adequate web coursewares in suit with their intellectual level of development of Korean elementary students. Most of the existing coursewares, if any, are dealing with high level and theory-oriented contents, and accordingly are quite difficult for the elementary students to understand them. In addition, it is very difficult to practice them on the Web. Drawing upon some ideas on the theories of Web-based design and learning, this study tries to develop and materialize a fresh learning courseware for Visual Basic. The Web courseware thus developed allows students to learn the basics of visual basic programming as well as the basic grammar. It also provides students with an environment that enables students to code and run programs on the Web.

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Research on Consumer Protection of Carrier Billing Services (통신과금서비스 소비자 보호 방안 연구)

  • Yoo, Soon-Duck;Kim, Jong-Ihl
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2015
  • Carrier billing services market is growing according to the technical development. This study investigated the limiting factor in carrier billing services and suggested the improvement factor for it using the Delphi Method. The amount money to use in carrier billing charges should be provided in their credit based and the accumulated payment using a text message is displayed and also telecommunications carriers and carrier billing firms are the least responsible for consumer harm. It also provides administrative responsibility for communications carriers and billing services company for non recognition and payment. The service provider to prove negligence not proven by consumer and telecommunications billing service delinquency rate is applied at a rate such as a credit card and it also should integrate retail payment and service fee. This study will contribute to the communication billing services market growth through improved communication billing service. Further research is needed to continue the study of the factors that emerged from communication and billing services due to emerging technologies and services.

The Study on the Development and Analysis of 'Child Growth and Developmental Screening Program' (영유아 성장발달 스크리닝 프로그램의 개발 및 운영결과 분석)

  • Park, In-Sook
    • Korean Parent-Child Health Journal
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.49-60
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    • 2008
  • This is an underlying study for expanding child growth and developmental screening program, which had been implemented as a part of maternal child health service in a certain public health center located in P City. This study attempted to develop system model to discover, consult and follow-up developmental disabilities in children in early stage. For the purpose of providing groundwork for further development of screening program, the system model was analyzed and evaluated. One of the focuses of this study was developing practical tool that can aid small number staffs of public health center to handle large number of patients. 9 types of developmental checklist by key month was developed to support understaffed public health center. These checklists were also supplied to other public health centers, greatly improving qualitative and quantitative development of screening project. Also, the 4-step program of operating and managing child growth and developmental screening was proved to be quite effective. Total 632 children were evaluated and 21 of them were suspected to have developmental problem. Among these children, 8 children were determined to receive regular supervision of public health center. Other 13 children were recommended to visit professional institution, but only 7 of them actually visited institution. Four of these children who visited professional institution are currently receiving treatment, while the other 3 children were determined to require close observation. Five times of screening education were provided to the staffs in public health center and personnel in charge of children in every district public center in P City. The purpose of this training was to improve individuals' capability to implement project and to establish basis for expanding child growth and developmental screening program. The participants were guided to have continuous attention for the project, and their knowledge, skill and recognition were greatly improved through educational training. Also, professional child consulting and education, including lecture for baby food and baby food menu exhibition, were given to parents. Through this opportunity, parents acquired higher understanding about baby food while the local residents' recognition for maternal child health service was greatly improved.

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Development of the Developmental Support Competency Scale for Nurses Caring for Preterm Infants (미숙아 발달지지를 위한 간호역량 측정도구 개발)

  • Kim, Jeong Soon;Shin, Hee Sun
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.46 no.6
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    • pp.793-803
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    • 2016
  • Purpose: Developmental care has been recognized as a very important component for the development and health promotion of preterm infants. However, research on how to assess developmental nursing competency has not been studied as expected. This study was done to develop and evaluate a new scale to measure nursing competency for developmental support of preterm infants. Methods: Concept analysis was done with using the Hybrid model of Schwartz-Barcott and Kim (2000), from which a preliminary new scale (30 items) was developed. To test the validity and reliability of the new scale being developed, data were collected from 122 NICU nurses at 4 hospitals in 3 cities in the Republic of Korea, from December, 2014 to March, 2015. Results: The final version of the Developmental Support Competency Scale for Nurses (DSCS-N) caring for premature infants was a 4-point Likert type scale, consisting of 19 items, and categorized as 6 factors, explaining 62.5% of the total variance. Each of the factors were named as follows; 'environmental support' (4 items), 'parental support' (3 items), 'interaction' (3 items), 'critical thinking' (3 items), 'professional development' (3 items), and 'partnership' (3 items). The Cronbach's ${\alpha}$ coefficient for the scale was .83 and the reliability of the subscales ranged from .60~.76. Conclusion: The psychometric evaluation of the new scale demonstrated an acceptable validity and reliability. Findings indicate that the DSCS-N can be used as the tool to test the effect of educational programs for nurses and contribute to advance developmental care for preterm infants.

