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Fundamental Study on Main Cable Geometry of Long-Span Suspension Bridge (장대 현수교 주케이블 선형 계산에 관한 기초적 연구)

  • Seo, Ju-Won;Kim, Gi-Nam;Kim, Kyu-Wang;Lee, Won-Pyo;Cho, Nam-So;Lee, Jung-Han;Kim, Ho-Kyung
    • Proceedings of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute Conference
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    • 2011.04a
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    • pp.466-471
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    • 2011
  • 본 연구에서는 장대 현수교 주케이블의 가설시 선형관리를 위한 기초적 연구를 수행하였다. 우선, 포물선 요소 및 탄성현수선 요소의 정식화 과정을 검토하고, 각 요소의 적용에 따른 현수교 주케이블 완성계 및 가설계의 형상, 장력, 무응력장 등을 비교검토 하였다. 또한, 탄성현수선의 적용시 주케이블 가설계의 setback량 산정 방법을 제시하였으며, 이에 따른 산정 결과를 유한요소해석 결과와 비교검토 하였다. 최종적으로, 주케이블 가설계의 중앙경간 새그량 변화에 따른 탑정 새들부에서의 미끌림 안정성에 대한 민감도 해석을 수행할 예정이다.

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FEM Analysis of Cleaning Machines by Design Change (설계 변경된 세척기의 유한요소해석)

  • Lee, Jong-Sun
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.15 no.10
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    • pp.5950-5954
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    • 2014
  • FEM analysis of cleaning machine was performed. A cleaning machine was designed and measured to develop a cleaning machine with highly improved performance and a real configuration. 3D modeling was conducted using the 3-D design program CATIA V5. In addition, FEM analysis was conducted on the modeled cleaning machine using the ANSYS finite element analysis program and the pressure changes in internal fluid flow were visualized. This result was applied to the new product development of cleaning machines.

메타버스 보안 위협 요소 및 대응 방안 검토

  • Na, Hyunsik;Choi, Daeseon
    • Review of KIISC
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.19-32
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    • 2022
  • 메타버스는 인공지능, 블록체인, 네트워크, 가상 현실, 착용 가능한 기기 등 수많은 현대 기술들이 발전하면서 서로 융합되어 생성된 대규모 디지털 가상화 세계이다. 현재 메타버스 기반 다양한 플랫폼들이 대중화되면서 산업계 및 연구계에서는 메타버스의 발전에 주목하고 있으며, 긍정적인 시장 전망을 예상하고 있다. 하지만, 아직까지 메타버스 세계에서 발생할 수 있는 보안 위협 요소 및 대책에 관한 연구는 상대적으로 부족하다. 메타버스는 새로운 패러다임의 컨텐츠 및 서비스를 제공하고, 기존 IT 환경에서보다 방대하고 예민할 수 있는 사용자의 데이터를 요구하며, 여러 IT 기술들이 결합된 시스템인 만큼 고려해야 할 보안 위협 요소들이 많다. 본 논문에서는 메타버스 아키텍처를 소개하고, 사용자의 이용 환경, 가상 환경 및 디지털 트윈 환경에서 발생할 수 있는 보안 위협 요소들에 대해 제시하면서, 이에 대해 메타버스 서비스 제공자, 사용자 및 관련 제도 관리자들이 고려할 수 있는 대책들에 대해 소개한다.

Representation Contents of Basic Design Elements in Patterns of Fashion Design (패션디자인의 문양에 있어서 기초조형요소의 표현내용)

  • Cho, Jung-Mee
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.196-207
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    • 2012
  • This paper aims to study the representation of basic design elements in patterns of fashion design by analyzing the examples and trends of how basic design elements have been represented in major collections of fashion designers, thereby contribute to enhancing the awareness of the importance of basic design elements in the field of fashion design education. In order to accomplish this goal, utilizing the fundamental concepts and principles of basic design elements, we have analyzed the examples and trends of representation of basic design elements, focusing on the design works of fashion designers from the 2000 collections to the 2010 collections that can be viewed to have been directly inspired by three basic design elements. The result of the analysis shows that there was a popular trend of emphasizing basic design elements as a design motif particularly from the 2000 s/s collections to the 2004 s/s collections. In these collections, we have found a wide range of design works that were inspired by the three basic design elements of dots, lines, and faces. Designers such as Jil Sander, Bill Blass, ..., etc. produced diverse designs that emphasized dots with various feeling of space, weight and texture. The collections by I.S.Suano Kuwahar, ..., etc. were based on the concept of coordinating the design element of lines with various textures. Vestium Officina, Loewe, ..., etc. produced the designs where faces were divided by lines in various ways and various forms of faces were decorated with diverse colors.

Finite element analysis on the connection types of abutment and fixture (수종의 내부연결형 임플란트에서 연결부의 형태에 따른 응력분포의 유한요소 분석)

  • Jung, Byeong-Hyeon;Lee, Gyeong-Je;Kang, Dong-Wan
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.50 no.2
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    • pp.119-127
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    • 2012
  • Purpose: This study was performed to compare the stress distribution pattern of abutment-fixture connection area using 3-dimensional finite element model analysis when 5 different implant systems which have internal connection. Materials and methods: For the analysis, a finite element model of implant was designed to locate at first molar area. Stress distribution was observed when vertical load of 200 N was applied at several points on the occlusal surfaces of the implants, including center, points 1.5 mm, 3.0 mm away from center and oblique load of 200 N was applied $30^{\circ}$ inclined to the implant axis. The finite element model was analyzed by using of 3G. Author (PlassoTech, California, USA). Results: The DAS tech implant (internal step with no taper) showed more favorable stress distribution than other internally connected implants. AS compare to the situations when the loading was applied within the boundary of implants and an oblique loading was applied, it showed higher equivalent stress and equivalent elastic strain when the loading was applied beyond the boundary of implants. Regardless of loading condition, the abutments showed higher equivalent stress and equivalent elastic strain than the fixtures. Conclusion: When the occlusal contact is afforded, the distribution of stress varies depending on the design of connection area and the location of loading. More favorable stress distribution is expected when the contact load was applied within the diameter of fixtures and the DAS tech implant (internal step with no tapering) has more benefits than the other design of internally connected implants.

