• Title/Summary/Keyword: 선호전기

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A Study on the Mobile Communication System for the Ultra High Speed Communication Network (초고속 정보통신망을 위한 이동수신 시스템에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Kab-Ki;Moon, Myung-Ho;Shin, Dong-Hun;Lee, Jong-Arc
    • Journal of IKEEE
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    • v.2 no.1 s.2
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 1998
  • In this paper, Antenna, LNA, Mixer, VCO, and Modulation/Demodulation in Baseband processor which are the RF main components in Wireless LAN system for ultra high-speed communications network are studied. Antenna bandwidth and selective fading due to multipath can be major obstacles in high speed digital communications. To solve this problem, wide band MSA which has loop-structure magnetic antenna characteristics is designed. Distributed mixer using dual-gate GaAs MESFET can achieve over 10dB LO/RF isolation without hybrid, and minimize circuit size. As linear mixing signal is produced, distortions can be decreased at baseband signals. Conversion gain is achieved by mixing and amplification simultaneously. Mixer is designed to have wide band characteristics using distributed amplifier. In VCO design, Oscillator design method by large signal analysis is used to produce stable signal. Modulation/Demodulation system in baseband processor, DS/SS technique which is robust against noise and interference is used to eliminate the effect of multipath propagation. DQPSK modulation technique with M-sequences for wideband PN spreading signals is adopted because of BER characteristic and high speed digital signal transmission.

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Security of Ethernet in Automotive Electric/Electronic Architectures (차량 전자/전기 아키텍쳐에 이더넷 적용을 위한 보안 기술에 대한 연구)

  • Lee, Ho-Yong;Lee, Dong-Hoon
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.39-48
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    • 2016
  • One of the major trends of automotive networking architecture is the introduction of automotive Ethernet. Ethernet is already used in single automotive applications (e.g. to connect high-data-rate sources as video cameras), it is expected that the ongoing standardization at IEEE (IEEE802.3bw - 100BASE-T1, respectively IEEE P802.3bp - 1000BASE-T1) will lead to a much broader adoption in future. Those applications will not be limited to simple point-to-point connections, but may affect Electric/Electronic(EE) Architectures as a whole. It is agreed that IP based traffic via Ethernet could be secured by application of well-established IP security protocols (e.g., IPSec, TLS) combined with additional components like, e.g., automotive firewall or IDS. In the case of safety and real-time related applications on resource constraint devices, the IP based communication is not the favorite option to be used with complicated and performance demanding TLS or IPSec. Those applications will be foreseeable incorporate Layer-2 based communication protocols as, e.g., currently standardized at IEEE[13]. The present paper reflects the state-of-the-art communication concepts with respect to security and identifies architectural challenges and potential solutions for future Ethernet Switch-based EE-Architectures. It also gives an overview and provide insights into the ongoing security relevant standardization activities concerning automotive Ethernet. Furthermore, the properties of non-automotive Ethernet security mechanisms as, e.g., IEEE 802.1AE aka. MACsec or 802.1X Port-based Network Access Control, will be evaluated and the applicability for automotive applications will be assessed.

Effects of Metalized Al-2%Zn Layer on the Corrosion Behavior of Al 5083 Alloy (Al 5083 합금의 부식거동에 미치는 Al-2%Zn 용사 코팅층의 영향)