Foreign Water Demand Prediction for Foreign Market Development of Seawater Desalination (해수담수화 플랜트 해외시장개척을 위한 국외물수요 예측 : 중동 및 북아프리카 지역)

  • Kang, Dae-Su;Yang, Jeong-Seok;Sohn, Jin-Sik
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2010.05a
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    • pp.889-893
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    • 2010
  • 전 세계적으로 기후변화에 따른 주기적인 가뭄 현상과 기상 이변으로 인해 물 부족 사태는 심각해져 가고 있으며(UNEP은 물 기근에 시달리는 세계 도시 곳곳에 사는 많은 사람들은 2000년 5억 명에서 2025년 40억 명까지 증가할 것이라고 추측하였다), 산업화 이후 인구의 증가와 산업의 발달에 따른 삶의 질을 향상시키기 위한 물의 수요 또한 증가하고 있는 추세다. 그러나 인간이 사용 가능한 수자원은 지구상에 존재하는 물의 3% 이내로 한정되어 있으며 산업발달 및 도시화에 따른 지표수의 바다로의 유출 또한 빨라져 지하수개발, 하수재이용, 인공강우 및 해수담수화 등의 대체수자원의 개발이 요구되는 실정이다. 본 연구에서는 Global Water Intelligence(GWI)의 자료를 기초로 하여 중동 및 북아프리카 지역 20개 국가를 대상으로 생활 용수 자본지출 추세, 공업용수 수요 시장규모 성장추세, 이용가능한 수자원 및 그에 따른 사용 중인 수자원 비율, 2007년 기준 물 부족 인구, 2011년~2016년 물 부족 인구를 조사 및 분석하였다. 용도별 생활용수 공업 용수의 추세 분석 기간은 2008년부터 2016년까지 실시하였으며 평균 연감 증가 백분율 5%이상 국가를 선정하였다. 중동 및 북아프리카 지역 20개 국가 중 18개 국가가 생활용수 자본지출 연감 증가 백분율 5%이상의 높은 수요 전망을 보였으며, 공업용수 수요 시장 전망은 높은 성장성을 보이며 큰 규모의 주요 2개 국가가 선정되었다. 또한 20개 국가 각각의 이용 가능한 수자원 및 그에 따른 사용 중인 수자원 비율, 2006년 기준물 부족 인구, 2011~2016년 물 부족 인구를 조사한 결과 전체 20개 국가 모두 물 부족 국가로 산정되었으며, 20개 국가 모두 해안지역에 위치해 있어 해수담수화 시설의 건설 가능성이 높은 지역인 것을 확인하였다. 조사한 중동 및 북아프리카 지역 중 많은 수의 국가가 물 부족 현상에 시달리고 있으며 물 수요 시장 전망 또한 증가할 것으로 나타나 대체수자원의 필요성은 증대될 것으로 판단되며 그에 따라 본 연구는 향후 국내 기업들이 세계 해수담수화 시장에 진출하는데 있어 진출 전략 마련에 기초가 될 것이라고 판단된다.

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The Study on the Model Development and Analysis of 'Child Growth and Developmental Clinic' - Focusing on the public health center - (영유아 성장발달 크리닉 운영모형개발 및 시범사업 결과 분석 -서울시 일개 보건소를 중심으로-)

  • Han, Kyung-Ja;Bang, Kyung-Sook;Yun, Soon-Nyoung
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.49-59
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    • 2001
  • Purpose: This study was intended to develop the framework of public health center based 'Child growth and developmental clinic' and analyze the efficiency of services. This was the part of Mother-Child Health Guidance Project by the Public Health Center in Seoul. The purposes of this project were to improve children's health and development with early detection of developmental delay by screening test, and to assist and guide the parent for child care and rearing, so that children can reach their maximum potential. Method: Framework and standards for operation of 'Child growth and development clinic' were developed. We selected screening tool. developed parent education materials, and educated the personnel of public health center. Result: 243 children were enrolled for developmental screening, and we detect the children with developmental delay and referred them for further evaluation. The proportion of developmental delayed children was approximately 2% of the enrolled children. Also, we analyzed the characteristics of enrolled children, and their parental needs and attitude on child rearing. Some problems in operation of developmental clinic were discussed. Conclusion: Though we can found some limitations, we are confident that pubic health center can be charge of important role for improving child development for the majority. This study will be the basis of children's developmental clinic running by public health center.