The energy spectrum and phantom image quality according to mammography target-filter combinations (유방촬영장치의 타깃에 따른 에너지스펙트럼 및 팬텀영상화질)

  • Jang, Seyoung;Oh, Wanggyun;Park, Jongbae;Jin, Gyehwan
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.51-55
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    • 2013
  • When the X-ray energy is high, the X-ray penetrates the object and decrease the contrast of imaging, and when the X-ray energy is low, the X-ray increases the contrast of imaging but it is to be absorbed into the object, which in the long run increases patient's radiation exposure level. Therefore, appropriate X-ray energy is an essential element affecting the imaging quality and radiation exposure level. This study simulated the energy spectrums according to the target materials of mammography, and compared qualities of phantom imaging for the management of radiolographic quality and patient's radiation exposure level with the introduction of the mammography that employs diversified radiation quality by using new anode materials.

The Development of Serious Game to Improve Cognitive Ability for Children with Borderline Intelligence (경계선 지능 아동을 위한 인지능력 향상 기능성 게임 개발)

  • Hong, Inseok;Choi, Youngmee;Yoon, Taebok
    • Journal of Korea Game Society
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.129-138
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    • 2016
  • Recently, the number of children who are required to take special care are increasing because of the fast-changing society and the environment factor. Among them, most children in poor family are leading to Children with borderline intelligence, so urgent action are needed to prevent this situation. This study is conducted to establish the reason why children with borderline intelligence are taking place. In addition, this study embodies serious game as a solution which is able to prevent and cure this children with borderline intelligence problem. This game was made to improve weak memory, concentration and judgment of children with borderline intelligence and was verified in effectiveness by thirty people and experts.

Static and Dynamic Behavior of Tunable DFB Laser based on Modal Transmission-Line Theory (전송선로 이론에 기초한 파장 변환 DFB 레이저의 정적 및 동적 작용)

  • Ho, Kwang-Chun
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.147-152
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    • 2014
  • A longitudinal modal transmission-line theory(L-MTLT) to analyze the static and dynamic behavior of two-section distributed feedback (DFB) lasers is used. The characteristic impedance and equivalent propagation constant of DFB structure with active layer are derived from L-MTLT. A two-section DFB laser is analogous to a transmission-line network, in which each section is described by transmission-line block corresponding to the equivalent factors. The longitudinal resonant condition of DFB laser based on equivalent transmission-line network is used to reformulate the rate equations so that static and dynamic behavior of two-section DFB lasers with active layer is demonstrated and analyzed accurately.

A Channel modeling and analysis of Indoor power cable for UWB communication system (구내용 전력케이블기반의 UWB통신용 채널특성분석에 관한 연구)

  • Cha, Jae-Sang;Jeong, Jae-Ho;Kim, Dae-Sik;Kim, Hyo-Jin;Moon, Kyung-Hwan;Lee, Jong-Joo
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2006.07e
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    • pp.78-80
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    • 2006
  • 전력계통망 및 수용가는 다양한 형태의 전력케이블 및 전력선이 연계된 분 배전망을 형성하고 있다. 특히, 이렇게 구성된 분 배전망은 하나의 전력계통으로서 연계된 전력망을 형성하고 있으며, 이를 전력선통신의 인프라로 활용할 수 있다. 최근 들어, 전력선통신 기술에 대한 연구가 활발히 진행되고 있으며, 계통에 연계된 부하와 분기선로 그리고 매질의 특성에 따라 통신환경이 달라진다. 특히 전송 주파수에 따른 신호의 감쇠, 연계된 부하의 종류와 이들 부하로 인한 잡음원의 유입 및 전송신호의 왜곡 등이 주요한 채널환경 요소이다. 본 논문에서는 상기 나열한 한계점을 극복하기 위한 대안으로 전력선 및 케이블의 매질특성을 평가하고, 이에 따른 전송신호의 영향을 분석, 연계된 다양한 부하들의 변동에 따른 통신환경의 변화 영향 그리고 통신성능에 미치는 영향을 분석하였으며, 또한 전력 케이블 및 선로의 특성과 부하변동 특성을 반영하여 구내용 전력케이블 기반의 UWB(Ultra Wide Band) 통신용 채널 환경을 모델링하는 방안을 제안하고자 한다.

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Vibration of Pipes Coupled with Internal and External Fluids (내부 및 외부 유체와 연성된 파이프의 진동 해석)

  • Ryue, Jung-Soo
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.142-150
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    • 2012
  • The waveguide finite element (WFE) method is a useful numerical technique to investigate wave propagation along waveguide structures which have uniform cross-sections along the length direction ('x' direction). In the present paper, the vibration and radiated noise of the submerged pipe with fluid is investigated numerically by coupling waveguide finite elements and wavenumber boundary elements. The pipe and internal fluid are modelled with waveguide finite elements and the external fluid with wavenumber boundary elements which are fully coupled. In order to examine this model, the point mobility, dispersion curves and radiated power are calculated and compared for several different coupling conditions between the pipe and internal/external fluids.