• Title/Summary/Keyword: 선형최적화기법

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Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) Surrogate Models for Chemical Process Design and Analysis (화학 공정 설계 및 분석을 위한 설명 가능한 인공지능 대안 모델)

  • Yuna Ko;Jonggeol Na
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.61 no.4
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    • pp.542-549
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    • 2023
  • Since the growing interest in surrogate modeling, there has been continuous research aimed at simulating nonlinear chemical processes using data-driven machine learning. However, the opaque nature of machine learning models, which limits their interpretability, poses a challenge for their practical application in industry. Therefore, this study aims to analyze chemical processes using Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI), a concept that improves interpretability while ensuring model accuracy. While conventional sensitivity analysis of chemical processes has been limited to calculating and ranking the sensitivity indices of variables, we propose a methodology that utilizes XAI to not only perform global and local sensitivity analysis, but also examine the interactions among variables to gain physical insights from the data. For the ammonia synthesis process, which is the target process of the case study, we set the temperature of the preheater leading to the first reactor and the split ratio of the cold shot to the three reactors as process variables. By integrating Matlab and Aspen Plus, we obtained data on ammonia production and the maximum temperatures of the three reactors while systematically varying the process variables. We then trained tree-based models and performed sensitivity analysis using the SHAP technique, one of the XAI methods, on the most accurate model. The global sensitivity analysis showed that the preheater temperature had the greatest effect, and the local sensitivity analysis provided insights for defining the ranges of process variables to improve productivity and prevent overheating. By constructing alternative models for chemical processes and using XAI for sensitivity analysis, this work contributes to providing both quantitative and qualitative feedback for process optimization.

Identification of the Environmentally Problematic Input/Environmental Emissions and Selection of the Optimum End-of-pipe Treatment Technologies of the Cement Manufacturing Process (시멘트 제조공정의 환경적 취약 투입물/환경오염물 파악 및 최적종말처리 공정 선정)

  • Lee, Joo-Young;Kim, Yoon-Ha;Lee, Kun-Mo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.39 no.8
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    • pp.449-455
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    • 2017
  • Process input data including material and energy, process output data including product, co-product and its environmental emissions of the reference and target processes were collected and analyzed to evaluate the process performance. Environmentally problematic input/environmental emissions of the manufacturing processes were identified using these data. Significant process inputs contributing to each of the environmental emissions were identified using multiple regression analysis between the process inputs and environmental emissions. Optimum combination of the end-of-pipe technologies for treating the environmental emissions considering economic aspects was made using the linear programming technique. The cement manufacturing processes in Korea and the EU producing same type of cement were chosen for the case study. Environmentally problematic input/environmental emissions of the domestic cement manufacturing processes include coal, dust, and $SO_x$. Multiple regression analysis among the process inputs and environmental emissions revealed that $CO_2$ emission was influenced most by coal, followed by the input raw materials and gypsum. $SO_x$ emission was influenced by coal, and dust emission by gypsum followed by raw material. Optimization of the end-of-pipe technologies treating dust showed that a combination of 100% of the electro precipitator and 2.4% of the fiber filter gives the lowest cost. The $SO_x$ case showed that a combination of 100% of the dry addition process and 25.88% of the wet scrubber gives the lowest cost. Salient feature of this research is that it proposed a method for identifying environmentally problematic input/environmental emissions of the manufacturing processes, in particular, cement manufacturing process. Another feature is that it showed a method for selecting the optimum combination of the end-of-pipe treatment technologies.

Optimum Design of Two Hinged Steel Arches with I Sectional Type (SUMT법(法)에 의(依)한 2골절(滑節) I형(形) 강재(鋼材) 아치의 최적설계(最適設計))

  • Jung, Young Chae
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.65-79
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    • 1992
  • This study is concerned with the optimal design of two hinged steel arches with I cross sectional type and aimed at the exact analysis of the arches and the safe and economic design of structure. The analyzing method of arches which introduces the finite difference method considering the displacements of structure in analyzing process is used to eliminate the error of analysis and to determine the sectional force of structure. The optimizing problems of arches formulate with the objective functions and the constraints which take the sectional dimensions(B, D, $t_f$, $t_w$) as the design variables. The object functions are formulated as the total weight of arch and the constraints are derived by using the criteria with respect to the working stress, the minimum dimension of flange and web based on the part of steel bridge in the Korea standard code of road bridge and including the economic depth constraint of the I sectional type, the upper limit dimension of the depth of web and the lower limit dimension of the breadth of flange. The SUMT method using the modified Newton Raphson direction method is introduced to solve the formulated nonlinear programming problems which developed in this study and tested out throught the numerical examples. The developed optimal design programming of arch is tested out and examined throught the numerical examples for the various arches. And their results are compared and analyzed to examine the possibility of optimization, the applicablity, the convergency of this algorithm and with the results of numerical examples using the reference(30). The correlative equations between the optimal sectional areas and inertia moments are introduced from the various numerical optimal design results in this study.

