• Title/Summary/Keyword: 선행 연구

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A Study on the storytelling strategy of Animation Studio using Mythology - Based on the comparative analysis of Disney and Dream Works (신화를 활용한 애니메이션 스튜디오의 스토리텔링 전략 -디즈니<미녀와 야수>와 드림웍스<슈렉>의 비교분석을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Hye-Won
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.49
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    • pp.25-52
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    • 2017
  • As the expansion of the cultural industry expands, various competitive structures are formed and the methodologies for producing commercial success are being discussed. Among them, Hollywood studios use political relationships and apply ideologies that can produce the best interests. Also, they use a structure that can convey this ideology, which is a mythology. The myth has satisfied the public for a ling time. Campbell suggested that strategies come from the myth, and the ideology emerged as a result of what mythology has to do with existing powers. Disney and Dream Works use the mythology and combine their own values into ideology. Disney and Dream Works choose conflicting ideologies in a different growth background. If Disney is recognized as an educational animation by the ruling class, Dream Works are supported by the public for their actions against Disney. Disney has conservative and patriotic personality, Dream Works is more liberal and progressive. Disney's structure came out first, and Dream Works parodied it. So we can compare Disney and Dream Works with similar myths to create a storytelling structure that embodies ideology. As a result, Disney and Dream Works have been choosing the 9 stages the key of Ideology form the 17 stages of the mythology and reduced them to the introduction, growth and completion. In the first units of the introduction, Disney dealt with the subject of social leaders who sacrificed to the ruling class and Dream Works hinted at the overthrow of the ruling class through the irony. If Disney had deployed colored races in the main characters, Dream Works used a variety of races from the main characters to others. In the second units of growth, Disney organized the process of accepting the value of the ruling class, and Dream Works showed the individual values, not the values of society. In the third units completion, Disney showed the main character who live in the world of the ruling class rebuilded, and Dream Works removed the ruling class and went back to the Individual life. Through the structure of Disney and DreamWorks, we learned how to utilize the mythical structures that transform according to ideologies. The right way to organize works will require the strategic approach to storytelling.

Review Study on Integrated Carbon Cycle System for the Dairy Cattle Production (젖소 사육에서 탄소 순환 체계에 관한 고찰 연구)

  • Kim, Ki-Youn;Ko, Han-Jong;Kim, Chi-Ho;Choi, Eun-Gyu;Kim, Joung-Ku;Ryou, Young-Sun;Kim, Hyeon-Tae
    • Journal of Animal Environmental Science
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.19-24
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    • 2012
  • The first objective of this study is to estimate emission coefficient of organic carbon regarding its inflow and discharge for dairy farm through reviewing domestic and foreign literature published or reported previously. Its second objective is to provide fundamental data to establish carbon cycle system related to livestock production. Based on literature review, emission coefficients by inflow of organic carbon into dairy farm were 5.9 ton C/head/year for feedstuff ingestion by milk cow, 2.3 ton C/head/year for recycling manure compost of milk cow to grassland, 318 g C/$m^2$/year for contents in grassland, 145 g C/$m^2$/year for contents in fodder crop, and 17 g C/$m^2$/year for $CO_2$ uptake by fodder crop, respectively. on the other hand, emission coefficients by discharge of organic carbon from dairy farm were 2,9 ton C/head/year for emission of $CO_2$ and $CH_4$ by respiration and burp of milk cow, 0.4 ton C/head/year for emission of $CO_2$ and $CH_4$ by decomposition of organic carbon in manure of milk cow, 440 g C/$m^2$/year for emission of $CO_2$ from grassland, and 0 for elution of organic carbon in grassland into underground water, respectively.

Characteristics of Soybean Soaking Water after Heat Treatment (대두 열처리 담금 용액의 특성)

  • Yoon, Hye-Hyun;Jeon, Eun-Jae
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.35 no.6
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    • pp.1098-1103
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    • 2003
  • Soybeans released proteins when immersed in water at $50{\sim}60^{\sim}C$. We investigated the changes in the characteristics of soybean when soaked in water at different temperatures and studied the electrophoretic properties of soy proteins in recommended Korean soybean varieties after heat treatment. Soybean seeds were heated in soaking water at temperatures of 30, 40, 50, 60, $70^{\circ}C$ for 90 min, and also from 10 to 150min at $60^{\circ}C$. The pH value of the water decreased with heating time at $60^{\circ}C$, and the amount of soluble solids increased with temperature and heating time. The protein concentration of the solution increased with temperature and time. From SDS-PAGE of the proteins in soaking water, we detected two new bands of 16 kDa- and 31 kDa-proteins from the Korean soybean varieties on heat treatment.