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The Silver spoon: A theoretical model of Chaebol scion's entrepreneurial firm growth mechanisms (금수저: 재벌가 출신 창업의 성장 메커니즘에 관한 이론적 연구)

  • Choi, Dongwon
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.19 no.9
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    • pp.145-156
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    • 2021
  • While the current literature has considered business group as a temporary form of organizations that only exists under the developing contries with under-developed financial markets. Chaebol, a form of businss group in Korea, has sustained as a major organization form in Korea. To fill the current gap in the literature and practice, I suggest a theoretical model of Chaebol scion's entrepreneurial firm growth mechanisms. First, I posit that social, structural, and psychological factors motivate Chaebol scions to engage in entrepreneurship. Second, I suggest that five mechanisms, including business opportunity, financial support, recruitment, marketing, and inter-organizational collaboration, will facilitate entrepreneurial firm growth. By constituting a model of Chaebol scion's entrepreneurial firm growth, the current theoretical paper advances the literature on business group and entrepreneurship with indicating Korean Chaebol's new expansion possibilities.

Design and Implementation of Observation Manipulation Model for Creating Kids Contents Based on Augmented Reality (증강현실 기반의 키즈 콘텐츠 제작을 위한 관찰 조작형 모델의 설계 및 구현)

  • Oh, Am-Suk
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.339-345
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    • 2021
  • With the development of online education due to COVID-19, the EduTech market, which combines new technologies such as AI and AR/VR in education is rapidly growing. In addition, the children's industry is steadily growing despite the decreasing birth rate every year as more and more families with one child per household are investing in their children. However, supply of contents to EduTech market is slow compared to demands that are increasing. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to help solve these problems by developing and supporting AR kids contents with convenience, practicality, and efficiency using AR technology. AR content for supporting vocabulary learning for infants is not just an end to watching and listening, but an observation-driven model that can manipulate content directly, which attracts children's interest and helps children learn words. This paper is intended for infants from 15 months to 36 months old when full-fledged language development occurs.

Analysis of the educational needs of nurses in the neonatal intensive care unit for developmental supportive care (발달지지간호에 대한 신생아집중치료실 간호사의 교육요구도 분석)

  • Shin, Da-Ae;Bang, Kyung-Sook
    • The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.261-273
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    • 2021
  • Purpose: This study used a descriptive investigative design to identify educational needs for developmental supportive care for the purpose of establishing a developmental supportive care education program for nurses in neonatal intensive care units. Methods: A survey was conducted on 93 nurses working in neonatal intensive care units located in a metropolitan area, and the collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and a paired t-test with the SPSS 25.0 program. For the purpose of analyzing educational needs, we further analyzed data through an importance-performance analysis (IPA) and the Borich needs assessment and the locus for focus models. Results: The average importance of the developmental supportive care of nurses in neonatal intensive care units was 3.74±0.78 out of 5, and the average performance was 3.46±0.81 out of 5. A t-test on the difference between the IPA and Borich needs assessment showed the highest educational need in the categories of 'individualized care', and 'I serve on the Developmental Care Committee at my institution'. In addition, according to the results of deriving the priorities of educational needs using the Borich needs assessment and the locus for focus model, the highest priority was 'I provide appropriate pain management when noxious procedures are necessary'. Conclusion: These findings can be used as basic data to design a developmental supportive care program suitable for nurses in neonatal intensive care units to meet the educational needs for developmental supportive care.