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Analysis of Urban Heat Island Effect Using Information from 3-Dimensional City Model (3DCM) (3차원 도시공간정보를 이용한 도시열섬현상의 분석)

  • Chun, Bun-Seok;Kim, Hag-Yeol
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2010
  • Unlike the previous studies which have focused on 2-dimensional urban characteristics, this paper presents statistical models explaining urban heat island(UHI) effect by 3-dimensional urban morphologic information and addresses its policy implications. 3~dimensional informations of Columbus, Ohio arc captured from LiDAR data and building boundary informations are extracted from a building digital map, Finally NDV[ and temperature data are calculated by manipulating band 3, band 4, and thermal hand of LandSat images. Through complicated data processing, 6 independent variables(building surface area, building volume, height to width ratio, porosity, plan surface area) are introduced in simple and multiple linear regression models. The regression models are specified by Box-Tidwell method, finding the power to which the independent variable needs to raised to be in a linearity. Porosity, NDVI, and building surface area are carefully chosen as explanatory variables in the final multiple regression model, which explaining about 57% of the variability in temperatures. On reducing UHI, various implications of the results give guidelines to policy-making in open space, roof garden, and vertical garden management.

PRISM-KNU Development and Monthly Precipitation Mapping in South Korea (PRISM-KNU의 개발과 남한 월강수량 분포도 작성)

  • PARK, Jong-Chul;KIM, Man-Kyu
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.27-46
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    • 2016
  • In this study, the parameter-elevation regressions on independent slopes model-Kongju National University(PRISM-KNU) system was developed to interpolate monthly precipitation data. One of the features of PRISM-KNU is that it can adjust the allowable range of slope according to the elevation range in the equation representing a linear relationship between the precipitation and elevation. The parameter value of the model was determined by using the optimization technique, and the result was applied to produce monthly precipitation data with a spatial resolution of $1{\times}1km$ from 2000 to 2014 in South Korea. In the result, the Kling-Gupta Efficiency for model evaluation was over 0.7 in 86% of the total cases simulated. In addition, a dramatic change in the spatial pattern of precipitation data was observed in the output of the Modified Korean PRISM, but such a phenomenon did not occur in the output of the PRISM-KNU. This study confirmed the appropriateness of the PRISM-KNU, and the result showed that the spatial consistency of the data produced by the model improved compared with that produced by the Modified Korean PRISM. It is expected that the PRISM-KNU and its output will be utilized in various studies in the future.

Box-Wilson Experimental Design-based Optimal Design Method of High Strength Self Compacting Concrete (Box-willson 실험계획법 기반 고강도 자기충전형 콘크리트의 최적설계방법)

  • Do, Jeong-Yun;Kim, Doo-Kie
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.92-103
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    • 2015
  • Box-Wilson experimental design method, known as central composite design, is the design of any information-gathering exercises where variation is present. This method was devised to gather as much data as possible in spite of the low design cost. This method was employed to model the effect of mixing factors on several performances of 60 MPa high strength self compacting concrete and to numerically calculate the optimal mix proportion. The nonlinear relations between factors and responses of HSSCC were approximated in the form of second order polynomial equation. In order to characterize five performances like compressive strength, passing ability, segregation resistance, manufacturing cost and density depending on five factors like water-binder ratio, cement content, fine aggregate percentage, fly ash content and superplasticizer content, the experiments were made at the total 52 experimental points composed of 32 factorial points, 10 axial points and 10 center points. The study results showed that Box-Wilson experimental design was really effective in designing the experiments and analyzing the relation between factor and response.

Study on Signal Processing in Eddy Current Testing for Defects in Spline Gear (스플라인 기어부 결함의 와전류검사 신호처리에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Jae Ho;Park, Tae Sung;Park, Ik Keun
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.195-201
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    • 2016
  • Eddy current testing (ECT) is commonly applied for the inspection of automated production lines of metallic products, because it has a high inspection speed and a reasonable price. When ECT is applied for the inspection of a metallic object having an uneven target surface, such as the spline gear of a spline shaft, it is difficult to distinguish between the original signal obtained from the sensor and the signal generated by a defect because of the relatively large surface signals having similar frequency distributions. To facilitate the detection of defect signals from the spline gear, implementation of high-order filters is essential, so that the fault signals can be distinguished from the surrounding noise signals, and simultaneously, the pass-band of the filter can be adjusted according to the status of each production line and the object to be inspected. We will examine the infinite impulse filters (IIR filters) available for implementing an advanced filter for ECT, and attempt to detect the flaw signals through optimization of system design parameters for detecting the signals at the system level.