Differences in Polyspermy and Penetration Rate Following In Vitro Fertilization of In Vitro Matured Porcine Oocytes by Morphologically Normal Sperm Ratio of Epididymal Sperm and Frozen-Thawed Ejaculated Sperm (정소상체 미부정자와 동결 융해된 사출정자의 형태학적 정상정자 비율이 체외성숙 돼지난자의 체외수정후 정자침입율과 다정자침입의 차이에 미치는 영향)

  • 이현숙;이봉경;김인철;최동윤;김묘경;김은영;윤산현;박세필;임진호
    • Korean Journal of Animal Reproduction
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.239-246
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    • 1997
  • The objective of this study was to evaluate the variation of fertilizing ability following the morphologically normal sperm ratio in porcine IVF using epididymal sperm The results obtained in this experiment were summarized as follows: 1. When the penetration rate (PR), polysper my rate (PSR), pronuclei formation (2PNF) and mean number of sperm (MNS) per oocyte were evaluated according to the percentage of morphologically normal epididyrnal sperm at insemination($\leq$lO%, 10~30% and $\geq$50%). the PR and PSR of $\leq$50% group (82.4, 87.4%) were significantly higher than those of other two groups ($\leq$lO%; 29.7%, 22.6% and 10~30%; 20.3, 37.0%) (p<0.01). Also, the 2PNF per examined oocytes was significantly high in $\geq$ 50% group (p<0.01). 2. When the $\geq$50% group in epididymal sperm was adjusted to 100% (5x1$^5$ cells/ml) , the PSR and 2PNF were not different between epididymal sperm (86.7, 35.1%) and frozen-thawed ejaculated sperm (86.0. 39.4%) although the PR in epididymal sperm (79.7%) was significantly lower than that in frozen-thawed ejaculated sperm (95.5%)(p<0.01). 3. Also. when the PR, PSR, 2PNF and MNS of epididymal sperm were evaluated according to the oocyte: sperm ratio (1:6000, 1:6650. 1:7700 and 1: 10000) at insemination. the PR, PSR and MNS were increased as the oocyte:sperm ratio increases. However, this result indicated that the 2PNF was high in the oocyte:sperm ratio (1:6000 and 1:6650). Therefore. these results suggested that when the percentage of morphologically normal epididymal sperm was more than 50. the fertilizing a ability was very similar to that of frozen-thawed ejaculated sperm and that the detailed evalu¬a ation of morphological normality in porcine IVF using epididymal sperm should be prerequisite to obtain the more effective fertilizing ability.

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A Study on the Australian Law Regarding RPAS (Remotely Piloted Aircraft System): Need for an International Approach

  • Wheeler, Joseph;Lee, Jae-Woon
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.311-336
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    • 2015
  • This article surveys the current international law with respect to RPAS from both the public air law and private air law perspectives. It then reviews current and proposed Australian domestic RPAS regulation while emphasizing the peculiar risks in operation of RPAS; and how they affect concepts of liability, safety and privacy. While RPAS operations still constitute only a small portion of total operations within commercial aviation, international pilotless flight for commercial air transport remains a future reality. As the industry is developing so quickly the earlier the pursuit of the right policy solutions begins, the better the law will be able to cope with the technological realities when the inevitable risks manifest in accidents. The paper acknowledges that a domestic or regional approach to RPAS, typified by the legislative success of the Australian experience, is and continues to be the principal measure to deal with RPAS issues globally. Furthermore, safety remains the foremost factor in present and revised Australian RPAS regulation. This has an analogue to the international situation. Creating safety-related rules is imperative and must precede the creation or adoption of liability rules because the former mitigates the risk of accidents which trigger the application of the latter. The flipside of a lack of binding airworthiness standards for RPAS operators is potentially a strong argument that the liability regime (and particularly strict liability of operators) is unfair and unsuited to pilotless flight. The potential solutions the authors raise include the need for revised ICAO guidance and, in particular, SARPs with respect to RPAS air safety, airworthiness, and potentially liability issues for participants/passengers, and those on the ground. Such guidance could then be adapted swiftly for appropriate incorporation into domestic laws bypassing the need for or administrative burden and time it would take to activate the treaty process to deal with an arm of aviation that states know all too well is in need of safety regulation and monitoring.