  • 김용철;김영근;이성민;고영태
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Surface Engineering Conference
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    • 1999.05a
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    • pp.2-2
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    • 1999
  • 금속재료의 표면 특성을 높이기 위해서 여러 표면처리 방법들이 사용되어져 오고 있다. 그 중 용사법에 의한 코팅방법이 최근의 현저한 기술적인 진보와 새로운 용사재료의 개발 등에 의해 여러 분야에 널리 응흉되고 있다. 일반적으로 이 용사법에 의한 코팅층은 다리, 선박 등의 대형 구조물에 대한 내식성 향상뿐만 아니라 자동차 및 항공기 부품, 핵 반응기 등의 코팅부에 널리 이용되고 였다. 특히 해수분위기에서 주로 사용되는 설비의 내식성을 향상시킬 목적으로 사용되 는 알루마늄 및 아연 합금의 용사 코팅층은 대부분의 경우 건조한 분위기보다는 수분이 많은 수용액 환경 하에서 사용되므로, 사용 환경 중에서 용사피막의 내식성을 조사하는 연구가 요구되고 있다. 사용되는 환경하에서의 침지시험에 의한 방법도 중요하지만, 가속화된 전기화학측정에 의한 방법 또한 이용된다. 열용사법에 의한 코팅층의 전기화학적 특성을 알아보기 위해서 3.5 % NaCI 수용액 내에서 AI 5 5083 모재와 Al-2%Zn 합금의 용사 코팅층 각각에 대한, 그리고 AI 5083 모재 위 AI-2%Zn 용사층이 코팅된 경우에 대한 분극거동과 침지시간에 따른 부식전위 및 분극저항성의 특성변화, 표면의 임피던스특성 변화 등을 측정하였다. 이 결과 모재에 대한 코팅층의 희생양극성올 판단할 수 있고, 모재/코팅 사스템의 분극거동은 혼성전위이론(mixed-potential theory)에 의해 결정되었다. 용사 코팅층이 박리되어 모재가 일부 드러난 경우를 모사한 시험편올 제작하고, 시험편 표면의 각 위치에 따라 부식전위 분포를 측정하였다. 그리고 측정 데이터를 기초로 표면의 상태변화를 모사하여 용사코팅에 의한 표면에서의 방식전위분포를 시율레이션하였다. 이와 같은 표면에서의 방식전위분포 해석을 통하여, 코팅층의 희생양극성에 의한 모재의 방식범위를 판단할 수 있다.의 비저 항을 갖는 철 박막에서도 99.9% 순도의 철을 타켓으로 하여 증착된 막은 일반 저탄소 강을 타켓으로 하여 증착된 막보다 훨씬 낮은 부식속도를 보였다.TEX>$He/O_2/Ar/N_2$의 gas를 사용 한 atmospheric pressure plasma cleaning 과 $Ar/O_2$의 gas를 사용한 ICP cleaning에서 이 차전자방출계수(SEEC)가 약 1.5~2.5배 증가된 것을 알 수 있었다. 저지능 등을 평가하여 각 실험결과를 비교분석하여 보았다. 수록 민감하여 304 의 IGSCC 와 매우 유사한 거동을 보인다. 본 강연에서는 304 와 600 의 고온 물에서 일어나는 IGSCC 민감도에 미치는 환경, 예민화처리, 합금원소의 영향을 고찰하고 이에 대한 최근의 연구 동향과 방식 방법을 다룬다.다.의 목적과 지식)보다 미학적 경험에 주는 영향이 큰 것으로 나타났으며, 모든 사람들에게 비슷한 미학적 경험을 발생시키는 것 이 밝혀졌다. 다시 말하면 모든 사람들은 그들의 문화적인 국적과 사회적 인 직업의 차이, 목적의 차이, 또한 환경의 의미의 차이에 상관없이 아름다 운 경관(High-beauty landscape)을 주거지나 나들이 장소로서 선호했으며, 아름답다고 평가했다. 반면에, 사람들이 갖고 있는 문화의 차이, 직업의 차 이, 목적의 차이, 그리고 환경의 의미의 차이에 따라 경관의 미학적 평가가 달라진 것으로 나타났다.corner$적 의도에 의한 경관구성의 일면을 확인할수 있지만 엄밀히 생각하여 보면 이러한 예의 경우도 최락의 총체적인 외형은 마찬가지로 $\ulcorner$순응$\lrcorner$의 범위를 벗어나지 않는다. 그렇기 때문에도 $\ulcorner$순응$\lrcorne

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Feeding Behavior in the Plant Tissues with Green Peach Aphid (Myzus persicae, Aphididae; Homoptera) Using EPG Technique (EPG를 이용한 복숭아혹진딧물 (Myzus persicae, Aphididae, Homoptera)의 기주 식물체별 조직내 섭식행동)

  • Seo, M.J.;Jang, J.K.;Kang, E.J.;Kang, M.K.;Kim, N.S.;Yu, Y.M.;Youn, Y.N.
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.44 no.4 s.141
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    • pp.271-276
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    • 2005
  • To investigate feeding behaviour of the greenpeach aphid (Myzus persicae) on several plants, DC electrical penetration graph (EPG) technique was used. We chose 5 plants including pepper, melon, cabbage, radish, and eggplant which were known as major host Plants of this species. This study was focused whether feeding patterns of the aphid were different and which plants would be the most preferable among 5 host plants. The time from initial proboscis contact with a each leaf until the first electrical contact, as a measure of the time taken for the stylet penetration, the time from electrical contact to the first potential drop as a time consumed until intracellular sampling, the number of potential drops per an hour during periods of regular intercellular pathway probing, and the time from electrical contact to tile first phloem specific pattern indicating the time taken to reach and attempt to feed upon the phloem were analysed. As a result, except the number of potential drop, there was no significant differency of feeding patterns among 5 plants. However, the feeding patterns related on host acceptability were observed more frequently from Pepper, radish, and e99r1an1 than melon and cabbage.