Adsorption Characteristics of Nitrogen in Carbonaceous Micropore Structures with Local Molecular Orientation (국부분자배향의 탄소 미세기공 구조에 대한 질소의 흡착 특성)

  • Seo, Yang Gon
    • Clean Technology
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.249-257
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    • 2022
  • The adsorption equilibria of nitrogen on a region of nanoporous carbonaceous adsorbent with local molecular orientation (LMO) were calculated by grand canonical Monte Carlo simulation at 77.16 K. Regions of LMO of identical size were arranged on a regular lattice with uniform spacing. Microporosity was predominately introduced to the model by removing successive out-of-plane domains from the regions of LMO and tilting pores were generated by tilting the basic structure units. This pore structure is a more realistic model than slit-shaped pores for studying adsorption in nanoporous carbon adsorbents. Their porosities, surface areas, and pore size distributions according to constrained nonlinear optimization were also reported. The adsorption in slit shaped pores was also reported for reference. In the slit shaped pores, a clear hysteresis loop was observed in pores of greater than 5 times the nitrogen molecule size, and in capillary condensation and reverse condensation, evaporation occurred immediately at one pressure. In the LMO pore model, three series of local condensations at the basal slip plane, armchair slip plane and interconnected channel were observed during adsorption at pore sizes greater than about 6 times the nitrogen molecular size. In the hysteresis loop, on the other hand, evaporation occurred at one or two pressures during desorption.

Re-Analysis of Clark Model Based on Drainage Structure of Basin (배수구조를 기반으로 한 Clark 모형의 재해석)

  • Park, Sang Hyun;Kim, Joo Cheol;Jeong, Dong Kug;Jung, Kwan Sue
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.33 no.6
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    • pp.2255-2265
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    • 2013
  • This study presents the width function-based Clark model. To this end, rescaled width function with distinction between hillslope and channel velocity is used as time-area curve and then it is routed through linear storage within the framework of not finite difference scheme used in original Clark model but analytical expression of linear storage routing. There are three parameters focused in this study: storage coefficient, hillslope velocity and channel velocity. SCE-UA, one of the popular global optimization methods, is applied to estimate them. The shapes of resulting IUHs from this study are evaluated in terms of the three statistical moments of hydrologic response functions: mean, variance and the third moment about the center of IUH. The correlation coefficients to the three statistical moments simulated in this study against these of observed hydrographs were estimated at 0.995 for the mean, 0.993 for the variance and 0.983 for the third moment about the center of IUH. The shape of resulting IUHs from this study give rise to satisfactory simulation results in terms of the mean and variance. But the third moment about the center of IUH tend to be overestimated. Clark model proposed in this study is superior to the one only taking into account mean and variance of IUH with respect to skewness, peak discharge and peak time of runoff hydrograph. From this result it is confirmed that the method suggested in this study is useful tool to reflect the heterogeneity of drainage path and hydrodynamic parameters. The variation of statistical moments of IUH are mainly influenced by storage coefficient and in turn the effect of channel velocity is greater than the one of hillslope velocity. Therefore storage coefficient and channel velocity are the crucial factors in shaping the form of IUH and should be considered carefully to apply Clark model proposed in this study.

Shape Scheme and Size Discrete Optimum Design of Plane Steel Trusses Using Improved Genetic Algorithm (개선된 유전자 알고리즘을 이용한 평면 철골트러스의 형상계획 및 단면 이산화 최적설계)

  • Kim, Soo-Won;Yuh, Baeg-Youh;Park, Choon-Wok;Kang, Moon-Myung
    • Journal of Korean Association for Spatial Structures
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    • v.4 no.2 s.12
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    • pp.89-97
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    • 2004
  • The objective of this study is the development of a scheme and discrete optimum design algorithm, which is based on the genetic algorithm. The algorithm can perform both scheme and size optimum designs of plane trusses. The developed Scheme genetic algorithm was implemented in a computer program. For the optimum design, the objective function is the weight of structures and the constraints are limits on loads and serviceability. The basic search method for the optimum design is the genetic algorithm. The algorithm is known to be very efficient for the discrete optimization. However, its application to the complicated structures has been limited because of the extreme time need for a number of structural analyses. This study solves the problem by introducing the size & scheme genetic algorithm operators into the genetic algorithm. The genetic process virtually takes no time. However, the evolutionary process requires a tremendous amount of time for a number of structural analyses. Therefore, the application of the genetic algorithm to the complicated structures is extremely difficult, if not impossible. The scheme genetic algorithm operators was introduced to overcome the problem and to complement the evolutionary process. It is very efficient in the approximate analyses and scheme and size optimization of plane trusses structures and considerably reduces structural analysis time. Scheme and size discrete optimum combined into the genetic algorithm is what makes the practical discrete optimum design of plane fusses structures possible. The efficiency and validity of the developed discrete optimum design algorithm was verified by applying the algorithm to various optimum design examples: plane pratt, howe and warren truss.

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