Die Problematik auf gesetzliche Terminologie und gewerbliche Nutzung von Drohne (드론의 현행 법적 정의와 상업적 운용에 따른 문제점)

  • Kim, Sung-Mi
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.3-43
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    • 2018
  • Auf die ganze Welt macht unbemannte $Flugger{\ddot{a}}te$(sog.Drohnen) in vielen Bereichen rasch Fortschritte und Anwendungen gezeigt. Nachdem ferngesteuerte Drohnen $urspr{\ddot{u}}nglich$ $prim{\ddot{a}}r$ $f{\ddot{u}}r$ $milit{\ddot{a}}rische$ Zwecke entwickelt wurden, $erh{\ddot{o}}cht$ sich derzeit ihre zivile Nutzung sowohl im Freizeit- als auch im Dienstleistungsbereich(Paketdrohnen, Drohnen-taxi) stetig. Mit der vermehrten Drohnennutzung steigen allerdings auch die damit verbundenen Risiken und Herausforderungen. In Zusammenhang damit stellt sich dann die Frage, ob $gegenw{\ddot{a}}rtige$ Vorschriften im Bereich von Luftrecht zurecht gekommen sind. Es sieht sich gerade der zwei Schwerpunkt $gegen{\ddot{u}}ber$. Erstens kann $Passagierebef{\ddot{o}}rderung$ mit unbemanntem Luftfahrzeug(mehr als 150kg) im $gegenw{\ddot{a}}ritigen$ Luftrecht keine Anwendung finden. Denn das kor. Luftsicherheitsgesetz und sein Durchsetzungsverordnung definieren die Terminologie von unbemannten Luftfahrzeugen und unbemannten $Flugger{\ddot{a}}te$ als "wenn eine Person nicht an Bord geht und ferngesteuert wird". Also soll Drohne nach dieser gesetzlichen Definition nur "ohne Person" geflogen werden. Das besagt ohne Piloten und ohne Passagiere. Zweitens ist unbemannte $Flugger{\ddot{a}}te$(weniger als 150kg) nicht auf Handelsgesetz anzuwenden, auf das ${\ddot{u}}ber$ Anspruchsgrundlage und Zurechnungsnorm des gewerblichen Luftverkehr geregelt ist. Der unbemannte Luftfahrzeuglieferdienst bringt nicht nur die Gefahr einer $Besch{\ddot{a}}digung$ des Frachtguts mit sich, sondern auch die Gefahr von $Bodensch{\ddot{a}}den$ durch Dritte. Gemäß ${\S}$ 896 des Handelsgesetzes ist aber die Anwendung von unbemannte $Flugger{\ddot{a}}te$(weniger als 150kg) $hierf{\ddot{u}}r$ begrenzt, weil unbemannt $Flugger{\ddot{a}}te$ $einschl{\ddot{a}}gig$ in Ultralight $Flugger{\ddot{a}}t$ ist, die im Handelsgesetz ausschließlich besteht. Technische Fortschritt und die dadurch $erm{\ddot{o}}glichten$ kommerziellen Anwendungen werden die Nachfrage nach unbemannter $Flugger{\ddot{a}}te$ wecken. Die Umsetzung der $bez{\ddot{u}}glichen$ Vorschriften sollte auch diese Entwicklung aktiv begleitet und $fr{\ddot{u}}hzeitig$ kommuniziert und erarbeitet werden, damit Hersteller und Nutzer $fr{\ddot{u}}hzeitig$ Planungssicherheit haben.