Roles of the Insulin-like Growth Factor System in the Reproductive Function;Uterine Connection (Insulin-like Growth Factor Systems의 생식기능에서의 역할;자궁편)

  • Lee, Chul-Young
    • Clinical and Experimental Reproductive Medicine
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.247-268
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    • 1996
  • It has been known for a long time that gonadotropins and steroid hormones play a pivotal role in a series of reproductive biological phenomena including the maturation of ovarian follicles and oocytes, ovulation and implantation, maintenance of pregnancy and fetal growth & development, parturition and mammary development and lactation. Recent investigations, however, have elucidated that in addition to these classic hormones, multiple growth factors also are involved in these phenomena. Most growth factors in reproductive organs mediate the actions of gonadotropins and steroid hormones or synergize with them in an autocrine/paracrine manner. The insulin-like growth factor(IGF) system, which is one of the most actively investigated areas lately in the reproductive organs, has been found to have important roles in a wide gamut of reproductive phenomena. In the present communication, published literature pertaining to the intrauterine IGF system will be reviewed preceded by general information of the IGF system. The IGF family comprises of IGF-I & IGF-II ligands, two types of IGF receptors and six classes of IGF-binding proteins(IGFBPs) that are known to date. IGF-I and IGF-II peptides, which are structurally homologous to proinsulin, possess the insulin-like activity including the stimulatory effect of glucose and amino acid transport. Besides, IGFs as mitogens stimulate cell division, and also play a role in cellular differentiation and functions in a variety of cell lines. IGFs are expressed mainly in the liver and messenchymal cells, and act on almost all types of tissues in an autocrine/paracrine as well as endocrine mode. There are two types of IGF receptors. Type I IGF receptors, which are tyrosine kinase receptors having high-affinity for IGF-I and IGF-II, mediate almost all the IGF actions that are described above. Type II IGF receptors or IGF-II/mannose-6-phosphate receptors have two distinct binding sites; the IGF-II binding site exhibits a high affinity only for IGF-II. The principal role of the type II IGF receptor is to destroy IGF-II by targeting the ligand to the lysosome. IGFs in biological fluids are mostly bound to IGFBP. IGFBPs, in general, are IGF storage/carrier proteins or modulators of IGF actions; however, as for distinct roles for individual IGFBPs, only limited information is available. IGFBPs inhibit IGF actions under most in vitro situations, seemingly because affinities of IGFBPs for IGFs are greater than those of IGF receptors. How IGF is released from IGFBP to reach IGF receptors is not known; however, various IGFBP protease activities that are present in blood and interstitial fluids are believed to play an important role in the process of IGF release from the IGFBP. According to latest reports, there is evidence that under certain in vitro circumstances, IGFBP-1, -3, -5 have their own biological activities independent of the IGF. This may add another dimension of complexity of the already complicated IGF system. Messenger ribonucleic acids and proteins of the IGF family members are expressed in the uterine tissue and conceptus of the primates, rodents and farm animals to play important roles in growth and development of the uterus and fetus. Expression of the uterine IGF system is regulated by gonadal hormones and local regulatory substances with temporal and spatial specificities. Locally expressed IGFs and IGFBPs act on the uterine tissue in an autocrine/paracrine manner, or are secreted into the uterine lumen to participate in conceptus growth and development. Conceptus also expresses the IGF system beginning from the peri-implantation period. When an IGF family member is expressed in the conceptus, however, is determined by the presence or absence of maternally inherited mRNAs, genetic programming of the conceptus itself and an interaction with the maternal tissue. The site of IGF action also follows temporal (physiological status) and spatial specificities. These facts that expression of the IGF system is temporally and spatially regulated support indirectly a hypothesis that IGFs play a role in conceptus growth and development. Uterine and conceptus-derived IGFs stimulate cell division and differentiation, glucose and amino acid transport, general protein synthesis and the biosynthesis of mammotropic hormones including placental lactogen and prolactin, and also play a role in steroidogenesis. The suggested role for IGFs in conceptus growth and development has been proven by the result of IGF-I, IGF-II or IGF receptor gene disruption(targeting) of murine embryos by the homologous recombination technique. Mice carrying a null mutation for IGF-I and/or IGF-II or type I IGF receptor undergo delayed prenatal and postnatal growth and development with 30-60% normal weights at birth. Moreover, mice lacking the type I IGF receptor or IGF-I plus IGF-II die soon after birth. Intrauterine IGFBPs generally are believed to sequester IGF ligands within the uterus or to play a role of negative regulators of IGF actions by inhibiting IGF binding to cognate receptors. However, when it is taken into account that IGFBP-1 is expressed and secreted in primate uteri in amounts assessedly far exceeding those of local IGFs and that IGFBP-1 is one of the major secretory proteins of the primate decidua, the possibility that this IGFBP may have its own biological activity independent of IGF cannot be excluded. Evidently, elucidating the exact role of each IGFBP is an essential step into understanding the whole IGF system. As such, further research in this area is awaited with a lot of anticipation and attention.

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