Fabrication of ZrO2 Nano Tube by Atomic Layer Deposition with Exposure Time Control System (전구체 노출 시간을 조절하는 원자층 증착기술에 의한 ZrO2 나노 튜브 제조)

  • Shin, Woong-Chul;Ryu, Sang-Ouk;Seong, Nak-Jin;Yoon, Soon-Gil
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers Conference
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    • 2007.11a
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    • pp.39-39
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    • 2007
  • 원자층 증착(Atomic Layer Deposition: ALD) 방법은 반응물질들을 펄스형태로 챔버에 공급하여 기판표면에 반응물질의 표면 포화반응에 의한 화학적 흡착과 탈착을 이용한 박막증착기술이다. ALD법은 기존의 화학적 기상증착(Chemical Vapor Deposition: CVD)과 달리 자기 제한적 반응(self-limiting reaction) 에 의하여 반응가스가 기판 표면에서만 반응하고 가스와 가스 간에는 반응하지 않는다. 따라서 박막의 조성 정밀제어가 쉽고, 파티클 발생이 없으며, 대면적의 박막 증착시 균일성이 우수하고, 박막 두께의 정밀 조절이 용이한 장점이 있다. 이러한 ALD 방식으로 3차원의 반도체 장치 구조물에 산화막 등을 형성하는 공정에서 중요한 요소 중의 하나는 전구체의 충분한 공급이다. 따라서 증기압이 높은 전구체를 선호하는 경향이 있다. 그러나 증기압이 낮은 전구체를 사용할 경우, 공급량이 부족하여 단차 도포성(step coverage)이 떨어지는 문제가 있다. 원자층 증착 공정에서 전구체를 충분히 공급하기 위해전구체 온도를 증가시키거나 전구체의 공급시간을 늘리는 방법을 사용한다. 그러나 전구체 온도를 상승시키는 경우, 전구체의 변질이나 수명을 단축시키는 문제점을 발생시킬 수 있으며. 전구체를 충분히 공급하기 위하여 전구체의 공급시간을 늘이는 방법을 사용하면, 원하는 박막을 형성하기 위하여 소요되는 공정시간과 전구체 사용량이 증가된다. 본 논문에서는 이러한 문제점을 해결하기 위해 반응기 안에서 전구체 노출 시간을 조절하는 새로운 ALD 공정을 소개한다. 특히 이러한 기술을 적용하면 나노튜브를 성장시키는데 매우 유리하다. 본 연구에서 전구체 노출 시간을 조절하기 위하여 사용된 ALD 장비는 Lucida-D200-PL (NCD Technology사)이며 (TEMA)Zr와 H2O를 사용하여 ZrO2 나노튜브를 폴리카보네이트 위에 성장시켰다. 전구체의 노출 시간은 반응기의 Stop 밸브를 이용하여 조절하였으며, SEM, TEM 등을 이용하여 나노튜브의 균일성과 단차피복성 등의 특성을 관찰하였다. 그 결과 전구체 노출시간을 조절함으로써 높은 종횡비를 갖는 나노튜브를 성장 시킬 수 있음을 확인하였다. 또한 낮은 증기압을 가지는 전구체를 이용하여도 우수한 특성의 나노튜브를 균일하게 성장시킬 수 있었다.