Study of the Introduction on the Aviation Safety Data Protection System (항공안전데이터 보호제도 도입 방안 연구)

  • Kim, Eun-jung
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.81-120
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    • 2018
  • To promote the aviation safety reporting system that is operated to enhance aviation safety and to utilize related information, it should first be preceded by standards for non-punishment and data protection. It is because the purpose of collection and analysis of aviation safety related data through the aviation safety reporting system is to prevent recurrence of accidents by investigating their causes through collection and analysis of diverse types of information related to aviation safety. Both mandatory and voluntary reporting systems are in operation for aviation safety under the current Aviation Safety Act. It is said that they were introduced to survey causes for accidents and to prevent recurrences. In fact, however, it is hard to expect active implementation of the reporting system for aviation safety unless the reporters are firstly exempted from punishment. Therefore, the system should be improved so that it can satisfy its purpose and the purposes of data collection concerning aviation safety through examination of the purposes of the reporting system. One of the matters that needs to be considered to promote the reporting system should be the scope of aviation safety hindrances presupposed under the current institution. The voluntary aviation safety reporting system differs from the systems of ICAO or the key advanced countries, including the USA and the UK as it limits the target accidents subject to reporting to minor aviation safety hindrances only. That being said, improvements should be made by requiring mandatory reporting of aviation safety hindrances based on their severity while recognizing a greater variety of aviation safety concerns like international standards. Safety actions and sharing of information based on collection and analysis of diverse data related to aviation safety will greatly contribute to enhance aviation safety as the purposes of the reporting system are to explore causes for accidents and to prevent their recurrences. What is most important in this regard is strict data protection and non-punishment principles; compliance with them should be secured. We can hardly expect the successful operation of the system unless the reporter is exempted from punishment and the relevant data is protected as promotion of voluntary reporting is an essential factor for enhancing the safety culture. Otherwise, the current system may induce hiding of relevant facts or data to evade punishment. It is true that the regulation for enhancing safety tends to have limitations or blind spots; nevertheless, it should still be enforced strictly and completely. Technological progresses and mistakes of operators appear in different forms based on individual cases. The consequential damages may amount to a truly severe level. Therefore, we have studied and suggested to the methods of activiation and amendments on the aviation safety reporting system, which is referred for one of the proactive safety management systems. The proposed improvement of the reporting system and introduction of non-punishment for collection of aviation safety data for deploying a preemptive prevention system would serve as the backbone for enhancing aviation safety in Korea.

Treatments Results and Prognostic Factors in Locally Advanced Hypopharyngeal Cancer (국소 진행된 하인두암의 치료 결과와 예후 인자 분석)

  • Yoon, Mee-Sun;Ahn, Sung-Ja;Nam, Taek-Keun;Song, Ju-Young;Nah, Byung-Sik;Lim, Sang-Cheol;Lee, Joon-Kyoo;Chung, Woong-Ki
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.151-159
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    • 2007
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study is to present the treatment results and to identify possible prognostic indicators in patients with locally advanced hypopharyngeal carcinoma. Materials and Methods: Between October 1985 to December 2000, 90 patients who had locally advanced stage IV hypopharyngeal carcinoma were studied retrospectively. Twelve patients were treated with radiotherapy alone, 65 patients were treated with a combination of chemotherapy and radiotherapy, and 13 patients were treated with surgery and postoperative radiotherapy with or without neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Total radiation dose ranged from 59.0 to 88.2 Gy (median 70 Gy) for radiotherpay alone. Most patients had ciplatin and 5-fluorouracil, and others had cisplatin and pepleomycin or vincristin. Median follow-up period was 15 months. Kaplan-Meier method was used for survival rate and Cox proportional hazard model for multivariate analysis of prognostic factors. Results: Overall 3-and 5-year survival rates were 27% and 17%, respectively. The 2-year locoregional control rates were 33% for radiotherapy alone, 32% for combined chemotherapy and radiotherapy, and 81 % for combined surgery and radiotherapy (p=0.006). The prognostic factors affecting overall survival were T stage, concurrent chemoradiation and treatment response. Overall 3-and 5-year laryngeal preservation rates in combined chemotherapy and radiotherapy were 26% and 22%, respectively. Of these, the 5-year laryngeal preservation rates were 52% for concurrent chemoradiation group (n=11), and 16% for neoadjuvant chemotherapy and radiotherapy (n=54, p=0.012). Conclusion: Surgery and postoperative radiotherapy showed better results than radiotherapy alone or with chemotherapy. Radiotherapy combined with concurrent chemotherapy is an effective modality to achieve organ preservation in locally advanced hypopharyngeal cancer. Further prospective randomized studies will be required.

Caregivers' adherence factors affecting maintenance treatment in children with well-controlled asthma : A qualitative analysis through in-depth interview (천식 조절 상태 환아의 유지 치료에 대한 보호자 순응 요인: 심층 면담을 통한 질적 분석)

  • Choi, Ic Sun;Cho, Saeng Koo;La, Kyong Suk;Byeon, Jung Hye;Song, Dae Jin;Yoo, Young;Choung, Ji Tae
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.53 no.3
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    • pp.364-372
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    • 2010
  • Purpose : Good adherence of caregivers is essential for successful health outcomes in the treatment of childhood asthma. The purpose of this study was to identify the factors contributing to good adherence of maintenance treatment in children with well-controlled asthma. Methods : Children with well-controlled asthma being treated with a daily controller for at least 3 months in Korea University Anam Hospital were selected. Their caregivers who had good adherence to maintenance treatment were recruited. Qualitative study through in-depth interviews was conducted with 18 caregivers who agreed to the study. Results : The 18 caregivers (mean age, 40.0 years) consisted of 15 mothers, 2 grandmothers, and 1 father. The resulting consensus were identified and grouped into 2 domains: the caregiver/patient aspect with 8 theme factors and the treatment aspect with 4 theme factors. The main theme factors in the caregiver/patient aspect were enabling participation in physical activities and exercise (77.8%), perceptions regarding asthma and the need for long-term treatment (50.0%), and perceived value of the medications outweighing the risk of side effects (38.9%). The main theme factors in the treatment aspect were trust in the physician (77.8%), general satisfaction with the manner and attitude of the physician (77.8%) and verification of the necessity of further treatment by performing tests (38.9%). Conclusion : Efforts to improve caregivers' adherence to the treatment of childhood asthma must include a range of factors related to both caregiver/patient aspects and treatment aspects. Among all of these factors, it may be most important to establish a physician-caregiver partnership.

Revitalization of Local Tradition and Event Tourism - In case of Wang-In Cultural Festival in Kurim-ri, Yongam - (지역전통의 활성화와 이벤트관광 - 영암 구림리 왕인문화축제를 사례로 -)

  • Chu, Myung-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.67-82
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    • 2001
  • Recently, local traditions and cultural assets have been rediscovered and developed as resources in local societies of Korea and a great deal of effort has been made to develop event tourism. Based on this renewed interest, this study chose as a case the Wang In Cultural Festival in Kurim-ri, Yongam, and examined the background of the early Wang In Cultural Festival and its evolution up to the present focusing on. the festival program. In Cultural Festival first began as the Wang In Cherry Blossom Festival in 1993 with a budget of 50 million won, and has been developed into a large-scale festival with a budget of 340 million won, attracting 500,000 visitors in 2000. Together with such evolution, there has been a great change in the organization and content of the Festival program. The most important change began in the 1997 which included a religious service for Confucian scholars called 'Chunhyang Grand Festival for Dr. Wang In' as a core program. Since then, festival programs related to Dr. Wang In have greatly increased in number. A decisive change became prominent when the festival promotion system was transferred from the Kunseo Young Men's Association during the early period(1993-1996) to Youngam-gun in 1997. It is true that the Wang In Cultural Festival, which began as a purely regional festival initiated by a non-governmental organization, changed a lot in terms of its scale and program when Youngam-gun emerged as a strong leading group in 1997. However, not enough consideration has been given to institutional devices and procedures that are required for the local culture to take a firm root in the community through the festival. Therefore, in order to solve such fundamental problems, a permanent non-governmental organization is required for festival preparation. In addition, in order to promote overall progress of the community and an increase in the quality of the cultural environment of the local society through the festival, it is necessary to discover and promote recognition of cultural groups in the community.

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