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Validation of Segmental Multi-Frequency Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis based on the Segmental Bioelectrical Impedance analysis in the Elderly Population (분절임피던스를 기준한 분절다주파수 생체임피던스의 일치도 분석)

  • Tang, Sae-Jo;Kim, Jang-Hee;Eom, Jin Jong;Eom, Sunho;Kim, Hakkyun;Kim, Chul-Hyun
    • Journal of Platform Technology
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.38-45
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    • 2021
  • A frequently used bioimpedance analytical method in Korea is the segmental multi-frequency BIA (SMF-BIA) method, but it is not directly determined at a segmented impedance. This study was to compare SMF-BIA determinations with direct segmented determinations for accuracy and appropriateness of segment parameters. This study is to compare the segment parameters, accuracy and appropriateness of the multi-frequency segmental bioimpedance analysis. To this end, 108 elderly individuals were measured. Segmented bioelectrical measurements obtained from a SMF-BIA (Inbody S10) at 50 kHz and measured with a phase sensitive single frequency device (SF-BIA, bia-101, RJL / akern systems) were compared. The significant difference (%) was demonstrated between single - and multiple frequency determinations of the right upper limb (R = 35.5 ± 6.2%, P < 0.001; Xc = 2.7 ± 7.6%, P < 0.01), left upper limb difference (R= 33. 9 ± 6.0%, P < 0.001; Xc = 2.8 ± 8.3%, P < 0.01), right lower limb difference (R = 18.6 ± 4.3%, P < 0.001; Xc = 25.8 ± 10.0%, P < 0.001), left lower limb difference (R = 18.0 ± 4.7%, P < 0.001; Xc = 31.8%). Of the results determined with the two BIA methods, the impedance measurements of the limbs and whole body showed a high correlation (RA: R = 0. 950, LA: R = 0. 949, RL: R = 0.899, LL: R = 0.88), and in the agreement test, the impedance values of the upper limbs and whole body also showed strong agreement (ICC > 0.9), but in the Xc, the correlation was weak. In conclusion, it was found that although bioimpedance devices had significantly different characteristics and inconsistent cross sectionally, there was a high population level agreement in the upper and lower extremities in determining segmental resistance value changes. But a large error was found on the trunk. Further studies were needed for reducing the error.

The Relations between Financial Constraints and Dividend Adjustment Speed of Innovative Kosdaq Enterprises (혁신형 코스닥기업의 재무적 제약과 배당조정속도간의 관계)

  • Shin, Min-Shik;Shin, Chan-Shik
    • Journal of Korea Technology Innovation Society
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.687-714
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    • 2009
  • In this paper, we study empirically the relations between financial constraints and dividend adjustment speed of innovative small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) listed on Kosdaq Market of Korea Exchange. The main results of this study can be summarized as follows. Determinants suggested by the major theories of dividends, namely, residual dividend theory, dividend signaling theory, agency theory, catering theory, and transactions cost theory explain significantly the dividend payout policy of Kosdaq SMEs. Lintner's dividend adjustment model indicates that Kosdaq SMEs have long run target payout ratio, and that Kosdaq SMEs adjust partially the gap between actual and target payout ratio each year. In the core variables of Lintner (1956) dividend adjustment model, past DPS has more effect than current EPS. These results suggest that Kosdaq SMEs maintain stable dividend policy which maintain past DPS level without corporate special reasons. Dividend adjustment speed of innovative Kosdaq SMEs is more fast than that of uninnovative Kosdaq SMEs, and dividend adjustment speed of financial unconstrained innovative Kosdaq SMEs is faster than that of financial constrained innovative Kosdaq SMEs. Futhermore, dividend adjustment speed of innovative Kosdaq SMEs classified by Small and Medium Business Administration is faster than that of unclassified innovative Kosdaq SMEs. The former is linked with financial policies and services like credit guaranteed service, venture investment fund, insurance program, and so on. In conclusion, past DPS and current EPS suggested by the Lintner's dividend adjustment model explain mainly dividend adjustment speed, and financial constraints explain also partially. Therefore, if managers of innovative Kosdaq SMEs can properly understand of the effects of financial constraints on dividend smoothing, they can maintain constantly dividend policy. This is encouraging result for Korea government as it has implemented many policies to commit to innovative Kosdaq SMEs.

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Location Environment and Vegetation Structure of the Aconitum austrokoreense Habitat (세뿔투구꽃 서식지의 입지환경 및 식생구조)

  • Cho, Seon-Hee;Lee, Kye-Han
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.110 no.2
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    • pp.165-178
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    • 2021
  • Owing to the lack of consistent research on endangered plant species in Korea, there are insufficient data to preservespecies and expand habitats. This study analyzed the preferred habitat and threats to the survival of Aconitum austrokoreense, found on Baekwun Mountain in Gurye-gun, Gwangyang-si, Jeollanam-do Province, and classified as a level two endangered wild plant by the Ministry of Environment, by investigating major environmental factors such as climate, location, soil, and stand structure. By examining five selected sites inhabited by Aconitum austrokoreense on BaekwunMountain, this study found that the habitat had an altitude of 420 to 675 m above sea level and showed a northeast tendency, spreading over a range of inclination angles between 15° and 37°. The average number of plants across the five sites was 156. Site 4 (550 m) had the highest density of 372 plants, with an average height of 0.6 m. The average soil moisture and relative light intensity were 20.48% and 7.34%, respectively. Layer soil was presumed to be sandy loam, characterized by high sand content and good drainage. The habitat had average soil pH of 5.2, average organic matter of 16.46%, average nitrogen of 0.86%, average available phosphate of 11.86 mg/kg, average electrical conductivity of 0.44 dS/m, and average cation exchange capacity of 37.04 cmolc/kg. The total carbon in soil averaged 10.68%. From the analysis of the vegetation structure of sites inhabited by Aconitum austrokoreense, the dominant populations were Pinus koraiensis and Lindera erythrocarpa in Site 1, Magnolia obovata and Carpinus laxiflora in Site 2, Zelkova serrate and Quercus variabilis in Site 3, Staphylea bumalda and Lindera erythrocarpa in Site 4, and Morus bombycis,Styrax japonicus, and Carpinus laxiflora in Site 5. With most habitats located near trails and sap collection sites of Acer pictum, the species were exposed to artificial damage and interference threats.

The Technology Trend of Interconnection Network for High Performance Computing (고성능 컴퓨팅을 위한 인터커넥션 네트워크 기술 동향)

  • Cho, Hyeyoung;Jun, Tae Joon;Han, Jiyong
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.8 no.8
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    • pp.9-15
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    • 2017
  • With the development of semiconductor integration technology, central processing units and storage devices have been miniaturized and performance has been rapidly developed, interconnection network technology is becoming a more important factor in terms of the performance of high performance computing system. In this paper, we analyze the trend of interconnection network technology used in high performance computing. Interconnect technology, which is the most widely used in the Supercomputer Top 500(2017. 06.), is an Infiniband. Recently, Ethernet is the second highest share after InfiniBand due to the emergence of 40/100Gbps Gigabit Ethernet technology. Gigabit Ethernet, where latency performance is lower than InfiniBand, is preferred in cost-effective medium-sized data centers. In addition, top-end HPC systems that demand high performance are devoting themselves from Ethernet and InfiniBand technologies and are attempting to maximize system performance by introducing their own interconnect networks. In the future, high-performance interconnects are expected to utilize silicon-based optical communication technology to exchange data with light.

A Study on Enhancing VMS Services by FM Car Radio (차량 내 FM라디오를 이용한 VMS서비스 개선 연구)

  • Park, Bum-Jin;Moon, Byeong-Sup
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.9 no.6
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    • pp.22-32
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    • 2010
  • Increasingly advanced Information Technology (IT) has changed the operator so as to create more diversified and advanced traffic information demand. To deal with the changing demand in private sector, a concept of on-demand traffic information has been rapidly introduced. However VMS, a product of the first generation of ITS, which was designed to provide the unspecified individuals during driving the car with the basic level of traffic information by the public failed to actively change itself in such a changing pattern. This study was intended to describe the VMS system (tentatively, FM-VMS) which was further developed to accommodate the needs favoring the sophisticated PDA with the public role of providing the unspecified individuals with the equal information. FM-VMS introduced in this study is the device designed to transmit the voice and message to the drivers through the radio information device mounted on a car. A core technology is, unlike FM-DARC and RDS, the Water Making technology which directly inserts the digital signal into FM frequency in use. It's been currently used for broadcasting and security purpose. A detection rate as a result of testing FM-VMS system using Water Making technology was 90% or more in voice and message within 20m from test VMS. When a public-developed VMS information could be transmitted using FM frequency to the relatively vulnerable users (vulnerable to traffic information) in voice on a real-time basis to provide the regional traffic information, and furthermore, VMS message could be received through radio liquid using FM frequency only, it would obviously bring about the innovation in ITS as well as pave the way for creating the new added value down the road.